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Adult Assaults Kids for Wearing a MAGA Hat


As others have probably done already you're on my ignore list. I hope you go over everything you've said and reflect on how wrong you are. But I doubt it. At any rate my engagement with you has run it's course.
Not only do you resort to using the lamest forum function after the report button, but of cour'se you make sure to announce it.

If Texa's Pride put me on hi's ignore list I'd being crying myself to s'leep for a week.
This perfectly demonstrates the issue with political dialogue in the US. Both sides working off of completely different realities of what happened based on the narrative they want it to fit.


Under those circumstances? Something like, "You fuckin' pale-ass honky cracka-ass, sour milk, hair smellin' like a wet dog bitch!"
So yelling a racial slur is not yelling a racial slur when it isn't an excessive overuse of insults that makes you sound like an inbred cartoon, gotcha.


So yelling a racial slur is not yelling a racial slur when it isn't an excessive overuse of insults that makes you sound like an inbred cartoon, gotcha.
Using nigga 'cause it's a common part of the way you speak and you use it interchangeably with bro at a volume that is lower than yelling when addressing two white kids is "yelling racial slurs". Gotcha.


Using nigga 'cause it's a common part of the way you speak and you use it interchangeably with bro at a volume that is lower than yelling when addressing two white kids is "yelling racial slurs". Gotcha.
So now it's okay for non-blacks to use the N word so long as you do it often, gotcha


I'd bet that the teens were making dumbshit racist comments beforehand as the witness claims. If they did, they deserved it.


Again where was all this outrage when right were claiming children were faking about being shot in their own school? What was your defense of those children since you care so much.


Well, this wasn't a friendly interaction with his buddies so I'd have to say yes, do you?
I don't think you do.

The context and intention of his use of the word nigga were that it wasn't a part of the assault and it wasn't racially motivated. The throwing the drink in his face was the insult, the taking his hat was the insult, the addressing a white kid as "nigga" was not any more than if he had used "bro", "dude" or "buddy".


The retracted claims because they couldn't be corroborated by anyone else present?

NVM was reading an archived version I guess, thought Kens5 was separate from wfaa. Corroboration has nothing to do with it, police are still investigating. A dude out with his family going to outright lie about some white teenagers after the fact to get them in trouble lol ok.
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I don't think you do.

The context and intention of his use of the word nigga were that it wasn't a part of the assault and it wasn't racially motivated. The throwing the drink in his face was the insult, the taking his hat was the insult, the addressing a white kid as "nigga" was not any more than if he had used "bro", "dude" or "buddy".
Haha yeah I just casually use racial slurs at the end of my attacks on children, too, but it isn't part of the assault, it's just a bonus
The other news report didn't retract them. This one did, maybe they got the witness comments second hand. Also a dude out with his family going to outright lie about some white teenagers after the fact to get them in trouble lol ok.

The one you are stating didn't retract them lifted the entire article from the site that did retract it. Nice try though.
I wouldn't be surprised if they did say something offensive or whatever but that doesn't excuse theft and assault. The one kid we can see in the video weighs about 120 pounds and looks like a deer in headlights, clearly a threat.


Stealing someone’s hat isn’t cool, nor is assaulting them for having “wrong” opinions.

We should be better than this. The media has been very effective in dividing many of us into two tribes who are in a new Cold War.

Came here to post this basically, but was beaten.

Still have my hat though!


I wouldn't be surprised if they did say something offensive or whatever but that doesn't excuse theft and assault. The one kid we can see in the video weighs about 120 pounds and looks like a deer in headlights, clearly a threat.

You're right. Instead, the restaurant should've kicked these teens out instead of waiting until enough customers gets pissed enough to do something about it.
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You're right. Instead, the restaurant should've kicked these teens out instead of waiting until enough customers gets pissed enough to do something about it.

I would absolutely agree with that. If they were offending other patrons with their behavior that should be in there purview.

EDIT: And as tacky as they look, MAGA hats don't fit this definition but talking about lynching people would.
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Again where was all this outrage when right were claiming children were faking about being shot in their own school? What was your defense of those children since you care so much.

Who wasn't outraged by that? Who here believes that? Why is this brought up, how is it relevant at all?

Is this honestly your line of thinking "Well people here reacted strongly to this video, but I don't remember people reacting strongly to Alex Jones saying Sandy Hook was fake, so clearly they're racists in league with Trump?" Are you kidding me? First of all what rock did you live under, Alex Jones got a TON of ridicule for that, from the left and right, and I think you'd have to look long and hard on this forum to find anyone who didn't think he was a nutjob. Secondly, they're not even related, one was a mass shooting and someone denying it cause they thought it was part of a narrative to "take away our guns" and the other is a guy getting pissed off and threatening and (minorly) assaulting a couple of dumb kids over a hat and supposedly some racist comments (again, they're dumb kids). Thirdly, it wasn't even the video that really got this thread rolling and so many people "caring" as you put it (this is a forum, don't overblow it), what got everyone so engaged in this thread was you and a couple of other people seemingly supporting violence against a couple of dumb kids for having the "wrong" opinion, a mass of people who believe those who disagree with them deserve that kind of treatment is far more scary than the dumbass in the video will ever be.


As you have seen, the video conveniently shows only the last 20 seconds of the interaction where they take a sugary shower. Strangely, the video filmed by the innocent little kid doesn't show what happened before.

You would have to be a moron to believe that abusive words weren't exchanged from both sides (from the shitty kids and the shitty leftie) leading to the dude reacting the unfortunate way he did. Provocation.
Show me the "abusive words ON BOTH SIDES" as you say. Where is the evidence? Just because the video is 20 seconds means all the time before that they were calling the guy bad words? Even if they were calling him names, that does NOT give this manlett the right to steal from and assault children.


I'd bet that the teens were making dumbshit racist comments beforehand as the witness claims. If they did, they deserved it.


Without absolutely no evidence your impuning their character. With ZERO evidence.
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Just like with "punch a Nazi", violence and intimidation are okay as long as they're against people with right-of-centre political views.
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I'd bet that the teens were making dumbshit racist comments beforehand as the witness claims. If they did, they deserved it.
And if they weren't?

Seriously this fantasy you people are making up in your head to justify this asshole being a asshole is pathetic.

What is so wrong with just saying "the guy is wrong. He should have apologized."
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Well he MIGHT have said something so clearly he deserves to be assaulted and have property stolen and get called the n word.
Yeah he "derserved it" that'll fly in court. I also think it's total BS he's a scrawny kid I highly doubt he was saying anything to a dude twice his size. And even if he was, what kind of dude throws a bitch fit at a fast food join and throws a drink like a wasted girl in a night club?! Lmfaoooo what a huge pussy. "It's going in my fire humph! " Hahahahaha okay big guy! You showed him lmao
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Texas Pride

Not only do you resort to using the lamest forum function after the report button, but of cour'se you make sure to announce it.

If Texa's Pride put me on hi's ignore list I'd being crying myself to s'leep for a week.

You're entitled to your opinion and I'm entitled to tell you it's shit. If you support violence against children after multiple people call you out on it then there's nothing of value left to discuss. And this applies to you too. You want to look like an ass for defending the guy defending violence against children go for it. But you're not worth my time if you do.


And if they weren't?

Seriously this fantasy you people are making up in your head to justify this asshole being a asshole is pathetic.

What is so wrong with just saying "the guy is wrong. He should have apologized."

If they weren't, then that guy is only further working against his own cause as those kids will surely feel aggrieved and vote for Trump in 2020 due this (hypothetically) completely unprovoked asshole.

Also it isn't a "fantasy" so much as "the only eyewitness testimony from a neutral third party." You know, that stuff they use in a courtrooms to prove things.

The guy shouldn't apologize for shit if they were saying the racist garbage that the eyewitness claims. Soda in the face, mah civil rights. Also lol @ using the language of "assault." The kid should've tumbled to the ground like a soccer player to complete this framing by the right of this truly violent attack.


Without absolutely no evidence your impuning their character. With ZERO evidence.

Yes, absolutely no evidence. Other than the only known account of 3rd party eyewitness testimony, there is totally and absolutely no evidence. Just as you say.
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If they weren't, then that guy is only further working against his own cause as those kids will surely feel aggrieved and vote for Trump in 2020 due this (hypothetically) completely unprovoked asshole.

Also it isn't a "fantasy" so much as "the only eyewitness testimony from a neutral third party." You know, that stuff they use in a courtrooms to prove things.

The guy shouldn't apologize for shit if they were saying the racist garbage that the eyewitness claims. Soda in the face, mah civil rights. Also lol @ using the language of "assault." The kid should've tumbled to the ground like a soccer player to complete this framing by the right of this truly violent attack.

Yes, absolutely no evidence. Other than the only known account of 3rd party eyewitness testimony, there is totally and absolutely no evidence. Just as you say.

Again no evidence.


Don't most restaurants have security cameras? Just wait for any footage to come out and that should put these allegations to rest.
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