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Adult Assaults Kids for Wearing a MAGA Hat


Show me the "abusive words ON BOTH SIDES" as you say. Where is the evidence? Just because the video is 20 seconds means all the time before that they were calling the guy bad words?

Simple logic can be used to deduce that something was said to him to provoke his reaction. People don't just throw water on people as a spur of the moment reaction without provocation. I'm sure in good time, genuine eyewitnesses will come out and tell us what happened so I'm taking a wait and see approach. As Jordan himself just said right above me:

Don't most restaurants have security cameras? Just wait for any footage to come out and that should put these allegations to rest.

Best post in the thread quite frankly.

Even if they were calling him names, that does NOT give this manlett the right to steal from and assault children.

You're adamant about calling these people children. You are of course, right. It makes me wonder... where are the parents? Why are they neglecting their parental responsibilities by letting these children stay out until 2am at night in a fast-food joint? :unsure:

You're passionate about not seeing children assaulted. Me too! Genuine children that is. I'd just like to ask you.... how do you feel about parents who smack and hit their toddlers as a form of punishment and discipline? I'm just curious.
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Dirk Benedict

Gold Member
It all starts with the parents. This happened because they weren't watching where their kids were. I wonder if DPS is going to get involved with this. 2am on a Wednesday. If it were someone else those kids could have been killed.

Also, I see they removed the allegations against the kids because it's been a lot of hours and no one else can corroborate that there is even a witness at all. It was posted that this supposed witness was receiving death threats before this even went viral? There's your red flag.


It's not about the hat it's what it represents. If someone was wearing a hat with a swastika, you might see a similar reaction.
Do you not see the difference between the two hats? Using the word similar doesn't make the two hats similar, as they are clearly not similar.

You do realize, and accept that right?


It all starts with the parents. This happened because they weren't watching where their kids were. I wonder if DPS is going to get involved with this. 2am on a Wednesday. If it were someone else those kids could have been killed.

Totally agree with you here.

These poor children need to be put into care, in my opinion. Let a responsible adult raise them.

Their parents should be charged and put in prison for child neglect.


This all depends on more facts. If what witnesses said is true they are lucky all they got was hat taken, that guy was being merciful. If they really said those disgusting things they could have lost their lives that day.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
I don't really need a 3rd party witness to tell me that someone wearing a MAGA was probably saying racially insensitive things to be honest. That kind of goes with wearing the hat in the first place. Its a "water is wet" kind of statement.
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The eyewitness testimony that was removed from the article by the news source?

The WFAA site has the same exact story up but with quotes included, no disclaimer. Both articles have the same timestamp for when they were written and then updated. The WFAA has the most recent update time, was looking at wrong page. https://www.wfaa.com/article/news/l...een-motivated-by-racist-remarks/287-571011658

In any case, it's still an incontrovertible fact the only known eyewitness testimony from an independent third party says the kids were saying racist stuff, which both articles confirm. I don't think I've ever heard of a news article retracting quotes saying they may not be "legitimate." Legitimate as in the news station poached the quotes from a 2nd party and didn't speak to the witness themselves? Legitimate as in that's not what the eyewitness actually told them? Legitimate in that the news team has contradicting evidence that shows the witness is lying? Legitimate as in the news team feels uncomfortable about the whole situation and since they can't prove the witness is telling the truth they decided to take down the quotes because they're weak-spined idiots afraid of backlash? Who's to say! Let's just shit out a disclaimer that means next to nothing while keeping up the unedited copy on the front page of google :D
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You wanna know the actual funniest thing about this? Right wingers are going out of their mind portraying this as a brutal 'assault' and that the dude should be arrested and charged...

Yet it's typically the right and Conservatives who are the most ardent defenders of parental rights so that they can smack and beat their own toddlers and little kids as a form of corporal punishment to 'teach' them right from wrong. You know, actually using true physical assault that causes physical pain. Hypocrisy!


Simple logic can be used to deduce that something was said to him to provoke his reaction. People don't just throw water on people as a spur of the moment reaction without provocation. I'm sure in good time, genuine eyewitnesses will come out and tell us what happened so I'm taking a wait and see approach. As Jordan himself just said right above me:

Best post in the thread quite frankly.

You're adamant about calling these people children. You are of course, right. It makes me wonder... where are the parents? Why are they neglecting their parental responsibilities by letting these children stay out until 2am at night in a fast-food joint? :unsure:

You're passionate about not seeing children assaulted. Me too! Genuine children that is. I'd just like to ask you.... how do you feel about parents who smack and hit their toddlers as a form of punishment and discipline? I'm just curious.
I think parents who spank kids don't have the proper tools to parent. You shouldn't have to resort to physical punishment to teach a lesson. Much like the guy in the video did. He should have kept his cool like a normal adult would have. Clearly the dude has some personal anger issues.


You wanna know the actual funniest thing about this? Right wingers are going out of their mind portraying this as a brutal 'assault' and that the dude should be arrested and charged...

Yet it's typically the right and Conservatives who are the most ardent defenders of parental rights so that they can smack and beat their own toddlers and little kids as a form of corporal punishment to 'teach' them right from wrong. You know, actually using true physical assault that causes physical pain. Hypocrisy!
Only thing in your post that makes sense to me is that people are purposely portraying it as worse than it is.

I don't know about any supposed "right wing" affinity for beating their children, but I don't think that if you're okay with smacking your own kid that you must be okay with a stranger throwing drinks in your kid's face and stealing his hat if you want to avoid being hypocritical.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
Glad this coward got fired. Hope he's not getting another job easily, the Internet doesn't forget asshole

On a list of "Things that make you undesirable as an employee" I am pretty sure "Tossing soda on someone wearing a MAGA hat" is gonna be pretty far down the list.

The guy will be able to find work just fine. There are far worse things someone can do to make themselves unhireable
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On a list of "Things that make you undesirable as an employee" I am pretty sure "Tossing soda on someone wearing a MAGA hat" is gonna be pretty far down the list.

The guy will be able to find work just fine. There are far worse things someone can do to make themselves unhireable

Stealing property off a minor and verbally assisting them calling the n word is no big deal???

Lunatic leftist man no big deal...fuck it just soda tossed.



Editor's note: An earlier version of this story included quotes from the alleged witness. Those have been removed from this copy due to concerns about the legitimacy of the statements.

Saw plenty of people here on this thread & the media trying to cling to what looks like possible Fake News to try to justify assault. Not that words can ever justify assault in the court of law. Either way, the media is retracting the quote from the supposed anonymous witness
I don't really need a 3rd party witness to tell me that someone wearing a MAGA was probably saying racially insensitive things to be honest. That kind of goes with wearing the hat in the first place. Its a "water is wet" kind of statement.

I can't believe I wasted nine seasons watching Matlock when you had the answers all along. Why didn't you tell me this years ago?

Your honor, water is wet and that man is guilty because I think so.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
I can't believe I wasted nine seasons watching Matlock when you had the answers all along. Why didn't you tell me this years ago?

Your honor, water is wet and that man is guilty because I think so.

You know what I mean lol

Given the type of people that usually wear the MAGA hats if you told me someone wearing one was spouting racist nonsense it would hardly come as a surprise.
That we know of. The video is very short. We have no idea what took place before or after it.

So anything that's not in the video is pure speculation. We'll wait to see if there is footage from the store cameras. Otherwise we can just claim that the guy who assaulted these teens is a douchebag based on the video.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
So anything that's not in the video is pure speculation. We'll wait to see if there is footage from the store cameras. Otherwise we can just claim that the guy who assaulted these teens is a douchebag based on the video.
Well yeah you can look at it that way if you want. I'm not trying to tell anyone how to feel.


looks like he was arrested for Robbery.


Kino Jimenez, the man accused of tossing a drink on a Texas teenager wearing a MAGA hat and then walking off with the hat, is now being booked into a county jail and accused of felony theft, Bexar County magistrate records show.

Jimenez is accused of attacking 16-year-old Hunter Richard at a San Antonio area Whataburger restaurant. Video of the confrontation, in which the man is also heard uttering a racial slur and seen walking away with the red hat, went viral. In the wake of that, Jimenez was fired from his job at Rumble bar and kicked out of the state Green Party.

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“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
I wish y'all had this same energy for the children torn away from their parents at the border for seeking asylum.

Children in cages? Meh.

Kid gets soda thrown on him? Outrage across social media. I'll never understand what is and isn't okay in the minds of some people. I just wish there was more consistency on the right when it comes to their "values" and when they are applied.
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I wish y'all had this same energy for the children torn away from their parents at the border for seeking asylum.

I have disdain for the parents that would endanger their children & put them in harms way by tracking across the border to break a known law. I have disdain for all of the child sex traffickers who are funneling children in while claiming they're the parents. I have disdain for the smugglers raking in tons of cash to take advantage of people & fund known gangsters.
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I wish y'all had this same energy for the children torn away from their parents at the border for seeking asylum.
Here is the thing you do not understand and probably never will.

We can be against both. But due to the fact that people like you justify this assault and robbery als justified or ok makes it a controversial topic people have to defend. They do not have to defend the children thing because most people agree that it was bad. Also yes if you go this route also blame the parents who did this to their children for a little percent of a better life and more money. Great parenting here.
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“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
I have disdain for the parents that would endanger their children & put them in harms way by tracking across the border to break a known law. I have disdain for all of the child sex traffickers who are funneling children in while claiming they're the parents. I have disdain for the smugglers raking in tons of cash to take advantage of people & fund known gangsters.
But not for the people that are taking children from their parents and putting them in makeshift prisons?

Because to me that seems just as bad. If you feel the need to separate them due to safety reasons then thats fine, but the cages and sleeping on mats on the ground with foil blankets is inhumane.
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“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
And there's no reason to sneak across the border if seeking Asylum. There's embassy's along the way to stop at and do it the right way.
The DHS secretary is on record already saying that they have to regularly turn away people. Not everyone has the luxury of time when it comes to seeking safety.


The DHS secretary is on record already saying that they have to regularly turn away people. Not everyone has the luxury of time when it comes to seeking safety.
these people do not flee from war. Like people in Syria did. These people just want to have a better life which is understandable but no justification to ilegally cross the border.


There is if maga-ites are blocking your way to purposefully nab you for illegal entry.
Please point me to the authority that says living in America is a human right?
When you have people traveling all the way from Central America, through Mexico and then into the USA, you're not seeking asylum.
Or hell, you even have cases of people flying all the way from Nigeria and trying to illegally enter Canada. Like, what the hell?

There are hundreds of countries on earth. Stop picking the ones you think you have a right to live in. It's not America's problem if you don't want to seek Asylum in India or Cuba.
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“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
these people do not flee from war. Like people in Syria did. These people just want to have a better life which is understandable but no justification to ilegally cross the border.

They are also fleeing gang violence and possible starvation. Its not like they uproot their lives to come to America for the shits and giggles. These people are desperate and they need help. The last thing we should be doing to their kids is putting them in prisons and putting them in cages.


They are also fleeing gang violence and possible starvation. Its not like they uproot their lives to come to America for the shits and giggles. These people are desperate and they need help. The last thing we should be doing to their kids is putting them in prisons and putting them in cages.
I agree with the cages part but I also think we need to blame the parents who still try it despite knowing this.


They are also fleeing gang violence and possible starvation. Its not like they uproot their lives to come to America for the shits and giggles. These people are desperate and they need help. The last thing we should be doing to their kids is putting them in prisons and putting them in cages.
Well America elected a president that is clearly clamping down on illegal immigration. It seems kinda stupid and selfish to enter a country that is even more likely to throw you out.

The money that comes from supporting illegal immigrants doesn't just show up out of thin air. Someone is paying for it, and people shouldn't have to pay for invaders who break into your house and then demand they get to share the same room as you.
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“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
Well America elected a president that is clearly clamping down on illegal immigration. It seems kinda stupid and selfish to enter a country that is even more likely to throw you out.

The money that comes from supporting illegal immigrants doesn't just show up out of thin air. Someone is paying for it, and people shouldn't have to pay for invaders who break into your house and then demand they get to share the same room as you.
If my only options are illegally cross a border, inconvenience people who hate me, and hope I get lucky or die then I think I am gonna go for the border option idk about you.


If my only options are illegally cross a border, inconvenience people who hate me, and hope I get lucky or die then I think I am gonna go for the border option idk about you.
Or why not move to just another part of your country? Mexico is huge, and has a culture that Mexicans will understand.
How is moving to America going to fix anything? What skills are you offering that is better than the hundreds of educated applicants who are also trying to get in legally?

America is crowded as it is. Why make it worse for both America and the people who don't speak the same language?
Because there is literally NO evidence that happened. Maybe that's why. Where is a video or audio showing the kids were talking about that. Because if its just "anonymous eye witnesses" and you believe them, you are a moron.

Yeah I don't believe that at all. How very convenient. The MAGA hat wearing teenager just happened to be talking about hanging blacks. So of course he deserved it. :rolleyes:

And this dude already has a criminal record. 5 DUIs and burglary of a car. The theft of person charge is a felony, meaning the penalty can be at least a year in jail. Based on his priors, he might actually have to do some time for this. Good luck to him ever getting a job again. Maybe McDonalds hires felons, I don't know. Thug life indeed.


If my only options are illegally cross a border, inconvenience people who hate me, and hope I get lucky or die then I think I am gonna go for the border option idk about you.
I am sorry but you are not gonna die that easily in Mexico. Especially when you already did spend a lot of money to even get to the border. That is also a problem people who pay smugglers tons of money to get them across are not the ones really in needs.
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If my only options are illegally cross a border, inconvenience people who hate me, and hope I get lucky or die then I think I am gonna go for the border option idk about you.

Mexico is a big country. It has plenty of states that aren't full of cartels. Why not move to those states? The US shouldn't be taking any illegal immigrants just because of their shitty circumstances.


Yeah I don't believe that at all. How very convenient. The MAGA hat wearing teenager just happened to be talking about hanging blacks. So of course he deserved it. :rolleyes:

And this dude already has a criminal record. 5 DUIs and burglary of a car. The theft of person charge is a felony, meaning the penalty can be at least a year in jail. Based on his priors, he might actually have to do some time for this. Good luck to him ever getting a job again. Maybe McDonalds hires felons, I don't know. Thug life indeed.
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