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Adventure Time Season 6 |OT|

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My mind was blown by the food chain.

I just had to leave this here. I keep re-watching it and every time i'm like WHHOOOAAAAAA
There's not really any reason to get back into this because we've made amends, but that's not what I was arguing or taking offense to though. People like different things and that's totally awesome. If you like or dislike a different thing from me, that's totally your right and more power to you, you're right that not all people will like all the same things and thank god for that. I was taking issue to the way he worded his dislike because of a misunderstanding in the way he wrote it. Saying "I don't like this, it's not for me" is different from saying "I don't like this, the people who made it are talentless". But he explained what he meant and it's done now.

I hope I never came across like I was saying they were talentless. Just that they were overly artsy and losing the plot about a boy and his dog on an adventure. Hell, I even enjoyed the specific episode I was basing my comment on, but my son's look brought me back to reality. How many of these Lemon Hope, Sad Face, trippy episodes do we need? And why on such a regular basis?

With near infinite lore, why settle on dream sequences?

But that's ok. Adventure Time can do its thing. Our attention has strayed to the mostly amazing Nick Turtles as a result. I'm sure the CN folk don't want to hear that.

Edit: to clarify what sounds like a "so take that!" statement... My son comes away from these episodes and this show on a whole with nothing. And for me it's just a "whoa". I once wanted that AT game you guys were discussing a page back. But this show doesn't provide that sense of adventure and wonder to elicjt those feelings in me anymore. TMNT on the other hand has the wife and kid and I all on the floor recreating our own stories.
Not sure if I like the direction adventure time is going, all these artsy episodes are cool in moderation but its getting a little bit TOO trippy and to the point its feeling rushed in my opinion, and that's saying something for adventure time.
Not sure if I like the direction adventure time is going, all these artsy episodes are cool in moderation but its getting a little bit TOO trippy and to the point its feeling rushed in my opinion, and that's saying something for adventure time.
I liked when the show sparked discussion on the similarity between Billy's theme song and Finn's story arc. I liked the various lands and new folk they'd come across. I even liked the one-off episodes that further developed Ooo without Finn and Jake in the foreground. But now? Way off path. They ssid that they were changing the status quo this season and how Finn's daddy/arm dilemma would take several episodes to conclude. Yeah, maybe when most of them are non-canony filler jank.

And to think that the creators think we "just don't get it, man" as suggested in Sad Face.


Maja is now the elephant? they swapped bodies?freaky friday adventure time :p

No, though the elephant is letting her see the world through his eyes. He's not going to blindly follow her orders, but will take care of her until she wakes up from her coma.


No, though the elephant is letting her see the world through his eyes. He's not going to blindly follow her orders, but will take care of her until she wakes up from her coma.
I think the leaf thing at the end is an indicator that what you said isn't going to happen.


Good episode, would have liked to know why the witch was attacking the candy kingdom. Ending was a bit weird but I imagine they have a plan for it.

They killed off root beer guy wtihout batting an eyelid, god damn.


It's okay, at least we still have Crunchy

It was a good episode, but even more than some of the later S5 eps, this one felt like it would have benefitted from being longer.


Watched the latest episode and I did like it. it is kind of disappointing though that we had
Darren blow up right after finding that him and TWE knew each other from whatever/where ever they came from.
The ending section was pretty good as well and wasn't expecting that at all.

To your points Moon, I think the show continues to evolve as Finn ages and we move away from more childhood adventures into the darker reality that exists out in the world. It's not all negative and gray, but the tone is shifting as Finn starts to see that life isn't all just sunshine and lollipops. I'd say it would work better if Finn aged more in real time than through random jumps in age as to match the pace of its viewers and if the show originally had catered to early teens instead of kids at or under the age of 10.

As adults we can grow to respect and understand the direction of the show, but younger audiences are left in the dust without any kind of fallback on the more silly, goofy episodes. I think we will see a lot more of these types of episodes going forward through to the end of the series.
Watched the latest episode and I did like it. it is kind of disappointing though that we had
Darren blow up right after finding that him and TWE knew each other from whatever/where ever they came from.
The ending section was pretty good as well and wasn't expecting that at all.

To your points Moon, I think the show continues to evolve as Finn ages and we move away from more childhood adventures into the darker reality that exists out in the world. It's not all negative and gray, but the tone is shifting as Finn starts to see that life isn't all just sunshine and lollipops. I'd say it would work better if Finn aged more in real time than through random jumps in age as to match the pace of its viewers and if the show originally had catered to early teens instead of kids at or under the age of 10.

As adults we can grow to respect and understand the direction of the show, but younger audiences are left in the dust without any kind of fallback on the more silly, goofy episodes. I think we will see a lot more of these types of episodes going forward through to the end of the series.
True, and tbe creators have even stated as much. I guess I've fallen into the trap where I start feeling like I can come up with my own AT stories, hope for a game and partake on adventures with my son and the show starts tryng to be unpredictable. It's no secret that some quality has dropped once certain writers have left. What has any of these past fews episodes added to the plot? (I haven't seen the latest yet but I'm sure it was back to formula?) Finn knows about the circle of life? Greed is bad? Jake's tail comes to life and puts on an artsy performance? Deeeep.


True, and tbe creators have even stated as much. I guess I've fallen into the trap where I start feeling like I can come up with my own AT stories, hope for a game and partake on adventures with my son and the show starts tryng to be unpredictable. It's no secret that some quality has dropped once certain writers have left. What has any of these past fews episodes added to the plot? (I haven't seen the latest yet but I'm sure it was back to formula?) Finn knows about the circle of life? Greed is bad? Jake's tail comes to life and puts on an artsy performance? Deeeep.

Food Chain can't be included in this discussion as it was written by a guest writer. Fairly certain its not even officially canon, though it probably could be as its pretty stand alone.
Food Chain can't be included in this discussion as it was written by a guest writer. Fairly certain its not even officially canon, though it probably could be as its pretty stand alone.
I liked the episode despite my seemingly negative comments towards it. It just happens to be part of a trend that I feel is becoming the downfall of this show. Even the dialogue has taken a hit. Almost as if they can't get the actors in the same room at the same time anymore.


Adventure time was never really meant to be a show that would spark canon discussions... The "filler" episodes that some people complain about are the main point of the show.


True, and tbe creators have even stated as much. I guess I've fallen into the trap where I start feeling like I can come up with my own AT stories, hope for a game and partake on adventures with my son and the show starts tryng to be unpredictable. It's no secret that some quality has dropped once certain writers have left. What has any of these past fews episodes added to the plot? (I haven't seen the latest yet but I'm sure it was back to formula?) Finn knows about the circle of life? Greed is bad? Jake's tail comes to life and puts on an artsy performance? Deeeep.
You're looking for deeper meaning in episodes that aren't supposed to have any. Adventure time has always been about one off stories. The episodes that add to the overall plot have always been few and far in between, though there have been much more of them as of late. Adventure time doesn't have filler, because its not a serial show. Adventure time is and has always been a way for the creators to be silly and imaginative in whatever ways they see fit. Sometimes they are more successful than others. And the episodes that add to the overall plot are just bonus rewards for the longtime fans, not the entire foundation of what the show is.

So no, I don't believe there has been even a slight drop in quality. The tone of the show has changed but it is still has funny, imaginative and occasionally deep as ever.


Adventure time was never really meant to be a show that would spark canon discussions... The "filler" episodes that some people complain about are the main point of the show.

Yeah. If I remember right they didn't even really start to build the world and establish character history until season 2.
My point is, the non-plot driven episodes were way more fun once upon a time. My favorite episode is the one where they deal with that shady demon and end up leveling up through the wizard ranks before being suckered into thwarting a meteor strike. It had everything that made Adventure Time... Adventure Time. It was a one-off, lore expansioning adventure full of humor and mysticism. It didn't drive the overarching plot so that's not necessarily what I want or need from AT.

But when the show evolved to become more self-conscious of its plot/lore, having episodes with limited amounts of what makes the show (including the voice actors) week after week doesn't sit well with me.
Good episode, would have liked to know why the witch was attacking the candy kingdom. Ending was a bit weird but I imagine they have a plan for it.

They killed off root beer guy wtihout batting an eyelid, god damn.

They said why she was attacking the Candy Kingdom: it was the greatest source of good feelings and emotions in all of Ooo, and that's what gives her her powers.

Also the majority of this episode was from the movie so if they ever decide to make a movie again at least they'll have to come up with a new [hopefully better] plot.
The new episode reminds me of an issue I had with "Lemonhope" (heresy, I know). I really do not care much about the grand adventure of a character that had only appeared in one episode beforehand or in this case just this one episode, especially when a big problem for a while has been that Finn hasn't actually been doing much adventuring. Now with Lemonhope, I could get his significance, but Shelby's "butt" coming to life and going on an adventure because he was told do didn't feel compelling at all to me. On that note, a big issue with this episode is that "Lemonhope" already did the hero's journey thing, except longer. The Rat King was a neat villain, though.


The new episode reminds me of an issue I had with "Lemonhope" (heresy, I know). I really do not care much about the grand adventure of a character that had only appeared in one episode beforehand or in this case just this one episode, especially when a big problem for a while has been that Finn hasn't actually been doing much adventuring. Now with Lemonhope, I could get his significance, but Shelby's "butt" coming to life and going on an adventure because he was told do didn't feel compelling at all to me. On that note, a big issue with this episode is that "Lemonhope" already did the hero's journey thing, except longer. The Rat King was a neat villain, though.

Better than the last few episodes, though. Plus the tree thing might have an impact on the story.
Ah man I loved that episode! But I'm super biased because not only is the party scene at the beginning based on an actual event that happened at a friend's housewarming party last year (someone stabbed themselves in the hand!) but my friend and fellow PuppyCat scribe Maddi Flores boarded this one, and she and her fiance Jay wrote the song!

This was essentially what an episode of her online comic Help Us, Great Warrior! would be like, IMO. It was so charming!

People gotta change the record with the "not enough Finn & Jake" complaints. They changed the name of the show from "Adventure Time with Finn & Jake Presents" to just "Adventure Time Presents" years ago, they've said a bunch of times they want to be able to tell stories about all kinds of different characters beyond just Finn & Jake, and they've even tried to get a non-F&J episode nominated for an Oscar.

"But the Finn & Jake episodes happen so infrequently now". No. Of the 11 aired Season 6 episodes, only three have not focused on them. Finn ages in the show. He's going through the emotional turmoil of being a teenager right now and he just met his dad, found out he's a huge dick, lost his arm, got it back, and realized he still has feelings for PB. Not every episode he's in is gonna be running around looking for adventures and treasure. Luckily we have secondary characters to fill those gaps for people, and a creative team that's not afraid to focus on other characters beyond the main two. For gosh sake, last week's episode was the major fight sequence from the scrapped Adventure Time movie turned into its own episode, and still people aren't happy.

Edit: Goddamn I am so grumpy.


All right episode. I still don't know how Butt grew arms and legs.

He's going through the emotional turmoil of being a teenager right now and he just met his dad, found out he's a huge dick, lost his arm, got it back, and realized he still has feelings for PB.

I think the problem with this is that we did it before in the last season.
Sure sure, Finn has appeared in several episodes. The problem is, I can't remember the last time I actually liked Finn as a character in his episodes. WordAssassin, you mentioned how the crew is willing to do more episodes focusing on other characters, but I also get the impression that the crew is losing interest in Finn. It says a lot about Finn as a character now that it's hard to imagine him undertaking a quest like the one in "Little Brother" anymore, at least without monumentally screwing it up. Perhaps what we need is several episodes in a row without Finn at all, and when we see him again, he may be interesting again.
Sure sure, Finn has appeared in several episodes. The problem is, I can't remember the last time I actually liked Finn as a character in his episodes. WordAssassin, you mentioned how the crew is willing to do more episodes focusing on other characters, but I also get the impression that the crew is losing interest in Finn. It says a lot about Finn as a character now that it's hard to imagine him undertaking a quest like the one in "Little Brother" anymore, at least without monumentally screwing it up. Perhaps what we need is several episodes in a row without Finn at all, and when we see him again, he may be interesting again.

I think it would be nice if Jake took Finn on an adventure to clear his mind and try to get him back on track. He could screw up a couple times because his head isn't in the right place, and then have to get his shit together when things go really crazy.

That's a danger of having a character age in the show, though. Their interests will change, but not necesarily with the interests of the audience.

I don't know if the writers are losing interest in Finn, so much as now they have an enormous cast of interesting characters with other stories they want to tell. They had to wait several seasons before they could start telling their stories, so it's almost like they're playing catch up. I haven't watched The Simpsons in a LONG time, but I know their character list is like, astronomical. Imagine if they weren't just background characters, though, and we got episodes just about like, Lenny and Carl, or Comic Book Guy, with little to no interactions with the Simpsons family.

We'll get several Finn-less episodes starting with the next one. There's a Jake-centric episode focusing on him and his kids, then an Ice King episode, and then a LSP and Marcy episode.
The "Finn is getting older so he has changed" defense is weak when we're talking about an animated show with endless options for story beats. Why couldn't the last episode be about Finn imagining his still-severed arm going on adventures without him while he stays back sulking and feeling inadequate without it? They can still have Finn grow while still focusing on him and his journey.... otherwise, how do get to experience it?

Seeing a new Finn in similar situations would be ideal imo. They've always managed to keep the show fresh, so I wouldn't worry about "similar situations" getting stale.
After Something Big, I still stand by my opinion that biggest thing killing this show's growth is the 11 minute episode format. Also the fact that they completely disregarded two characters that were built into the lore made me mad. They need to stop creating characters that will impact the world if they are just going to sweep them under the rug later. At least with the last episode they had the courtesy to sweep the character under the rug at the end of the episode.
That episode was fantastic and the ending made me legit "Awwwww" out loud.

When they were trying to figure out the money thing I totally thought the writers were gonna pull a monster troll and have one of them suggest going on a quest to find some gold and then the other shoot it down. Woulda been amazing~~~


I loved this episode. Kim Kil Whan getting hit in the face with rocks was hilarious. And I loved how Finn just didn't really realize what was going on until about 6 minutes on.

Cool to finally see more of Jake's kids.


Another great sweet episode and always nice to see more of Jakes kids
Fantastic looking episode also today, really loved the walk through the woods

I can't say I cared too much for the latest episode yesterday. Adventure Time has been extremely hit or miss with me this season. Many more misses than hits unfortunately. Yesterday's episode just simply was not entertaining. Regular Show at least has been consistently good since the beginning. It really makes me sad to see one of my favorite shows just not appeal to me with the current episodes. Some have been okay (I rather liked the one with Shelby and his little brother. It was well put together and written.) but on the whole, the show just isn't hitting the marks for me like it used to.

I really hope Steven Universe comes back soon as that hits the notes that Adventure Time used to.


I can't say I cared too much for the latest episode yesterday. Adventure Time has been extremely hit or miss with me this season. Many more misses than hits unfortunately. Yesterday's episode just simply was not entertaining. Regular Show at least has been consistently good since the beginning. It really makes me sad to see one of my favorite shows just not appeal to me with the current episodes. Some have been okay (I rather liked the one with Shelby and his little brother. It was well put together and written.) but on the whole, the show just isn't hitting the marks for me like it used to.

I really hope Steven Universe comes back soon as that hits the notes that Adventure Time used to.

Well, the shows audience has expanded greatly beyond its original size. The writers are seeing more opportunities to tell different types of stories so their running with it. Unfortunately, I don't think it's working out too well. They've been heading down a darker path for quite a while now and I'm beginning to feel as though the show is starting to be restrained by the fact that its marketed as a kids' show. Not only that, I think they have also reached a limit in what they can accomplish during 11 minutes.
Well, the shows audience has expanded greatly beyond its original size. The writers are seeing more opportunities to tell different types of stories so their running with it. Unfortunately, I don't think it's working out too well. They've been heading down a darker path for quite a while now and I'm beginning to feel as though the show is starting to be restrained by the fact that its marketed as a kids' show. Not only that, I think they have also reached a limit in what they can accomplish during 11 minutes.

That's part of the issue for sure. It feels like they want to tell completely different stories than they originally did to do the show in the first place. That's fine and it's their show to do it and take it down it's path. I don't believe they can do the stuff they want to do in 11 minute episodes.

In addition, this last episode took a heavily political tone to explaining income inequality and how it propagates. I have no problem with telling different stories or even darker stories. They just aren't being done well. Maybe the show would be done better if it was on Adult Swim with less restraint. Last Thursday's episode probably would resonate better there as well and they would have probably been able to do a better job on it.
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