Herman Cain
I was nuts to go with over 200K for both consoles, but someone said I should not change my numbers...
I was nuts to go with over 200K for both consoles, but someone said I should not change my numbers...
So I'm dead with being 98k off.
[3DS -151K ~ 32k high
[PS4 -195K ~21k high
[WIU - 47K ~4k high
[XB1 - 141K ~46k short
total = ~102k off YIKES
Don't worry Welfare for what its worth you still beat me... I'm officially rekt for this month's predictions.
[3DS] 155K ~ 36k high
[PS4] 210K ~ 36k high
[WIU] 50K ~7k high
[XB1] 160K ~ 27k short
Total 106k off
haha Rex you got the same as me xD
You're 7K off in Wii U.
haha Rex you got the same as me xD
NeoGAF Aggregate Predictions - Apr-2015
1. PS4 - 221K
2. XB1 - 160K
3. 3DS - 158K
4. WIU - 58K
Looks like all the numbers may be known, but will check out the NPD thread to be sure. (^_^)
NeoGAF Aggregate Predictions - Apr-2015
1. PS4 - 221K
2. XB1 - 160K
3. 3DS - 158K
4. WIU - 58K
Looks like all the numbers may be known, but will check out the NPD thread to be sure. (^_^)
Microsoft Chad has the correct order and only 43K off. Yeah he got this one lol
April 2015 Overall 2015 Top (3/4)
01. Microsoft Chad 118.93 allan-bh 308.31
02. John Bender 99.05 donny2112 302.14
03. Chobel 95.72 shinra-bansho 295.74
04. aaronwt 92.26 Gbpackers31 294.77
05. Kenzodielocke 90.75 Welfare 294.26
06. Aceofspades 88.89 Megadragon15 290.82
07. GifGafIsTheBestGaf 87.62 madp0k 289.26
08. freefornow 86.40 Untalkative_Bunny 288.57
09. Hammer24 83.02 John Bender 288.47
10. Fat4all 82.00 archnemesis 288.39
11. archnemesis 81.96 Chobel 288.17
12. Bousf 81.53 astrogamer 287.67
13. RexNovis 80.96 Javin98 284.91
14. Road 80.77 doicare 284.27
15. I2amza 80.54 RexNovis 281.99
16. Welfare 80.47 freefornow 280.44
17. CorporateClown 80.45 michaelius 279.36
18. ninjabat 80.23 vinnygambini 279.14
19. Rand6 80.07 BlackBuzzard 278.95
20. Untalkative_Bunny 79.50 Jamix012 276.44
21. Prototype Viktor 78.75 prag16 275.29
22. Sangetsu-II 78.74 Sangetsu-II 273.90
23. twisted h3art 78.38 ascii42 272.70
24. Achire 77.87 Bruno MB 272.04
25. Nouzka 77.72 KillerMan91 272.00
26. Tratorn 77.53 skedar897 271.69
27. Kayant 77.50 wachie 270.74
28. monegames 77.05 slavesnyder 270.24
29. doicare 76.52 noobie 270.22
30. donny2112 76.40 Final Verdict 269.59
31. orochi91 76.30 Kill3r7 269.08
32. jayu26 75.81 Asd202 268.95
33. KillerMan91 75.73 Darth Smurf X 267.70
34. Gbpackers31 75.68 jayu26 267.47
35. Sharpeye 75.54 Kenzodielocke 267.35
36. ConfusedGamer 75.21 Rymuth 267.32
37. jjonez18 75.18 Ombala 267.07
38. Griml┐ck 75.15 I2amza 265.90
39. allan-bh 74.91 Trust me, I'm a PhD 265.13
40. TomShoe 74.88 jjonez18 264.75
41. g0dofwar 74.67 theprodigy 264.50
42. Elandyll 74.66 ConfusedGamer 264.49
43. pitseleh 74.25 Road 263.89
44. Baroquemantic 74.20 CorporateClown 263.06
45. harrisk954 74.16 Lexxus 260.76
46. Ty4on 74.04 Crimson_Gold 260.40
47. mejin 73.83 Mpl90 260.18
48. Zero-Crescent 73.81 TomShoe 259.01
49. Opt1kon_ 73.74 Pillville 258.86
50. Final Verdict 73.65 bud23 258.71
03. Chobel 95.72
Holy shit! I'm just one step in front of Patcher?! Why?! I don't wanna live on this planet anymore. See you, guys. I love the time we spent together but now I gotta go. Mind checking the well tonight? If you find my body, please bury me.NeoGAF Prediction Results - April 2015
115. Javin98 - 180,000
116. Pachter - 181,500
well this NPD had everything
Microsoft Chad winning the predictions just tops it all off
120 for the month? Curse you welfare!!!!
Dammit! I hope I can find another deal later this year then![]()
I told you your numbers were crazy.
This doesn't bode well for my bet with Welfare, either.![]()