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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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Realizing how agonizing this wait is going to be makes me wish I didn't start the series until it was finished.

The reason the lack of progression in DWD didn't both me so much was because of how awesome stuff in the north was, and how I had just read four books in a row with tyrion/dany plot movement so it's not as if I had waited 5+ years like everyone else.


Man said:
Melisandre chapter, said her bed hadn't had much use since Stannis left.
That's a stretch. More like it wasn't used because she had been trying to read the fires. She also had not eaten either.

I believe that Mance is actually captured by Ramsay, the note did give too much info regarding the fake 'sacrifice' at the wall, unless Mance told all the spearwives I suspect Ramsay 'flayed' the information out of Mance.

I do suspect that Stannis is still alive and what remains of his army is stuck 3 miles from Winterfell due to the storm, there are some lies in the Bastard of Bolton's letter but some truths.

Overall I like the series, I hadn't read a fantasy story in a long time, certainly not something this large since the Dragonlance books from Hicks and Weiss and this is a lot more complicated and interesting.

I can't believe that we'll have to wait years to get the next book, I just hope that there was enough cut from ADWD to have a good head start in the next book.
pr0cs said:
That's a stretch. More like it wasn't used because she had been trying to read the fires. She also had not eaten either.

It's not a stretch at all. It's clear way back in ACOK that Stannis is banging Melisandre. It's pretty much explicitly stated that the shadow she uses to murder Renly is offspring from this coupling.


I'd be really surprised if Jon is just full-on dead. Martin is leaving us hanging for a reason, he wouldn't make us wait for no reason, would he?


Burli said:
So many cliff-hangers. Jon of course being the biggest one, he won't be dead, but all matter of things could have happened to him, most likely the possibility that he's skin-changed into Ghost and will be trapped there.
He could only feel the cold but not the fourth stab. Maybe he skin-changed into one of the bodies in the prison.


Mel sleeping with Stannis is about 1000x more obvious than RenlyxLoras and GRRM was incredulous that people didn't figure that one out for themselves.

But don't worry, like RenlyxLoras I'm sure HBO will be erasing any doubt on the specifics of that relationship.


dabig2 said:
Mel sleeping with Stannis is about 1000x more obvious than RenlyxLoras and GRRM was incredulous that people didn't figure that one out for themselves.

But don't worry, like RenlyxLoras I'm sure HBO will be erasing any doubt on the specifics of that relationship.

I literally had NO IDEA about the Renly/Loras relationship until HBO made that scene up that focused on it.


pr0cs said:
I can't believe that we'll have to wait years to get the next book, I just hope that there was enough cut from ADWD to have a good head start in the next book.
He's said he has about 100 pages for TWoW.

Though, that doesn't necessarily mean anything as, IIRC, he had 400-500 pages of ADWD written by the time of AFFC's release, which he basically threw out the window or rewrote almost entirely after AFFC's release.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Finished it this past weekend, great, great book. Definitely has an odd pacing because it starts with Jon, Dany, Tyrion, Jon, Dany, Tyrion, Jon, Dany, Tyrion ... then for the climax we get a lot of random new POV's, but as far as "stuff that happened" Im pretty pleased.

I dont think Jon is dead. Whenever GRMM kills a character he goes into the details for a while, especially if its an important character like Ned or Robb .. and Jon is more important than both of those and he barely got into describing how he was attacked, so from a narrative standpoint I dont think he killed him. Story and logic wise, the Wildlings numbers are 5:1 in relation to how many members of the Nightswatch are present there, so I dont think they justs tood there and watched Jon get killed, I think they interfered and Wun Wun especially, since he was the closest
Yeah, there was tons of insinuation that Stannis was being "comforted" by mel, that she shared/warmed his bed, shadow babies, and tons of other little things. About the only thing that isn't said is "he had his cock in her red ass".


Clipjoint said:
A few quick reveals I thought were interesting:

- Arya warging into a cat to see while she was blind.
- Is Tyrion really a Targ? He seemed to be immune from greyscale and the pale mare, and it was revealed that Aerys was in love with Joanna Lannister. He's also obsessed with dragons.
- Three-eyed crow = Bloodraven. Awesomeness.
- Arya using a poisoned coin when she knew the target chews each coin to make sure it's real.
- Jon fulfilling the Azor Ahai prophecy with his "death." Bleeding red star = blood on Ser Patrek (red headed with star sigil), smoke coming out of Jon's wound, salt = tears from Bowen Marsh.
- Aegon = the mummer's dragon? Is he a fake, or is Varys the mummer?
- Manderly baking the missing Freys into the pies, and feeding them to the other Freys like the Rat King.
- Theon being castrated by Ramsay Bolton...poor guy.
- Abel = Bael = Mance. I knew Abel was Mance, but I didn't catch the Bael reference. Well played.
- Hodor = Ser Duncan + Old Nan's grand child?

...did I miss any?
Deserves a quote (post 2835).


Man said:
He could only feel the cold but not the fourth stab. Maybe he skin-changed into one of the bodies in the prison.

All I know is that for Jon to die would be pretty pointless to the story.

Eddard's death was the first real symbol of the 'You win or you die' tagline and a massive slap around the face for the readers expecting the norm when it came to their heroes.

The red wedding was a massive shock and completely turned everything on it's head.

If Jon is dead however, I just don't get it. To be honest when I read the chapter I just felt kind of nothing-ness at the end of it, I had an almost 'well John won't die, because it would be too stupid' feeling going on. What would his death teach us, don't trust the men in black? Don't trust anyone? We've been told that a million times. Also, how would it effect or change the story?

On another note, it would kind of make the first chapter pointless, finding out about the wilding skin changing into the wolf that eventually becomes Summer's bitch. Surely that chapter is a set up for Jon's skin-change?
platypotamus said:
It's not a stretch at all. It's clear way back in ACOK that Stannis is banging Melisandre. It's pretty much explicitly stated that the shadow she uses to murder Renly is offspring from this coupling.

Yeah. ACOK made it pretty clear Stannis was hitting that. She used him up and was trying to move on to Davos.


Kind of random but I remember during Bran's first vision there was a passage about Jon freezing at the wall and a blue flower growing out of the wall.


I took my time with DWD and finally finished it tonight. There is much and more I can say about the story but ill just drop a few notes

I wish the Bran chapters didn't end so early in the book. It gets a little kooky and I'd love to have just one more chapter with Bran in the trees.

Everything with Jon was great. His last chapter is a hell of a ride. But if he is indeed inside Ghost, then I'd still say he was "dead". At least as a character that we can identify with. What would we read about in a future book? Ghosts hunting trips?

Dany had a few too many repetitive chapters for my taste but it picked up a bit before the wedding takes place.

I've never been able to feel engaged by any Dorne characters or chapters. This was no exception.

I don't think I like Penny as a companion for Tyrion. It just seems a bit too convenient as a story device to pair him up with someone so naive and opposite him in temperament.

Looking forward to more of arya the assassin.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
I think the biggest and most pleasant surprise for me were the Barristan Selmy chapters, what a fucking badass.


I expected Barristan to get a knife in the back at any and all times during his chapters.

He is too honorable for his own good. The knights he is raising will probably kill him in the end for maximum irony.
What was with the random one-off Mel chapter? She had her name in the actual chapter too, as opposed to most other one off characters having some title as the name of their chapter. In fact, what is with that? Why didn't Barristan just have his name? He had more chapters then Mel. Almost if not as much as Davos.


Ignatz Mouse said:

:p I know it's a tired joke at this point but I couldn't help it.

I almost wrote:

"there is much and more I can but what is the point of doing so as words are wind? There is little and less new insight to be gained from my notes"


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
dabig2 said:
Mel sleeping with Stannis is about 1000x more obvious than RenlyxLoras and GRRM was incredulous that people didn't figure that one out for themselves.

But don't worry, like RenlyxLoras I'm sure HBO will be erasing any doubt on the specifics of that relationship.

I really don't get how people who read the books didn't see the Renly/Loras relationship. He beats you over the head with references throughout then it culminates with Jaime telling Loras that he'll shove his sword up his ass into areas where Renly would have only dreamed reaching. I swear some people must skim/speed read or something.

Something I didn't understand, why were Mance's spearwives so protective of Eddard's memory? When they got offended/mad at Theon when he said "winter is coming"...


Neo Member
TerminalDogma said:
What was with the random one-off Mel chapter? She had her name in the actual chapter too, as opposed to most other one off characters having some title as the name of their chapter. In fact, what is with that? Why didn't Barristan just have his name? He had more chapters then Mel. Almost if not as much as Davos.

Named characters are supposed to be considered "main" characters. This includes everyone who started as a POV in GOT, Davos, Brienne, Jamie, Cersei, Sam, Theon, Melisandre, Quentyn, and now Victarion as well.
TerminalDogma said:
What was with the random one-off Mel chapter? She had her name in the actual chapter too, as opposed to most other one off characters having some title as the name of their chapter. In fact, what is with that? Why didn't Barristan just have his name? He had more chapters then Mel. Almost if not as much as Davos.

To set up Jon's probable future revival and the whole Azor Ahai thing I guess.


Burli said:
All I know is that for Jon to die would be pretty pointless to the story.

Eddard's death was the first real symbol of the 'You win or you die' tagline and a massive slap around the face for the readers expecting the norm when it came to their heroes.

The red wedding was a massive shock and completely turned everything on it's head.

If Jon is dead however, I just don't get it. To be honest when I read the chapter I just felt kind of nothing-ness at the end of it, I had an almost 'well John won't die, because it would be too stupid' feeling going on. What would his death teach us, don't trust the men in black? Don't trust anyone? We've been told that a million times. Also, how would it effect or change the story?

On another note, it would kind of make the first chapter pointless, finding out about the wilding skin changing into the wolf that eventually becomes Summer's bitch. Surely that chapter is a set up for Jon's skin-change?
Yeah, I'm pretty sure Jon isn't dead, but... I think some are maybe a bit too optimistic with all that "yeah, now Jon is free to leave the Wall and he'll travell all around Seven Kingdoms and learn about his roots and being a Targaryen and everything." I think Jon really won't survive so unharmed from this that he could do all those things. Even if the stabs weren't deadly (four stabbings is bad, but it's survivable if they didn't hit any vital organs and he got help asap) or there's some magic involved in keeping him alive (or as a Catelyn-like zombie), there will be consequences for it. He might be crippled or somehow otherwise "changed" for the worse.
TerminalDogma said:
What was with the random one-off Mel chapter? She had her name in the actual chapter too, as opposed to most other one off characters having some title as the name of their chapter. In fact, what is with that? Why didn't Barristan just have his name? He had more chapters then Mel. Almost if not as much as Davos.
You have to have someone tell the story of the wall in the next book. With the Jonster likely dead (for a bit, at least), I guess it'll be her.


IamMattFox said:
You have to have someone tell the story of the wall in the next book. With the Jonster likely dead (for a bit, at least), I guess it'll be her.

good point. I, too, was wondering why there was one lone Mel chapter. seemed very odd. this makes a lot of sense

I liked her chapter for the insight in her character. he definitely believes in what she's doing, but is aware of how theatrics helps her win the confidence of others.
Yes thats true, with Jon gone she's how we will see the Wall. I understood the point of the chapter as a look into her mind (and to also show that she really isn't BSing. She does believe Stannis is Azor Azhai and has quite the bit of powerful magic.) but it seemed weird to me that it was only one chapter. Still seems a bit weird, but it makes sense now as introducing her as the new Wall POV.


Flynn said:
Woo. I can come in here now.

EDIT: I bet Jon goes full Warg.

I bet he goes half man half wolf:



Pokielhl said:
Named characters are supposed to be considered "main" characters. This includes everyone who started as a POV in GOT, Davos, Brienne, Jamie, Cersei, Sam, Theon, Melisandre, Quentyn, and now Victarion as well.

Yeah, that was previously the pattern, but it's not so clear anymore. Theon, for example, has several non-named chapters in ADWD. Even excluding "Reek", there's A Ghost in Winterfell and Prince of Winterfell, but he also has named chapters in the same book. All of Arya's chapters were unnamed in ADWD as well.

I wonder if Jon Connington would be a named character but for the fact that we already have a "Jon".

Also, I don't think Quentyn got any named chapters.
I think the named/non-named choice is a very deliberate one GRRM makes. Arya/Theon/Sansa are perfect examples of what I mean. Their chapter names change as their persona/identity changes. The fact that Theon's final chapter in ADWD is back to being Theon rather than something else reflect his own development as a character as well. It'll be a big and meaningful thing if/when Arya/Sansa have chapters named after them again as well (and a potentially super scary thing if there's an Arya chapter called "No One").


platypotamus said:
I think the named/non-named choice is a very deliberate one GRRM makes. Arya/Theon/Sansa are perfect examples of what I mean. Their chapter names change as their persona/identity changes. The fact that Theon's final chapter in ADWD is back to being Theon rather than something else reflect his own development as a character as well. It'll be a big and meaningful thing if/when Arya/Sansa have chapters named after them again as well (and a potentially super FUCKING AWESOME AND BADASS thing if there's an Arya chapter called "No One").


but, seriously, I don’t think there’s any turning back for Arya. Her chapters are fun for me to read but I think she’s just too broken to go back. too damaged. Her story is about as sad as anything I’ve read in the series.


LCfiner said:

but, seriously, I don’t think there’s any turning back for Arya. Her chapters are fun for me to read but I think she’s just too broken to go back. too damaged. Her story is about as sad as anything I’ve read in the series.
I dono, it would have been difficult to imagine Theon ever escaping Reek when you read the first few of his chapters in ADWD, considering all the stuff done to him, where he came from, etc. If he can escape Reek Arya can be more than No One.
pr0cs said:
I dono, it would have been difficult to imagine Theon ever escaping Reek when you read the first few of his chapters in ADWD, considering all the stuff done to him, where he came from, etc. If he can escape Reek Arya can be more than No One.

Yes, plus we see Arya cheating in her training, and clearly holding on to her identity and hiding it from her instructors. While I do accept the possibility her story will have a tragic ending, I do not think she will become a full faceless one.
platypotamus said:
Yes, plus we see Arya cheating in her training, and clearly holding on to her identity and hiding it from her instructors. While I do accept the possibility her story will have a tragic ending, I do not think she will become a full faceless one.
Arya's entire story has been about her putting on other faces but remaining a wolf, remaining arya. She'll do the same through the faceless men training.


I'm still anticipating the re-introduction of Nymeria, who has been referenced far too often throughout the books to not be seen again. I imagine that Nymeria will meet with Arya sometime, most likely when/if Arya realizes her Warg powers and starts using Nym to traverse Westeros. If that is the case, it may be likely that Arya herself never returns to Westeros as Arya, but as a Faceless.


Finally finished, read all 5 in succession. Very entertaining reading overall.

First of all, I don't see how Jon could come back as fully human. Striding alongside his uncle Benjen or like Catylin? Maybe. It would feel forced otherwise. Ghost growling(oh the wolves are ignored once again), Melisandre's warning and finally, Jon announcing he was going to Winterfell. The other shit had his underlings wringing their hands and arguing, but that clearly went against the "do not get involved" rules. Besides, how much clearer could have his death been laid out? There is no room to go back like there was with Davos or even Arya catching an axe to the back of the head. As for why it was done? There doesn't seem to be a clear motive other than descending the wall and the north into complete chaos. My guess is whatever "evil" is commanding the others and the whites really makes itself known in the next novel and without Jon it will meet little resistance. Actually, it could stay that was until Dany makes her way over to the 7 kingdoms.

I don't have much criticism of the books, but I was disappointed with Dany's story in ADWD. So much was hinted at in the Feast for Crows and early in ADWD and only Martell actually ended up reaching her. Not only that, but the two big battles never actually came to pass(Stannis for Winterfell and Dany against the slavers). It seems to me both of those events should have been in this book, not the next one. Tyrion is the only real highlight here. I know he has at least 7 books to play with, but the pacing has really stretched thin in these last 2 books and that was one of the strong points previously. Anytime a character sets out to do something the first thought that comes to mind is, "well let's he how this guy gets fucked over before he can even get close". Other than that, it's still very, very good.


Seems to me that there is just as much room for "Jon wasn't really killed" as there was for Tyrion sinking to the bottom of a deep river, swallowing lungfuls of water, and blacking out, Asha getting brained with a mace, or the Hound being left alone by the side of the road dying of a severe infection.


Burli said:
All I know is that for Jon to die would be pretty pointless to the story.

Eddard's death was the first real symbol of the 'You win or you die' tagline and a massive slap around the face for the readers expecting the norm when it came to their heroes.

The red wedding was a massive shock and completely turned everything on it's head.

If Jon is dead however, I just don't get it. To be honest when I read the chapter I just felt kind of nothing-ness at the end of it, I had an almost 'well John won't die, because it would be too stupid' feeling going on. What would his death teach us, don't trust the men in black? Don't trust anyone? We've been told that a million times. Also, how would it effect or change the story?

On another note, it would kind of make the first chapter pointless, finding out about the wilding skin changing into the wolf that eventually becomes Summer's bitch. Surely that chapter is a set up for Jon's skin-change?
His death wouldn't have to 'teach us' anything. I dont understand why it has to matter so much.

But to humor you:

The Night's Watch falls apart, the Others come and the wildlings run, and all hell breaks loose in Westeros.

If Jon is dead, then he's dead and things will change. Just roll with it rather than try and understand how everything is supposed to play out in the future.


If Jon had died permanently then George would have made it clear. He is an important main character, it would be sort of stupid cliff hanger bullshit to wait 5 years from now to assure that he is dead. It serves no purpose.
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