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Arrow Season 4 |OT| A Tale of Salt and Fire

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Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
As a new-status-quo-building episode, this episode did a lot of heavy lifting.

But I think they've set themselves up to have a really great season.


Opener was good, glad to be back, Arrow-GAF.

Felicity almost makes too much sense. We know Ollie eventually shacks up with Laurel, I feel like it being Felicity is what they want you to think.

Unless they pull that "LOL INTERNET MARKS WE GOT YOU" and it really is her.

If we are betting which character it is i am saying lance .
I mean there is not much more you can do with him and he already get set up for the noble sacrifice angle .
If we are betting which character it is i am saying lance .
I mean there is not much more you can do with him and he already get set up for the noble sacrifice angle .

Barry probably wouldn't come over for that during all the Zoom business, and then apologize for missing the funeral. Also I don't know if Lance's death would make Oliver that emotionally upset.

I'm betting on Felicity unless the writers feel that's too obvious, in which case it'll be Diggle.
Wow, Arrow needed this... I might start developing some hope for the show again too. That Jordon tease better pay off.

LOL at the idea that the grave was Felicity, they don't have the guts, I'm betting on Thea or more likely Chesthair, especially given Barry's reaction it's not going to be someone he knows or has any attachment to.

Everyone else on team Arrow died.

Also since Oliver is TV poor now he can't afford more than one single plot, casket, or gravestone, so they all have to share.

This made me laugh a lot more than it should have, just imagining them all packed in like a sardine.
Barry probably wouldn't come over for that during all the Zoom business, and then apologize for missing the funeral. Also I don't know if Lance's death would make Oliver that emotionally upset.

I could see oliver doing some man tears for lance \ getting emotionally.
Even more so now that he trying to become non dark oliver .

Now that i think about it maybe it's roy and they bring him back to kill him off .
That would be a good troll\twist depending on how you look at it lol.


Strong premiere for the season. I am happy they are finally embracing "Green Arrow" and going a bit more lighthearted. The show really needed it and was drowning in the melodrama. Damien seems like he'll be a great antagonist too, helped by the fact that they are also finally fully embracing the superpowers (which they've been easing into since Season 2).

Flash premiere was a bit weaker in comparison, although I still have more confidence in that show right now just based on how last season went for both. But I hope Arrow continues to climb back out of the hole it dug for itself.


I mean driving straight behind a truck with 4 men shooting machine guns directly at them isn't a bad idea at all

I cringed a lot during the episode. The first ten minutes of Oliver and Felicity in the suburbs was terrible. I laughed when they did the cliche engagement ring scene with the neighbors.

The lady collapses from poison, Laurel is all worried and wants to help and instead of helping she tells someone to call 911 and then leaves the room just to call Diggle.

I really liked Felicity the first two seasons, but season 3 was so bad that it has me hoping that it's her name on the gravestone just to end this madness.

GL reference and Kord were cool easter eggs, but I doubt anything comes from them with the movies being in development.


Wow, that was actually a pretty good premiere. I hesitate officially declaring Arrow BACK, afterall S3 opened really good as well, but I'm hopeful. That said, I do have some complaints. For one, I simply hate the flashbacks. At this point we know how Oliver became the Arrow having us go backwards to explore the origins of another villain or MacGuffin is just stupid, just do it in the present. I also thought that that final flash-forward scene was really jarring, just out of nowhere we are suddenly flashing to the future without any buildup? That's how you start an episode, not how you abruptly end it. Also, in a series that already has flashbacks did we really need a flash forward sequence as well? And, just one final complaint about that scene I found Barry's exit to just be hilarious. Someone needs to explain to the director of that episode why having Barry use his super speed to exit the frame is typical of a comedy, since that scene is supposed to be somber and emotional it has no place there. That's just film 101, folks.

Any who, I liked the episode. I like the mystical shit. I like the new suit. I like the new name. And, I need Cisco to pop-in real quick and fix Diggle's ridiculous mask and costume.


This show is still in the toilet, that premier was only slightly better than the season 3 crap.

First of all, where was the promised humor?? Most of it was jam-packed into the first 10 minutes and then after that? Doom and gloom all over again, and not the good kind either. The same lame brooding that takes us nowhere.

Captain Lance still acting like an idiot, even a bigger idiot this time. Diggle still mad at Ollie, and this looks like something that's gonna draaaaaag on.

Felicity is less annoying, Laurel and Thea were both good.

But my problem with this show are the action scenes, they're not exciting anymore, they are now extremely generic with no creativity whatsoever. I seriously hate the action sequences now, it's the same crap everytime. And Damien Dhark was awesome at first, but just seemed really corny by the end, what was that chanting crap at the end? That seemed so forced and corny.

Man I wish we had Ra's or Slade every season.

The one good thing is that the flashbacks are interesting again, finally back to the island.

And the final scene, yeah it was good.....but I thought it was misplaced, and Barry just rushing off like that wtf??? Man what the hell happened to this show??
Not a bad premier
Maybe because of the villain potential

So Ollie is about to proposed which means Felicity will disappear most of the season or die? If the latter she will be resurrected since it's mysticism theme this season. She will also gets amnesia.

So which getting the Band Together is better Flash or Arrow?

That Team Arrow vs Flash Guitar Hero was some bad acting lol


Pretty good premiere. New focus on adding comedy really works to the show's benefit. Definitely better than season 3 and a stronger premiere than Flash.

Speaking of Flash, for him to show up, I think whoever dies has to be signficantly close enough to either the both of them or directly to Oliver.

If Lance were to die, I don't think he'd show up. Anyone else though, I'm sure he would.

They're not gonna kill of Diggle unless David Ramsey wants out, which could very well be true. I suppose that goes for every one of the potential deceased on Team Arrow.

For now, I'm guessing it's either Thea or Felicity that bites it. The former would be adding more misery to Oliver's life without family and the latter would be ballsy af considering the show's demographics and fandom.


They're not gonna kill of Diggle unless David Ramsey wants out, which could very well be true. I suppose that goes for every one of the potential deceased on Team Arrow.

Why would that matter? If the writers want him dead to move along the plot then he's dead.

That was horrible, season 3 craptacular in full force with that premiere..

I think we watched a different premiere.
That was a genuinely entertaining first episode. They did a great job of establishing Darhk. He's already a menacing figure and is much more interesting than Ra's ever was.

This is the first time I find a new Arrow episode better than the Flash's. Hope they keep it up!
I liked it! Some typical CW cheesiness sprinkled throughout, but I felt like this was a good bounce back from Season 3. Now they just need to keep it up.


I can see the Felicity angle, as ollie has a child that's been hinted at. Personally think Felicity is to obvious though...... And it would break gaf for weeks! Ppl of all ages would be crying, even babies

I think that if it was Felicity in the grave, Barry would be doing more than comforting Oliver. It has to be someone else who's dead


Really enjoyed the episode. A happier Ollie helped so much. Gonna throw my vote in and say it's Felicity that died. Too obvious but that's what makes me think it's her.
I pray that grave is for felicity. Though it is 98% likely it ain't

Those scenes between her and Ollie do neither actor any favours, especially Felicity man was that some poor acting

Don't know what to make of Damian yet but he might be cool. Thea has become so likeable.


Hunky Nostradamus
Hopefully now that Oliver is back on the island the flashbacks will be not-completely-terrible again.

Also, what is that graveside scene meant to achieve? Even if one of the characters does die, can't/won't they just come back a few episodes later?


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
Diggle should've just put on a ski mask, that helmet is ridiculous.

Really enjoyed this episode. The scene with him announcing he is the Green Arrow was cheesy awesome.
Idk why people hate felicity because of one season.....like literally had one bad season.....

Hell you can see the Olicity chemistry better here than the forced chemistry they had in S3.


serious question from a non-comic fan...whats the significance of him calling himself green arrow instead of the arrow? like how does that make him a better/different person?
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