Anybody else get contacted a shitload of times by insurance companies? Specifically ones selling insurance to elderly people?
Every single time I even remotely start looking for work at all I get a ton of emails from insurance companies, and I've always assumed they are almost all a scam.
As I said earlier, I have been out of work since April when the small local retail store I helped manage closed down. I have had almost no luck since then, and have been lied to by at least two people that I thought I had jobs with but they totally screwed me over.
I recently passed the South Carolina Property & Casualty Producer exam and am now licensed. I am taking that and have been appointed by a local office that specializes in insuring churches and everything having to do with churches. It is commission only, but it's on the up and up. However, with my unemployment running out in a week or two I must have a second, primary (for the time being), job. I'll work the main job, then do the insurance thing on the side until I can build it up, which may take six months to a year.
I have a few leads right now, and just before I started this post I got a call back for a second interview for an amazing state job that would have full benefits, vacation, sick days, and all of that. It would change everything for me and my wife, so I really hope that goes through. It's an amazing job as well - it is as a job coach for people with disabilities such as autism, down syndrome, and other such ailments. I'm sure it would be frustrating at times, but it would be so rewarding for me.
Please let me give you guys a word of warning btw. I know there are a lot of younger people here, people just out of high school and in college. I am 34 years old now. Years ago I had a full scholarship to go to local school and it was completely and totally paid for. Right out of high school, right after graduation, I discovered my girlfriend at the time that I was planning on getting married to was cheating on me with her next door neighbor and had been for years. I broke up with her, and it all broke my heart. She ended up going to the same school and I saw her every single day even after high school. That, along with being a stupid kid out of high school, led to me essentially just not going to class, and I ultimately dropped out after a year or so. Because of that my GPA was just the bottom of the barrel.
Well, fast forward to my losing my job this last April. I decided to do anything worthwhile I needed to at least get an Associates. I went back to the school and they refused me any sort of assistance or financial aid or anything. The reason was for what happened all of those years ago. To go back to finally get all of that out of the way I need to pay completely out of pocket for a semester or two in order to get my GPA up. That is kinda hard to do while not working right now.
Just, for the love of God guys, don't screw up like I did. I had no clue how that one stupid mistake over such stupid reasons would haunt me for all of these years. If you are in school, FINISH IT, don't be stupid and stop going and drop out or anything like that. Even if it seems pointless, hang in there.
My 20s were the dirt worst. I wasted them completely.