If it possible to send SMS messages via voice on android? Something i've always wondered.
Yeah! Just enable voice to sync with contacts. I just did this last night on my new Moto G and tried it out. I just said "Ok Google, Text Amanda." and it pulled up my girlfriend and then it asked me what message I wanted to send and then it initiated another voice prompt. Easy as pie.
I don't know what use case I'd have to really do that. Usually in a situation where I can't really type I'll just go on Facebook chat where I am usually and just tap the voice record button. I don't know if you can tell Ok Google to send a facebook Messenger message via voice. I kept trying to no avail.
It's a cool feature to have and all but I keep picturing myself at the bottom of a ravine, pinned to the steering wheel using it to utter my final words farewell while I bleed out lol. I send so few messages that are so important that they can't wait until I can use my hands. I guess it all depends on your lifestyle!