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AP: Trump dogged by insecurity over popular vote, media coverage, watches TV often

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She decided to harpoon herself to that whale, knowing full well the guy's history before her. I don't give people sympathy points for making transparently bad choices and deciding to keep making them for selfish reasons.

Well here's hoping she comes to her senses at some point and publicly divorces and ruins his ass if she really is suffering.


On that hilarious press release, a reminder that Trump literally did that every morning. He'd have an assistant scour every newspaper/magazine just for mentions of his name. They'd highlight it and present it to him to read. The man is obsessed with himself.
"Trump begins each day with a sheaf of papers detailing where and how often his name has been mentioned in the global press. The reports are typically too numerous for him to actually read, but the weight of the pages gives his sensitive ego a measure of his importance on any given day."
-”For decades, Trump's daily morning routine included a review of everything written or said about him in the previous twenty-four hours. The clippings were usually culled by Norma Foerderer – for two decades Trump's ever-present chief assistant – who also handed her boss a spiral notebook contain media requests, most of which he would handle himself. As his celebrity grew, the daily pile of Trump related news coverage swelled; still, he diligently tried to review everything written or said about him."


On that hilarious press release, a reminder that Trump literally did that every morning. He'd have an assistant scour every newspaper/magazine just for mentions of his name. They'd highlight it and present it to him to read. The man is obsessed with himself.


I think he said he likes the crowds praise and the act of promoting himself as a brand. Fits with what we know of him.


There's a lot of dark places you can go, but more than anything, I don't think she wants this life as first lady. The fact that she isn't going to move into the White House, and all of her stuff during the campaign was so half-assed and half-hearted tells me she probably never wanted it, but she has to go where Money Honey goes.

I could definitely understand that. I do think it is kind of weird that there are a bunch of responsibilities and expectations of service thrust on first ladies. I can understand the argument that if one partner decides to run for president, the other should be prepared to take on the role as first whatever, but it seems kind of odd to me still. I don't know, maybe I am just weird.


Is this really an internal battle between lining his pockets and feeding his ego? These first five days have been such a depressing shit show and he should feel bad for the things he's doing.


The Melania gif from the inauguration is killing me:


Jesus Christ.


Good. Let him squirm in his seat and lose sleep over it. I hope his days in office are as stressful and unfulfilling as possible.


Is this really an internal battle between lining his pockets and feeding his ego? These first five days have been such a depressing shit show and he should feel bad for the things he's doing.
He doesn't feel bad for doing the things he's doing.
He feels bad because we don't love and revere him for doing them.


What's hilarious is he wants the power and submissiveness of a totalitarian state like North Korea.

But this is America, motherfucker. We will put evidence of your bullshit on blast 24/7. We won't go down without a fight.


Lol, on the today show this morning Matt lauer was calling him out on something (don't remember what), cheetoh turd tweeted a response in seconds. Dude has a country to run and he's scouring the airwaves looking for people talking about him.


Lol, on the today show this morning Matt lauer was calling him out on something (don't remember what), cheetoh turd tweeted a response in seconds. Dude has a country to run and he's scouring the airwaves looking for people talking about him.

Christ, talk about misplaced energy. You have a country to run. Your first step should be reading the Constitution...that's a good start.


Lol, on the today show this morning Matt lauer was calling him out on something (don't remember what), cheetoh turd tweeted a response in seconds. Dude has a country to run and he's scouring the airwaves looking for people talking about him.
Next it will be a live Twitter feud on air.


Christ, talk about misplaced energy. You have a country to run. Your first step should be reading the Constitution...that's a good start.

People didn't vote for trump so he'd read the constitution

They voted for trump because of things like this.


The rankings of the presidents:

41. Franklin Pierce
42. Warren G. Harding
43. James Buchanan
44. Andrew Johnson
45. Inanimate Carbon Rod
46. Donald Trump

How dare you besmirch his name? Inanimate Carbon Rod would be way higher than 45. In Rod We Trust! He speaks for the downtrodden and those who can't fight.
I need to create an indie game where you play an unnamed Hacktivist who goes around Ghost in the Shell style and takes down the Propaganda Machine that is supporting an also unnamed but very Orange political figure. Where instead of violence, the lack of bullshit information being spread slowly degrades the sanity and willpower of the Orange.

I think it'd be relatively popular.


Honestly, this man isn't going to manage a year let alone four. He has serious issues that do not work with being the President and all of the pressure and criticism that that entails.

The DAPL conflict that he's now reopened is going to lead to him either doing some incredibly stupid shit or outright cause him to convulse if the media picks up on it and paints him in the dark against the natives who are trying to protect their water. Those protests will be enormous, and this time I don't think they'll skirt common media for as long as they did last time.

After that, his war on science is going to also turn round and bite him and his administration in the ass.


Is this really an internal battle between lining his pockets and feeding his ego? These first five days have been such a depressing shit show and he should feel bad for the things he's doing.

His ego has always taken precedence over his finances. Otherwise, he wouldn't have filed for bankruptcy so many times.
Trump seems like he'd be the easiest world leader ever for someone to assassinate. Just publicly say mean things about him until he suffers a rage-induced heart attack.
Trump seems like he'd be the easiest world leader ever for someone to assassinate. Just publicly say mean things about him until he suffers a rage-induced heart attack.
Now we finally know why one of the Captain Planet powers was "heart".

It's both a symbol of millions of people coming together in love and friendship to make an evil man's heart explode, and a symbol of the exploded heart.


I honestly hope he cracks from the pressure. Or he does such a bad job due to stress that he looses in a landslide.
What's hilarious is he wants the power and submissiveness of a totalitarian state like North Korea.

But this is America, motherfucker. We will put evidence of your bullshit on blast 24/7. We won't go down without a fight.

Feels like we are going down no matter how hard we fight.


I honestly hope he cracks from the pressure. Or he does such a bad job due to stress that he looses in a landslide.

Trump has shown us daily since he first arrived on the political scene is that he doesn't respect the results of any contest he doesn't win. Meaning now that he's in the white house he will do everything to enshrine his power and discredit/manipulate the results of any future election. This motherfucker isn't setting up a one or two term presidency, he's setting up a monarchy.
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