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April Wrasslin |OT| WrassleMania Sucked

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best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Heavy said:
So I was thinking about The Rock's contributions last night and how it was some of his worst stuff ever (the opening that dragged on way too long, Pee Wee, Mae Young, just lame PG shit with no bite whatsoever)... so here's what I think they should have done:

  • cut the opening to like 5 minutes, max
  • have The Rock sneak up to the ring and give a rock bottom to Edge and help Del Rio win
  • have The Rock come out from underneath the ring and rock bottom Randy Orton so CM Punk wins
  • have The Rock announcing with JR (replace Booker T) during the Lawler/Cole match and have him rock bottom Cole so Lawler "wins" then gets that DQ. Then afterward have Rock and Stone Cold stare down in the ring and maybe talk a little (instead of the Mae Young segment on the screen)
  • turn off the lights near the end of the Taker/HHH match and have the Rock rock bottom HHH
  • and then he already did rock bottomed Cena

So basically instead of having a lame opening with him talking for way too long and also those awful skits with Mae and Pee Wee, have him come out in short bursts so he doesn't get overexposed and have those bursts be epic with drive-by rock bottoms everywhere.

that sounds absolutely horrible. no clean wins anywhere? hell to the no. that would only be acceptible if on the following raw, he had a handicap match with all the people he fucked over. and i still wouldnt be able to care.


Rafa=FedKilla said:
I didn't mean anything by it brah, but bringing up pete Rose and HoF was too hard for me to resist.

Oh it's all good man. You just never know when someone is being for real or not around here sometimes.
SoulPlaya said:
Did you just say that Taker and Kane's match at WM 14 sucked? WHAT?

The best spot in that match was Taker's Tope Suicida through the Spanish Announce Table. Basically, he threw himself through the table. Props to him for that.

Other than that, we had like 15 minutes of Kane going from shitty-looking, soft-as-a feather reverse chinlocks, to throwing shitty punches and kicks, to no-selling everything Taker threw at him. Rinse. Repeat. Rinse. Repeat. Tombstone.

Kane sucked so bad, Taker couldn't save it. Ric Flair would have had a hard time making anything out of Kane.

There's a reason they finally eventually resorted to setting the damn ring on fire...

This probably seems like a dumb complaint but I can't help it, I hate the Hall of Fame music. It's just so goddamn awful.

There's royalty-free podcast bumper music that's better.


Did I die? Is that good old JR?!?!?!

I must be dead because there is no Michael Cole and it's JR and the King on Commentary. So I must be in heaven.
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