There's really nothing to say about Apple anymore. It's a powerhouse and practically a small country. I wouldn't be surprise if Apple owns a private military.Honestly, I don't think Google really gives a fuck. They come up with so much amazing stuff, but barely ever advertise and show any of it off in any meaningful capacity. They had an insanely popular tablet in the N7, but that now seems to be dead. Google just doesn't seem committed to Android.
Everyone is fucked. Chinese OEMs too. Apple's growth in China is huge.
It's unfortunate, but Apple is gonna own the damn world at some point. People are worried about Google owning so much and having so much power, but Apple is already the most powerful entity on the planet. They could do anything, make anything, and nine times outta ten, they will be successful, and there's nothing out there that can stop them.
You can get many of them pretty cheap, so if you have spare cash, it's a nice little toy to play with. I like my LG, but I didn't pay a lot for it.
lol see it's just shit like that which adds up for some people. They'd rather not deal and just get something they never want to or have to think about. And I don't' blame em.I'm placing a conference call about an hour ago.....and somehow I have two instances of the dialer open. Like, I'm pressing the conference code but nothing's happening, only to realize that I was on the wrong instance of the dialer. What the hell. But I have an update from at&t for realz this time. 4.4 finally, let's see if my bugs are fixed. Let's see if I get 5.0 before I smash the phone against a wall.
I'm placing a conference call about an hour ago.....and somehow I have two instances of the dialer open. Like, I'm pressing the conference code but nothing's happening, only to realize that I was on the wrong instance of the dialer. What the hell. But I have an update from at&t for realz this time. 4.4 finally, let's see if my bugs are fixed. Let's see if I get 5.0 before I smash the phone against a wall.
As much as I like Android, this is an example of the little quirks that should never ever happen and yet they happen. Today I noticed I couldn't pause Spotify. I mean, I'd pause it, but the music kept playing. I was about to teach class and the only thing I could do was turn the volume all the way down until I figured out what was going on. Later I realized that there were two instances of Spotify running, and I while one was paused the other one was playing. What in the actual fuck. It happened again later as I was on my way home.
Notice how different tracks seem to be playing at the same time.
Only way to stop the music was to manually kill both instances of the process.
Gotta love that Android jank. Music apps don't even handle stopping music the same way. Some apps kill the music after you swipe away the task. Others don't. Some have an "X" button on the now playing notification. Others don't. Always liked how simple it was on iOS. Swipe away any app playing music and it'll stop the music.
In Android, sometimes funky stuff happens where if I'm listening to a Podcast and I try to pause using my headphones, the Play Music app will start playing, (without pausing the podcast, so both play at the same time) even if the app hadn't been launched.
As much as I like Android, this is an example of the little quirks that should never ever happen and yet they happen. Today I noticed I couldn't pause Spotify. I mean, I'd pause it, but the music kept playing. I was about to teach class and the only thing I could do was turn the volume all the way down until I figured out what was going on. Later I realized that there were two instances of Spotify running, and I while one was paused the other one was playing. What in the actual fuck. It happened again later as I was on my way home.
Notice how different tracks seem to be playing at the same time.
Only way to stop the music was to manually kill both instances of the process.
How are you guys getting two instances of the same app running? I've never seen that ever before.
I still remember when my S3 played notifications on the EXTERNAL SPEAKER even when I had headphones plugged in. I just shook my head and knew that was the moment I didn't want a Samsung phone anymore.
that's actually by design! their devices still do that by default.
Lol, it makes absolutely no sense to me. How am I supposed to hear the notification if I have headphones on?
Yeah, in iOS there's a music API and a single application hooks into it and then it can be controlled either by the headphones or by the control center. It's always clear which app is hooked into the API and what will happen when you press play.
In Android, sometimes funky stuff happens where if I'm listening to a Podcast and I try to pause using my headphones, the Play Music app will start playing, (without pausing the podcast, so both play at the same time) even if the app hadn't been launched.
It goes to show the differences in design philosophy behind both OSes. iOS is simpler since multitasking is limited and apps have to be hooked onto different APIs to do stuff in the background like playing audio. This limits functionality (for example, if using my PC I add music to a playlist set for offline listening, on Android the app will instantly download the tracks to the device, but on iOS I need to manually open the app for the music to start downloading ) but also limits stuff that can go wrong. Android is more functional since it has true multitasking but there's a higher potential for things breaking.
One thing iOS will always have is that it just works so damn easily. From texting to imessage to sharing stuff to moving around to the settings to the camera app especially and so on and so forth. Rarely an issue in day to day use. No real complexity. No real frustration.
samsung is so predictable. I'd like to be surprised but realistically they will throw everything at the wall both specs wise and gimmicky features wise.
How are Motorola's sales?
Damn, where's a Moto shill when you need one?
Got bought by China.
Still waiting for Lollipop.
did y'all ever think that maybe, just maybe, what the mass consumer REALLY wants is ... an Apple?
and nobody else can compete period and Android is just destined for a strong second place?
i'm fine with that as long as Samsung makes a Note 6 or someone else competes with them for my money with a comparable featureset in 2016.
As much as I like Android, this is an example of the little quirks that should never ever happen and yet they happen. Today I noticed I couldn't pause Spotify. I mean, I'd pause it, but the music kept playing. I was about to teach class and the only thing I could do was turn the volume all the way down until I figured out what was going on. Later I realized that there were two instances of Spotify running, and I while one was paused the other one was playing. What in the actual fuck. It happened again later as I was on my way home.
Notice how different tracks seem to be playing at the same time.
Only way to stop the music was to manually kill both instances of the process.
is making a ringtone a simple task? that one always seems to be the one people who switch from Android to iOS trip up on and ask about...
That only explains a small part of it. Look at their massive growth in China over the last year to become the #1 smartphone brand in China. These are consumers who did not get on the iPhone train years ago. And China is their #1 market now as well. These sales are not from long time iOS users but new ones.Eh, I've seen many people struggle to do basic tasks in iOS (or do it in a convoluted way), and I've seen many people use Android with ease.
I think the bigger picture is change. SO many people jumped on the iPhone train years ago (I don't blame them) and now they're comfy. They probably did struggle to do things at first. Why would they want to switch OSes and have to go through that again? They just don't even think about it: "Oh time for an upgrade? Time to get the new iPhone.".
So maybe not a button and just a reader? Cool.that's a fingerprint reader on the front of the 5.5 version, you feens
I am confused...which of these is supposed to be the M9? It looks like there is an old HTC and the M8 mixed in there.
Or just use the Audiko app as it has millions of songs and dozens of variations of those songs in a 30 second file.In iOS? It's making a max 30 seconds m4a file and rename it to m4r. Then import it in iTunes (ugh).
In Android it's making a 30 seconds mp3 file and put it into the ringtone directory.
It's only on the big plus version. It's they figure the shit is gonna be huge anyway lol. Or they're fingerprint tech is under it. Who knows.I don't get why they absolutely have to have the black HTC bar. Sure they slimmed it down but come on
Looks like an iPhone 6
is making a ringtone a simple task? that one always seems to be the one people who switch from Android to iOS trip up on and ask about...
So is the big one going to be 6"? I hope so.
5.5 apparently.
Rats. Still a chance for the Z4 Ultra to sneak in.