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AP: Trump dogged by insecurity over popular vote, media coverage, watches TV often

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Well, for him the goal is just respect and admiration from anywhere he actually likes. I mean, he's probably hailed as a god in some town in West Virginia, but Trump hates that country peasant shit. He has always wanted to be a revered wealthy socialite, accepted in those circles in New York.

Well, they fucking hate him there (lost his hometown by a larger margin than anyone in like 100 years, if I remember correctly). So he tries DC instead; and they hate him even more! He wants people to name shit after him without him having to pay them to do it. It'll never happen.

I used to live near Palm Beach. I've heard stories that when he bought Mara largo he ticked off the the entire entire town with his shenanigans and a good chunk of the extremely wealthy packed up and left.


He has loads of self esteem issues. Didn't he at one point during his campaign say, he thinks they love him in New York?

The Melania gif from the inauguration is killing me:


This isn't even funny to me. Just sad and creepy. Like what the hell goes on behind closed doors?


Can we stop the reverse theory, already?

It is not reversed. Both Melania and Ivanka's smile disappear, tho. It is even more fun in video.

You can check the reversed version of the gif here, if you still have doubts: https://twitter.com/cerebral_artery/status/823636510125735937

Her smile seems to linger far longer in the supposedly actually "reversed" gif.

In other words, her reaction changes because of something completely unrelated. But someone has altered the gif to "connect" her reaction to Trump.


Trump should straight up be in a mental hospital, not the oval office. His issues stretch far beyond what a normal person with thin skin would experience.

- paranoia
- delusion
- loss of memory
- lack of conscience, empathy

I don't know if his dad was extremely hard on him when he was younger, and scarred him for life, or he has fabricated his own sense of reality based on being coddled too much, and told he was great. Either way, his need to inflate his own ego and constantly get reassurance that he is great, while displaying fascist/narcissistic type traits, would suggest he has a mental disorder.

The dude thinks he's High Emperor of the Universe, not a President elected to serve the people who voted for him. He doesn't seem to understand what it means to be in public office... for him it = power over everyone. That's what is so fucking scary about this lunatic.

Hope something comes out that will help remove him ASAP because while Pence is a piece of shit, at least he won't be constantly trying to validate his greatness with people, and has a working understanding of what Government is. Some of his policies will be really bad, but Trump is proving that it will be bad either way.


Her smile seems to linger far longer in the supposedly actually "reversed" gif.

In other words, her reaction changes because of something completely unrelated. But someone has altered the gif to "connect" her reaction to Trump.

Trump turns around and they both head nod, Trump says something to her and she changes to a sullen expression after he turns back around. I don't see what you're seeing at all. In the video,


Trump should straight up be in a mental hospital, not the oval office. His issues stretch far beyond what a normal person with thin skin would experience.

- paranoia
- delusion
- loss of memory
- lack of conscience, empathy

I don't know if his dad was extremely hard on him when he was younger, and scarred him for life, or he has fabricated his own sense of reality based on being coddled too much, and told he was great. Either way, his need to inflate his own ego and constantly get reassurance that he is great, while displaying fascist/narcissistic type traits, would suggest he has a mental disorder.

The dude thinks he's High Emperor of the Universe, not a President elected to serve the people who voted for him. He doesn't seem to understand what it means to be in public office... for him it = power over everyone. That's what is so fucking scary about this lunatic.

Hope something comes out that will help remove him ASAP because while Pence is a piece of shit, at least he won't be constantly trying to validate his greatness with people, and has a working understanding of what Government is. Some of his policies will be really bad, but Trump is proving that it will be bad either way.
To be fair, most people in politics should be in a mental hospital. It's frequently the craziest that are the most driven to rise to power.

But yeah, there's something definitely wrong with Trump. He seemed to have extra lost it post 2000 as well. He was always an asshole, but if you go back and see the way he talked in interviews before, he was a lot more laid back and calm.


Her smile seems to linger far longer in the supposedly actually "reversed" gif.

In other words, her reaction changes because of something completely unrelated. But someone has altered the gif to "connect" her reaction to Trump.

It's not altered, but I do agree she could have been reacting to something like a kid misbehaving and that could be the 'dirty look' mother's have.

Where was the young Trump boy?


The rankings of the presidents:

41. Franklin Pierce
42. Warren G. Harding
43. James Buchanan
44. Andrew Johnson
45. Inanimate Carbon Rod
46. Donald Trump

That's like sadly...true. An inanimate carbon rod wouldn't nominate any shithead SCOTUS nominees, launch a nuclear strike, and would effectively desk veto every bill that came to them. Sure appointees could be a problem, but as it is we'd probably just have all of Obama's still for the next four years.


CNN needs to make a side bar where a continue scroll of Trump fact checking occures so they can focus the main broadcast on real news of the shit he is doing. At top of every hour, they can take 5 minutes to highlight some of the doozeys.


That's like sadly...true. An inanimate carbon rod wouldn't nominate any shithead SCOTUS nominees, launch a nuclear strike, and would effectively desk veto every bill that came to them. Sure appointees could be a problem, but as it is we'd probably just have all of Obama's still for the next four years.
Ralph Wiggum would have also made a better president than Trump... and I used to regard the episode where he ran for office as preposterous. How naive I was!


Imagine being so insecure that you actually put out "positive tweets I found" out as a press release.
And one of them is Sean Hannity.


People called Romanes they go the house?
Wait, he's using an editorial piece from USA Today to prop himself up?


I am more surprised Fox News is on the list only once.

Technically it's there twice with the Ted Cruz comment also being from Hannity.
Holy fuck, this motherfucker is insecure

And this is scary. President putting out an offical release selectively choosing positive quotes

This is what happens when business people try to run government. That's something you do for a product box quote, not a presidential press release.

You cannot run government like a business, and certainly can't run government PR like a corporate communications team. Jesus Christ.
Surely you'd think its in the constitution somewhere, surely.

It is, actually. However, it is the Vice President and the Cabinet that can declare the President temporarily unfit for duty. And this won't happen, because Republicans don't read the current situation as "Fuck, we have a dangerously unhinged psychopath as President!" but as "We have full control over all major branches of government, so let's go wild!"
I would say that tells a story. Don't want to jump to conclusions, but that face... that's a look of resentment.

There's a lot of dark places you can go, but more than anything, I don't think she wants this life as first lady. The fact that she isn't going to move into the White House, and all of her stuff during the campaign was so half-assed and half-hearted tells me she probably never wanted it, but she has to go where Money Honey goes.


The VP and either a majority of the cabinet or Congress can declare him unfit.

But of course they will be disincentivized to ever do this until it's too late. "We can control this situation. Everything will be okay"

Besides the fact that it would blow the lid off the political unrest in this country.


Holy fuck, this motherfucker is insecure

And this is scary. President putting out an offical press release selectively choosing positive quotes
It's only a matter of time until he starts using dishonest blurb movie ad marketing tricks to trump up his efforts in these press release packages.

The thing is... I'm not even sure this is being done for the public. I don't believe that's the primary objective at all. I think it's being done predominantly to fellate Trump's own ceaselessly fragile self-image.


This isn't even funny to me. Just sad and creepy. Like what the hell goes on behind closed doors?

She decided to harpoon herself to that whale, knowing full well the guy's history before her. I don't give people sympathy points for making transparently bad choices and deciding to keep making them for selfish reasons.


The guy has the nuke codes.

"Let me tell you, folks, we've got the best nukes. The best. Our nukes are the envy of the world. No other nukes can compete. They're that great. They're so great in fact that, hypothetically speaking, if something were to go wrong and I accidentally launched one at our own country, we would actually be luckier than if we got attacked by another nation. Cuz our nukes are the best and we deserve to be destroyed with the best weapons."
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