It just looks so good. Going to post some pics in the Console Screenshots thread.
I've not seen any bugs or framerate drops so far.Is the PC version also buggy?
I really enjoy this game but make sure you manually save liberally. It's crashed 3 times so far in 3 hours.
My thoughts (PS4 version):
I was really excited to try this, and I wanted to like it. The artstyle is good, but it doesn't quite work for me. At times, it's hard to tell your character apart from enemies. Basically, it seems to be a Metroidvania type of game. Either I'm sick of that or it's not done well here. Lots of different objectives to chase after, which is confusing. Tons of items to pick up as well, with no guidance on what they do or how to use them. I also hate the controls for combat. You have to press R2, which simply does not work in a side-scrolling game like this. Maybe it's just me, but this left me feeling bored.
Am I the only one who doesn't like this? Do I need to give it another chance?
And I can see everything fine, but my TV is 60", so maybe that makes a difference.
Echoes my thoughts. I gave it two more shots and an hour after that, but it didn't really get better. I think what you see in the first hour is what you get.Played for about an hour. Love the artstyle and I'm a sucker for great mythology but uhm...I'm not really feeling it, combat feels wonky, switching to ranged is really crappy. I'll give it another go, but it has to get better fast.
I also thought the game wasn't clicking with me, then I realized I had been playing for over two hours and beat two bosses.
I noticed framerate drops, so that sucks. The update we got got rid of them, mostly. Either that or I just stopped noticing them.
I was cleaning PS+ games and their save of my hdd, and then i noticed that the savegame of Aphotheon is 300Mb.
Someone can check and confirm ?
I just tried it from a friend on PS4. The game runs terribly.
It has massive frame drops EVERYWHERE, lol.
Also the game crashed in theescape-from-the-fire section in Hades
Thus, the game is fun. Nothing innovative, but fun.
Also, I think the best way to play this is on PC, with mouse and keyboard. On PS4 aiming to open gate by throwing stuff, expecially if you are chased, is way to difficult.
Is there any platinum trophy for this?
Liked everything except the frame rate drops and the crashes so far. How is it possible to not get a game like this running without frame rate drops on the PS4?
My thoughts (PS4 version):
I was really excited to try this, and I wanted to like it. The artstyle is good, but it doesn't quite work for me. At times, it's hard to tell your character apart from enemies. Basically, it seems to be a Metroidvania type of game. Either I'm sick of that or it's not done well here. Lots of different objectives to chase after, which is confusing. Tons of items to pick up as well, with no guidance on what they do or how to use them. I also hate the controls for combat. You have to press R2, which simply does not work in a side-scrolling game like this. Maybe it's just me, but this left me feeling bored.
Am I the only one who doesn't like this? Do I need to give it another chance?
Is anyone else having trouble installing this? My download keeps getting stuck at around 10 mbs and then I get an error message saying "cannot download". Sometimes if I hit retry a few times it will download but then it won't install. When this happens it says the download is corrupted. I was able to download transistor and rogue legacy fine :/
Liked everything except the frame rate drops and the crashes so far. How is it possible to not get a game like this running without frame rate drops on the PS4?
I had a problem with the update files for a couple of the games upon waking the system up from sleep mode. Same or similar message. But going into the notifications/downloads section and trying the download again worked for me.Is anyone else having trouble installing this? My download keeps getting stuck at around 10 mbs and then I get an error message saying "cannot download". Sometimes if I hit retry a few times it will download but then it won't install. When this happens it says the download is corrupted. I was able to download transistor and rogue legacy fine :/
I totally disagree with the hate, but that's how it goes I guess.
I'm a huge Souls head, so using R1/R2 for right hand and L2 for left hand feels right at home, along with circle to dodge.
And I can see everything fine, but my TV is 60", so maybe that makes a difference.
Yeah I didn't really expect people to struggle with the whole L2/R2 thing, felt fine after the first few minutes of combat.
No crashes here thankfully. Really love the menu UI too, saving is quick which is nice.
Looking good
Is there a platinum?