There was this hot girl in my engineering batch (you rarely see good looking girls in engineering). Anyways so she was fucking dumb. Didnt do a single lab by herself. Had different boy toy who helped her and sometimes did the whole shit for her. Barely passed exams. And in short she just made it till the end.
Today I found out she got a job offer from one amazing company, where I did my interview last month and was rejected. The interview was fucking hard, too many technical question. And this company asks you to submit your official transcript before the interview day.
Now I am in a huge shock, how the fuck did she get a job there. Not just me, but all my fellow engineers are wondering about the same thing and more fucked up thing is, she was on Europe trip whole summer after graduation while we were all applying for jobs here. And she comes back last months and lands on this brilliant job. Min 85k Annual package.
Even though I found a job, I still feel fucking terrible. Its no where near as nice as that and I also feel bad for one of my closest friend who did 16month internship in the same company, in the same department and his is topper of my year. And he wasn't even called for the interview.
Seeing some undeserving candidate taking your place is even more soul crushing

she must have fucked the interviewer. Seriously though, she was too hot, I wont deny that. But a shittest engineering you will ever see.