What I'm saying is Android natively supports visual voicemail. The APIs and code or whatever is there, but for whatever reason, Google doesn't show or allow those settings in the dialer app. Could be because of patents, could be something else, I don't know. What I do know, is that Google mentioned Android having visual voicemail back with the launch of either ICS orJB, and there was/is a section about it somewhere on the official Android site.
And I forgot Voice wasn't available outside the US. Google needs to rectify that.
What are you going to do when GV is discontinued for Hangouts lol
I use Google Voice for VMs. But I also don't really get VMs. I don't work at a dying company that relies on such outdated practices.
I take transit so often have no service. My VMs are mostly from my friends and (large) extended family. The holidays pushed me over the edge.
VMs are the first reason and the second reason for my switch is the lack of a centralized notifications/location services/privacy management on Android.
The grass isn't much greener on the other side though:
iOS8 is buggy and a jailbreak just makes it more unstable.
iOS thirdparty keyboards are worse than their Android counterparts (the only good thing is that there is still lots of experimentation going on here while most android developers have given up when was the last time you installed a thirdparty android keyboard that wasn't swype or swiftkey?)
iOS notifications are still much less rich and informative than Android's (although more reliable)
iOS sound/silent/vibrate notifications+media combined volume is kinda silly (but Google fucked up their advantage with the lollipop changes)