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AP: Trump dogged by insecurity over popular vote, media coverage, watches TV often

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Hopefully Republicans turn on him quickly.

They already turned on him in the lead up to the vote trying to distance themselves from this lunatic thundercunt because they, like everyone else, were convinced he would lose and wanted to make sure in 4 years they didn't have any ties. Then suddenly wanted to get back in bed when he won.
The Melania gif from the inauguration is killing me:


"You will go along with my plans or you will never see the boy again"
On that hilarious press release, a reminder that Trump literally did that every morning. He'd have an assistant scour every newspaper/magazine just for mentions of his name. They'd highlight it and present it to him to read. The man is obsessed with himself.


Tbf, public figures have used "clipping services" for well over a century: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Media_monitoring_service

I think most very high profile (and busy) public figures are happy to hand off the media monitoring to their PR people though...

PK Gaming

-“For decades, Trump’s daily morning routine included a review of everything written or said about him in the previous twenty-four hours. The clippings were usually culled by Norma Foerderer – for two decades Trump’s ever-present chief assistant – who also handed her boss a spiral notebook contain media requests, most of which he would handle himself. As his celebrity grew, the daily pile of Trump related news coverage swelled; still, he diligently tried to review everything written or said about him.”

Disturbing, but not surprising. Trump absolutely has some sort of paranoid personality disorder (among other things)
How will he react to strong push back from countries like China in the coming months and years? When will he start making vague threats on twitter as Commander and Chief?


He's going to have a psychotic break. The question is if someone can take the codes from him before that happens. His personality disorder will come to a head eventually

Not enough people are taking this seriously. The people who kept expecting him to become more presidential are a prime example of this.

The man clearly has some mental disorder. Expecting him to act like a normal person and treating him like one will get you nowhere.

People don't take mental health issues seriously at all. Cheetolini shouldn't have even been allowed anywhere near the nomination. Not that a little something like mental health concerns would stop today's GOP.
I hope he continues to rage about his perception in the media and suffers a fucking heart attack and dies in a pool of his own piss.

It would be the best outcome.


Junior Member
There's a push for the Irish to decline for the first time the annual visit to the White House on St. Patricks day in protest of that creature you have elected.

Little steps.

As an Irish man of a country that overwhelmingly supported Hillary Clinton, it's a national tragedy that he is the president.


How will he react to strong push back from countries like China in the coming months and years? When will he start making vague threats on twitter as Commander and Chief?

With a trade war, followed by a formal declaration of war, I suspect.

At this point, I simply can't see him NOT declaring war on China at some point. China's also used to taking a bully-ish stance, so this is your basic irresistible force meeting an immovable object scenario. He keeps baiting them with Taiwan, and they keep saying that's a no-go. Something will crack and it will be non-military resolution to two sources of authority that won't back down.
With a trade war, followed by a formal declaration of war, I suspect.

At this point, I simply can't see him NOT declaring war on China at some point. China's also used to taking a bully-ish stance, so this is your basic irresistible force meeting an immovable object scenario. He keeps baiting them with Taiwan, and they keep saying that's a no-go. Something will crack and it will be non-military resolution to two sources of authority that won't back down.

I wonder how North Korea is going to handle their yearly outburst at the US.


I wonder how North Korea is going to handle their yearly outburst at the US.

I think if Trump completely throws reason out the window, he'll view North Korea as an ideal target of war for an "easy win against an evil foreign power," that he can use for good press.

That's another one that wouldn't surprise me in the least. The country isn't a real threat to America, but beating North Korea sure looks good on the daily news report.


With a trade war, followed by a formal declaration of war, I suspect.

At this point, I simply can't see him NOT declaring war on China at some point. China's also used to taking a bully-ish stance, so this is your basic irresistible force meeting an immovable object scenario. He keeps baiting them with Taiwan, and they keep saying that's a no-go. Something will crack and it will be non-military resolution to two sources of authority that won't back down.

Oh God please don't let this man go to war with China. I can see him letting California take on missiles and damage as backlash for the lawsuit against him and not voting for him.


Oh God please don't let this man go to war with China. I can see him letting California take on missiles and damage as backlash for the lawsuit against him and not voting for him.

I don't think it would ever devolve into missiles trading back and forth. At least not nuclear ones.

But I can see it turning into a very expensive Vietnam/war of attrition for the US. I don't think China has the military force required to go toe-to-toe with the US in traditional war, a la Red Dawn and trying to actually invade the US. That's a doomed proposition. But if they confine the war zone to the Pacific, and force the US to resort to island hopping and trying maintain control of shipping routes, they can win that war by just outlasting the US. It'll be America that's constantly forced to be sending resources over to their front yard.


Oh God please don't let this man go to war with China. I can see him letting California take on missiles and damage as backlash for the lawsuit against him and not voting for him.
Trump may be a mad man but no one in the US is gonna stand for going to war with anyone....majority I guess I should say.


You'd be surprised. There's a lot of "make people fear the U.S." people out there.

I think that as long as he doesn't do something absolutely guaranteed to turn people against him like enacting a draft, a lot of Trump supporters would probably actually be okay with a war against Those Damn Foreigners, provided they or their children aren't forcibly required by the government to fight it.
Not sure about paranoia but he is clearly narcissistic. Strongly.
Yup. I grew up with a narcissist father. He is/was a covert narcissist. Trump is overt. My dad, when he had his mental break when I was 14, thought friends, family, coworkers, and neighbors were all plotting to kill him.


I feel so bad for Melania.

Why? Even if she divorces, she'll live far better than more than 99% of the population. Besides, she's probably got a couple of young bucks on the side as well to make up for any *cough* short comings. A woman in that position doesn't not have an exit plan.


Remember too, Trump looked at her ballot when they voted too. He doesn't trust her to vote for him, that says quite a bit about their relationship.

more like, he doesn't respect her enough to understand her vote is her personal choice.
Why? Even if she divorces, she'll live far better than more than 99% of the population. Besides, she's probably got a couple of young bucks on the side as well to make up for any *cough* short comings. A woman in that position doesn't not have an exit plan.

Yeah but think of how many times she's had to have that gross body slapping against hers. Besides, you know Trump has an ironclad prenup with her. This chick is trapped and that face says it all.


She's a swimsuit model that married a billionaire and she could leave him at any time. She made her bed and go fuck herself in it.

To be fair to her, she probably didn't know he was only a fake billionaire when they first married.


Well he is doing best of lists now. There is more


It's like a mix of something out of North Korea and the part of an actor's webpage showing every positive mention in any publication that no one ever reads.

It'd be sad if it didnt actually fucking work on some people somehow.


LOL at those private moment GIFs. Both Trump and his family had no idea their every move and word would be scrutinized to death. They live in a glass bowl now.

And I'm also worried that the only way Trump is going to leave the white house is if he breaks down mentally and does something disastrous. Cause resigning would make him look like a quitter, and you just know he's too insecure and arrogant to do that.

I only hope the people who actually operate the nuclear silos don't launch their missiles without questions, though I don't know how it actually works.


There's a push for the Irish to decline for the first time the annual visit to the White House on St. Patricks day in protest of that creature you have elected.

Little steps.

As an Irish man of a country that overwhelmingly supported Hillary Clinton, it's a national tragedy that he is the president.

Sadly I don't see Enda having enough of a spine to do this.


I need to create an indie game where you play an unnamed Hacktivist who goes around Ghost in the Shell style and takes down the Propaganda Machine that is supporting an also unnamed but very Orange political figure. Where instead of violence, the lack of bullshit information being spread slowly degrades the sanity and willpower of the Orange.

I think it'd be relatively popular.
Watch Dogs 2 kinda did it.

Well, outside the non violent part.
Unless you like your gameplay to be annoying and/or is a weirdo who is against murdering randos with your yo yo of death.
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