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AP: Trump dogged by insecurity over popular vote, media coverage, watches TV often

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You see all of those pictures of presidents who age dramatically over the course of their term.

How bad is Trump going to look by the end?
But all signs point to Pence already running the show anyway. Trump is an idiot silver spoon billionaire with absolutely no experience as a politician.

At least Pence is sane. Evil, but sane.

Pence is, like, regular evil. He'd push for shitty laws, but I wouldn't have to worry about him potentially destroying the stock market with a tweet, de-legitimizing news organizations, pissing and moaning about critical coverage of him, and being a dangerous wild card who casually mentions maybe going back to war with Iraq to steal some oil.

New organizations need to keep up the pressure. If this is getting to Trump, GOOD. He'll slip up, push too far, and pay a heavy price for it. Or he'll just find a way to resign.
You see all of those pictures of presidents who age dramatically over the course of their term.

How bad is Trump going to look by the end?


Sean C

So basically the Saturday Night Live sketch "Through Donald's Eyes" is totally accurate to how his daily life works?
Wait a minute. I'm sorry to distract the main topic at hand. But wait a minute.

AP said:
When journalist Timothy O'Brien wrote in a 2005 book that Trump was a multimillionaire, not a billionaire, the real estate mogul sued him for $5 billion. The case was dismissed. Trump appealed, accusing the journalist of libel. He lost that, too.
I'm sorry but....what? Was he serious? Is it possible to be that butthurt??? This can't be real. I'm sorry but I can't accept this to be real. This is too much even for me.
I hope SNL keeps mocking the hell out of him.

Pence is, like, regular evil. He'd push for shitty laws, but I wouldn't have to worry about him potentially destroying the stock market with a tweet, de-legitimizing news organizations, pissing and moaning about critical coverage of him, and being a dangerous wild card who casually mentions maybe going back to war with Iraq to steal some oil.

McCain was the first one to really get the ball rolling on delegitimizing the media, so it's likely that Pence would still continue that tradition, just in more subtle ways. Other than that though, you're right.
Did Trump really think that Presidents age 5 times faster when they are in office because they spend all of their time enjoying the White House?

You don't get to enjoy the White House, fucker. The American people own you now, not the other way around.


You see all of those pictures of presidents who age dramatically over the course of their term.

How bad is Trump going to look by the end?

I imagine the aging effect is caused by stressing over the responsibilities and consequences of one's actions as president. So he'll probably look the same by the end of his term.

Evening Musuko

Black Korea
So this means trolling will save America? That's my take away from this.

The same trolls who rage about "delicate snowflakes" and "safe spaces" ironically helped elect the most delicate motherfucker ever who gets "triggered" whenever he's not in his "safe space" bubble of yes men.

Would be almost poetic if trolling got this shitstain out of office.
Wait a minute. I'm sorry to distract the main topic at hand. But wait a minute.

I'm sorry but....what? Was he serious? Is it possible to be that butthurt??? This can't be real. I'm sorry but I can't accept this to be real. This is too much even for me.

Search your feelings, you know it to be true.


keep your strippers out of my American football
It hasn't even been a week. No way he makes it 3 months at this point. He wants nothing more than no media in the WH than what they allow to be leaked.

Who is going to stop him? Has anyone with any real power in the GOP opposing anything this week? I am asking because I haven't heard anything. I have thought that Pence and Ryan were just waiting for Trump to fuck up so badly that they can take over, but not seeing any real evidence of that so far.

Of course it hasn't been a week yet.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Every week, the press should highlight some event that had better turnout than Trump's inauguration. Use alternative facts to the maximum if they need to fudge the numbers a bit...

"Saturday's 5K run/walk benefiting the micro-handed turned out an estimated 2 million people. That's well over the estimates for the turnout at Trump's inauguration."

Damn, Jake. Good job.
Yeah, thanks for deciding to support facts now, CNN. Feels a bit too little, too late though. These are the same people who would've run something more like, "Voter Fraud? How Pervasive is it?" and played the "let's hear from both sides and give them equal weight" angle that helped get us into this mess.


I am perversely excited and horrified by how poor the relationship between the President, his aides, and the press will get in the next few minutes, never mind by the time a new FY budget is being fought over in Congress. And if people are nervous about Sean Spicer's performance at the press room already, how is he going to respond to more aggressive questions or heckling when this government provokes an international crisis?


Job is going to kill him if the reporting is accurate.

Also, "enjoy" the White House? Nobody enjoys the White House. POTUS is a horrible job.


Thought Emoji Movie was good. Take that as you will.
Awesome.. he just showed his weakness.

Keep protesting, keep criticizing and hold his ass to the fire.

He'll crack completely in time.

Never should have ran if he couldn't put up with the heat.

Imagine if Obama responded everytime someone was negative towards him, his wife, or his children.

2 people crack jokes about his son and it draws a response from the WH.

People called Obama's kids every nasty racist thing you could imagine and he left it for what it was, the ignorant rants of racists.


He's actually annoyed he has to do these duties.

Signing your name on a decree (that's what that shit is, let's stop calling it an "executive order") is the easiest part of the job. I can't wait to see his face when he has to fight reticent Republicans over budget line items, or when a bill he pushes might not get cloture in the Senate, or when a widow from a war this man starts goes in so hard that the Vietnam era looks like a ballroom blitz in comparison.
All you really need is for Obama to say one straight up bad thing about him.

It has to be Obama to do it.

Fuck it, one hour stand up comedy, do it Obama.
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