Rather than replace my present slothful fast-food-eating, ass-enlarging lifestyle with a healthy one, I've started taking over-the-shelf multi-vitamins in a futile attempt to balance myself out more. Ever since taking them though, I notice I seem to blow out the 'ole butt steam quite abit more than usual. Is this a common reaction? Is there something particular in your average multi-vitamin that would cause this? And am I likely to notice any real change in my energy level if I take these things regularly, because honestly, it's like having to swallow a rock everyday. And not a nice water-polished rock - a shitty rock. A rock that you would look at and say "man, I'd hate to have to swallow that bitch". Maybe it's because I'm buying the Wal-Mart knock-off kind. Anyways...I'm sure there was a question in this thread somewhere...and hyphens, lots and lots of hyphens. Thanks.