A religious bigoted group is guaranteed.
You're not paying attention.
I posted 3 YouTube videos that show you that people believe in this fake leak.
Here it is again. This time, I'm going to highlight the parts in red.
- One of the surgeons Joel killed had a daughter called Abby
- The Firefly massacre destroyed her whole life, she's been looking for revenge ever since
- Knew who Ellie was because of her dad talking about their shot at a cure, figured out Joel from Firefly records
- Cult attacks Ellie's settlement and she, Jesse, and Dinah are part of the group sent to track down and attack it - Jesse is killed during this
- Ellie is now violently angry and goes to Seattle looking for the cults home to wipe it out, meets Joel there because he heard about Jesse and came back to help her
- Abby finds Ellie because she's been in conflict with the cult too, so when Ellie hunts them to Seattle and is set to attack them with Joel her group find them and attack
- She kills Joel herself, takes Ellie back to camp debating what to do with her since for all her hate she doesn't blame her for the massacre
- Ellie butchers her group to escape and Abby is now motivated to hunt her down
- Second half of the game is spent as Abby chasing Ellie
- Ellie continues hunting the cult while you chase her down
- Ending is Ellie and Abby fighting to the death
- You kill Ellie as Abby, and she leaves while realizing she's not really "won" in any meaningful way since all she's done is get more of her loved ones killed for the sake of her killing Joel and then Ellie
- Ending is "cycle of revenge" with the loose implication Ellie's friends will hunt Abby now in return
This basically says Ellie is after the cult and not to get revenge against Abby or the WLF members.
What you're not understand is that the
cult is NOT the main focus of this game, it's Ellie getting revenge against Abby and
NOT the cult.
If you believe in this leak, then that:
1. Ellie is getting revenge against the cult and not Abby
2. Joel dies by the hands of Abby and you're not getting your revenge against her.
3. Joel dies with no respect because you switch to Abby right after Joel dies.
4. Ellie and Joel both die at the end of the game.
Again, I'm not saying the cult is NOT religious, they're just not the main focus of this game and Ellie is not seeking revenge against them as other YouTubers believe.
What could possibly be in the game that is missing that redeems the Abby asspull and what they did to Joel?
"She looked cute in the scene and helped fighting bad people, and Joel did some mean thing we didn't know so screw him"? Naaaah.
What's missing is key details.
The leakers likely havne't seen the ending and that's why we have little detail on how the game ends.
It says the Epilogue ends with Lev and Abby finding the remaining fireflies.
What about the Santa Barbara chapter?
Doesn't say anything.
This seems like the beginning of the Santa Barbara chapter not the Epilogue.
What goes against the plot detail that they're going to make Ellie out to be the villain is this cutscene from the Village .
This is a scene that shows Ellie putting on Joel's jacket to go after Abby. Does this fit the villain narrative? It doesn't.
We don't know if you play as Abby half way through the game. We may have the option to play through her story after beating Ellie's story. If that happens, then that changes a lot of things. What may point in this direction is that Abby's and Ellie's story begins and ends at the same time.