Just got my first outright rejection, on the same day I put in the application no less. Applying to jobs truly is a joy.
Had an interview today, had a tough time getting a read on how they felt about me. It was two of the managers and it seemed like they were doing the good cop/bad cop routine on me. One of them went over my resume and asked me about past experiences and how I would fit into the team and the other guy grilled me with tougher more nebulous questions. One of the first interviews where I am completely unsure of how it went.
Looks like I got this warehouse jerb at amazon. I need to go back to school.
Word.Ugh I worked at Amazon's Fulfillment Centre in Milton Keynes as a picker. It was the worst. Low pay, long hours and stupid unattainable targets. No thank you.
no one really replied but that's ok
got back from the interview. ugh, not sure about it. they did tell me I scored one of the highest with 95% but that doesn't matter if the interview part wasn't up to snuff. I'll find out if I get in first week of July. Fingers crossed.
Word.kill me
This time be hired directly should be a tiny bit better than the bs temp service
Word.kill me
This time be hired directly should be a tiny bit better than the bs temp service
If it doesn't work, do what i did and read up on what pre-formulated sentences your job would want to hear, apply them to your situation, go through them in your head a couple of times and try to avoid ad-lib as much as possible. Even if you seem nervous, which is normal and might even be considered a plus, adhering to the annoying ceremony of job interviews and sticking to your script will leave a good impression IMHO. The most important thing in a job interview is to prepare yourself.
Good luck!no one really replied but that's ok
got back from the interview. ugh, not sure about it. they did tell me I scored one of the highest with 95% but that doesn't matter if the interview part wasn't up to snuff. I'll find out if I get in first week of July. Fingers crossed.
My god, that was brutal.
Pro tip for web developers - when making a recruitment form, testing is key.
Just spent the last hour trying to apply for a job on a company's recruitment hub (the only way to apply for the spot I wanted) and their web form is broken - login details I know are correct come up as errors, no way to retrieve lost passwords, no help desk support, attachments bigger that a meg (like, say, an audio demo) cause server errors.
Still just managed to submit my application. After that effort I at least deserve a phonecall.
My god, that was brutal.
Pro tip for web developers - when making a recruitment form, testing is key.
Just spent the last hour trying to apply for a job on a company's recruitment hub (the only way to apply for the spot I wanted) and their web form is broken - login details I know are correct come up as errors, no way to retrieve lost passwords, no help desk support, attachments bigger that a meg (like, say, an audio demo) cause server errors.
Still just managed to submit my application. After that effort I at least deserve a phonecall.
Back to the job search grind for me. I'm rapidly approaching my year mark at my current job. My only chance at an accounting job was back in November. Getting passed over by people who came after me now. That coupled with the relatively low pay has resulted in me no longer caring about the quality of my work, any inputs on making things work better, or anything really. The downside is that all the other jobs I've been seeing also pay shit. My degree is basically worthless without the experience to back it up that I can no longer afford to get unless I intern back in my hometown and move in with my folks.
Been out of work for a little over a year now. Had plenty of interviews, but no one will hire me.
It's hard to keep going on, and to keep trying when all you have to show for it is rejection and failure.
Had an interview with a Verizon Wireless Reseller a few days ago and thought it went super well. It was two guys who were laid back and asking a bunch of questions (Name three actors that you would have dinner with..), best/worst mentor, etc. It seemed like it went perfect.. almost too good and he said he'd be in touch within the next day with more information. He also asked what my level of interest was for the job. My qualifications are perfect for this job as I've worked in mobile before and was able to relate a lot with the questions asked. They even went over the commission structure (plus hourly wage) with me then.
It's going on the third day and so far nothing. He reached out initially via text and then phone call. Should I shoot him a text later on today if I hear nothing back or wait til Monday? Just nervous that I didn't get this position (hiring for multiple stores/cities so it seemed like they had spots to fill).
Argh.. hate waiting especially when I need something ASAP.
What kind of an accounting job were you trying to get? The guy on the last page didn't reply but if you need some help with public accounting, let me know.
Basically any accounting job that isn't those $12/hr clerk jobs. Yeah, any help is very much appreciated.
Also format is everything. My resume:
I mean, you have to be a bit more specific than that if you don't mean some entry level bookkeeping. Public or private? What industry or makets? Audit/tax/IT/advisory/transactions/finance/hedges?
Well that's the thing. I don't have any preference right now because I don't know have any professional experience with any of them. Based off of classes, I enjoyed tax the most, but I don't want to limit my options.
Basically any accounting job that isn't those $12/hr clerk jobs. Yeah, any help is very much appreciated.
Well that's the thing. I don't have any preference right now because I don't know have any professional experience with any of them. Based off of classes, I enjoyed tax the most, but I don't want to limit my options.
When I spoke with some big 4 employees they said tax is different in practice than what you learn in class. But they still liked it more than audit.
I think it would be hard to get specifically into tax.. Summer internship perhaps?
I'm currently working as a receivablds clerk at a property management company to get experience and my Cpa.
I. uh. hm. So.
First, is your degree in accounting? How many credits do you have? Are you eligible to sit? Is that even a goal?
Second, it sounds like you don't know the difference between public and private. This would indicate to me you went to a bad school or didn't take advantage of their career center resources. If you still have access to your school's career services and fairs (most schools let alums participate) then you need to sit down with someone immediately to discuss what exactly you want to do in accounting. Either the chair of your accounting department or the accounting career counselor for your school who handles the recruiters.
Third, you have to have your mind made up when you get the inevitable "why -insert service line here-" question. The amount of people that tell me "I don't know, I guess I liked audit in classes!" is astronomical. Resume in the trash, thanks for wasting my time.
I meet students like you all the time so I'm used to saying this. Talk to people and do research now!
People don't need to be passionate about what they do, just good at what they do. I know many good tax lawyers that are not passionate about tax.Alright, so, accounting is not for you then lol. No worries. Try to find something that you enjoy and work towards that.