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A Week With The PS5


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
Or, "Nice Blog OP!"

Alright, so it's actually been 11 days, but I'm back at work after finishing on Thursday 19th for a week with the new system. After all, what else are you gonna use holiday days for this year..? Just wanted to get my thoughts down somewhere and see if other owners have had similar experiences.

The Console: The Good
  • The Dualsense really does feel like a generational upgrade. The adaptive triggers I can give or take depending on their usage, and I've turned them off at a few points, but the haptic feedback makes ordinary rumble feel pretty outdated. When used properly in conjunction with the controller speaker, like in Astro, it really does amplify the connection between you and the game. It's a much more comfortable fit for bigger hands, too.
  • SSDs are nothing new to me, I've had them in my PCs for a long time, but finally having them on consoles is a godsend. Zipping between worlds to farm and spends souls and having practically zero perceptible load time in Mile Morales was just awesome and it'll be a real struggle going back to systems where I have to wait for huge chunks of time. At first I felt myself instinctively reaching for my phone as soon as I expected a level to load, only to put it back down before I unlocked it.
  • I won't give the system too many points for being quiet as a mouse, but god damn, compared to the PS4 Pro it's a whisper in the wind.
  • Fast resume from rest mode is really nice. Not much more to say about it, just a nice time saver.
The Console: The Bad
  • I'm still not sold on the design and it was a miracle it even fit into my TV stand horizontally. I almost needed to tear a fixed shelf out just to get it in there, or rip a side plate off. Not ideal.
  • Missing basic functionality like game folders at launch is a little rough, and the store right now is worse than ever, even if it's pretty snappy.
The Console: The Ugly
  • Launch bugs. I'd forgive some, but I ran into constant issues for a good four days, between games not installing, games not patching, games not loading, games freezing, etc. It was pretty bad for a while and I had to reinstall Demon's Souls and Astro Bot twice. Still, these were all resolved with patches, so it was only a brief frustration. I haven't had any hardware issues though I know others have.
Astro's Playroom
The opening night game and, frankly, what should be the first thing anyone boots up while waiting for other games to download/install. An excellent demo of the Dualsense and chock full of great little nods Playstation history, bundled into a great little platformer and fun one-sitting Platinum trophy.

Demon's Souls
The main reason to even own a PS5 at this point in time, honestly. Phenomenal. I've already beaten the PS3 version but Bluepoint's treatment is transformative. The first full game I dove into and I didn't move on until it was over. Beaten it once as a sword 'n' board build, now treating myself to a broken mage playthrough and will probably even do a third for the platinum, it's just that good. The PS5 version is maybe the best entry point to Souls for newcomers that there's ever been.

Spider-Man: Miles Morales
It's great, though the reports of its shortness are absolutely true. Platinum trophy in about 16 hours, and that includes a somewhat leisurely normal playthrough, 100% map cleanup followed by a second race through the story on easy mode, which took something like 3 hours skipping cutscenes and knowing everything beforehand. I'm not sure I would have been happy if I'd bought it digitally and had no option to sell on, it was a great little experience, but maybe not for full RRP given that it does feel like an expansion pack with no real game changers.

Sackboy: A Big Adventure
Really happy with how this one turned out. I wanted a cute 3D World clone and that's what I got, with all the LBP charm you imagine it would have. They really knocked some of the musical segments out of the park and it's a really enjoyable playthrough with what I consider perfect "family difficulty" - kids can just turn on infinite lives and brute force their way through to the end, but there's plenty of extra challenges for the adults if they want them. The bonus gauntlet is a real pain in the ass and I still haven't beaten it.

Gaming surprise of the year. Does it look like something cobbled together in Unity in an afternoon? Yes. Did I spend an entire day marathoning for the platinum trophy? Absolutely I did. It's a blend of Pokémon snap, a really bizarre feeding fetish concept, very human interactions/thoughts/feelings and an underlying festering feeling of isolation and horror. Honestly, if you have PS+, just play an hour or so and feel it out, forget what it looks like.

Shadow of the Colossus
I never got round to playing the remake, but after seeing what Bluepoint did to Demon's Souls I immediately bought it in the sale wondering if there would be any PS5 improvements. Turns out no, I just got the PS4 Pro performance mode, but I quickly forgot about the technical side of things and stayed up until 6am replaying it in full. Haven't done that since GTA V. Awesome. But ultimately unrelated to the system.


So, that's me. My final takeaway from launch week is that it's a fantastic system which had a few teething issues, but that you really can wait. Aside from Astro, there's nothing you couldn't go play on other systems right now, regardless of how much better they look/perform on PS5. Once you get that new controller in your hands and an SSD under your TV, you won't want to go back - but if that isn't until some time next year, it really isn't the end of the world. People paying what they're paying on eBay now seems even more ridiculous to me.

How about you?
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The Pros: Everything

The Cons: Coil Whine (compared to others I have got it quite easy but if the TV is quiet/muted or you have headphones and take them off it is audible for sure, will get a replacement next year when stock is plentiful)
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Nice blog OP hah.

I've had mine since the UK release date so can chime in my thoughts.

I was ragging on how bad it looked prior to launch but have to admit now that I have it (PS5 Digital) that it looks kind of good. It's not white really but kind of an off white which I wasn't expecting though. I agree on the size as I had to have a total reorganisation and move all my consoles (but this was perhaps long overdue anyhow).

I've had no launch bugs but possibly only because I've avoided stuff like rest mode and external hard drives (or I've done something else that has saved me from issues). I've had no issues with loud fans or coil whine but I know this is just luck of the draw -my XSX does have a slight bit of coil whine for comparison.

I'll be honest that I don't like the UI at all. It is super basic right now and everything seems to take more button presses than it should. At least this can be improved with time. The store is a chore to navigate and needs improving stat.

Astro's is very cool and it's one of the first modern games that my wife keeps asking to play (normally she avoids the new consoles for fear of breaking something) so she must really be enjoying it. She pretty much has the platinum now I think and was messing about with the time trials for ages last night. I'm not a big fan of platformers but loved the nostalgia and found that it looked and played great. The dual sense is really well used (although definitely overhyped by journalists I would say) in Astro's.

I've also got Miles Morales and would echo what you say. Great game but I would feel guilty recommending that anyone buy it at full price. The dual sense is not well used in MM and I disabled the triggers as they added nothing other than being annoying.

Bugsnax was surprisingly fun even though I still really have no idea what is going on. Will definitely play some more.

I've tried quite a few games on BC (GoT, Days Gone) and the 60fps on the ones that got patches is transformative. I couldn't get excited about Ghosts on base PS4 as the performance was dire whenever you did anything other than walk about but it is a joy to play at 60 fps.

I've filled the hard drive already as I've got some games installed for my wife from the PS+ collection so I'm looking forward to the NVME slot working in the future.


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
The dual sense is not well used in MM and I disabled the triggers as they added nothing other than being annoying.

Yep, this was the first time that I found myself just turning them off. All it seems to do is lock the triggers when swinging so you don't need to press them all the way, put the constant lock clicking is offputting when you're swinging and releasing constantly.


I enjoyed astro play room, was fun, then bought a few missing ps4 games that I dont own yet and ps5 games to make the backlog even bigger lol.

I decided was in the mood for a bit of Samurai, so started Ghosts of Tsushima as it was one I held off on last gen and now at 60 FPS on ps5 and it is glorious. Cant stop playing. Love it.
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  • Fast resume from rest mode is really nice. Not much more to say about it, just a nice time saver.

I never fucked with Rest modes, and now I see even less reason to considering loading times are essentially negligible. We're talking saving seconds here. I'd rather just turn my machine off, cold boots take no time at all.

I understand some people can't save a game and want to pause it or whatever. I get it, I just don't ever take the risk.


I never fucked with Rest modes, and now I see even less reason to considering loading times are essentially negligible. We're talking saving seconds here. I'd rather just turn my machine off, cold boots take no time at all.

I understand some people can't save a game and want to pause it or whatever. I get it, I just don't ever take the risk.

I am same for now, give it a couple weeks for some updates and everything will be fine.


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
I never fucked with Rest modes, and now I see even less reason to considering loading times are essentially negligible. We're talking saving seconds here. I'd rather just turn my machine off, cold boots take no time at all.

I understand some people can't save a game and want to pause it or whatever. I get it, I just don't ever take the risk.

My system has been in heavy use mode this week anyway, charging the controller I'm not using at the time and downloading games/updates, so it's been constantly either off or in rest mode anyway. Going away to do chores, coming back, picking up the controller and being immediately back where I was is just a nice touch. Might be less useful when I'm not hammering the thing all week.


I feel it OP. The lack of folders sucks, an the design of the console is really weird, like I swear somebody was smoking some good shit when coming up with that design.
Now I find Demon’s Souls to be amazing since I never played the original on the ps3 even though I brought it way back. After I get done with demon’s Souls I’ll probably hit up gravity Rush 2 since it’s only like $10 dollars on PSN, an maybe pick up COD, should be good enough till Kena bridge of sprites come out.


I'm really surprised I haven't encounted any issues whatsoever, no bugs/crashes or anything else and I even use an external HDD from day one. Very strange.
I've had mine for about 5 days now, load of pro's, too many to name and I'm too lazy to name them all. Plus by now most people know the pro's because the console has gotten a great reception anyway, so I have nothing to add that hasn't been said a million times over. But there is one pro I want to mention that I see people speak about that they think sucks. That's the store. While I still don't think it's as good as the PS3 store was (ignoring how slow it was) I think it's pretty great and offers a lot of search options. On the surface it looks bad, but it's not!

The PS store.

First there is the Sort by option which offers - Best selling, most downloaded, name a/z, release date old/new, price high/low.

Then there are filters, these are what make it really good. I'll list them below.

Price - There are many options here, free, under $1.99, $2.00-$4.99 and many more in between that go all the way up to $129.99, you can select multiple.
Genre - You know these, you can also select multiple ones at a time.
Platform - PS4 or 5
Release Date - This one is kinda lacking, just has coming soon or just released, would be nice if they added years.
PS VR - required or not, or optional
Age rating - teen, mature, etc.

I will say that I do miss seeing broadcasts in the store, those helped me far more than any trailer ever did. I hope they make a return.

Now on to the cons, most which have also been mentioned lots, like how big and ugly it is, so I'll name a few other than those.

- Doing things that should be simple like seeing your trophies or friends list are annoying multistep tasks now, and the design choice for some of these menus is terrible.
- I keep getting re-occurring notifications for downloads starting, even though they are not, because I finished downloading them days ago.
- My avatar that I've used for years now cuts off and looks bad because they decided to go with circles after selling avatars fit for squares for almost 15 years, weak.
- The Explore tab, luckily this isn't in Canada yet and I hope it never comes, but on my American account, having ads being the first thing you see when you boot up your PS5 on a console you paid a lot of money for, this ain't cool.
- Overall, the UI is seriously lacking and just, not good, it's also missing so many features. XMB and PS4 UI shit on it, hopefully we get an overhaul sometime in the next year or so.

That's it! I love it otherwise.
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Got mine this saturday.

I tested Yakuza (PS4 game), Demons Souls and Astro (got my platinum yesterday). Morales on backlog.

The only bug in those first 2 days was an error where I couldn't acess my save cloud of ps4 games. I needed to continue play Yakuza. It was just a matter of reboot the console since I didn't turn off, just using rest mode.

Anything else, there are always advantages to get the console later, seems some fixes were already made via updates. Anyway, new UI will definitely improve over time we need more features no doubt, but I'm already satisfied with how responsive it is.


Commenting on a console aesthetics is moot because it's entirely based on preference. I have a very modern apartment with very modern furniture. All dark wood, white quartz countertops, etc. The PS5 fits with all of my modern furniture the XSX doesn't.

I know it did launch buggy, though I've had 0 issues playing it since launch. So I'm lucky there.
Mines been ALMOST fine since day 1.

the Good
  • LAN Works
  • Rest Mode Works
  • Quiet Fans
  • No Coil Whine
  • Looks "Fine" in the Flesh
  • SSD is a Game Changer
  • Dualsense is *French Chef Kiss*
  • Games look great, even BC
  • Super fast, Even the store.
The "Bad"

  • Its BIG, No 2 ways about it
  • Had 2 games Install then disappear. Easily worked around but still, a Nuisance.
  • Crashed once on Sackboy and 2 on "The Golf Club" 2019, which was to be expected as Sony said it may not play nicely. Only Crashes I have had
  • Muscle Memory from the PS4 means I still hold the PS button to got to power settings.
  • Bit "Meh" with the new UI, Especially small Icons and the Blaring music when an Installed game is highlighted.
  • Can't Automagically mute game audio to allow easy playing of Spotify. Have to to it manually for each game in the Settings.
As you can see, it's mainly personal preference for me the Negatives. Main thing I took away from this in the last week+ is that it is no less stable then the PS4 was and is a fantastic system. Happy with how it works and plays.
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I pretty much agree with everything AV AV wrote with the exception of Bugsnax. Even though it’s an easy plat I couldn’t muster more than 2 hours of that game. I just had zero internet in playing it a second longer.

Beta OS/firmware bugs have been a moderate annoyance. Otherwise I’m very impressed with my PS5 and playing it a shit ton every day.
Officially 16 days with the PS5, been a transformative experience so far.

-Love the design of the console, it looks nothing as what I'd imagined a 5th console from Sony would be and I like they went with a bold design choice.
-Console is snappy and the QOL's are staggering thanks to the speed. Immediacy is so much pronounced and end experience is just magical. Here's an example of the immediacy and how this is greatly helpful to me and I am sure to many for whom time is a limiting factor. So I had a 10 minute break after meetings in the evening and I got the urge to resume the old monk boss. So the time to booting the console, to the game's UI, to the archstone all setup and already cleared of enemies(since I'd kept that ready yesterday before quitting last night), just had to trigger the old monk cinematic, a player invades me as the old monk boss fight. Defeat him, trigger the archstone and I am back in the nexus. Save the game, put it in rest mode and I am back at work. All of this just took me 6 minutes :D and I had 4 more minutes left. I am sure those who are married or say married with newborn at home and can't spend too much time, rather make the most of little time available, PS5 allows you to do it. The console has been designed to make you spend most of your time playing rather than waiting.
-Demon's Souls Remake and Days Gone are the two games I've been playing since launch and love them both to absolute bits. Both games have been transformative experience for me.
-Cold War was awesome when played with the dualsense.
-Astro's Playroom is the true hidden gem when you boot the console for the first time.
-DualSense controller truly feels next gen the moment you hold it in your hands and experience Astro's and Demon's Souls
-DualSense battery life could've been better. It's definitely better than Dualshock4 if you don't use haptics, but where's the fun if you disable such an immersive feature.
-Disappointed at the lack of support for external drives to store PS5 games

So yeah overall been a great experience so far, roll on 2021!
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Gold Member
Controller Life
Played a mix of games for around seven hours straight and the controller only dropped one bar in that time so the controller life is far better than it was on PS4.

It takes some getting used too. The worst part right now is that the game bar is limited in how many games it can display. The ones you haven’t touched as recent get shuffled off into the library/installed tab.

PS Store
Still needs a lot of work layout wise, great theirs no load times for it now though.

I’m surprised that even a simple game like Binding of Isaac looks better on PS5. For example the background flies or black dots are clearer. (Everything is clearer but those stand out in particular)

I’d been holding off on a replay of Days Gone because it was always painful to load on PS4 clocking in at over three mins to start. This has thankfully been greatly reduced on PS5 to under a minute.

PS+ Collection
This needs a mention due to the fantastic value it offers. PSNow has never made it to Australia and now I’d rather this take precedence over it since it’s incorporated under the PS+ price tag.

Game Prices
This is my most damning thing for next-gen. If it were just a simple $10 cost increase like the US then it would be easier forgiven but in Australia it’s closer to $30-$40 increase for first party games. I’ll be waiting on sales for most games now until they arrive at what I value as a reasonable price point.

I’ve had no bugs, no coil whine and no issues whatsoever. Money well spent.


- I keep getting re-occurring notifications for downloads starting, even though they are not, because I finished downloading them days ago.

Maybe that were the ones for the save game uploads when you exit the game. I was confused with this too at first.

I've filled the hard drive already as I've got some games installed for my wife from the PS+ collection so I'm looking forward to the NVME slot working in the future.

Just buy an external SSD for PS4 games - there's almost no loading time difference with the external storage for them.


Got mine this saturday.

I tested Yakuza (PS4 game), Demons Souls and Astro (got my platinum yesterday). Morales on backlog.

The only bug in those first 2 days was an error where I couldn't acess my save cloud of ps4 games. I needed to continue play Yakuza. It was just a matter of reboot the console since I didn't turn off, just using rest mode.

Anything else, there are always advantages to get the console later, seems some fixes were already made via updates. Anyway, new UI will definitely improve over time we need more features no doubt, but I'm already satisfied with how responsive it is.
Had mine since launch day (NA). My only disappointment is, i feel like the UI has taken a step back. Its missing features that took years to come out on the PS4. Sony is so slow at updates its maddening. Anyway, the good:
- Everything is lightning fast
- Demon' Souls
- All my PS4 games look incredible
- Built in store to UI
- Activity cards
- DualSense is a game changer
The Bad:
- Missing UI features
- Every so often the disc tray spins
- No themes, or folders
- Missing the long press on the PS5 button that would bring up all your favorite options.


Neo Member
Hot Take: I got Demons souls new for the system, tried it.. and ....
Its not for me. I’m sorry I don’t get the appeal. It looks alright but the gameplay is bland and frustrating to me. There also isn’t much of a story.

otherwise the system is great, it’s a lot faster and snappier. With that said- it kind of feels like a pro version of the ps4 pro.
games are crisper,faster.

I remember the first time I played N64- I practically shit my pants it was such a step up. This isn’t.
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After 2 weeks:

- I love the design of the PS5 (unpopular opinion I’m sure). I even love how obnoxiously big it is for some reason. Everything about it feels premium.
- UI is fast and easy to navigate.
- Astro and Miles Morales are phenomenal.
- Quick game downloads.
- Dualsense feels great, and battery seems to be good. My longest sitting so far has been 5 hours and its battery was only down to 2 bars.
- No crashes.
- Have had a blast playing Astro and Sackboy with my kids. Seeing their faces light up with joy the first time they controlled Astro was a special moment.

- Cloud saving keeps giving me errors for some reason.
- Face buttons on my dual sense seem to get slightly stuck when pressing them down at times.
- I’m not too impressed with the pulse/headset 3D audio. Can’t really tell a difference vs any other headphones I’ve used when gaming.


7-8 days here:


-Design looks great, size is none issue with plenty of room in my tv stand.
-Sound quality out of DualSense via 3.5 aux is wonderful vs DS4.
-DualSense is slightly better on the hands.
-DS vibrations are good but games outside Astro's Playroom still need time to implement it properly.
-Adaptive triggers are nice but can be adjusted to strong/medium/weak same with haptic feedback.
-Pulse 3D is wonderful with the best clarity I had on a headset so far and a robust bass, remains the same quality when turn off and wired to the DS.
-Neither DualSense nor Pulse 3D died on me, but I have the charging station which is wonderful to put the controller on it with another extra controller that I really don't need, and plug my Pulse 3D to my cellphone charger when done. I usually play 6-12 hours or more. But you might need to turn the 3D audio off on games that don't support 3D Audio of the recreated 3D audio out of 7.1 isn't good enough to your liking. They are loud and sometimes can get overwhelming at 100% depending on the game but have great wide range on 3D audio games that mitigates that.
-System has zero sounds, literally zero, but I only play digital and my room is always cool/cold.
-BC seems to be flawless playing Genshin.


-Froze once on Spider-Man MM that made a restart of the system. That's before both game and system latest firmware updates.

Only played:

-Spider-Man MM (100% done).
-Astro's Playroom (100% done).
-Bugsnax for like few hours and got bored as fuck and gonna delete it.
-Watch Dogs: Legion and having fun with it currently (still early on).


I never fucked with Rest modes, and now I see even less reason to considering loading times are essentially negligible. We're talking saving seconds here. I'd rather just turn my machine off, cold boots take no time at all.

I understand some people can't save a game and want to pause it or whatever. I get it, I just don't ever take the risk.
I’ll never understand this. You want your experience to be worse for no real reason.
Being able to play Apex Legends on a regular ds4 is a revelation as I wont wear out the adaptive triggers. Will probably play all my ps4 backlog on ds4 and switch to dualsense for ps5 games. Hassle free and plug and play. Just as god intended.
I've had no launch bugs but possibly only because I've avoided stuff like rest mode and external hard drives (or I've done something else that has saved me from issues). I've had no issues with loud fans or coil whine but I know this is just luck of the draw -my XSX does have a slight bit of coil whine for comparison.

Is your XSX louder than your PS5?



Shadow of the Colossus
I never got round to playing the remake, but after seeing what Bluepoint did to Demon's Souls I immediately bought it in the sale wondering if there would be any PS5 improvements. Turns out no, I just got the PS4 Pro performance mode, but I quickly forgot about the technical side of things and stayed up until 6am replaying it in full. Haven't done that since GTA V. Awesome. But ultimately unrelated to the system.


I did this too, and I was actually floored how good it looks. I dont think enough people talk about how good SOTC Remake looks
Is your XSX louder than your PS5?

Both are very quiet but I can't hear the PS5 over ambient sound unless I'm really close.

My XSX is just about audible from normal distance but not loud enough to bother me.

Impressed with both to be honest especially compared to my PS4 which was easy to hear even with open back headphones.
Way improved load times are the best thing. Dual sense is great too.

But if you're paying at least 2 times markup for some shiny grafix



Nice op.

Also have a PS5 quiet as a fox, and although it’s clear usage of the I/O speed is still in its infancy, games like Miles Morales and Demons Souls really hammer home the potential it has.

Activity cards in open world games should be a requirement going forward, and those who don’t use it properly will be left in the Stone Age.

The controller is just a precious gift, something extra for this generation that I didn’t really see coming, but now can’t imagine the PS5 without it.
It looks to be a great console. I just wish Sony had spend a bit more time on the form factor. It is terrible, even worse if you compare to XSX.


The pros:
Awesome controller, best of all time?!
Fast loading times
Great UI
Beautiful blue light when switching it on
Best of all: Mark Cerny sauce

The cons:
The design doesn’t feel premium. The XSX looks better IMO


My friend loves his, though he’s already getting handicapped by the lack of storage. He’s buying an external hdd to play his ps4 games so hopefully that works even since I read there are some things you can do to brick the console.
The pros:
Awesome controller, best of all time?!
Fast loading times
Great UI
Beautiful blue light when switching it on
Best of all: Mark Cerny sauce

The cons:
The design doesn’t feel premium. The XSX looks better IMO

There's nothing bout the PS5 UI that makes it better than PS4's. Home button doesn't even do the same thing


I never fucked with Rest modes, and now I see even less reason to considering loading times are essentially negligible. We're talking saving seconds here. I'd rather just turn my machine off, cold boots take no time at all.

I understand some people can't save a game and want to pause it or whatever. I get it, I just don't ever take the risk.
Rest mode is there for a reason. No need to live your life walking on egg shells all the time...


There's nothing bout the PS5 UI that makes it better than PS4's. Home button doesn't even do the same thing

I disagree, I love the new design, also the small tiles look great as well, PS4’s looks shit in comparison.

I agree about the home button though, it used to be quicker to switch it off.


always chasing the next thrill
The pros:
Awesome controller, best of all time?!
Fast loading times
Great UI
Beautiful blue light when switching it on
Best of all: Mark Cerny sauce

The cons:
The design doesn’t feel premium. The XSX looks better IMO

everything looks better then the ps5
I disagree, I love the new design, also the small tiles look great as well, PS4’s looks shit in comparison.

I agree about the home button though, it used to be quicker to switch it off.

I don't want small tiles. Big titles make the sexings feel more smooth, make them feel more classy

I feel like I'm embodying this meme


Boot up times and quick resume are the real MVPs
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hemo memo

You can't die before your death
I downloaded free add ons for Sackboy and suddenly it switched the game from PS5 to PS4 although I have the PS5 disc version. So yeah it is starting to get annoying. Also the queued for download bug.
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