Worth the money?So I bought my dad a OP3, but I decided to test drive it first instead :X
Worth the money?So I bought my dad a OP3, but I decided to test drive it first instead :X
damn... did you get it from newegg or b&h?
dont see any shipping changes for b&h (besides the gift card and samsung headsets shipping and coming tomorrow).
Worth the money?
Here's my Moto 360
RIP in peace.
I might get that refurb Moto 360 gen2 for $149.99. I'm worried the Google Watch will destroy my wallet when it's out judging by the other watches out now.
Note 7 only 3500mah?
/hugs my S7Edge
Unless N7 does have 6GB and RGB AMOLED
Where the FUCK are the sub 5 inch flagships 🙄
Sony save us 😫
Any chance this would happen sooner? They already know it performed badly in sales.
I'll be disappointed if it's anything below 4000mah, will likely get S7Edge then, if not note 7 for sure, even tho it will be x2 over my budget lol
Can someone save Android tablet land? Nobody has released a god damn thing all fucking year.
Can someone save Android tablet land? Nobody has released a god damn thing all fucking year.
Can someone save Android tablet land? Nobody has released a god damn thing all fucking year.
Can someone save Android tablet land? Nobody has released a god damn thing all fucking year.
Nah, we need LG to get as desperate as Samsung was in 2015 and start taking off $200 at retail just to move inventory. By mid September early October the G5 should cost enough for me to be able to deal with the shit build quality.
Can someone save Android tablet land? Nobody has released a god damn thing all fucking year.
OK I have to vent, so sorry in advance.
I've had a nexus 5x (Fi) for about 4 months now, moved from a Windows phone - an old phone, but I liked a lot because it fgot the job done and was really reliable.
Other than the quality of third party applications (the two or three I use...) I'm really rather disappointed.
It's a number of really minor but irritating things combined with the general lack of cohesion, the comparatively rubbish typing experience, etc but today really did it.
This morning a calendar event's reminders just didn't go off.
I had an important meeting at 10 this morning. Set three reminders for it in the event, 10m, 30m and 14 hours. Not one went off. *Not one*. Arrived over half an hour late.
I didn't have 'do not disturb' enabled, alarm volume was up. They just don't go off. Nothing.
Whats worse is that this is the second time this has happened, I've also had an event simply disappear on me after I created it.
This is the stock (rubbish) calendar application for my Google account. The same calendar account that worked perfectly on win pho.
How can I rely on this thing if it can mess up such a basic, critical function. >:-(
Only used it for a bit, but it's definitely nice. Got the update and the RAM issues that apparently plagued the phone is non-existent. Screen issue is overblown. sRGB is garbage. Turned that shit right back off. Fingerprint is amazing. It's fast and accurate. Much better than my HTC 10.
Because Android tablets are useless.
So you'd recommend the OP3?
OK I have to vent, so sorry in advance.(
Can someone save Android tablet land? Nobody has released a god damn thing all fucking year.
FtfyWe need an actual Nexus 9
I am also waiting to get a new tablet. I'd be happy with my Zenpad if it would get an update. But no, I'm stuck on Lollipop. Never buy Asus if you care about firmware. Never, ever.
I am also waiting to get a new tablet. I'd be happy with my Zenpad if it would get an update. But no, I'm stuck on Lollipop. Never buy Asus if you care about firmware. Never, ever.
The LG G5 in September when at $400 after LG realizes how badly they fucked up and need to get rid of inventory in advance for the savior G6.
G5 has a removable battery.
G5 has an IR blaster.
G5 has a quality display.
G5 has a fingerprint sensor
G5 has microsd support.
At $400 to $420 this is a deal.
LG G5 Factory Unlocked is available for $445 on Amazon. I'm pretty sure this works worldwide.
Debating on it, what do you guys say?
Do those 'ram booster' etc stuff even do anything these days with 3+gb ram phones and modern android memory management?
Do those 'ram booster' etc stuff even do anything these days with 3+gb ram phones and modern android memory management?
*starts a bonfire*
*encloses mile wide area with a dome*
*tosses in millions of Z compact series smartphones*
Unfortunately our dream is over. Our campaign lost. No OEM gives a fuck about sub 5 inch flagships.
The closest we get is the LG G5 but that feels huge as shit in the hand. It might as well be 5.5 inches. Maybe LG will take a hint and release a 4.7 inch version of G5 to compete with Samsung next year.
Will there ever be a point where Android multitasking will just not reload apps ever? Is the aggressive booting stuff outta memory a battery saving thing or performance?
I know its apple and oranges, but man am I spoiled by my ipad pro where the only time I see an app reload is after a reboot from installing a update.
I hear good things about OP3 with some root tweaks? idk.
Will there ever be a point where Android multitasking will just not reload apps ever? Is the aggressive booting stuff outta memory a battery saving thing or performance?
I know its apple and oranges, but man am I spoiled by my ipad pro where the only time I see an app reload is after a reboot from installing a update.
I hear good things about OP3 with some root tweaks? idk.
BH. I can't wait for my Axon 7.
Guess Axon 7 reviews are dropping now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zBui2-IMMPU&feature=youtu.be&a
Any pro tips to improve the battery life on the S7?
oh really now:
oh really now:
Wait, so the Axon 7 has the ability to work fully on Verizon? Just not officially supported by Verizon?