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Are sites like DF hurting the industry more than helping?

Are sites like DF hurting the industry more than helping?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Nobody cares about DF here

  • DF is just fuel for console war

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Didn't you know,we don't even need Digital Foundry anymore,just take a peek in any Dragon's Dogma 2 thread on GAF and see how many framerate experts we have anyway 😂😂😂 They probably also smell their own farts like Alex Battaglia.


If console wars did not generated so much clicks, DF would be doing somthing else.

They do a decent job, and the info they provide can be usefull not only for ppl that only own 1 platform, but also multiple platforms. But the content is console war fuel.

I stoped watching DF long ago, cuz my eyes cant do 300% zooms and my brain cant notice the diference between 60fps and 59 fps.

But im glad they do the job they do cuz thers times when games are in a dire state with terrible performance, and its good to know how good or bad those games are running.
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DF Retro and videos that do deep dives into rendering tech and hardware are honestly a god-send because without them I'd have no hope at understanding these things. Their podcast is largely very enjoyable too.

But their comparison videos are pure console war fuel, there's just no denying this imo.


Gold Member
Nah......DF is fine. Some folks just don't like what they have to say, but typically they fail to explain how they are wrong.

Awkward John Krasinski GIF by Saturday Night Live


One of the green rats
Maybe, it's more to do with the casual fanboy warrior viewers using bits and pieces in hyperboles.


Short answer. No.

Long answer, fundamentally, what DF does is harmless and informative. Assuming all they are doing is making fair, realistic comparisons, and informing on game performance data. The problem comes when a site like that starts becoming biased. Or allow their personal preferences seep into their content or their views. Its an integrity thing. And I would say that right now DF integrity is or can be in question. Too many double standards. And too much opinion sharing.
Ignorance was bliss. Once I started watching DF videos a decade ago, I started chasing the dragon. Higher resolution. Faster framerates. Lifelike textures. Light and shadows must be like real life.

I'm more easily pulled out of the experience now that I know the imperfections to look for. So using myself as a sample of the audience, it might have been detrimental in that it changed what people focus on in the industry (if that includes consumers) at large.
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They make technical yet accessible videos for average people like me.
I like they stuffs, it’s informative.

Yeah some take their videos for scoring points in the futile gaming war they fight every day of their pathetic lives but it’s funny, the memes are good.

The only downside is that MADE me buy games that i shouldn’t have bought because i am dumb and i like beautiful games.
Avatar, fuck this game. 😂


Thinks buying more servers can fix a bad patch
No. Just because you don’t like the facts they put out doesn’t mean they are harmful to the industry.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
If they were good at what they do, beyond basic competency at tracking stats, they'd be fine.

Trouble is, DF simply aren't very insightful in my opinion. There's a level of appreciation for the art and technology that you get from NX Gamer that is entirely absent from their coverage.

They have no actual dev experience, and its painfully obvious. The upside for them on a business front is that they basically are their own audience - PC gamers who like fiddling around with mods, effect sliders and .ini files to get an "optimized" experience.

Nothing wrong with that at all, but they posture like they are experts despite them being anything but.

Sorry if that's harsh, but that's how I feel anyway.


It's probably one of the better if not best gaming channel so, no. Wish they would do more in-depth retro stuff though.

El Muerto

Gold Member
DF isnt that bad and are somewhat neutral. They just point out graphical and technical inconsistencies. But other Youtubers and people on Reddit are destroying the industry imo. Both are constantly shitting on games over the smallest things like a minor bug. And people who can't form their own opinions are joining the bandwagon because it's cool.


Loves his juicy stink trail scent
It’ll let you know often prior or close to release if a game runs like shit or not.

That’s all you need them for. If you look into their agenda, personalities, opinions, lies, etc then yeah they are shit eaters.

I never watch their videos. I just look for the bullet points posted on here if a game runs well or not. Simple as that.


Solid no. They'll jiggle the hornet's nests of the green and blue hues, but the general public won't think anything beyond
Austin Powers Nerd GIF


Gold Member
I used to hate DF, but then I realized it does a great job of keeping all the morlocks and ogres down in the basement where they belong, rather than up on the surface with me, as I frolic happily in the sweet summer breeze.


DF is hurting the industry in which way?
OP you kinda failed to even give a reason to me to answer.
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Still waiting on OP to give his reasons why he thinks DF is harmful to the industry.

At least imo, DF is one of the more informative sites around. Performance reviews help a lot with ”buy now or wait for patches" decisions, optimises settings guides save a lot of time and even their more academic stuff like technology previews and console GPU/CPU measurement against most like for like pc components are at the very least interesting to watch.

James Sawyer Ford

Gold Member
DF not being objective or accurate in their reporting is the problem. And for an enthusiast site, they sure are strange with their lack of excitement for advanced hardware.

Their technical expertise is surface level, and a lot of their speculation is just flat out wrong. Their analysis is really poor, and their preferences really shine through and prevent them from being more objective on certain games. That's fine if you're a site that caters to a certain audience, but when you're trying to claim objective technical reporting it really falls short.

I don't think it's a "problem" for the industry though. There are bad outlets everywhere, and far worse offenders.
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Pulling back the curtain and ruining the illusion can spoil the magic of an entertainment medium.

DF provides a service for the specific niche looking for technical evaluation of games running on different hardware. But I think their popularity has created a wider group of Dunning-Kruger-riddled ignoramuses who use DF's material as a means to wage pathetic platform wars.

Is that hurtful to the medium? Largely no. Most people can just ignore the loons.

DF is also not always objective and they can be frequently wrong, which only serves to spread misinformation among gamers and online gaming discourse. So that's a clear net negative.

That said, there are far far worse, far more nefarious players in the gaming media.
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It tends reinforce the myth that fun is tied to graphical prowess. This is why the industry is pushing for photorealistic walking simulator that takes 5 years to deliver.


No, they drive transparency and accountability. I look to them to help with purchasing decisions in the way I used to look at reviewers.

At this point in my life, I know if a game is for me or not, so I don't care about modern reviews. I just want to know if it runs like hot garbage or not.
Didn't the fat one make up shit about Hogwarts: Legacy in order to not cover it because of political pressure? If so then they aren't trust worthy.
Hell no I love their content. The weekly podcast is a great listen while I’m woodworking. How could you not enjoy talking about the tech behind video games, it’s a good portion of the hobby. Like any hobby really, talking about gear and stuff is part of the fun.
DF not being objective or accurate in their reporting is the problem. And for an enthusiast site, they sure are strange with their lack of excitement for advanced hardware.

Their technical expertise is surface level, and a lot of their speculation is just flat out wrong. Their analysis is really poor, and their preferences really shine through and prevent them from being more objective on certain games. That's fine if you're a site that caters to a certain audience, but when you're trying to claim objective technical reporting it really falls short.

I don't think it's a "problem" for the industry though. There are bad outlets everywhere, and far worse offenders.
I think their biggest objectivity issues these days is they are a part of Eurogamer and have gone super woke

They tried to pretend Hogwarts Legacy didn't exist and even tried to shit on Harry Potter fans when called out on why they didn't do a technical analysis of a game because of politics, and only after a Twatter shitstorm did they finally begrudgingly cover the technical performance of the game


Didn't the fat one make up shit about Hogwarts: Legacy in order to not cover it because of political pressure? If so then they aren't trust worthy.

He didn’t make anything up and Digital Foundry covered that game multiple times.

All he did was say he didn’t like Harry Potter or open world games, so it would be covered by other staff members. And it was.
They are irritating nerds who play games for the exact opposite reasons that I do. They certainly hurt my peace of mind, if anything.


Hurting the industry? Maybe.
Hurting gamers? No.

Honestly, I see this kind of detailed analysis and name-and-shame of games that perform badly or have shit IQ as a good input for people deciding where to spend their cash.


99.999% of gamers have never heard of DF nor would they care if they had
Just to be pedantic, Digital Foundry has 1.38 million subscribers. If 99.999% of gamers haven't heard of them then that means a minimum of 138 billion gamers exist in the world.

Checkmate China.
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Just to be pedantic, Digital Foundry has 1.38 million subscribers. If 99.999% of gamers haven't heard of them then that means a minimum of 138 billion gamers exist in the world.

Checkmate China.
Just for arguments sake:

Steam - 132M
PS4 - 117M
XBO- 57M
Switch - 125M

(There's some overlap, obviously).

Total 431M.

DF - 1.38M subs.

That's like 0.3%

Even if we would make an assumption based on overlap for users and platforms, let's say it totals at 300M, DF subs would be <0.5%.

So really, it's insignificant. Gaf even moreso.
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Gold Member
Am I the only one who has no clue what "DF" is?

For me, that stands for Dwarf Fortress.

How about not using abbrevations for everything in the damn title?...
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