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Arrested Development |OT| Season 4 - May 26 - Netflix Unmakes A Huge Mistake

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There was absolutely no reason for the terrible Rogen/Wiig stuff. The previous seasons' flashbacks were so much more effective using the actual actors.


There was absolutely no reason for the terrible Rogen/Wiig stuff. The previous seasons' flashbacks were so much more effective using the actual actors.
It's possible they couldn't fit them both into the schedule so they decided to stunt cast for it.


Nose how to spell and rede to
There was absolutely no reason for the terrible Rogen/Wiig stuff. The previous seasons' flashbacks were so much more effective using the actual actors.

I don't think you'd be as upset if they'd gotten a better George Sr.

It was a stretch, albeit a funny one, for them to play their younger selves in the originals. They're 6 long years older now, and they also have the great young Winkler which makes those scenes totally worth it.

Better George Sr and it would have been a great gag


Bill Hader coulda done it.

Bill Hader would have been amazing.
When it leaked out that Seth Rogen would young George Sr. I wasnt too miffed because he looked the part in the photo, but man did he just have zero presence. He wasn't even really doing his shtick, he was just kind of there. It was made even more obvious since he was opposite the pitch perfect Wiig as Lucille and Winkler's son as Zuckercorn.
I don't think you'd be as upset if they'd gotten a better George Sr.

It was a stretch, albeit a funny one, for them to play their younger selves in the originals. They're 6 long years older now, and they also have the great young Winkler which makes those scenes totally worth it.

Better George Sr and it would have been a great gag

What's sad is that I really like Rogen in most other things. But in this...he doesn't even seem like he is trying.


I wonder how long it will take Gob to realize that Anne's father sabotaged his magic trick at the wedding?

I also wonder what happened to Love after the Buster incident? Are Lucille 2 and Herbert Love's fates tied to one another?

The Real Abed

I'm on my second run. On the Lindsay episode right now. It's much better on repeat viewings.

Also, I just read the last 6 pages of this thread and I just wanted to mention something again because it doesn't seem a lot of people caught this...

For all the people who FINISHED THE SEASON and are complaining about the ending. Did you MAKE SURE TO WAIT UNTIL THE END OF THE CREDITS FOR THE FINAL "On the Next..." SEGMENT? Because it seems a lot of people STILL didn't know that was there. Even a guy I work with who shut his laptop halfway through the credits.

They did this on purpose just for this reason. REAL fans wouldn't end the episode before the credits are completely over. Especially when an episode is currently lacking an epilogue. I personally think it was a silly idea and just confused a lot of people. But then again, this is the same fanbase that couldn't handle a silly piracy software flashback joke.

So if you're one of the many confused people who saw George Michael punch his father and cried out in anger at the "ending", do yourself a favor and load up the episode again. Watch the post-credits portion. THEN you can get back to complaining.

This has been a public service announcement. I hope it was informative. I bid you hello.

*Disclaimer: All CAPITAL wording is purely for emphasis. Not to imply yelling. I felt it necessary to post this again because there are a lot of people just now finishing up and will be for a few days. So pass on the word.*
Just finished it. I thought it started off pretty slow (The first episode was amongst my least favorite in the shows entire history..Michael felt off as fuck for me) but got stronger as things went along. When it worked, it worked extremely well (Visual gags and puns are still top notch), but that editing....didn't resonate as much with me. I felt like it came off as a little cheap at times. I don't think it's necessarily as clever to get those "AR moments" because they decided to cut out half of a conversation. The entangled storylines and dense plot archs are still there...but they felt extremely forced. I feel like this season felt like it was the most over-produced.

So much that could be said, need a rewatch to wrap my head around everything.

Something that comes to mind at this very moment that I didn't get was the Gob/Tony Wonder thing. How did they have sex and not understand that something was up? I understand it's just comedy and we don't really need to understand the details, but as soon as one person recognized that the other person had a penis, considering that they both thought the other person was whatshername, what the hell happened?

Completely unrelated : I thought it was a good touch to show that George Michael didn't know who Lucille 2 is. Nice attention to detail, I never really considered the fact that those characters never had any interaction.
I'm on my second run. On the Lindsay episode right now. It's much better on repeat viewings.

Also, I just read the last 6 pages of this thread and I just wanted to mention something again because it doesn't seem a lot of people caught this...

For all the people who FINISHED THE SEASON and are complaining about the ending. Did you MAKE SURE TO WAIT UNTIL THE END OF THE CREDITS FOR THE FINAL "On the Next..." SEGMENT? Because it seems a lot of people STILL didn't know that was there. Even a guy I work with who shut his laptop halfway through the credits.

They did this on purpose just for this reason. REAL fans wouldn't end the episode before the credits are completely over. Especially when an episode is currently lacking an epilogue. I personally think it was a silly idea and just confused a lot of people. But then again, this is the same fanbase that couldn't handle a silly piracy software flashback joke.

So if you're one of the many confused people who saw George Michael punch his father and cried out in anger at the "ending", do yourself a favor and load up the episode again. Watch the post-credits portion. THEN you can get back to complaining.

This has been a public service announcement. I hope it was informative. I bid you hello.

*Disclaimer: All CAPITAL wording is purely for emphasis. Not to imply yelling. I felt it necessary to post this again because there are a lot of people just now finishing up and will be for a few days. So pass on the word.*

This is a "thing"? I'm surprised that a significant number of people could miss that. I wouldn't say it was silly to do, I actually felt like it was pointless. I would have thought that nearly anyone who watched even just one season would understand that they would have an "on the next...".

I haven't read through the topic thoroughly yet, but I'm sure that some people must be talking about the ending as a whole?

The Real Abed

This is a "thing"? I'm surprised that a significant number of people could miss that. I wouldn't say it was silly to do, I actually felt like it was pointless. I would have thought that nearly anyone who watched even just one season would understand that they would have an "on the next...".

I haven't read through the topic thoroughly yet, but I'm sure that some people must be talking about the ending as a whole?
Nope. A lot, and I mean a large portion of the people who watched the entire season think it ended after George Michael punches Michael in the face. Because it throws people off. In every single other episode, all 67 of them, the episode ends with the final stinger, then an "On the next..." and THEN credits. But the finale ended with the punching stinger, then the credits, THEN an "On the next..." hidden at the end. And a long 1:30 one at that. But since it changed peoples expectations, it threw people off. And therefore a lot of people, including people I know IRL, missed the actual ending and setup for the next season/movie.

So I post that as a PSA because it is needed. It should be the first post of every page. And in the OT, not that it would matter.

We have the best f*cking attorneys.

The Real Abed

We have the best f*cking lawyers.
My favorite part is when he said..

"A husband and wife can't be tried for the same crime! Right?"

And his father says "Yeah, sure.."

Edit: Also, the whole Google Street View car part is amazing. What is their agreement with Google here anyway? "We want to use your product placement in our show, but get this, we want to blur out the name and never mention your company at all as a joke!"


Just finished it. I thought it started off pretty slow (The first episode was amongst my least favorite in the shows entire history..Michael felt off as fuck for me) but got stronger as things went along. When it worked, it worked extremely well (Visual gags and puns are still top notch), but that editing....didn't resonate as much with me. I felt like it came off as a little cheap at times. I don't think it's necessarily as clever to get those "AR moments" because they decided to cut out half of a conversation. The entangled storylines and dense plot archs are still there...but they felt extremely forced. I feel like this season felt like it was the most over-produced.

So much that could be said, need a rewatch to wrap my head around everything.

Something that comes to mind at this very moment that I didn't get was the Gob/Tony Wonder thing. How did they have sex and not understand that something was up? I understand it's just comedy and we don't really need to understand the details, but as soon as one person recognized that the other person had a penis, considering that they both thought the other person was whatshername, what the hell happened?

Completely unrelated : I thought it was a good touch to show that George Michael didn't know who Lucille 2 is. Nice attention to detail, I never really considered the fact that those characters never had any interaction.

They are both idiots and both in love with themselves. Best explenation I can come up with.
Really excited about doing a rewatch. Even just thinking back on the season is bringing a lot to light.

I loved the sign spinner guy in the background at the real estate guy's funeral.

Also, did we ever get clarification on what Maeby was drawing on the whiteboard behind Tobias and Lindsay during the real estate scenes? It actually looked like the whiteboard and other stuff was getting cut in and out so it was one big consistency error.

The Real Abed

I love this part from the Kitty montage in episode 4:

Kinda NSFW but not really but just to be safe: http://i.minus.com/ibr9qaInIgfS6C.PNG

Also I still love the "Active Development", "Not Going Forward Development" trays before that scene.

And the "Backgammon" movie script in the moon lander. Still don't know what the other two scripts say.
I like that Gob can't figure out where the bedroom camera is.

LOL I laughed so hard at this. xD

Also, the whole "Wall" that George Sr. was going to build, it wasn't what Sittwell had in mind, was it? It had to have meant to be something else which will be shown whenever we get the new movie/TV season.
Nope. A lot, and I mean a large portion of the people who watched the entire season think it ended after George Michael punches Michael in the face. Because it throws people off. In every single other episode, all 67 of them, the episode ends with the final stinger, then an "On the next..." and THEN credits. But the finale ended with the punching stinger, then the credits, THEN an "On the next..." hidden at the end. And a long 1:30 one at that. But since it changed peoples expectations, it threw people off. And therefore a lot of people, including people I know IRL, missed the actual ending and setup for the next season/movie.

So I post that as a PSA because it is needed. It should be the first post of every page. And in the OT, not that it would matter.

Hmm, I see. I guess it might have to do with the fact that I tend to pause/rewind a lot while watching on netflix so I had a good idea of how much time was towards the ending. I knew there was no way the credits would be that long going into them, so I was actually waiting to hear "On the next".

They are both idiots and both in love with themselves. Best explenation I can come up with.

Yeah I get that, it's just weird ya know? Somebody had to have been penetrated in some way.

I was almost expecting to see a scene inside the room where they realize what Ann had done and decide to continue on with it anyways.

In regards to Wiig/Rogan, I thought that Wiig was better but a lot of that may just be the fact that Lucille has more naturally imitatible presence. It's easy for Wiig to sit there are glare the shit out of the scene (And she was wonderful at that), or for Winklers son to do the bad lawyer schtick, Rogan has naturally less to work with because George Sr. is naturally more nuanced. Still, I probably would have preferred make-up on the real actors.
Part of my theory:

I THINK I FIGURED OUT THE MYSTERY OF LUCILLE 2'S DISAPPEARANCE. Let me get the things that everyone has agreed on out of the way first: I'm almost positive that Lucille 2 suffered from vertigo from Michael trying to have sex with her again or whatever, fell down the stair car, Michael got nervous and hid the body while it was dark somehow in between fireworks, accidentally framed Buster, and then took a forget-me-now and forgot the whole thing.
Now here's the kicker: I think I know where he hid the body. Continuing off of what I said before, Michael probably hid her body in the Banana Stand which is why he inexplicably changed to a Banana Stand shirt when he gets back to the Bluth house!!!! It would also serve as a meta joke since Lucille 2 represents a lot of money for Michael and THERE'S ALWAYS MONEY IN THE BANANA STAND. Triton255 from NeoGAF also added that "Puts the "You're a crook, Captain Hook!" scene in a whole new light. With Buster as the defendant and Michael trying to convince everyone that he's guilty. Not that he necessarily would knowingly betray Buster, but still the same brother vs brother concept."
I think we cracked it.

Dammit, GAF! They haven't even made the movie/season 5 yet, and like clockwork, already spoilers.

I am certain that at least 80% of this is going to be accurate
Don't forget the mail trucks for Pete's funeral.

Yeah, that was great too.

I was impressed with how good of a sport everyone on the show is, too. Liza Minnelli, Ron Howard, "Steve Holt", Portia, etc. were all willing to take some pretty funny jabs at themselves.
I might be insane but
Is it possible that Sally Sitwell and Tony Wonder are responsible for whatever happened to Lucille 2?

Yep. The SS benefits a lot from this. Tony Wonder also benefits from this because of how many people are wondering whodunit.

Also I sure most of you know but for those who dont Sally and Tony are married IRL
Yeah, that was great too.

I was impressed with how good of a sport everyone on the show is, too. Liza Minnelli, Ron Howard, "Steve Holt", Portia, etc. were all willing to take some pretty funny jabs at themselves.

Michael Cera actually had some fun poked at him as well. As an actor trying to establish his identity, it was kinda a jab to have his entire plotline surrounding a joke about his perceived similarities to Jesse Eisenberg....:)
Yep. The SS benefits a lot from this. Tony Wonder also benefits from this because of how many people are wondering whodunit.

Also I sure most of you know but for those who dont Sally and Tony are married IRL

Im thinking she fell and michael just ran away. He didnt move her body because buster saw it and it immediately disappeared, pointing to tony wonder, and sally has a lot to gain from doing..whatever with her. I dont know im running through it again now. That other theory has a fair amount of weight, no way michael hid her in the banana stand though, he may have just got some blood on his shirt and since he was at the boardwalk the banana stand was convenient.

Wait.. just thought that Tony was with Gob at the sudden valley house on cinco de quatro, so maybe that rules it out. Regardless I think sally and tony have too much to gain from Lucille 2 to not have anything to do with it.


Is the pier put,far enough that it would fall under maritime law?

Fuck I hope Michael is able to go after Captain Hook, but I'm not sure how it makes sense. Why would Michael go against Buster?


It only made the follow up 23 seconds of silence mildly funny. I don't know.

George Michael 1 was probably my least favorite of any of the episodes.

I thought the 23 second joke was pretty good actually. He corrects Ron by saying "24" right before delivering the rest of his line. 4th wall whaa?


Love that there's a "Are you in a roofie circle?" sign in the first ep when Gob goes to get more Forget Me Now. That one takes more than a few episodes to pay off. I was wondering what a roofie circle was and when you find out...so good. I'm pretty sure that sign is different every other time Gob goes to get a refill of Forget Me Now. Must get a lot of return customers there lol.


LOL I laughed so hard at this. xD

Also, the whole "Wall" that George Sr. was going to build, it wasn't what Sittwell had in mind, was it? It had to have meant to be something else which will be shown whenever we get the new movie/TV season.

Theres a possibility it was never meant to be built in the first place, he just tricked George with it to make him try and build the wall first for some kind of larger plan to take down the Bluths

The Real Abed

They killed it with the hot redheads this season....:)

BTW, was that the first time they showed Michael's wife Tracey? She was absolutely gorgeous. Anyone know the actress?
I already posted it yester--uh, Sunday. Maria Thayer. She's been in many things, sometimes as a regular like Strangers With Candy as Tamela Littlenut, Jerri's best female friend, and others as a cameo like 30 Rock as a blind girl who dates Kenneth, or in films such as Forgetting Sarah Marshall, where she was the newlywed wife of... Kenneth from 30 Rock.


Just finished it. Pfew. Not sure what to think. Funny? Yes, but nowhere near as brilliant as the first 3 seasons, although a rewatch might change that.

Has someone made a timeline yet?


I already posted it yester--uh, Sunday. Maria Thayer. She's been in many things, sometimes as a regular like Strangers With Candy as Tamela Littlenut, Jerri's best female friend, and others as a cameo like 30 Rock as a blind girl who dates Kenneth, or in films such as Forgetting Sarah Marshall, where she was the newlywed wife of... Kenneth from 30 Rock.
She's also a main character in Eagleheart which is some good zany fun.


On the 2nd viewing. Now time to start paying attention.

Episode 2:



Oscar says he saw a lizard and it turned into Elizabeth Taylor. Probably the same lizard Lindsay found 'dead'.

I also liked the line where George meets Oscar at the club and says he wants to stand opposite because he "doesn't want it to look bad".


If Lucille 2 is indeed dead then Sally did it. Buster obviously didn't. They won't have Michael kill someone. As deranged as he was in Season 4 he is still the rock of the family/show. And Sally would be the only other character we know was on the stair car. Not to mention she had the most to gain from her death.
I already posted it yester--uh, Sunday. Maria Thayer. She's been in many things, sometimes as a regular like Strangers With Candy as Tamela Littlenut, Jerri's best female friend, and others as a cameo like 30 Rock as a blind girl who dates Kenneth, or in films such as Forgetting Sarah Marshall, where she was the newlywed wife of... Kenneth from 30 Rock.

Cool, thanks. Never heard of her before but I suppose I've actually seen her before because I've seen some of those movies.


I'm really not all that keen on the new format. Would rather they'd stuck to the traditional episodes where you get a bit of each character and it all fits together neatly in one episode.

By creating this 15 episode puzzle for themselves, the focus has shifted to solving it, rather than being funny as the first priority.
It's moderately funny, but I'm not sure this should have been made because of the format changes. Character centric episodes didn't work for me because some of the characters were never interesting enough to get their own episodes if I'm being honest.
I've only finished the first ten episodes, but I've watched the first 4 episodes 3 times. I watched them by myself, then with my wife. Then my wife and I watched up to episode ten. Then we rewatched the first 4 (well 5, but I took a nap during that one) with her sister. Then I watched up to episode 7 because I didn't want to get ahead of my wife because she went out.

I really feel that the episodes hold up to repeat viewings. There are a ton of new things to notice on a second viewing. Whether it be things that are explained in future episodes (those aha moments are so rewarding) or things I just plain didn't notice. I'd go as far to say the episodes are even better on repeat viewings. I understood the show better and feel more in sync with this format.

I completely get diehard fans not liking the new approach. It's different and a lot to take in. There's nothing wrong with feeling turned off here. But I really love it. I'm already quoting stuff and that
song Getaway is stuck in my head as I type
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