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ANT-MAN | Production Thread

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Props to the wife for this one:



I'm happy about the trailer. It didn't hype me as I thought it would, but it was so nice to finally see it come to life.

To me, it's interesting that we now have a hero with a daughter and family, which none of our other heroes have. Even though it won't play any other part than Scott taking up the mantle as Ant-Man.

All I'm hoping for is a lot of shrinking and ant-size combat in the full movie though.

My grabs from the other thread:



steals Justin Bieber DVDs

Kevin Feige talks Ant-Man:

Like it did with the misfit crew of last year's Guardians of the Galaxy, Marvel introduces another unlikely hero to the mainstream — when film audiences first meet Scott Lang, he's walking out of prison. Yet Ant-Man is "one of the most surprisingly emotional" movies in the Marvel canon, says producer Kevin Feige. Lang has committed crimes that estrange him from his wife and 4-year-old girl, and Pym seeks a similar redemption with his own daughter (Lilly). "Hank Pym invented the Ant-Man technology, went on many adventures and is now much older and trying to recruit a new person,'' says Feige. "It's the first film we've made in which the story is about a torch being passed, essentially."

man, Feige is a good speaker, he can probably make any movie sounds great. his description for all marvel movie phase 3 like Dr Strange, Black Panther and Captain Marvel also sounds like a very interesting movie from the premise alone.

not saying Ant-Man is not going to be great, but after being a bit underwhelmed from the teaser, just reading him talk about Ant-Man kinda reignite my hype a little bit. lol


Feige's description sounds real good.

And I have to be honest. I don't give a **** about Edgar Wright. I loved Scott Pilgrim but I don't know him enough for me to be hurt about him not directing.

Ant-Man is probably my most anticipated superhero movie.


I hope so much that this is going to be Guardians of the Galaxy 2.0 (from the point where everybody laughs about it and then its going to be great)


I hope so much that this is going to be Guardians of the Galaxy 2.0 (from the point where everybody laughs about it and then its going to be great)

Problem being so far is the Galaxy teaser was fantastic and really representative of the final film. Ant-Man's teaser better not be representative of the final film....


Problem being so far is the Galaxy teaser was fantastic and really representative of the final film. Ant-Man's teaser better not be representative of the final film....

I dont know, I know a lot of folks that thought that the first Guardians teaser was pretty shitty, too. Me included.


I dont know, I know a lot of folks that thought that the first Guardians teaser was pretty shitty, too. Me included.
Really? It had a lot of elements that made the film great, the finger, "what a bunch of assholes", the whole Star-Lord...who? bit, Hooked on a Feeling song playing, etc.

Reading through the old teaser thread it seemed the vast majority of the negative comments were about the box-office potential, most seemed to dig the teaser itself.


The Guardians teaser were awesome! So memorable. The Ant-Man one is not. But I like the serious tone of the teaser trailer, and it makes me really like Ant-Man so far. I'm very curious about this movie.
Man, reading that other Ant-Man thread can be very frustrating.
Yeah it is quite ridiculous but for some reason Marvel threads really bring out the 'haters'. I think it looks good, I'm not jumping over the walls but it has a lot of potential and Reed has a lot of love for Ant-Man so I'm positive it'll be at the very least a 'good' movie.
Yeah it is quite ridiculous but for some reason Marvel threads really bring out the 'haters'. I think it looks good, I'm not jumping over the walls but it has a lot of potential and Reed has a lot of love for Ant-Man so I'm positive it'll be at the very least a 'good' movie.

A lot of the "haters" are just the regulars that aren't fans of the MCU style/tone which is fine, because this movie is going to adhere to that in some ways and won't change the world of filmmaking. But I did a double take when that one dude said he wanted the movie to bomb for "wasting Wright's time" or the people saying it's definitely going to be the next Green Lantern.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
Looks cool, but I am doubtful that Ant-Man will surpass Rudd's performance as Celery Man.
A lot of the "haters" are just the regulars that aren't fans of the MCU style/tone which is fine, because this movie is going to adhere to that in some ways and won't change the world of filmmaking. But I did a double take when that one dude said he wanted the movie to bomb for "wasting Wright's time" or the people saying it's definitely going to be the next Green Lantern.
I guess so but some people seem to spend a lot of time trying to piss on people's parade and I find that to be a bit unusual.


Looks good. Teaser isn't the best, but whatever. I just wish they would've shown him shrinking and growing and kicking some ass like that original test footage did way back when. That would've gotten peoples' attention.


Really? It had a lot of elements that made the film great, the finger, "what a bunch of assholes", the whole Star-Lord...who? bit, Hooked on a Feeling song playing, etc.

Reading through the old teaser thread it seemed the vast majority of the negative comments were about the box-office potential, most seemed to dig the teaser itself.

There has been a lot of revisionist history around Guardians. People hated the first couple trailers.
when they released the first still of the cast from the prison line-up scene, there were just as many people going "lol who the fuck are these guys" and "this movie is sure to bomb" as there are saying the same thing about Ant-Man now


There has been a lot of revisionist history around Guardians. People hated the first couple trailers.

Nah. The first two trailers were loved by most. It's the third trailer that people shat on. People are now just doing a lot of revisionist history to try to somehow Antman's trailer weakness to not seem as bad as it is.
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