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Amiibo Thread 7 | Now Lucina, now you don't

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I just pulled up my Amiibo spreadsheet and realized how much is coming out on Friday! That should be fun....

What won't be fun is trying to do a Gamestop preorder. I might just take the L and pay an extra five bucks to get him later from a 3rd party seller somewhere.



I forget, can you order online for in store pickup for GS, or do you actually have to go to the store? Because ideally I guess I would rather go grab it than pay for shipping, but it'd be lame to have to go line up at a Gamestop or whatever to go preorder. (In theory the preorders may go fine and be every bit as easy as the retro pack, but I'm kind of also worried about them counterbalancing having so many of those and moving back towards Ness level stock).


Unconfirmed Member
I forget, can you order online for in store pickup for GS, or do you actually have to go to the store? Because ideally I guess I would rather go grab it than pay for shipping, but it'd be lame to have to go line up at a Gamestop or whatever to go preorder. (In theory the preorders may go fine and be every bit as easy as the retro pack, but I'm kind of also worried about them counterbalancing having so many of those and moving back towards Ness level stock).

Remember what happened last time they said it would be online.

Never forget Ness Day.

Velcro Fly


will it last 90 minutes for me to get out of work and get home to a computer to order

i really doubt it!

Also Ness was the worst. I was like third in line and it just would not work for me. So I gave up and left. Then the system started working again so I went back to try again and they had just sold out like 15 minutes before. It was also about 85 in my local GS and I was so hot and got really light headed and thought I was going to pass out in line.


Gives all the fucks
Hyrule Warriors Legends confirmed to have amiibo support. Basically, Zelda characters = rare weapon once a day, everyone else, material or rupees once a day.

Link doesn't unlock the Spinner as it's already in the game, available from the start. Basically, it's the same as the Wii U version, excluding the Link = Spinner unlock.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Got Mabel and Lottie.
I just noticed how short the AC amiibo are compared to the others.
I probably won't focus on getting the four that come out Friday so soon, especially when the AC amiibo aren't flying off shelves like the Smash Bros ones. That's why Lucas will be the focus.


Roy is up on the European Amazon sites if anyone is worried about Gamestop running out tomorrow:




They also have R.O.B. (Famicom Colors), & Ryu and a stand-alone Wolf Link amiibo up for pre-order!


The Pokemon 20th Anniversary & Super Mario Maker New 3DS faceplates are up too!



Gives all the fucks
Man, I REALLY wish I could have a regular N3DS for that Super Mario Maker faceplate...

....also, Roy's box being green is rather weird. I figured it would've been red.
Remember what happened last time they said it would be online.

Never forget Ness Day.

that day was hell, will never forget it
waited 3 fucking hours just to pre order Ness, remember the system crashing and everyone laughing going wtf , amiibos broke gamestop, shit was nuts

I just wanted a Ness and that took 20 minutes when i finally got to the front, was so shook since it sold out like 10 minutes after

never again man, Cloud please be flooded everywhere, forget everyone else >:)


Finally the friday wave gets best buy shipping. Wait, closest they can do is Jan 29th? Oh. Ohhhhhhhhhh. Great. Cool. Awesome. Welp. Time to order Lucas and wait on AC because I don't know.


Unconfirmed Member
I decided to go in tomorrow myself. I have a bit of time before I have to work on things. I wonder if there will be a line for it? Maybe come half an hour early?


Unconfirmed Member
Cute! Since the kiosk leaks seem to be true, I put up a preemptive AC Wave 3.



New AC wave sooner than I expected even with the leaks and another Isabelle. Please someone, anyone, send help. My wallet wants to die.

I was also able to get free shipping on Lucas either because GCU or because it's still kind of a preorder.


So I gotta get up early tomorrow for Gamestop, then drive 10 miles to get to the place where I got a Lucas Best Buy pre-order on Friday.

I got this.


Gives all the fucks
Is there a minimum price for Gamestop's online pre-orders, or is it like Amazon where they only charge come release day?
Use the code "SAVER" before checking out to get free value shipping on orders $25+. So if you order two amiibo, it'll qualify.


Yeah, Summer Isabelle/Timmy&Tommy/Rover/Kapp'n place holders are up on Amazon.co.jp. Hoping Ryu/Roy go up on pre order soon in Japan as well.

edit - Yup, was just able to pre order the wave 3 AC Amiibo. They are up!
US PR confirms a March 18th release for Animal Crossing wave 3 Amiibo and series 3 Amiibo Cards, but only confirms Rover, Kappn, Timmy & Tommy, and a stand alone Digby.

Where's my Summer Isabelle, NOA?!

The PR also confirms a March release for Roy, Ryu, and Famicom ROB and Amiibo support in Star Fox Zero.


The US PR mentions that all Pokémon are being restocked in time for the anniversary. I know Charizard has been somewhat difficult to find, so that's good news there. I'd assume this also means Jigglypuff will be releasing wide now, ending Target's exclusivity.


Sweet! Just got the "ready for pickup tomorrow" emails from Best Buy for Lucas, Celeste, Blathers, Kicks and Resetti. All aboard the hype train!
Timmy and Tommy so dang cute. I need.

Do we happen to know what stock will be like for wave 2 Animal Crossing? I can't imagine them being short packed considering the stock on the first wave.

I'm hoping we'll get some reprints of Zelda ones for TPHD. I haven't seen Shiek or Toon Link on shelves for a very long time.


Unconfirmed Member
I never get tired of getting news from Nintendo immediately following an OT update. Updated again!



Unconfirmed Member
As long as we GET Summer Isabelle at some point, I'll be happy...

Alright, I'm heading out soon for my Roy pre-order. Who else is going?


Yeah, I'll be heading out to get there 10 minutes before preorders start. I'd like to imagine only 10 people maybe will be at the store. Well, hopefully.
Ugh. I'd try to preorder online, but I don't want to pay shipping. And I'm not leaving work early for this BS.

I guess I'll pre-buff my cart with some things I've been trying to get case upgrades for... oh that's right, they charge you shipping twice in that case, once for the stuff that ships immediately and again for the preorder stuff. So I HAVE to preorder Roy twice to get free shipping. Ugh. I'll just return the second upon arrival.


amiiboGAF… where do I start? I’ve been lurking around here for a VERY LONG TIME, so now that my account has been approved I thought I’d venture over and say hello.

I remember being at my homies house playing Mario Kart prior to amiibo being released & he showed me these things on Amazon, ALL of them available for preorder at the time, & I scuffed them off as a Skylanders/Infinity clone – “Why would I preorder those? You can buy any Skylander/Infinity figure you want in stores at any time” I thought.

My interest didn’t peek until Wave 2 was released & I saw (a picture of) the Pit figure. At the time, I was unaware of the amiibo craze, so I waltz into my local GameStop thinking I will find one on the shelf &… LOL!, I’m sure we all know how that went. I did, however, leave with a Fox amiibo, so it wasn’t a total loss. At that point, I was on board. I picked up a few more figures here and there (Pikachu was #2, the rest is kind of a blur) & began to frequent forums (NeoGAF/reddit) for discussion & release/restock information. Even though I didn’t post anywhere, I soaked up as much information as I could & for the most part, it paid off in the end. I specifically remember getting off work one day & refreshing whatever OT we were on at the time and a user had posted two links – stating that GameStop had Little Mac & Captain Falcon available for purchase. Added them to my cart with no issues, checked out, paid, & received my packages a few days later – I could now say I had “unicorns”.

WAVE 3. Whew, Wave 3 was ROUGH. When I hear “Wave 3”, all I can think of is the obnoxious drama that was Rosalina. I wont go into details, because I know that was somewhat of a dark time for us, but the Rosalina scare is why I am now comfortable importing things from overseas. I read posts from different users about importing “X” unicorn from this website with no issue, but for the longest time, it all seemed like a foreign language to me. To avoid the stress/anxiety, I finally went to eBay & bought one from Japan, it ended up being right at $25 and I was more than glad to pay an extra $10 considering the (then) current state of amiibo. I picked up Bowser, Shiek, & Megaman with no problem, and my homie (the guy I initially mentioned) snagged an extra Toon Link for me when he got his on launch day. Lucario, Shulk, Ike & Meta Knight were a bit more tricky.. & I’m yet to get a DDD. I didn’t get Lucario until the recent restock, I got Ike & Shulk when GameStop got their 2nd shipment of those months after their initial release, and Meta Knight was (unfortunately) obtained off eBay after his Best Buy restock.

Wave 4 was a big deal for me because; the remaining Pokemon (except Mewtwo) were set to be released & from the beginning, all I wanted was Greninja. Wave 4 started off really bad. I remember Greninja preorders were supposed to go up at a reasonable time early one morning, I set my alarm clock to wake up early only to find out that preorders went up hours earlier & sold out within minutes. Jigglypuff preorder? No chance. Robin/Lucina…haha. Ness? Actually, Ness was one of the easier ones for me to obtain, I really lucked out that day. The GameStop I frequent is really great. I’ve been going there for years so they know me & they were aware (from previous purchases/conversations) that I don’t resell these things, so they do what they can to help me out when they are able – they also know I work two jobs, so coming by right away is not always an option. The day Ness was to be released, my local GS called me & let me know preorders were opening up @ “X” time & wanted to know if I could come in? Unfortunately I could not make arrangements to leave work and had to tell the guy on the phone that I would have to come in tonight at closing & preorder what was left. As Ness went live, and the horror unfolded, I lost all hope and ended up crossing Ness off my list – telling myself to forget about him. Knowing it was a lost cause, I decided to swing by my GameStop on my way home from work only to find out that one of the store employees went ahead and paid for me a Ness preorder, just to make sure I had one on release day. Saying I was shocked was an understatement, to say the least. Mind you this was only a $12 toy, but he didn’t have to do that. He did it because he wanted to, and I have never experienced that kind of “customer service” anywhere else. Fast forward to release day, things went pretty well for me. I went to Knoxville since my home town doesn’t have a Toys R Us or Target & walked away with; Silver Mario, Splatoon 3 pack, Charazard, PacMan, Wario, Jigglypuff, Greninja, & Ness was waiting for me once I got back into town. Also, knowing Robin/Lucina were a lost cause, I ended up importing them the night before, so I ended up walking away with all of Wave 4 – somehow.

Admittedly, my interest did drop off after Wave 4. I don’t know if the stressfulness of Wave 4 finally broke me, or if the ease of obtaining them from Wave 5 on made me not as involved, but I went from constantly refreshing forum pages, to only checking them a few times a day just to stay current. Wave 5 A/B came and went, I managed to get everything except Bowser JR - I was busy the day of release & was not able to watch for him to go up online. Wave 6 the only ones I cared about getting were the ones in the Retro Pack & Wave 7 I only bought Mewtwo, all of which were obtained with ease.

Outside of the Smash line, I haven’t picked up many - I haven’t touched the Animal Crossing line (yet) & the trading cards don’t interest me in the slightest. I did get a Gold Mario at launch, I waited in line at my local WalMart the night of release – they initially told me they didn’t receive any, but after suggesting a box behind their counter could be said amiibo, all was well. I grabbed a Marth when he was first restocked at GameStop (lol, “restock”). The morning stores were supposed to start getting them in, I checked their website & noticed a store a town over had some in stock. It was only a 30 minute drive, and at the time Marth was nonexistent, so I headed out & showed up just in time to get the last one. I’ve also randomly bought Toad, Blue/Pink Yarn Yoshi, Retro/Modern Mario, & most recently, Shovel Knight.

I’m looking forward to the rest of the Smash lineup, Gold Mega Man, Wolf Link, & I welcome anything Pokken has to offer. I will admit I “bought into the hype”, got a little carried away, and ultimately bought some characters I probably wouldn’t have if I had to do it again (looking at you, Peach). Going forward, I will definitely be more selective, but overall I am happy with the collection I’ve amassed. If you would have told me, prior to release, that people would be waiting outside for 12+ hours (in some cases) for these things to be released.. I would have called you mental, I would have thought you to be totally insane. Little did I know, a few months later, I would join the ranks & become “one of those people waiting outside for one of these things to be released”.

Sorry for the novel (I had some free time at work), but thanks to those of you who took the time to read it. Thank you to anyone who has contributed to the OT in any way, and to anyone who has posted updates/a status/links/release dates/ect..ect. Also, a special thanks to Diggeh for giving us THE BEST OT & for not abandoning us now that things have died down. Happy hunting dudes!
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