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After Destiny, do you trust the games media more?


Trust isn't really much of an issue for me. Regardless of what they say in the review it doesn't decide whether I purchase a game or not. It's simply another opinion, some I just tend to agree with more than others. Guess that's why I basically spend most of my time on GiantBomb at this point. They tend to show me the game and I can make my own conclusions, as reviews are not a major part of what they do.

Shpeshal Nick

aka Collingwood
Makes me trust them even less. Like they are spoiled children mad they didn't get to play a game early like they usual do. Really just highlighted how ridiculous they usual are to see gaming outlets suddenly reviewing a AAA game with honesty.

Funny enough, I think that turned out to be a good thing. Maybe reviewers being pissed allowed them to remove their hype goggles while reviewing it.

Too many big budget games these days are getting much higher reviews than they deserve. Most AAA Pgames these days are getting scores at least 2 points higher than they should. Not all, but most.


Todd Howard's Secret GAF Account
Destiny was a title that was hyped beyond belief and had a massive marketing campaign behind it, yet quite a few game review sites were critical of the game's failings and scored it accordingly. Do you trust them more now as a result?

Nope, because I think they are being critical because of the hype machine. Having a blast with it.


A mediocre to sub-par game getting mediocre to sub-par reviews scores doesn't sway my opinion one way or the other in terms of trust.


Reminds me of that Chris Rock stand up piece, where some guy proudly proclaims that he has "never been to jail!" and "i take care of my kids!" as a means to impress you

"You are suppose to do those things you dumb motherfucker!"

The fact that, for once, *some* of them seemed not to fallen for the hype/incentives and we are ready to praise them really tells you how just how terrible things are with the games media.

Its like praising a criminal for going 24 hours without stealing, robbing, beating or killing "Wow what a great person you are, well done!"
I would hope that people's trust or distrust of media doesn't hinge on a video game's review scores.

My distrust in media comes from more than just review scores.
Games media in general has me feeling ja-ja-jaded.

and to some extent, the media as a whole.


For me it doesn't have anything to do with trust. I just feel like reviews don't matter anymore, as there are far better ways these days to find out whether a game is going to be for you or not. I can't even remember the last time I read or watched a review outside of being curious if their opinion matched up with my own. The only opinion I care about when it comes to the enjoyment of a game is my own. By the time a game is released these days there are countless gameplay videos out there that provide more than enough insight into what to expect from any given game.

Destiny is actually a fantastic example of this. If you bought the game and you were surprised by what the game actually was, then that is on you. You didn't need a review to tell you what Destiny was going to be. There were countless videos depicting exactly what the game was, and it was incredibly easy to get into the Beta to find out if it was for you. There shouldn't have been any surprise here, and if there was then you need to do a better job of researching products that you are buying, or do a better job analyzing the information that is out there.

Destiny has it's flaws for sure, but it is still a really fun game. Just because it may not be a style of game that YOU enjoy doesn't mean it's a bad game. People seem like they are dead set on attacking this game every chance they get.
I didn't trust them to begin with. Heck, I had no idea Destiny scored so low. I'm gonna go check out the current drama regarding this games review scores.


I only trust my own opinion.
Having a blast with destiny, 9/10 experience, 19 times out of 20. Margin of error +-4%.
Good times.
The games media weren't the only ones hyping the game. A lot of people on GAF were too. It happens, people get excited for a game and then get disappointed when it comes out. If you enjoy the game, the reviews should not matter at all.
One victory doesn't make you a conqueror.

Between the games I've loved with crap reviews and the times I was burned by inflated scores, it'll take more than one Meta score to change my view of the gaming press.

For all I know, I'll love the game when I get a chance to play it. It wouldn't be the first time that happened.
I still don't trust them. If I have concerns and enough credible evidence mounts that suggest those concerns are valid or a bigger deal than I initially anticipated, and the games media is honestly reflecting that in its reviews, then good for them. But that doesn't somehow mean I'll start taking a different approach to how I evaluate which games I purchase and am excited to play.

I'm still the one and only best judge of what I like. This is precisely why despite all the Destiny hype, and despite being such a huge fan of Bungie's work, I ultimately wasn't convinced by the game. I tried many times to see if there was something there for me, and, at times, I thought I finally had that. But in each and every case it never lasted too long because those same doubts would come back yet again. Even before the reviews came out, I was pretty comfortable in the fact that I wouldn't be getting Destiny.

And if by some chance it turned out I was wrong, and the game truly was as good as all the hype had suggested, then I saw nothing wrong with me picking it up at a much later date. The game wasn't going anywhere.

Actually, I'm enjoying Destiny far more than review scores suggest, so if anything it reaffirms my stance of not listening to subjective reviews and making my own decision.

That's the way to do it.



games that i liked or didn't like that the reviewers scored high >>> Games whose scores i agreed with at least from my experiences.

New Super Mario Bros is an example of what i am saying. Scores are high for that series. For me, it is the same boring game as last time.

The best reviews are the gameplay footage so you can see for yourself if you want it or not.


No. Barring a select few, I never trust game's journalists or value their opinion.

I kind of knew what to except from Destiny from playing the beta. Reading impressions and reviews solidified my assumptions, so in this case I trusted my gut and was right.
Yeah . . . actually. A little bit more. Reviews are always very subjective. But when they are willing to slam a big game like Destiny from Activision that spreads out a lot of advertising money . . . that does make me feel that they are not so beholden.
no because game review sites are still largely run by advertising dollars from videogame publishers. until that changes you cant trust them
I'm a bit pleasantly surprised, but I still don't trust them. Just because Bungie doesn't pay people off doesn't mean that the other big names don't.
Not really. Reviewing a game after 100s of thousands (millions?) have already played it tends to make your reviews focus more on reality. When they start consistently giving accurate appraisals of games BEFORE they come out we can talk.

However with the amount on information out there on games, I don't really need reviews anymore. My own impressions of games have proven to be more accurate. Even with that, digital sales removes any need I have for preordering. After being vindicated with Destiny, I now plan on waiting for games to be released, and if the word of mouth is good I can be up and playing in a matter of hours without any effort. There really is no upside to gambling with preorders.
How are you going to blame the games media for this? Or even try to fault Bungie for being dishonest? They made a huge chunk of the game available to EVERYONE for close to a week. For free. They laid their cards on the table months before release.

As for games media, they do their best to see through marketing shit but remember they only get to play what Bungie and Activision want them to see.

Marketing is always going to be hyperbolic regardless of the medium. Look at all the Apple marketing stuff. It'll make you believe the Apple Watch was forged by Jesus wielding Mjolnir. Don't be so naive.

People complaining that Destiny fell well short of expectations are entitled to that. I'd agree with them. People complaining that it was "over hyped" need to grow the hell up and realize every publisher will hype their game as much as they can get away with. People complaining that Bungie misled on the size of Destiny need to stop, remember the beta, and read the dozens of articles that outlined exactly how many zones the game would have. There were literally no surprises to be had about how much Destiny was in this game.
I trust them now more than ever.

It seems they're finally learning not to rate highly because the games budget tells them to. Destiny in my opinion is avery very very average game. At best. The reviews are mostly reflecting that that whch is fantastic to see.

I don't want to see an Uncharted 3 situation ever again.

its you opinion of the game based on actually playing the full game? or like most of the "its a mediocre game" crowd just by reading the reviews?


Huh? What did I say? Did I screw up again? :(
People need to grow up. If you get so worked up by hype and can't take responsibility for your own disappointment then maybe you shouldn't be exposed to society. Last I checked, the Destiny hype wasn't that much. You saw the game at events but there was never that much to show so what exactly were you being fueled with? Destiny themed consoles? Downloadable textures? Clearly, if you were hyped then you got what you deserved. Don't go trying to place the blame elsewhere. Its because of shit thinking like this that so many people see the vocal population of people who play games as representatives of an immature and entitled group of trouble makers.


Huh? What did I say? Did I screw up again? :(
Uh, maybe you should go back and check again...

Maybe people are exposing themselves too much to marketing. Seriously, I remember E3 presentations, and people posting cheap looking console and texture packs. What the hell was there besides that? Even if there was probably more, the consumer isn't some lab rat with devices keeping their eyes open as media drips content into it. They're people with free choice. I have ZERO sympathy for the sucker and his money.
Destiny is my favorite game this year, but I stopped trusting any media outlet a long time ago. I think that the only person that can "hype" an adult on anything is themselves. Learn to temper your expectations, stop listening to the advice of folks that you don't know, and life will become much more enjoyable.
So its ok for 'people' to be excited for an upcoming game, but not the media?

Seriously, the hype for Destiny was not manufactured by the media. The hype was coming from reasonable expectations based on Bungie's history, their $100 million+ budget and what they've said about the game. Like I said - if there's anybody you want to trust less in all this, its Bungie, for letting you down. Blaming the media is ridiculous.

What about Dark Souls?

I think most people just tend to focus on the negative examples and forget all the other times that the media and reviews seem entirely reasonable in relation to public opinion. And in fact, reviews of Destiny seem to be mirroring what people on here playing it are saying pretty damn closely. But somehow its *still* a problem with the media.

I really don't get it. I think its simply become a popular notion to bash the media nowadays.

I prefer my media to be objective and to think with their heads and not emotions.

Bungie achieved what they set out to do earlier in development on PS4. It was very late in the game that they actually achieved 1080P on XB1, there was no forced parity. They would of released the PS4 version at 1080, even if they couldn't get the XB1 version there.

The PS4 is not powerful enough to run Destiny at 60 FPS. Destiny is such a completely sterile and dull world to begin with, why would anyone really think there would be extra effects for the PS4 version? There's not even interaction in the environment at all apart from press x for ghost to scan something and shooting enemies.

He won't be supporting many multiplatform developers then if that's the way he feels about this. I guess he'll only be purchasing exclusive games that are actually meant to take advantage of hardware/features of a particular platform. It boggles my mind this superiority complex that some have for a cross-gen game. If your mad about this, surely you were never supporting Bungie/Activision with this game due to last gen consoles holding the game back.


Thing is, hype isn't always to deceive people into buying something they know will be bad (well, maybe on the publisher side it can be this, but I mean on the media side of things). They genuinely are excited for the game. They can't know how the final game will turn out until it's actually done, just like we don't know. My issue I think, is that I think as gamers, the media needs to step back and stop letting their excitement effect their work. I know, that sounds like an impossible thing to ask. I guess what I'm really trying to say is, I don't think the press should be participating in the hype machine part of the marketing.

It's cool to report on a game, but some of the fluff pieces are really gross.

Yeah people often treat game journos as slick dealers when many of their biggest failings is just getting excited about a game too much like other fans. The IGN Xbox guys recently talked about that with Titanfall--how they realized that they let their excitement get in tr way of their coverage.


I've never "trusted" the games media in my life, and it blows my mind that people are kicking up such a huge fuss.

Reviews are just opinions, and they hold no more value than any other opinion you might encounter on the internet. I daresay most members of Gaf have played just as many games as your average reviewer, probably many more in a lot of cases. The "games media" is just a bunch of dudes like us.

By all means read the ones you like, but do your own research too. Watch gameplay videos, read impressions from other players, try demos.


After Destiny, I trust Bungie less.

Unfortunately, this is true. I'm kind of stunned that this is the best they can do given the amount of time and money they've had at their disposal. Don't get me wrong, I think Destiny is a good game. But it's far, far short of the mark set by any of the Bungie produced Halo games.
Titanfall was the straw that broke the camel's back for me. Destiny's hype just does a little dance on the dead camel's rotting corpse. My go-to source now are walkthrough videos on youtube, they show me all I need to know without all the bullshit hype and ridiculous review scores.
I don't give games media any more trust or merit than I do national media. I form my own opinions and educate myself on things I care about, i don't need to have my opinions validated by another group. i am open to discussion, I don't like one-sided conversations.
Destiny was a title that was hyped beyond belief and had a massive marketing campaign behind it, yet quite a few game review sites were critical of the game's failings and scored it accordingly. Do you trust them more now as a result?

why? its a great game and they scored it low because they didn't get to review it early. i understand why they had to do that and even agree with their logic, but it doesn't make me trust them more than before.
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