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ANT-MAN | Production Thread

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well good. now that that is settled...
when do we get the next trailer for this? the initial trailer didn't really hype me up for it, and the fan edit was better than the official.

i wouldn't be surprised if we have to wait until Avengers to get the first full trailer

hopefully marvel is starting to realize they don't have to show that much footage prior to release, they're doing a good job holding back on avengers so far.
That says nothing whatsoever about any continuity issues with Wright's script.

not that it matters, but how does this not address your "continuity" issues though?
there's some new characters and ties to the existing Marvel Cinematic Universe. As that was one of the causes that Marvel had cited as relevant in their split with Wright, you can bet that there was some eleventh hour calls made to Howard Stark and other characters that could interact in the world of Scott Lang and Hank Pym.

You really should just let this go. you're just grasping at straws to continue an argument no one is interested in having. I made my point, backed it with quotes, others provided quotes that also support it, and you refuse to agree. that's fine. You've been trying to twist my words from your first response, and everything I've said was backed by a quote from somewhere (probably all throughout this thread). So we can just agree to disagree on whatever it was we were "debating" about.

I also went back to the previous page and searched for the word "continuity". I never mentioned it once. It came up 6 times in your responses though. So I'm really not sure what we are arguing about anyway.
not that it matters, but how does this not address your "continuity" issues though?

You really should just let this go. you're just grasping at straws to continue an argument no one is interested in having. I made my point, backed it with quotes, others provided quotes that also support it, and you refuse to agree. that's fine. You've been trying to twist my words from your first response, and everything I've said was backed by a quote from somewhere (probably all throughout this thread). So we can just agree to disagree on whatever it was we were "debating" about.

I also went back to the previous page and searched for the word "continuity". I never mentioned it once. It came up 6 times in your responses though. So I'm really not sure what we are arguing about anyway.

"Ties to the existing Marvel Cinematic Universe" is a marketability concern. Why were those ties absolutely necessary in 2014, but not 2012 or 2011 or 2008?

Wright could have brought it sooner and didn't. By the time he was ready to actually make it happen, too many things had changed, and he didn't like the changes that needed to be made. Marvel indulged Wright for a long time, and eventually they needed the product to be made in a way that fit with everything else.

Eventually he needed to adapt his vision to the world that was created around the absence of the long expected and long overdue Ant-man, and Wright decided that his vision was no longer his vision so he opted to exit the project.

So Wright "needed" to change his script to "fit" with the "world that was created" in the broader MCU in ways that wouldn't have been necessary just a year or two earlier, but those reasons had nothing to do with continuity? Who's twisting whose words here?
"Ties to the existing Marvel Cinematic Universe" is a marketability concern. Why were those ties absolutely necessary in 2014, but not 2012 or 2011 or 2008?

So Wright "needed" to change his script more to "fit" with the broader MCU in ways that wouldn't have been necessary just a year or two earlier, but those reasons had nothing to do with continuity? Who's twisting whose words here?

Do these statements really need to be explained?

Long story short.... There is no way that Ant-Man can be part of the MCU and have made no mention to, be affected by, and/or have no connection to ANY of the numerous ties from the past or present MCU in the movie.
in the last 7+ years, the MCU as a whole has grown to bigger than any individual movie.

quote for longer story....
Do these statements really need to be explained?

Long story short.... There is no way that Ant-Man can be part of the MCU and have made no mention to, be affected by, and/or have no connection to ANY of the numerous ties from the past or present MCU in the movie.
in the last 7+ years, the MCU as a whole has grown to bigger than any individual movie.

quote for longer story....

Well, obviously, but asserting that the final Wright/Cornish draft lacked *any* connection to the broader MCU strikes me as less than plausible, to put it mildly, and is a ridiculously extreme way to interpret a report that some additional MCU ties were added.


i hope we see giant man or some form in the film
They'll have to. The ant shit doesn't seem like it'll scale well when you see what other characters can do. Think Vision, the twins, BP, etc. (hell, even the netflix characters). All I know is his first transformation could potentially be one of the coolest scenes in any of the MCU movies if done right.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
They'll have to. The ant shit doesn't seem like it'll scale well when you see what other characters can do. Think Vision, the twins, BP, etc. (hell, even the netflix characters). All I know is his first transformation could potentially be one of the coolest scenes in any of the MCU movies if done right.

if they let him use his powers pym style, he can make hammerspace his slave. literally pulling anything out of seemingly nowhere.


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Bobby Cannavale talks Ant-Man:

“It’s pretty funny,” Cannavale said. “I think so. I haven’t seen anything but it felt funny. It’s Paul, so I think they’re not hiring Paul Rudd to be The Winter Soldier. It’s going to have a sense of levity to it, like Guardians. Guardians is a blue chips superhero movie but it’s a pretty funny film. They just got the right people. When I looked around and saw who I was surrounded by, Corey Stoll, actors I’ve seen for years in little movies that I really liked, it just felt like I belong here.”

The all-star cast of Ant-Man also includes Michael Douglas, Evangeline Lily, Michael Pena, and T.I. Cannavale revealed with whom he shares most scenes. “That was a really cool experience because as big as that movie is, and as really as big a production as that was, the actual work in the scenes were really fun,” he said. “It felt like we were on an indie film. Rudd’s one of my oldest friends so most of our scenes are together, me and Paul and Judy Greer. Both those actors are really good improvisors. Adam McKay and Paul did a big rewrite on that script, so the scenes themselves felt like an indie film. It really felt like a comedy that we were doing. I think that probably happened because Guardians of the Galaxy was such a success. So it didn’t feel like I was working on a really serious superhero movie. It didn’t feel like Thor or something.”

Encouraging to hear. Hopefully this will be another offbeat hit that surprises people like Guardians.

Broken Joystick

At least you can talk. Who are you?
The character Cannavale is playing is named Paxton, who does not appear to have a basis in Marvel comic books. “He’s a new character,” Cannavale said. “I mean, the whole story is pretty new because the origin story of Hank Pym, who’s the original Ant-Man, that’s Michael Douglas’s character. Paul’s character is a protege. The whole story is really new. At least I think that’s true because nobody ever came up to me and said, ‘Hey, you need to dye your hair red’ or something.”


Bobby Cannavale talks Ant-Man:

Encouraging to hear. Hopefully this will be another offbeat hit that surprises people like Guardians.

I feel like the humor in this movie is gonna determine a lot about it's quality. The delivery of the lines is greatly gonna effect it but I feel like the actors in this movie will be able to pull it off. It's either gonna make the characters more likable or just make them annoying to watch. Unlike Guardians, this movie is grounded on Earth so the suspension of disbelief and the acceptance of the weird is gonna be harder. I'm guessing they'll use comedy to make fun of how absurd the whole situation of the film is, a shrinking superhero pulling off a heist with ants. Still, it is essential that it doesn't feel out of place.

Broken Joystick

At least you can talk. Who are you?
I feel like the humor in this movie is gonna determine a lot about it's quality. The delivery of the lines is greatly gonna effect it but I feel like the actors in this movie will be able to pull it off. It's either gonna make the characters more likable or just make them annoying to watch. Unlike Guardians, this movie is grounded on Earth so the suspension of disbelief and the acceptance of the weird is gonna be harder. I'm guessing they'll use comedy to make fun of how absurd the whole situation of the film is, a shrinking superhero pulling off a heist with ants. Still, it is essential that it doesn't feel out of place.

I don't know about the rest of the cast, but I'm confident Rudd will pull it off with ease.



I think that's the second separate source hinting at the Ant-man post credit scene. And it looks like Johansson doesn't want to take that break.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
janet van dyne reveal, young pym reveal. or possibly ogrady reveal in an ant men like sequel


Cannavale talks about Ant-Man again.


[Paul] Rudd calling me up and saying, “Dude, you have to play this part. It’s going to be fun. Marvel’s going to call you tomorrow.” That’s literally how it happened. [Laughs] He literally said, “Marvel is going to call you. [Adam] McKay and I have been working on the script. It’s going to be awesome. I’m not going to fuck you.” I’ve never had a plan. I’ve just done it the way I’ve done it. It’s a bit unorthodox. I just really, really enjoy my life. I enjoy my life in New York City. I enjoy that I don’t have to work in a bar. I’m not a millionaire but I can send my kid to school. I can pay my mom’s rent and pay my rent and I got a pension. What more could you want really?

You can’t talk about particulars of “Ant-Man’s” plot, but can you talk about the experience of making a Marvel movie?

Yeah, totally: it was a trip! I’ve never been in anything like that before. There’s a ton of people on this crew. You could fit the entire “Station Agent” crew in… it was just huge! And there’s blue screen everywhere. I remember one time we were shooting at nights for three weeks. I hadn’t seen anything behind me that wasn’t a blue screen for three nights in a row. I remember one night at four in the morning being frustrated and just saying, “If it’s going to be blue screen all the time, why can’t you just make it be night? Why do we actually have to be here at night?” That part of it was baffling to me.

But, the actual work — the scenes with me and Paul Rudd, and Judy Greer and Michael Pena — felt like an indie film. It felt like fun. [Director] Peyton Reed [and the studio], they weren’t mercurial about the script. They weren’t mercurial about the humor, at all. They let us be in charge of that. We improvised a lot. Judy Greer’s very funny. Paul’s very funny — he’s a great improviser. The rewrite of the script that Paul did with McKay — and I’ve worked with McKay before — lent itself to that.
You could see that there’s a funny scene and we could actually riff off of that, and that felt impressive to me in this big huge blockbuster film. It made me feel kind of good, that it felt like Marvel was going for something different. It didn’t feel like “Thor.” It felt more like “Guardians of the Galaxy,” which I really enjoyed and I thought brought a certain levity to a superhero movie that I had never seen before.

But still, it was a trip because I’ve known Paul for so long, since before he was famous like this, and it’s just a trip to see one of your best friends in ridiculous leather suit with dots all over him and you’re not supposed to laugh. We just laughed. He’s supposed to be this big [pinches fingers together]. Then I’m supposed to see him growing in front of me. But what I’m really seeing is Paul off-camera standing on an apple box. Then he jumps off the apple box. And I’m supposed to act like he’s growing in front of me and then lands with this really heroic pose, but he’s jumping of a box with green dots on him.

He’s supposed to have a mask that they CGI in. so I’ve never seen the mask. Every time I see him to talk, he goes like this [hits a pretend button] because there’s a button there that isn’t really there. I wasn’t used to that. He’d start to talk and he’d be like, [pretends to push button]. I’d ask ridiculous questions all the time. Peyton Reed, he just kept saying, “Dude, just do it.” But I’d say, “I don’t understand. Does the mask go up this way or this way?” And there’s a visual effects guy there and I want an answer.

They got so tired of my questions: “So I don’t understand — If I was just over there, how did I get over here so quick?” Reed would be like, “Cannavale, it’s a superhero movie, dude. Just do it!” But I’d say, “Yeah, but do I have superhuman speed, because I was just three blocks away and now I’m here and I’m not even out of breath. Should I be out of breath?” He’d be like, “Dude, it’s not the ‘Unbearable Lightness of Being.’ It’s just fucking ‘Ant-Man.’ Just say the line.” Then it just became a joke. I had a blast. We laughed so much on that thing.

It sounds like it was difficult to wrap your head around, in some ways.

Yeah, except that the actors that were in it were, like, really good actors. Guys like Corey Stoll and Rudd, Judy Greer and Michael Pena, Martin Donovan — really, really good actors. And so I looked around and thought, “You know, if these guys are doing it, I’m okay.” There were no wrestlers or anything. We had [rapper] T.I., but T.I. was great. But definitely very different from the movies that I’m used to making, for sure.


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Devin Faraci is encouraged by reports on Ant-Man, including Cannavale's interview:

What Cannavale has to say is really encouraging - the idea of a Marvel movie that is super loose and has the spontaneous improv feel that we get from the best Adam McKay movies is awesome. Not that there isn't improv in other Marvel films, but I think Reed is going to be a director who really understands how to let the actors be loose. What's more, I've been hearing that the movie evolved (especially in reshoots) to come back to a place closer to where Wright had it, with Scott Lang as more of a crook when the film opens. I think that pre-Guardians Marvel was freaking out about the roguishness of the character. Post-Guardians it's clear that the lead being a rogue does not hurt these movies.


Not surprised to hear that Disney would want to soften up Lang's character. But it's also missing the point of Scott Lang in the first place. If that's a big part of why Wright walked away, I understand.

If it were up to me Lang would be fresh out of prison at the beginning of the movie. There's good potential there for a redemption story, a crook you can love.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
I havent been following the movie, but are they straight up using "Pym Particles" to explain the shrinking (and potential future giant...ism)?
Not surprised to hear that Disney would want to soften up Lang's character. But it's also missing the point of Scott Lang in the first place. If that's a big part of why Wright walked away, I understand.

Not really... Scott Lang has always been a righteous, but not entirely lawful character. He's not, say, Eric O'Grady. It sounded like Wright was making him almost irredeemable and perhaps morally bad, and that's simply not Scott Lang.


Not really... Scott Lang has always been a righteous, but not entirely lawful character. He's not, say, Eric O'Grady. It sounded like Wright was making him almost irredeemable and perhaps morally bad, and that's simply not Scott Lang.

No, it sounds like Disney being it's typical risk-averse self. He wouldn't be irredeemable, but he'd be questionable. Righteous in the small scale with little consideration for the bigger picture without some prodding.
No, it sounds like Disney being it's typical risk-averse self. He wouldn't be irredeemable, but he'd be questionable. Righteous in the small scale with little consideration for the bigger picture without some prodding.

Actually, I'm looking through the news articles about his script, and they definitely mentioned "core morality" as a big part of why the suits disliked it. I don't think the comic Lang was really ever "morally bad".
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