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Adult Assaults Kids for Wearing a MAGA Hat

The same people who screech and cry about blacks having police called on them for selling water illegally, asked if they showered before going in a pool and whatever weekly outrage there is, are perfectly fine with teens being abused, having their property stolen and a drink thrown in their face.

All because of a fucking hat and an implied deeper meaning behind it. MAGA is not a swastika no matter how many times you try and chant the mantra.

Get a fucking grip people
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The same people who screech and cry about blacks having police called on them for selling water illegally, asked if they showered before going in a pool and whatever weekly outrage there is, are perfectly fine with teens being abused, having their property stolen and a drink thrown in their face.

All because of a fucking hat and an implied deeper meaning behind it. MAGA is not a swastika no matter how many times you try and chant the mantra.

It's becoming one.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
MAGA is as much of a swastika as Pepe is a hate symbol. The left loves blowing things out of proportion.

Its a symbol of an administration that is openly racist, xenophobic and homophobic. Also the hat has become a symbol of the alt right. We have seen countless white nationalists parading in the streets wearing them. Like in Charlottesville for example. People see the hat and what it represents and it makes them angry. I don't blame minorities at all for feeling offended when they see someone wearing it. I also don't blame people for shunning those who choose to wear it or support the administration behind it. People who support those kind of ideals and opinions don't deserve to be treated like average people.

And I think its less about people being intolerant and blowing things out of proportion and more of people just being fed up with the direction Trump is trying to take the country. Destroying regulations meant to protect the environment, trying to take away peoples healthcare, openly supporting racist and pedophile candidates, promoting unqualified people to high ranking positions, treating long time allies like enemies, and even actively destroying the economy now with his absurd tariffs.

The hat is a symbol for all of that for the majority of the country. It make not directly be a symbol of hate, but it is now so closely associated with it that it might as well be. People see that hat and they think of racism and intolerance. Thats just what its become thanks to what Trump and his base have done. Thats not on the "left". Thats on them.
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Its a symbol of an administration that is openly racist, xenophobic and homophobic. Also the hat has become a symbol of the alt right. We have seen countless white nationalists parading in the streets wearing them. Like in Charlottesville for example. People see the hat and what it represents and it makes them angry. I don't blame minorities at all for feeling offended when they see someone wearing it. I also don't blame people for shunning those who choose to wear it or support the administration behind it. People who support those kind of ideals and opinions don't deserve to be treated like average people.

And I think its less about people being intolerant and blowing things out of proportion and more of people just being fed up with the direction Trump is trying to take the country. Destroying regulations meant to protect the environment, trying to take away peoples healthcare, openly supporting racist and pedophile candidates, promoting unqualified people to high ranking positions, treating long time allies like enemies, and even actively destroying the economy now with his absurd tariffs.

The hat is a symbol for all of that for the majority of the country. It make not directly be a symbol of hate, but it is now so closely associated with it that it might as well be. People see that hat and they think of racism and intolerance. Thats just what its become thanks to what Trump and his base have done. Thats not on the "left". Thats on them.
Everything has become a symbol of the alt-right. Frogs, gestures MILK. Yes even Milk


And EVEN then you can argue that violence is not the answer. Especially not an assault Robbery like in this case. He was also thrown out of the Green party because they do not endorse this shit.
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Its a symbol of an administration that is openly racist, xenophobic and homophobic. Also the hat has become a symbol of the alt right. We have seen countless white nationalists parading in the streets wearing them. Like in Charlottesville for example. People see the hat and what it represents and it makes them angry. I don't blame minorities at all for feeling offended when they see someone wearing it. I also don't blame people for shunning those who choose to wear it or support the administration behind it. People who support those kind of ideals and opinions don't deserve to be treated like average people.
Even minorities who wear it? Are they Nazis too?


The left sees racism everywhere when the 2016 election shows most normal people don't. So now they have to resort to inventing racism.

Even more ironic, the above image comes from a historic peace meeting that involved people of all colors (black, white & koreans). What kind of Nazis support that?
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“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
The post you were quoting/defending in the conversation said "It's becoming one."
Regardless, swastika/hate symbol/racist, is your point not to say the MAGA hat carries the same offense?

The same level of offense? Of course not. Is it rightfully associated with racism and bigotry? Yes.

By saying its becoming a symbol I am not saying its reaching the same level as a swastika. I am saying that the hat itself and the message "MAGA" has been so totally embraced by the alt-right in such a public manner that the rest of the country can't see one of those hats and not think of racism and bigotry. It is the symbol for everything wrong with the current administration and the direction the country is going for a very large portion of the population.

Is every person that wears the hat a bigot or a racist? No.

Do alot of bigots and racists wear the hat and use the "MAGA" symbolism? Yes.

Does wearing the hat justifiy violence? Of course not.

Does it justify frustration and impatience on behalf of people who are offended by the hat and what it represents? Yes. Of course. Especially by those most affected by the current administration in a negative way.


Does it justify frustration and impatience on behalf of people who are offended by the hat and what it represents? Yes. Of course. Especially by those most affected by the current administration in a negative way.
No it does not because you are not the law. You can try to talk to the police or the manger of the burger shop to get him out of there. BUT you have no right to assault and rob a person because you disagree with his political view of voting for a totally legal political party.

I also firmly believe that modern feminism is a danger to our society and causes a lot of bullying and death threats which makes me scared for the future. BUT I will NEVER o around in public assault a feminist and rob them of their pussyhat. Why? Because I have morals and I follow the laws.
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The same level of offense? Of course not. Is it rightfully associated with racism and bigotry? Yes.

By saying its becoming a symbol I am not saying its reaching the same level as a swastika. I am saying that the hat itself and the message "MAGA" has been so totally embraced by the alt-right in such a public manner that the rest of the country can't see one of those hats and not think of racism and bigotry. It is the symbol for everything wrong with the current administration and the direction the country is going for a very large portion of the population.

Is every person that wears the hat a bigot or a racist? No.

Do alot of bigots and racists wear the hat and use the "MAGA" symbolism? Yes.

Does wearing the hat justifiy violence? Of course not.

Does it justify frustration and impatience on behalf of people who are offended by the hat and what it represents? Yes. Of course. Especially by those most affected by the current administration in a negative way.

Don't confuse people who wear MAGA hats as embracing hatred, racism, etc. It's only the left who have embraced MAGA as a symbol of hatred. Just because they believe it to be that symbol doesn't mean it actually is. As i mentioned, it's the same thing as what happened to the Pepe meme.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
No it does not because you are not the law. You can try to talk to the police or the manger of the burger shop to get him out of there. BUT you have no right to assault and rob a person because you disagree with his political view of voting for a totally legal political party.
I literally just said that it does not justify violence.

Also I am not even talking about this particular instance anymore. I am talking about frustration and impatience felt by people in general when it comes to the hat and what it represents to them. Their frustration and their impatience is justified. But that doesn't excuse violence.

Don't confuse people who wear MAGA hats as embracing hatred, racism, etc. It's only the left who have embraced MAGA as a symbol of hatred. Just because they believe it to be that symbol doesn't mean it actually is. As i mentioned, it's the same thing as what happened to the Pepe meme.
Don't confuse them?

There have been white supremacists using the hat and the MAGA tagline ever since Trump announced he was running. There were people wearing the hat and carrying tiki torches in Charlottesville. This isn't some fever dream that the Left dreamt up.
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The same level of offense? Of course not. Is it rightfully associated with racism and bigotry? Yes.

By saying its becoming a symbol I am not saying its reaching the same level as a swastika. I am saying that the hat itself and the message "MAGA" has been so totally embraced by the alt-right in such a public manner that the rest of the country can't see one of those hats and not think of racism and bigotry. It is the symbol for everything wrong with the current administration and the direction the country is going for a very large portion of the population.
If the alt-right embraced drinking water and breathing oxygen, would you find those things offensive?


I literally just said that it does not justify violence.

Also I am not even talking about this particular instance anymore. I am talking about frustration and impatience felt by people in general when it comes to the hat and what it represents to them. Their frustration and their impatience is justified. But that doesn't excuse violence.

Don't confuse them?

There have been white supremacists using the hat and the MAGA tagline ever since Trump announced he was running. There were people wearing the hat and carrying tiki torches in Charlottesville. This isn't some fever dream that the Left dreamt up.
You can be frustrated as much as you want as long you do not attack people.

Again they also using Milk as seen in my article before which also has become a alt right symbol. Just because someone uses it does not make it a symbol. And I will be honest her. MOST people ear this hat these days to trigger people. They are often trolls and they exactly want this kind of reaction t prove their point. And I will ask again what do you think of Burka's and Njab?
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“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
If the alt-right embraced drinking water and breathing oxygen, would you find those things offensive?

Okay yeah thats my cue to leave. If you aren't interested in using real arguments to have a discussion then I won't waste my time.


Why can’t people on the left just say I don’t agree with Trump and his messaging as a president however this assault on a child is wrong without trying to compare it with something else ... what the fuck is wrong with you people???


As you have seen, the video conveniently shows only the last 20 seconds of the interaction where they take a sugary shower. Strangely, the video filmed by the innocent little kid doesn't show what happened before.

You would have to be a moron to believe that abusive words weren't exchanged from both sides (from the shitty kids and the shitty leftie) leading to the dude reacting the unfortunate way he did. Provocation.

Fuck off with your straw man. People are ok with punching Nazis and the hat means he has been killing jews and blacks.


You can be frustrated as much as you want as long you do not attack people.

Again they also using Milk as seen in my article before which also has become a alt right symbol. Just because someone uses it does not make it a symbol. And I will be honest her. MOST people ear this hat these days to trigger people. They are often trolls and they exactly want this kind of reaction t prove their point. And I will ask again what do you think of Burka's and Njab?

I don't think they wear it to trigger people, I think they genuinely are Trump fans (most of them) but most of them are probably Trump fans in the same way they'd be a Ted Cruz fan or whoever won from the Republican party, they're traditional conservatives who are loyal to the party and support him because he's the kind of "straight talker anti-establishment" candidate that appeals to them. Some of them are probably racists sure, but I doubt that's their main motivator for supporting him.

And yeah, I'd also like to know what he thinks of the Burka or Njab, I see the trap you're springing and assume the reason he refuses to answer is that he sees the potential hypocrisy that argument might force him into :p
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Hipster Princess
Trump says all these things to provoke hatred and violence but you only want to lay blamed on the provoked, that's not right either
11/10 victim blaming.

Would you hold the same opinion of a woman who was raped because of the clothes she was wearing?

Or is it the adult being the "real victim" here?
Cheers to the exceptions in this thread who have kept this focused on right and wrong, and not their own politics. If people remember this thread a few months down the road, I have a strong feeling it's going to make hypocrites out of a lot of people on both sides of this argument.

Are you ALWAYS going to be all "we only saw 20 seconds of video, so who knows what happened before, and it's probably something that explains everything"? Even when the video makes the conservative / Trump voter look bad?

And are you ALWAYS going to take the position that "The video is the only real thing that we can say happened, no matter what an eye witness claims" even when the eye witness is making a claim against a liberal / anti-Trump person?

What's wrong with taking the "I have no idea what happened, it could have happened either way, and I'd like to see more actual evidence" approach?

Liberals, how about you use some of that empathy you have and consider how you'd feel if this happened to a Hillary supporter. And conservatives, we may not have proof that those kids were actually being racist, but there's nothing wrong with considering it as a hypothetical and offering a simple "well yeah, if they were being racist, then fuck them." Not that everyone identifies as a liberal or conservative in this thread, but you get the idea.

It's Jeff

Cheers to the exceptions in this thread who have kept this focused on right and wrong, and not their own politics. If people remember this thread a few months down the road, I have a strong feeling it's going to make hypocrites out of a lot of people on both sides of this argument.

Are you ALWAYS going to be all "we only saw 20 seconds of video, so who knows what happened before, and it's probably something that explains everything"? Even when the video makes the conservative / Trump voter look bad?

And are you ALWAYS going to take the position that "The video is the only real thing that we can say happened, no matter what an eye witness claims" even when the eye witness is making a claim against a liberal / anti-Trump person?

What's wrong with taking the "I have no idea what happened, it could have happened either way, and I'd like to see more actual evidence" approach?

Liberals, how about you use some of that empathy you have and consider how you'd feel if this happened to a Hillary supporter. And conservatives, we may not have proof that those kids were actually being racist, but there's nothing wrong with considering it as a hypothetical and offering a simple "well yeah, if they were being racist, then fuck them." Not that everyone identifies as a liberal or conservative in this thread, but you get the idea.

I hear you. My issue is about the conduct on display - and how we can do better. Thanks for this.
The same people who screech and cry about blacks having police called on them for selling water illegally, asked if they showered before going in a pool and whatever weekly outrage there is, are perfectly fine with teens being abused, having their property stolen and a drink thrown in their face.

All because of a fucking hat and an implied deeper meaning behind it. MAGA is not a swastika no matter how many times you try and chant the mantra.

Get a fucking grip people

It's almost like liberals these days are woefully fucking hypocritical.

I like to think liberals of several years ago wouldn't be for this sort of thing, but there's been a lot of brain drain over the last few years.
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Why can’t people on the left just say I don’t agree with Trump and his messaging as a president however this assault on a child is wrong without trying to compare it with something else ... what the fuck is wrong with you people???
I'm left wing. I wouldn't even call my self left centre these days. The kid is a shitbag who needed a good telling off and I think the MAGA hat is definitely being used as a symbol of hate in some circles but I'm also not going to condone assaulting underage people and stealing their property. It also doesn't help that it feeds into the right's victim complex that they can now run in their 24hr news cycle.


In a free and civil society we cannot tolerate people physically assaulting, threatening or attacking others merely because they find an article of dress, speech or message offensive. That's how vile savages behave.

I don't care if it's the ISIS flag, Nazi swastika, the N word, slurs against gays, insults to your mother or whatever else. We have no right to harm others because we are offended. As a Christian, I have no right to attack someone even if they wear something that blasphemes Christ (an action infinitely worse, in my opinion, than insulting mere men).

I will say that if someone does attack a person simply because they are offended, both the victim and local witnesses have every right to protect the innocent, even with violence if needed.


I'm left wing. I wouldn't even call my self left centre these days. The kid is a shitbag who needed a good telling off and I think the MAGA hat is definitely being used as a symbol of hate in some circles but I'm also not going to condone assaulting underage people and stealing their property. It also doesn't help that it feeds into the right's victim complex that they can now run in their 24hr news cycle.
"You guys sure have a victim complex after we've been attacking you non-stop"


I'm left wing. I wouldn't even call my self left centre these days. The kid is a shitbag who needed a good telling off

What? How do you know this? I hope it's not only because he wears a hat indicating his support for the Republican president. Half the country supports the president and this particular hat is very popular with Trump supporters. Surely you don't think all of the many thousands of people who wear this hat are "shitbag(s)" who "need" "a good telling off"?
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What? How do you know this? I hope it's not only because he wears a hat indicating his support for the Republican president. Half the country supports the president and this particular hat is very popular with Trump supporters. Surely you don't think all of the many thousands of people who wear this hat are "shitbag(s)" who "need" "a good telling off"?

I imagine that poster would go apeshit if you posted something about the LGBT community needing a telling off for their pride flags or any feminist for wearing a feminist clothes.

These people are becoming insane, they believe on their thoughts are correct and they are justified for whatever action they deem necessary. I was honestly shocked when I went to the other place and saw posts talking about how those kids are lucky thats all they got and how they deserved more.
What? How do you know this? I hope it's not only because he wears a hat indicating his support for the Republican president. Half the country supports the president and this particular hat is very popular with Trump supporters. Surely you don't think all of the many thousands of people who wear this hat are "shitbag(s)" who "need" "a good telling off"?

Yeah, I think that people who parade a MAGA hat do need a good telling off. While I am not about to go around comparing it to a swastika I also believe it's trollish behaviour and a symbol of a president whose policy undermines years of progress and enables hate. Also, Trump himself is a troll and an idiot. If you actively support that sort of behaviour from your commander and chief I am going to think less of you. I don't buy into the Nazi comparisons or the everyone is an alt-right goon but, yeah, I do think less of the almost 50 million who voted for Trump.

I imagine that poster would go apeshit if you posted something about the LGBT community needing a telling off for their pride flags or any feminist for wearing a feminist clothes.

These people are becoming insane, they believe on their thoughts are correct and they are justified for whatever action they deem necessary. I was honestly shocked when I went to the other place and saw posts talking about how those kids are lucky thats all they got and how they deserved more.

Yes, because right wing Trump supporters have suffered hate, ridicule and suffering on the same level as the LGBT community. You're actively feeding into the idea that the right has a victim complex.


Yeah, I think that people who parade a MAGA hat do need a good telling off. While I am not about to go around comparing it to a swastika I also believe it's trollish behaviour and a symbol of a president whose policy undermines years of progress and enables hate. Also, Trump himself is a troll and an idiot. If you actively support that sort of behaviour from your commander and chief I am going to think less of you. I don't buy into the Nazi comparisons or the everyone is an alt-right goon but, yeah, I do think less of the almost 50 million who voted for Trump.
By "people who parade a MAGA hat" you mean "people who wear a MAGA hat." But if you change "wearing" to "parading" it seems less obnoxious to be a rude douche and run up to these strangers and lecture them in a liberal "telling off," I suppose. These MAGA hat wearing people disagree with you and do not think Trump enables hate. They think that's left wing fear mongering and ignorant, ridiculous drivel. Trump may be a troll to the left (hilariously so in many cases, if you ask me) but he's no idiot. Though I'll grant he has said idiotic things on occasion. I voted Trump and will again in 2020 and you can think less of me, that's not my concern.

This thread is making me want to buy a MAGA hat now.
By "people who parade a MAGA hat" you mean "people who wear a MAGA hat." But if you change "wearing" to "parading" it seems less obnoxious to be a rude douche and run up to these strangers and lecture them in a liberal "telling off," I suppose. These MAGA hat wearing people disagree with you and do not think Trump enables hate. They think that's left wing fear mongering and ignorant, ridiculous drivel. Trump may be a troll to the left (hilariously so in many cases, if you ask me) but he's no idiot. Though I'll grant he has said idiotic things on occasion. I voted Trump and will again in 2020 and you can think less of me, that's not my concern.

This thread is making me want to buy a MAGA hat now.

If you tend to lean right and vote republican that's fine but Trump being a figurehead of that party is embarrassing and it is an embarrassment for US politics. His policy is tantamount to reversing anything that was even remotely progressive that was put into motion prior to his arrival in office.

You say he says idiotic things on occasion but from the outside as a Canadian it looks to be a weekly occurrence. That's fun to laugh at as an outsider but it's damaging for your country. Your commander and chief is currently a joke in the political community and public forum. Actively supporting him is dangerous, even if you lean politically right.

Your damn right I am going to think less of you if you haven't realized that after a year and a half of him being in office.
arrested on a warrant for theft of person

Richard has said that the man approached the teen’s table, tore off Richard’s hat and asked why Richard was wearing it. When Richard responded that he supported President Donald Trump — with whom the hat is closely associated — he says the man threw a drink in Richard’s face and walked away with the hat.
“You ain’t supportin’ s--t, n----,” the man said while leaving.

Richard has since said he would like to have a conversation with the man and “come to some sort of agreement or neutral ground.

These MAGA bigots just don't know when to stop.
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The Twit I posted on the last page....that everyone ignored?
the one where he says nigga in multiple tweets unrelated to this? People already discussed the differences between the two words and if you have something to add, do so. But don't make it sound like this is proof that the kid was saying racist shit in the fastfood place
Unfortunately the dude walked right into this mess with assault and theft. Richard can play the high ground now with trying to offer reasonable discussion. This is basically Trolling 101. The left unfortunately fall for this all too easy and it hurts the cause.
You're right. He's not a deplorable human being, he was just being trolled. What a poor guy.
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Unfortunately the dude walked right into this mess with assault and theft. Richard can play the high ground now with trying to offer reasonable discussion. This is basically Trolling 101. The left unfortunately fall for this all too easy and it hurts the cause.
Straight-up Marxist talk.

"Yes, the Left acted wrongly. Yes, this guy shouldn't have gone in with priors on his record. But you know? It's a real shame now that Richard can play the high ground and the Right gets some political brownie points. Real shame that THE CAUSE was damaged".

Carry on, Comrade. Have you read 'Invisible Man' by Ralph Ellison? You should.


The Twit I posted on the last page....that everyone ignored?
This is not really evidence though. The police takes care of this case so we should wait. Also it is not even ilegal to say this shit. he would win in a heartbeat at court.

Also looks like he celebrated 4th of July like an proud idiot. Good for him I guess.

Huh I figured something was off about the way i spelt it...oh well

Also it was 3 months age....also I'm not fine with anybody saying the N word


Huh I figured something was off about the way i spelt it...oh well

Also it was 3 months age....also I'm not fine with anybody saying the N word
This is something I can totally understand. What I personally do not like is when people base this on if they are white or not. For example thisLatino guy also said it and this gets totally ignored. If you stand by your decision that it is a bad word overall I respect this decision and support it.
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