My assumption was that the one I quoted meant the young men that came, lets be honest now. It's them everyone seems to be afraid of and it's these kids that are in most peril ergo why I'm zooming in on the municipalities. He didn't specify yes so my bad on that but I'm talking about the kids there.
And you are kinda wrong. Yes Migrationsverket is paying for all grown ups without children but it's the municipalities that does the work and finds where to have them, who to care for them. MigVer does have people checking on these but on more than one occasion the checking has been a call "allt ok?" and then done. This we have adults talking in interviews on how afraid they have been but no one helps them because Migrations Verket haven't been told.
You will not get the correct number of suicides because as I said they have no legal obligation to report suicide attempts.
Atm there is a facebook group that with 17k people and
according to GP, possible paywall, the once majority of helping each other out with Swedish it's now it's about selfharm, ideas on how to kill yourself, the idea of collective suicide and just fear and this is just about people from Afghanistan.
Eliz Lindström, fritidskonsulent i Huddinge, har själv stöttat flera afghanska ungdomar som pratat om självmord på Facebook.
För att nå dem måste man gå via sociala medier. Jag har lärt känna fler och fler där och gått med i framför allt en grupp, som har över 17 000 följare, nästan bara afghaner som bor i hela Sverige, säger Eliz Lindström.
Hon berättar att gruppen tidigare mest använts för att ge varandra tips och att träna på svenska. Men efter de senaste självmorden bland ensamkommande, har stämningen förändrats. Bilder på de som tagit livet av sig har cirkulerat på sidan. Flera unga har också postat bilder på uppskurna armar, med kommentarer som Vem vill ta självmord. Vi kan göra det tillsammans och Nästa ska vara jag som ska ta mitt liv".
Lol, get real. The Sweden Democrats ain't getting 30% next election. Polls were very off before the last election, but after, they showed the same results as the election results. Whatever systematic bias issues the polls had before the 2014 election seem to have been ironed out
I no longer believe they will not be one of the largest parties, I can actually see them being the second largest and depending on how Löfven manages to present himself these coming times SD can pass them as well. The only hope I have is that the other Alliance parties stand by their word and refuse to work with them.
This week Kalla Fakta showed a Sweden where women and girls are growing up in suburban patriarchal parallel societies, sometimes completely under of honor oppression. Women can't go to cafe or go to bar or dress how they want.
Most damning thing was gender apartheid in school buses where girls are forced to sit in the back and girls had to enter the bus from the backdoor. It seems segregation process starts at the very young age.
The situation has become worse. In the summer of 2015 wrote feminist Zeliha Dagli about how fundamentalism shadow spread out over Husby.
She was ridiculed by fundamentalists and was ignored by many leftist feminists and she had to leave the suburb because of islamist forces in the area.
Unfortunately there is a subset of people that call themselves muslims and they are detestable like this and then we have SFM doing their best to make sure we get divided. Presenting salafism as the only true way and calling everyone who opposes them Islamophobic, racist and dividers. Yes, we can divide them onto an island under a large rock somewhere.
Also about Zeliha and Amineh Kakabaveh. They are ignored. They have been screaming for years about this problem. If you remember GAPF, Glöm Aldig Pela och Fadime(Never forget Pela and Fadime) have also been working with this and largely ignored. When they say that over 500 young women are forced to undergo virginity tests, even more being kept locked up at home and even have doctors testifying to this(under protected secret identity) and are still ignored? I have to ask myself who the hell is running the show? Is it because they are women? Is it because they have been called racist? Afraid to be called racist?
Nah, not that they have been called racist, that happened long after they started screaming about the issues. So either they are afraid, don't believe them, they are women or they just don't care.
Nah, I believe we have to stop wonder if we're playing the racists their perfect hand and instead lift these problems to a national level and do as we did in the 90s with the christians. Stomp them down and enforce state law on everyone or literally take away every cent of their funding, close down their religious private schools(which are funded by taxes) if they do not bend as the christians did.