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AP: Trump dogged by insecurity over popular vote, media coverage, watches TV often

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Do we want Trump to have a mental breakdown? Is that ultimately going to be a going thing?
Given the stuff he's doing it's like we're animals backed into a corner. Exploit any perceived weakness to escape, as we're certainly doomed via inaction.

How do we know these arent controlled leaks to the media so he can gloat on them for spreading fake news about this kind of stuff in the future.


Imagine if Obama was this thin skinned with all the shit he got.

I can't believe the American public was foolish enough to let this man lead them. I still can't. I know a lot of my posts are repeats of this but with every bit of news it's just so shocking and disgusting.
Yes. That's the plan. That and only that, and it's exactly the same situation. It's not like there was a huge protest the other day or anything.

Do you have any great ideas you'd like to share with the class?

I mean he's done so much already, I'm pretty scared of what the tipping point would be. I'm hoping he'll just get impeached under the emoluments clause case that got put forward the other day.
Remember though, this is the man with the nuclear codes.

The nuclear codes are worrying, but if he can't handle the press then there's (hopefully) a strong chance he'll just walk away from the presidency all-together.

Clearly, Trump didn't know what he was getting himself into when he was sworn in as president, and I'm all the more glad for that.



How do we know these arent controlled leaks to the media so he can gloat on them for spreading fake news about this kind of stuff in the future.

I doubt Trump actually has foresight to do this. I think he is a stupid leader, not actually smart. Hopefully.


Was getting caught part of your plan?
Isn't there an entire channel dedicated to praising him?

He's basically like a kid seeking affirmation from parents who are obligated to say that he loves him.

He wants to know he's being loved for real.

Shit, that would explain it.

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
The bad press over the weekend has not allowed Trump to "enjoy" the White House as he feels he deserves, according to one person who has spoken with him.

I remember someone saying that Trump thought that winning the Presidency would earn him the respect he has yearned for a long time.

He deserves this shit. I'm almost glad he won, because he'll know that, even with the chance handed to him, he can't fucking gain any respect and will do an absolute shitshow of a job.

This is going to hunt him until he dies.


Right wing people online are saying Politifact is a left wing organization. I can't. I just fucking can't. How the hell do you deal with people like that?

How do we know these arent controlled leaks to the media so he can gloat on them for spreading fake news about this kind of stuff in the future.
How would trump be able to prove any of this?

And do you really think he would be capable of spreading negativity about himself, even if it was part of his "plan"?

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
I remember someone saying that Trump thought that winning the Presidency would earn him the respect he has yearned for a long time.

He deserves this shit. I'm almost glad he won, because he'll know that, even with the chance handed to him, he can't fucking gain any respect and will do an absolute shitshow of a job.

This is going to hunt him until he dies.
I think it's exposed to him that he's probably the most hated person on the planet. Must be a bit of a shock.


The bright side to all this is that Bannon does not seem to be Karl Rove, and the rest of the loons in his inner circle are clearly political idiots. They had the stuff to drive turnout and get elected, but they are incapable of governing and combating the media while in office.

The fact that these meltdowns are getting out to us in his first week are a good sign. Trump is playing at being an authoritarian political mastermind, but he nor any of his people are politically astute enough to pull it off. The press and his dissenters are winning.


He's going to have a psychotic break. The question is if someone can take the codes from him before that happens. His personality disorder will come to a head eventually

This is legitimately scary.

But does it actually work like that in reality? Can the POTUS really order a nuclear launch without approval from at least one of his staff members?


It hasn't even been a week. No way he makes it 3 months at this point. He wants nothing more than no media in the WH than what they allow to be leaked.


There isn't a point in putting pressure on Trump because even supposing he stepped down or something, Pence would take over, and he would be worse than Trump. Trump is an idiot with a massive ego, but Pence is a schemer with an evil agenda. I think I would rather keep Trump between the two.
It will never stop bumming me out how consistently 4chan has been dropping the ball on this.

First they missed out on the chance to be on the front lines of the US-Russian cyber war.

Now they could literally be bullying the president of the united states out of office with memes but instead they're just circlejerking over white supremacist garbage.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I bet all of these anonymous "leaks" from his aides and reportedly close confidants must be absolutely infuriating for him to read. I wonder how soon before he starts purging his staff and replacing them with even more incompetent bootlickers.
How would trump be able to prove any of this?

And do you really think he would be capable of spreading negativity about himself, even if it was part of his "plan"?

Not him directly but his republican cronies couldve suggested it to him as an idea to discredit the media further.


This is legitimately scary.

But does it actually work like that in reality? Can the POTUS really order a nuclear launch without approval from at least one of his staff members?
Absolutely. The idea was that if the Soviet missiles are inbound, there won't be time to discuss how to respond with a committee. And the safeguard was supposed to be that the American people wouldn't elect someone unhinged enough to just launch them on a whim.


There isn't a point in putting pressure on Trump because even supposing he stepped down or something, Pence would take over, and he would be worse than Trump. Trump is an idiot with a massive ego, but Pence is a schemer with an evil agenda. I think I would rather keep Trump between the two.
All Trump wants to do is executive action. Pence is basically running everything domestic if I'm not mistaken.


Silver lining, however small, is that I never cease to enjoy Trump squirming and miserable.

So keep it up, sane people of the world.


Makes sense. The thing about narcissists is that their confidence only really forms a thin shell. On the inside they dislike themselves and think of themselves as inadequate. The negative media coverage is forcing trump to face this part of himself.

My hope is that somehow this gets through to him and he slows down the rate at which he's tearing America down. Unfortunately, the people he has surrounded himself with all but ensures that someone will always be around to continue right where he leaves off. Also, it's pretty hard to develop insight on your own. My guess is he'll do what he needs to do to bolster his ego- for example, holding the rallies he mentioned previously.


Even though he says CNN is fake news, he still watches them all day long. Most of the time they go ham on Trump and that drives him crazy so he lashes out. He has paper thin skin by the way.



for those that don't know what this is, it's Osama Bin Laden watching coverage of himself
Ronald Reagan likely served as President while having Alzheimer. They'd find a way to cover up for Trump I'm sure.

Wasn't Reagan not formally diagnosed until after leaving office, and people only picked up on the warning signs in hindsight?

With Trump, it's pretty clear to the public there's something going on with him. We knew it before he was inauguration and it's impossible to totally conceal now, given his desperate need for attention and approval from everyone.


There isn't a point in putting pressure on Trump because even supposing he stepped down or something, Pence would take over, and he would be worse than Trump. Trump is an idiot with a massive ego, but Pence is a schemer with an evil agenda. I think I would rather keep Trump between the two.

But all signs point to Pence already running the show anyway. Trump is an idiot silver spoon billionaire with absolutely no experience as a politician.

At least Pence is sane. Evil, but sane.


Well... At this rate, he's going to get all of the shitty things he wanted to get done within a few weeks.

So after that, he'll get bored and quit? Maybe?


I remember someone saying that Trump thought that winning the Presidency would earn him the respect he has yearned for a long time.

He deserves this shit. I'm almost glad he won, because he'll know that, even with the chance handed to him, he can't fucking gain any respect and will do an absolute shitshow of a job.

This is going to hunt him until he dies.

That was me. He clearly thought he would suddenly feel satisfied and respected like he's always wanted, but he was sworn in, moved into the White House, sat at the desk and got called "Mr. President", and...nothing changed, everything was the same, media shitting on him, no one actually respecting him, etc.

I guess he forgot holding his hand up and saying some words, and sitting at the resolute desk doesn't change him being a crude, whiny, low intelligence troglodyte no one has ever respected even for a second. Becoming a big real estate guy like his dad didn't get him respect, being a TV star didn't get him respect, and being President won't get him respect, because he doesn't deserve any and never will.
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