Time for a personal story.
I remember the day that, following discussions with the police, the Rabbi of our community warned it was unsafe and therefore forbidden by Jewish law to identify publicly as a Jew in the UK outside of a few select areas. About six years ago now.
I, of course, didn't listen. Then I met antisemitism face to face. First, one day coming out of Synagogue, a friend and I were accosted by two Muslims who said it was about time someone did something about the Jews to "save Gaza". We protested it had nothing to do with us, but ultimately had to flee back to the confines of the Synagogue.
I started noticing more and more people were looking, staring, glaring on the streets, the buses, the shops. One day my father and I were spit on and cursed in a mall in Glasgow and I realised it was time to stop looking Jewish.
The rest of the community followed suit, except the Rabbi of course. That is, until one night he was assaulted in the streets. Punched once he crumpled and was left on the ground as his assailant ran off yelling Allah hu ackbar. The Rabbi moved within the month.
Today we both live in Israel. You guys don't understand but there's nowhere like it. The freedom to just be who I am. Nobody looks at me funny. I'm not a problem, or even a question. Israel actually wants me.
I went back to London for the first time last year. My then heavily pregnant wife and I got off the tube near the Emirates stadium and within 5 minutes a Muslim driver yelled " fucking Jews!" out the window at us. I miss London and my wife, a Manc, is still the biggest Citizen you'll see. But we can't go back, there's nothing there for us in Europe any more. Ask any Jew and he'll tell you the same.