iOS8 is buggy and a jailbreak just makes it more unstable.
At least on my 6, the words "buggy" have never entered my mind for how to describe iOS 8. I have had the least amount of weird, niggling issues on this phone ever.
iOS thirdparty keyboards are worse than their Android counterparts
Yep, Apple dropped the ball on their keyboard API, it's pretty bad.
iOS notifications are still much less rich and informative than Android's (although more reliable)
I laughed really hard. I can glance down and read an entire 140 character tweet someone has mentioned me in without ever touching my phone. Good luck doing that on Android, even with Lollipop. I was shocked to see just how truncated lock screen notifications are in 5.0.
I will cede that Android beats the pants off iOS in terms of actionability of notifications, but in terms of "informative"