so, this is pretty obnoxious from aksys at this point
3 days ago:
not sure on dub, still a possibility, but unlikely. Out of aksys control
2 days ago:
Aksys made a (dumb) decision but are standing by it. Not pictured a few posts where they start telling the two people that agreed with them how smart the decision was
LOL why you talking to Aksys, this is all on arc
Like, what the fuck are you even doing aksys, to requote page 1
Aksys has turned into such a shit company.
whatever, in the end I dont care about who or why, its just confusing how they are treating this. I care that its gone and one of my favorite things has been removed from one of my favorite series
Reading Patrick Seitz's post again after letting it sizzle for a while
After all this time, it hurts to be told that we’re not so central to the fiction after all.
After reading comments on 6 different websites, it definitely seems that regardless that Aksys and ASW believe that, the overwhelming amount of fans disagree
Its just the internet so maybe it wont make a difference in the grand scheme, but this does look like it will affect the bottom line. Unfortunately, as Patrick said it, even if the sales are bad they will most likely assume it has nothing to do with the dub and just use the decreased revenue of the series as an excuse to not dub future titles.