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Arrow Season 4 |OT| A Tale of Salt and Fire

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Maybe on another Earth Caity Lotz, with a stronger acting background, auditioned and was cast for Laurel so they had someone who already had experience with martial arts, choreography and other things.


Was just reading Caity Lotz (White Canary) IMDb page, to see if she had any martial arts background.. Turns out she's studied it since she was a child.

I knew she didn't use a stunt person for most of her fight scenes. Honestly, in LoT, she makes her fight scenes look awesome.

It's a shame Laurel is the complete opposite. She's not fluid with her movements, and her stunt double sucks. Talk about stunt doubles, arrow needs to figure out how to cover the stunt double's faces without blurring them out. It's so obvious when they just smudge tool their faces lol
A coworker friend of mine thinks Laurel isn't dead. I didn't have the heart to tell her about the writer interview that said she wasn't coming back.
A coworker friend of mine thinks Laurel isn't dead. I didn't have the heart to tell her about the writer interview that said she wasn't coming back.

Well I doubt the writer would give away future plot points though, they kind of have to say that.

I still dont believe they can kill of Dinah Lance on a show about Green Arrow, so I assume she will come back somehow. haha
Ok, just caught up...


Seriously that was one of the worst episodes of the series, and we have had some DOOZIES. Where to begin:

1) Andy is so blatantly playing the Arrow team the entire episode it gets frustrating by about midway through. Look Dig, I know he's your brother, but for fuck's sake, use your eyes. It's out of character for Dig to be THIS obtuse.

2) Ok, so Dahrk is dangerous because of an evil idol, one so powerful and evil that it required a magically powered metahuman to use all of her animal strength to destroy it. The ONE thing that is keeping Dahrk from eating all of your entrails, and also an object that you have NO for. So what do you do? After you successfully destroy it, you Team Arrow think it's wise to spend an afternoon reassembling it, then putting it in a plexiglass display case. Then that case wouldn't be, I dunno at the bottom of the ocean or the depths of Lian Yu, or have Flash toss it to earth 2. Nope you keep it in your base of operations, the least secure place in the entire city. Team Arrow deserves to lose.

3) Ok, so Merlyn can sneak a group of Ninjas anywhere in the city.

4) So, you check the video feeds for Dahrk, and search all the cells around him, (6 kilos of heroin? IN A JAIL?) and find nothing. OK then, why no check the video feeds and see if he has any visiotrs that come by on a regular basis, like y'know, the one who was holding the idol.

5) Star City police just suck.

6) You shot Dahrk twice, KEEP SHOOTING, he's magical but apparently wasn't immortal yet.

7) Fakeout endings are fakeouts, worst hospital ever.

8)It's nice to see that the last lines of Laurel, who has been a regular longer than Felicity, and a great character in her own right are about shipping Olly and Felicity. Arrow in a nutshell ladies and gentlemen!
Ok, just caught up...


Seriously that was one of the worst episodes of the series, and we have had some DOOZIES. Where to begin:

1) Andy is so blatantly playing the Arrow team the entire episode it gets frustrating by about midway through. Look Dig, I know he's your brother, but for fuck's sake, use your eyes. It's out of character for Dig to be THIS obtuse.

I know it's crazy and all but Dig doesn't see what we see. It's so easy to watch a tv show when we get to see all the parts of the show that Diggle can't see then call him out on it. I'm certain if most of you people criticizing him were in the same situation you'd probably act the same way.


Yo, what if they get Genevieve Cortese to be the new Black Canary?
It could work, Amell is even friends with her husband and she should live close by unless she doesn't live with Jared.

It's a shame Laurel is the complete opposite. She's not fluid with her movements, and her stunt double sucks. Talk about stunt doubles, arrow needs to figure out how to cover the stunt double's faces without blurring them out. It's so obvious when they just smudge tool their faces lol
They should just focus more on the actors that can fight without them. Have Nyssa become the Black Canary.

I know it's crazy and all but Dig doesn't see what we see. It's so easy to watch a tv show when we get to see all the parts of the show that Diggle can't see then call him out on it. I'm certain if most of you people criticizing him were in the same situation you'd probably act the same way.
Indeed, we saw Andy looking through the appartment. He saw Oliver beating up Andy, nothing else.


Andy took a bullet for Ollie, I think it's understandable that Dig had a blind spot there.

Of course he should've trusted Ollie as soon as he went full Batman. As soon as he's acting competent you know shit's going down.
The whole thing with Andy and Diggle is dumb as hell anyway considering he was originally reluctant to trust him the first time around. But thanks to Oliver he gave him a chance and now the opposite is true?

Besides that I felt that the reveal was a bit a damp squib. I felt it would've been more of a shock if he wasn't with Dahrk.


I can't believe Legends has been the only consistently decent-ish CW superhero show running this season, Flash took a hard downward slide fairly early on, Arrow has never been particularly good.


I can't believe Legends has been the only consistently decent-ish CW superhero show running this season, Flash took a hard downward slide fairly early on, Arrow has never been particularly good.

Eh? I actually think Flash was pretty decent all throughout S2, whereas Legends varies between extremes in most episodes.


More comicbook shows should copy Gotham S2 formula, whey they bassicaly took like 3 seasons, cut out all the fat and squeezed them all into one season, where you get multitude of separate arcs through the year.

CW has forgotten the thing they excelled at, which was break-neck pacing. First two seasons of Vampire Diaries and Nikita were a masterclass in this. Arrow and Flash followed, not at such insane speeds, but still fast.
Now it seems everything is slowing down this year.


Chili Con Carnage!
The whole thing with Andy and Diggle is dumb as hell anyway considering he was originally reluctant to trust him the first time around. But thanks to Oliver he gave him a chance and now the opposite is true?

Same thing is happening with Merlyn and Thea, he literally just got his hand chopped off by a man who refused to take his life, and now he's already back to saying he'll never lose a fight to someone who's not prepared to kill him.


CW has forgotten the thing they excelled at, which was break-neck pacing. First two seasons of Vampire Diaries and Nikita were a masterclass in this. Arrow and Flash followed, not at such insane speeds, but still fast. Now it seems everything is slowing down this year.
The problem is that you can start running past your own stories, which is what happened in The Vampire Diaries. They went too fast, no longer allowing those stories to develop. The Vampire Diaries slowing down a bit again made the show better.

The whole thing with Andy and Diggle is dumb as hell anyway considering he was originally reluctant to trust him the first time around. But thanks to Oliver he gave him a chance and now the opposite is true?
Oliver wanted Diggle to give Andy a chance, not keep him separate in the little room forever.
Sölf;200946692 said:
Eh? I actually think Flash was pretty decent all throughout S2, whereas Legends varies between extremes in most episodes.

My problem with Flash this season is that the overall story is the same as season 1. Mysterious speedster shows up, is far faster than Barry, and Barry needs to find out both who they are, and how to up his speed to get to their level. And hey! In each situation the speedster was someone who Barry trusted who was helping him get faster for their own purposes.

It was, and continues to be, dumb. I was also especially annoyed last episode, when Trajectory was already faster than Barry. I mean, come the hell on! "My name is Barry Allen and I'm the fastest man alive." feels more like a joke now than it ever did.

The entire idol thing has got to be the dumbest thing this entire season

It really, really was. I did a spit take when I saw it sitting around the office. The team has NO reason to keep that thing around, let alone reassemble it. But they put the evil idol back together because, reasons, and then store it in a clear plexiglass display case without a lock. It's incompetence on a level not yet seen on the show, and pretty much ruins the episode. NONE of the events of the episode would have happened if not for the blithering stupidity and lack of foresight of Team Arrow


It really, really was. I did a spit take when I saw it sitting around the office. The team has NO reason to keep that thing around, let alone reassemble it. But they put the evil idol back together because, reasons, and then store it in a clear plexiglass display case without a lock. It's incompetence on a level not yet seen on the show, and pretty much ruins the episode. NONE of the events of the episode would have happened if not for the blithering stupidity and lack of foresight of Team Arrow

Yup. This entire thread is about Laurel, but I found that bit to be the dumbest thing ever.
Why the fuck would you reassemble it, and leave it in your arrow-cave which everyone can just waltz into.

God, that was idiotic as fuck.


Gotham has succeeded this season on having actual developed sub plots that only occasionally intersect with Gordon. Flash and Arrow have had slight diversions to fill space, like the dead end Thea romance. I will day even though I didn't like the first season I never felt like Gotham was just spinning it's wheels.


Damien Dahrk dealt a huge blow to the group when he killed Laurel Lance here, known to most as Black Canary. While the team deals with the loss, that event will trigger a change in direction for Felicity, who had previously stepped away from the team and from Oliver. Executive Producer Marc Guggenheim spoke about this change of heart to TV Line.

“There are two issues. She’s broken up with Oliver and she’s also broken up with the team essentially. And in Episode 19 [‘Canary Cry,’ airing Wednesday, April 27], we’ll see the undoing of one of those decisions.”
If they didn't have the idol nearly full assembled and on clear display in the Arrow cave for Malcolm to see and some piece they hid under a cushion of Diggle's couch then how else would Damien get his magic back and give Malcolm continued pass on fucking over Oliver and company without being offed?
At this point the only thing that would satisfy me is if a fan is allowed to give the cast and crew a brow beating at comic con over how much this show has turned to shit.

Even publicly acknowledging the dissatisfaction (without it being blamed on shipper wars) would go one step towards that.


If they didn't have the idol nearly full assembled and on clear display in the Arrow cave for Malcolm to see and some piece they hid under a cushion of Diggle's couch then how else would Damien get his magic back and give Malcolm continued pass on fucking over Oliver and company without being offed?
Felicity is working with Dahrk, only explanation.


There should've just been a second idol. Center the episode around Team Arrow trying to stop them bringing it into the prison.

Although to be fair, keeping dangerous mementos in glasses cases in your hideout is a very Batman thing to do. Superman too.
There should've just been a second idol. Center the episode around Team Arrow trying to stop them bringing it into the prison.

That would have made sense, or give them a reason to have to rebuild the idol. Literally anything would have been better than what we got.

Although to be fair, keeping dangerous mementos in glasses cases in your hideout is a very Batman thing to do. Superman too.

Well, Batman tends to keep his under HEAVY lock and key at least, as in no one is getting to them who isn't Ra's or one of the Robins. As for Supes, no one else can get into the Fortress. With Team Arrow, ANYONE can just watlz in to their base of operations and they can do shit all about it.


Script made Olie dumb. I mean, he could have kept the idol in the cave because he took part of it away and had hidden it. So there was no real risk of keeping it in the cave, where it could have acted as bait anyway.

It was sensible plan. The only reason it didn't work is because somehow Oliver, a dude almost unnaturaly good senses and years of experience somehow failed to notice somebody following him for months and months and he also apparently hid that thing in plain sight in specific location.

If this show would be logical Oliver plan had zero chances of failing.


There should've just been a second idol. Center the episode around Team Arrow trying to stop them bringing it into the prison.

Although to be fair, keeping dangerous mementos in glasses cases in your hideout is a very Batman thing to do. Superman too.
At least it's sorta hard to find the Bat-cave, everybody and their granny has gotten into the Quiver.

Fewer people probably know where Diggle lives than where the Quivers at.


It was broken into many pieces
Thanks. That part was quite dark.

There should've just been a second idol. Center the episode around Team Arrow trying to stop them bringing it into the prison.
Would make more sense. There are more of them out there.

Although to be fair, keeping dangerous mementos in glasses cases in your hideout is a very Batman thing to do. Superman too.

It is also a very Cisco thing to do. It is the same case as they kept the Jay helmet.


See, more advantages to killing Laurel. Also not what they said.

What did they say then? Because I don't know how you look at that blurb and not see that Laurel's death is a plot device to bring Felicity back into the fold.

At least the Olicity drama will be over this season, so it's not that bad.

lol, there's no reason to ever think that. S3 ended with Oliver and Felicity riding into the sunset in blissful happiness, and that turned into this. As long as Guggenheim and Mericle are at the helm, there will always be Olicity drama. That's where their interest is.

I can't get over how badly they filtered the green of the suit in this scene. Even in other scenes it's too noticeable that they keep trying to lighten the color of it. In general depending on the scene the suit is either a very dark green or just looks plain black.

At least the Olicity drama will be over this season, so it's not that bad.
We were promised at the end of season 3 that come season 4 any relationship drama would be over with. So nope, season 5 drama awaits us eagerly.
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