Sibersk Esto
You see all of those pictures of presidents who age dramatically over the course of their term.
How bad is Trump going to look by the end?
How bad is Trump going to look by the end?
But all signs point to Pence already running the show anyway. Trump is an idiot silver spoon billionaire with absolutely no experience as a politician.
At least Pence is sane. Evil, but sane.
You see all of those pictures of presidents who age dramatically over the course of their term.
How bad is Trump going to look by the end?
You see all of those pictures of presidents who age dramatically over the course of their term.
How bad is Trump going to look by the end?
Ronald Reagan likely served as President while having Alzheimer. They'd find a way to cover up for Trump I'm sure.
You see all of those pictures of presidents who age dramatically over the course of their term.
How bad is Trump going to look by the end?
You see all of those pictures of presidents who age dramatically over the course of their term.
How bad is Trump going to look by the end?
He's not fucking making it to the end of this shit, lol
No way his health will keep up.
I'm sorry but....what? Was he serious? Is it possible to be that butthurt??? This can't be real. I'm sorry but I can't accept this to be real. This is too much even for me.AP said:When journalist Timothy O'Brien wrote in a 2005 book that Trump was a multimillionaire, not a billionaire, the real estate mogul sued him for $5 billion. The case was dismissed. Trump appealed, accusing the journalist of libel. He lost that, too.
You see all of those pictures of presidents who age dramatically over the course of their term.
How bad is Trump going to look by the end?
Pence is, like, regular evil. He'd push for shitty laws, but I wouldn't have to worry about him potentially destroying the stock market with a tweet, de-legitimizing news organizations, pissing and moaning about critical coverage of him, and being a dangerous wild card who casually mentions maybe going back to war with Iraq to steal some oil.
You see all of those pictures of presidents who age dramatically over the course of their term.
How bad is Trump going to look by the end?
So this means trolling will save America? That's my take away from this.
This is great. Keep it up!I'm sure this among other reasons is why he is calling CNN fake news:
Wait a minute. I'm sorry to distract the main topic at hand. But wait a minute.
I'm sorry but....what? Was he serious? Is it possible to be that butthurt??? This can't be real. I'm sorry but I can't accept this to be real. This is too much even for me.
I'm sure this among other reasons is why he is calling CNN fake news:
It hasn't even been a week. No way he makes it 3 months at this point. He wants nothing more than no media in the WH than what they allow to be leaked.
You see all of those pictures of presidents who age dramatically over the course of their term.
How bad is Trump going to look by the end?
Yeah, thanks for deciding to support facts now, CNN. Feels a bit too little, too late though. These are the same people who would've run something more like, "Voter Fraud? How Pervasive is it?" and played the "let's hear from both sides and give them equal weight" angle that helped get us into this mess.Damn, Jake. Good job.
W got hit hard
I hope the coming weeks break him.
I truly believe that W actually cared quite a bit, even though he was a terrible president.W got hit hard
Right wing people online are saying Politifact is a left wing organization. I can't. I just fucking can't. How the hell do you deal with people like that?
Vic Berg posted a short clip with Trump signing an exec order. Look how cranky and bored he looks.
Not even a week in at it's all falling apart.
I hope SNL keeps mocking the hell out of him.
Right wing people online are saying Politifact is a left wing organization. I can't. I just fucking can't. How the hell do you deal with people like that?
He's actually annoyed he has to do these duties.Like a hostage showing off today's Washington Post as a sign of life, stuck in some dank bunker somewhere.
He's actually annoyed he has to do these duties.
I'm sure this among other reasons is why he is calling CNN fake news:
Lmao, if they keep this up, Trump's gonna lose his mind within a month. The downfall will be delicious.
I truly believe that W actually cared quite a bit, even though he was a terrible president.
He's actually annoyed he has to do these duties.
Vic Berg posted a short clip with Trump signing an exec order. Look how cranky and bored he looks.
All you really need is for Obama to say one straight up bad thing about him.
It has to be Obama to do it.
Fuck it, one hour stand up comedy, do it Obama.