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A vehicle has been driven into people in the Swedish capital Stockholm, injuring many

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You are right, we need a special police force to round these people up at gunpoint and force them out of our master race country for true aryan people. I suggest we call this force "Gestapo", it feels nostalgic.

What the hell are you even talking about? "Expected to rise to 50K" by who? Source please. 12,000 people is pretty much nothing and completely irrelevant to care about. No, one of them attacking people does not mean they are a problem. It really doesn't.

How is it not a problem that 12000 people live outside the system in Sweden?

Also, the first part of your post is fucking stupid and you should be ashamed of yourself.

Was about to say the same. I don't even get how you can write something like that without going "hey, wait a minute, that's not even remotely relevant to the current situation".

Hyperboly does nothing for you when arguing your position.
They need to be spread more evenly across Sweden, yes. Concentrations of them in certain parts of certain cities will not end up well, as we already know. But above all they need to be distributed more fairly throughout Europe. The share we have taken here in Sweden compared to most other EU countries is ridiculous.

How do u propose to avoid self concentration?

Guys that will be chose ton hungary or Bulgaria will never stay there. They will bee line to Sweden and Germany.

I mean even Denmark and France are not good enough.


Gold Member
You are right, we need a special police force to round these people up at gunpoint and force them out of our master race country for true aryan people. I suggest we call this force "Gestapo", it feels nostalgic.

Wow. Yeah, that's definitely what I said. Aryan master race, yup.

You're the one making this into a race issue for some reason, I said nothing of the sort. I'm not talking about who should be accepted and who should be rejected, only that people who have been rejected need to leave, by force if they don't do it voluntarily. Otherwise we have a completely ineffective system based on empty words.

What the hell are you even talking about? "Expected to rise to 50K" by who? Source please. 12,000 people is pretty much nothing and completely irrelevant to care about. No, one of them attacking people does not mean they are a problem. It really doesn't.


I wasn't 100% accurate, what they're saying is that they expect 50K to abscond (I think that's the word - "avvika"). Some of them will leave the country of their own accord, but too many won't.

I wasn't 100% accurate, what they're saying is that they expect 50K to abscond (I think that's the word - "avvika"). Some of them will leave the country of their own accord, but too many won't.
That would mean that in 2021, if forced deportations continue at the current rate, you'd have around 46.000-50.000 people that were missing anyway (2000* forced deportations each year, around 1000 leaving willingly, plus the current number).

*I find conflicting numbers on this, official police statistics quote around double figures. That likely means that the 2k number is deportations that haven't been left to the police.

And what a terrible display by the party leaders if they were quoted correctly.
Åkesson: Förvara alla som riskerar avvika
SD-ledaren Jimmie Åkesson säger att det är en "praktskandal" om uppgiften att 39-åringen skulle ha utvisats stämmer. För att öka utvisningstakten vill han att polisen gör fler inre utlänningskontroller och att de som fått beslut om utvisning ska sättas i förvar.
Vill du ha 10 000 människor i förvar?
– Vi ska förvara i de fall där det finns en risk att personen avviker, och det är det ju uppenbart i 10 000–15 000 fall. Vad som är praktiskt möjligt kan inte jag svara på men det är orimligt att vi har potentiella terrorister som avviker och försvinner.
(Translation: We need to detain in cases where the person is at risk of avoiding authorities, and that's 10-15k cases. I don't know what's practically possible.")

This moron leads a party that puts the funding of the Migration Office up against defence spending and calls it unreasonable. What he's suggesting exeeds current daily capability by 35 times and he makes an idiotic statement while claiming that he can't say in the same sentence, while actively working against making it possible. And people call them realistic, what a world we live in. The other thing is (as I stated earlier) that there's no point in detaining people that have a decition of deportation but can't be transferred to their country of origin, meaning it'd just be a 12 month detention before the person would be released, and then detained again (as there's no way to say: "hey, you can't be deported, so we won't deport you!", the decision stands until there's new information or it's prescribed). They have ONE issue and don't know the basic practicalities of it.

And Annie Lööf crying murderer before a trial.


never left the stone age
That would mean that in 2021, if forced deportations continue at the current rate, you'd have around 46.000-50.000 people that were missing anyway (2000 forced deportations each year, around 1000 leaving willingly, plus the current number).

And what a terrible display by the party leaders if they were quoted correctly.

(Translation: We need to detain in cases where the person is at risk of avoiding authorities, and that's 10-15k cases. I don't know what's practically possible.")

This moron leads a party that puts the funding of the Migration Office up against defence spending and calls it unreasonable. What he's suggesting exeeds current daily capability by 35 times and he makes an idiotic statement while claiming that he can't say in the same sentence, while actively working against making it possible. And people call them realistic, what a world we live in. The other thing is (as I stated earlier) that there's no point in detaining people that have a decition of deportation but can't be transferred to their country of origin, meaning it'd just be a 12 month detention before the person would be released, and then detained again (as there's no way to say: "hey, you can't be deported, so we won't deport you!", the decision stands until there's new information or it's prescribed). They have ONE issue and don't know the basic practicalities of it.

And Annie Lööf crying murderer before a trial.

SD and budgets have never gone hand in hand, remember the "counting example" lady? That said it all
Wow. Yeah, that's definitely what I said. Aryan master race, yup.

You're the one making this into a race issue for some reason, I said nothing of the sort. I'm not talking about who should be accepted and who should be rejected, only that people who have been rejected need to leave, by force if they don't do it voluntarily. Otherwise we have a completely ineffective system based on empty words.


I wasn't 100% accurate, what they're saying is that they expect 50K to abscond (I think that's the word - "avvika"). Some of them will leave the country of their own accord, but too many won't.

So are you proposing we detain people if they are being deported? I would like you to clarify your position.


So are you proposing we detain people if they are being deported? I would like you to clarify your position.

How expensive are ankle monitors? That seems like a really practical solution since it essentially is a probation period until deportation can be completed.
How expensive are ankle monitors? That seems like a really practical solution since it essentially is a probation period until deportation can be completed.

That would only further stigmatize refugees.
I don't agree with the idea of making people who haven't done anything wrong wear a ankle monitor.
Might as well give them a yellow crescent moon while we are at it.


Jesus fucking christ can we stop with the holocaust equivalences? If we have 10 000 individuals missing where a decision has been made that they should leave the country, what is your solution?
Jesus fucking christ can we stop with the holocaust equivalences? If we have 10 000 individuals missing where a decision has been made that they should leave the country, what is your solution?

Well if people want us to start marking POC with bracelets or what ever, you better know the comparison will come.
Well from what I have understood the police don't have enough resources to find people who go disappear.
I reckon they would free up a considerable part if they weren't left minor things like cannabis use be.

But I would argue that the resources would be better used for work programs and better housing and after school programs.


Stay classy, the_donald. Upvoting pic of the deceased 11yo girl as a poster child for their agenda (and sharing pics of what I must assume is her dead body in the comments, I'm not ever clicking that shit to verify). Her parents requested her name and pic would not be published.
SD and budgets have never gone hand in hand, remember the "counting example" lady? That said it all
Speaking of counting example...

Once upon a time, the Migration Office was handed 90.000.000kr to expand its detention capabilities by 100 units, to a total of 350 units.

In 2016, in comparison to the government budget, SD proposed to reduce the budget for the Migration Office by 3.526.000.000kr, slashing it by ~75%.

Now, if you take Åkessons word for it, he'd like to keep ~12.500 people in detention. In order to expand its facilities, that alone would cost (given the above figure), NINE TIMES the budget they proposed. That EXCLUDES taking the thousands upon thousands of deportation decisions AND the running cost of the Migration Office that their politics would entail.

People claim to like this party because they are realistic, if you ever needed to know how fucking stupid that is you can look at this example. Even if you are conservative in your estimates they have absolutely no clue about what they're actually saying.


never left the stone age
Stay classy, the_donald. Upvoting pic of the deceased 11yo girl as a poster child for their agenda (and sharing pics of what I must assume is her dead body in the comments, I'm not ever clicking that shit to verify). Her parents requested her name and pic would not be published.

I fucking hope all of them have miserable lives and that they die alone and suffering.


11-year old Ebba, Sweden.


Message from her parents via Google Translate:

"With all our heart we thank the Swedish people for all the warmth and love you have given us in a time of despair and pain. We now need peace and quiet to process our grief and ask for your understanding that we need to do it in peace "

69-year old Lena, Sweden.

31-year old Maïlys Dereymaeker, Belgium.

41-year old Chris Bevington, England but lived in Sweden since 2007.


Gold Member
So are you proposing we detain people if they are being deported? I would like you to clarify your position.

If we could detain them all, sure. Sounds harsh, but these people have had their application rejected. It has been decided that they have no valid reason to be allowed to stay. If we just let them go their merry way and into hiding (with no active efforts being made to find them), what's even the point? Perhaps you're one of the people who think everyone should be able to live wherever they want, and while that position is noble it's just not reasonable. But of course we can't detain them all. So we should at least detain people who have shown support of IS and such murder clubs. The guy who did this should not have been free to roam the streets.
The attack has claimed a fifth life:


http://www.ttela.se/nyheter/trollhättan/trollhättepolitikern-har-avlidit-1.4255065 (Swedish)

She was my elementary school homeroom teacher. It was a small school in a west coast village of about 500 people, far away from Stockholm, and I think she was still housed around there. She apparently was visiting Stockholm with a friend (the 69-y/o woman also killed in the attack) to attend an exhibit.

I don't really have any clear memories of her, but I can recall that she was popular. I'm terribly sad that this happened to her, and my thoughts are with her family and the family of her friend. The world feels mighty small right now :(.


Stockholm Marathon's in a month, geez pray for a safe event!
For families of the victims lost or injured, my condolences. Isn't this a second attack recently for Stockholm?

dave is ok

aztek is ok
The attack has claimed a fifth life:


http://www.ttela.se/nyheter/trollhättan/trollhättepolitikern-har-avlidit-1.4255065 (Swedish)

She was my elementary school homeroom teacher. It was a small school in a west coast village of about 500 people, far away from Stockholm, and I think she was still housed around there. She apparently was visiting Stockholm with a friend (the 69-y/o woman also killed in the attack) to attend an exhibit.

I don't really have any clear memories of her, but I can recall that she was popular. I'm terribly sad that this happened to her, and my thoughts are with her family and the family of her friend. The world feels mighty small right now :(.
Sorry for your loss. I knew a girl killed in the Boston Marathon attacks and even though we weren't particularly close I still felt grief over the loss.


The attack has claimed a fifth life:


http://www.ttela.se/nyheter/trollhättan/trollhättepolitikern-har-avlidit-1.4255065 (Swedish)

She was my elementary school homeroom teacher. It was a small school in a west coast village of about 500 people, far away from Stockholm, and I think she was still housed around there. She apparently was visiting Stockholm with a friend (the 69-y/o woman also killed in the attack) to attend an exhibit.

I don't really have any clear memories of her, but I can recall that she was popular. I'm terribly sad that this happened to her, and my thoughts are with her family and the family of her friend. The world feels mighty small right now :(.

I just read about this. I'm sorry to hear that. What makes this even more weirdly tragic is that she was actually teaching at the school attacked by the sword-wielding white nationalist in 2015. She was a victim of both ends of the radicalization spectrum.
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