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Arrow Season 4 |OT| A Tale of Salt and Fire

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He wasn't actually protecting his daughter, he was lying so his excuse in courts stood up. But it would involve denouncing the good deeds of his daughter.
I was referring to Donnas reaction when Lance told her about his working for Dahrk to keep Laurel "safe". What a fucking monster, how dare he.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I thought Alex was dead. Which sucks for him because he was actually a nice guy, just got mixed up with the wrong people (Oliver & company).

Thea down in the Ark is actually a pretty good storyline. I'm enjoying it way more than I would have expected if you just told me the premise. But I rolled my eyes when Malcolm showed up. Thea and him literally have just been having the same conversation for the last year. So it was nice that even Thea acknowledged how repetitive and predictable their relationship has become. Obviously he is just there to give Thea information she wouldn't have otherwise, but I hope there is some space between them for the rest of the season.


I was referring to Donnas reaction when Lance told her about his working for Dahrk to keep Laurel "safe". What a fucking monster, how dare he.

She wasn't mad about that part, but about him lying to the police to make it easier for him, no? And in the end, it is quite idiotic for the police to take him down on that. Dahrk in the end did kill his daughter.
The main complaint for many people was that they killed a comic book character and kept one of their original inventions. Every time she got focus, it failed. Including this year when she revived Sara. We have been complaining about Laurel for four years, but the minute she is dead, she was an integral part that shouldn't have died.

Umm No? For one, the one time she's given focus this season is due to a Legends plot point that made her act irrationally. That wasn't Laurel's fault at all as the Flash and Arrow had to suffer through Legends setup. People have been warming up to the character ever since she got competent at superheroing in Season 3. She was JUST starting to get out of that unwarranted hate she got in Season 2 (where she actually had a competent arc that most people seem to ignore because people hate women characters.)

Not everyone was complaining about Laurel for the past 4 years as people were starting to like her for the past two with most of that dislike aimed at Felicity. So when people started liking the character and they kill her off...yeah people are gonna be pissed.


Umm No? For one, the one time she's given focus this season is due to a Legends plot point that made her act irrationally. That wasn't Laurel's fault at all as the Flash and Arrow had to suffer through Legends setup. People have been warming up to the character ever since she got competent at superheroing in Season 3. She was JUST starting to get out of that unwarranted hate she got in Season 2 (where she actually had a competent arc that most people seem to ignore because people hate women characters.)

Not everyone was complaining about Laurel for the past 4 years as everyone was starting to like her for the past two with most of that dislike aimed at Felicity. So when people started liking the character and they kill her off...yeah people are gonna be pissed.

She was liked because she didn't do anything. She was there. Every time she got an actual storyline, it was badly received. She was obnoxious in season 2, and it stood out in comparison to Sara who kicked ass. The women characters complaint is idiotic because there are quite some female characters in Arrow of which people are fans. It just tends to coincide with those that can actually fight, like Caity Lotz, Celina Jade, Rila and Katrina Law.


...sure ok....

You yourself say she had one major storyline this year, and that was disliked. Thea went from bad in the first season to liked because people actually liked it when she got focus. When Thea has a story now, I'm interested. We even cared about DJ Douche because he was mixed with her story.
You yourself say she had one major storyline this year, and that was disliked. Thea went from bad in the first season to liked because people actually liked it when she got focus. When Thea has a story now, I'm interested. We even cared about DJ Douche because he was mixed with her story.

Anyone willing to Cosign this because.....


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
*raises hand sheepishly*

I liked Laurel. When she bounced back from almost being written off the show, she was good in my book. I like a good redemption arc. And actually connecting that to Detective Lance's history with substance abuse and their shared trauma of living through Sara's death(s) together was something we don't see too often on these comic shows.

That being said, I don't know if I miss her that much. The dynamic of the team didn't need that many people. Oliver is main dude, Diggle is wise, Thea is a smartass, and Felicity has computer magic. Laurel and Thea were occupying the same spot as far as the writers were concerned. New vigilantes who give the occasional quip after someone finishes explaining whatever ridiculous plot element they're facing that week. Laurel could have worked better if they had her "go rogue" and do something separate from Team Arrow but maybe it eventually it ties back to them at the end of the season. Or they could have went more into how she handles the District Attorney/Vigilante balance in her life. They did...but it was literally the last plotline she ever got. But honestly, the show just doesn't have that kinda time with the flashbacks still being there.
This is the OT for 'The Shannara Chronicles |OT| MTV - High Fantasy (ft. Crixus & DJ Douche) '
Compare that to Laurel's season 3 storyline of lying about Sara to her father.

That doesn't really tell me that people cared about the character though.......

And those two plot lines aren't comparable....


But honestly, the show just doesn't have that kinda time with the flashbacks still being there.

Season 1 was amazing due to the fact that there was only 1 main character with Diggle and Felicity being great sidekicks.

This writers of this show are not so great at drama an relationships and now that there are so many characters to work with it is a hot mess.



Laurel may have improved but she still did next to nothing. She added the least to the show other than probably Merlyn. Even Chesthair does more, and it helps that he's a better actor who can sell weaker material. Fight scenes are much better now that we're down to just Oliver and Diggle.

People bitch about Felicity, but she has a bunch of useful skills that add something to the team. She's good outside of Olicity of drama.

Comic book authenticity be damned, I've always said its fine to do things differently if it works and they did that with Black Canary and her name is Sara.
Sara would never come back to this show since it seems she's stuck to Legends and even if she did, she would be as underused as everyone else is because she has no story to tell.


Sara is fine over on Legends, just saying we're not hurting for Canaries.

Two new series regulars next season anyway. Curtis and the probably big bad guy.
Sara is fine over on Legends, just saying we're not hurting for Canaries.

Two new series regulars next season anyway. Curtis and the probably big bad guy.
Really hope they would have learned with the dragging out of Darhk to not introduce their big bads so early on if this guy really is gonna be the main villain.
I want to say Diggle's helmet/mask thing looks more ridiculous every ep. This one showed off how much half-assed protection if offers, and it constantly shifts between tinted and clear. Slade's headgear looked badass, Diggle's is just lol.


Unconfirmed Member
I want to say Diggle's helmet/mask thing looks more ridiculous every ep. This one showed off how much half-assed protection if offers, and it constantly shifts between tinted and clear. Slade's headgear looked badass, Diggle's is just lol.
Cisco said he was working on a new one, so where is it guys?!?!? Better get that season 5 upgrade.
I still think Laurel had the best arc of any character on the show. She went from a fight for the helpless attorney to alcoholic to reckless/self-centered vigilante to a true hero. She evolved as the show went on & while never getting the proper due a character like the Black Canary deserved, she grew more as a person than any other character. On many ways she lost more than anyone, first Sara & Ollie, then Tommy, then control of her life. Her job & life suffered. She got Sara back only to lose again. She lost the man who trained her. It's easy to argue she has had to pick herself up more than anyone on the show & still kept fighting to very end. Even when no one gave her the due she deserved, even Ollie never viewing get as an equal until the end. Laurel may have not been given the front & center story; but her story was a strong one that put her through one hell of an up & down journey.
So with the whole thing about Felicity getting fired as CEO...how the hell does that company still have investors? It's had 5-6 CEOs in 4 years and a name change/buyout. What crazy person would actually fund that?

That's even ignoring how much in stocks is owned by Oliver, Felicity and Ray (kinda)...
I still think Laurel had the best arc of any character on the show. She went from a fight for the helpless attorney to alcoholic to reckless/self-centered vigilante to a true hero. She evolved as the show went on & while never getting the proper due a character like the Black Canary deserved, she grew more as a person than any other character. On many ways she lost more than anyone, first Sara & Ollie, then Tommy, then control of her life. Her job & life suffered. She got Sara back only to lose again. She lost the man who trained her. It's easy to argue she has had to pick herself up more than anyone on the show & still kept fighting to very end. Even when no one gave her the due she deserved, even Ollie never viewing get as an equal until the end. Laurel may have not been given the front & center story; but her story was a strong one that put her through one hell of an up & down journey.

Good points, but this isn't a show about Black Canary; it's about Felicity.


I still think Laurel had the best arc of any character on the show. She went from a fight for the helpless attorney to alcoholic to reckless/self-centered vigilante to a true hero.
The problem is she didn't start as an helpless attorney, she started as someone who could defend herself. She went backwards. She goes from being an attorney helping the weak to a prosecutor. Same with her attitude on the Arrow, she accepts working with him in the first season and then degresses. She didn't really move forward, she got back where she started.

All the shit with Laurel falls on the writers and people in charge failing to do the character the justice it deserved and making her the source or central figure/focus of poorly crafted drama did Laurel or Katie Cassidy any favors as it doesn't with damn near every female character in Berlanti DC shows though I guess that could be expanded some male characters too but most of the time it seems to fall on the females.


All the shit with Laurel falls on the writers and people in charge failing to do the character the justice it deserved and making her the source or center figure of drama did Laurel or Katie Cassidy any favors as it doesn't with damn near every female character in Berlanti DC shows.

Or the males on Supergirl!


Characters like Sara, Nyssa, Shado, Katana, ... do great. The list of awesome female characters in Arrow is way longer than the list of failed ones.
Yeah after thinking for a second I had to add males because the Winn and hot James too shit was terrible but still not as bad as the others. Maybe season five of Arrow will be the one where a female character isn't killed and the death used to create or further drama. They're kind of running out of female cast to kill.
There are no members left in Task Force X. Outside maybe Torque and Harley.
Cisco is busy battling Zoom so he can't help.

If Oliver, who was super deep into deceiving the entire league (including Ra's), can stop by from Nanda Parbat to stop the Reverse Flash, I'm sure Cisco, who doesn't have an active role in fighting Zoom, can spare few minutes to help Felicity save a couple of lives.

It's just weird to not have him participate in a world changing event like this, where he could actually be useful. Did they even mention him?


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
If Oliver, who was super deep into deceiving the entire league (including Ra's), can stop by from Nanda Parbat to stop the Reverse Flash, I'm sure Cisco, who doesn't have an active role in fighting Zoom, can spare few minutes to help Felicity save a couple of lifes.

It's just weird to not have him participate in a world changing event like this, where he could actually be useful. Did they even mention him?

I don't think he was mentioned. It's best to not expect much crossover aside from the events. Logically Oliver and everyone should be helping with Zoom since their friends are about to be murdered, along with the fact that Zoom intends on destroying the world too. Team Flash should be helping Arrow since Darhk is about to blow up the world. If you think about it too much it doesn't make sense. The world is always in imminent danger in May haha


Did they really duplicated a processor by holding a phone near it and "duplicate it's code".

Really? I think my brain comitted suicide at that point.


Characters like Sara, Nyssa, Shado, Katana, ... do great. The list of awesome female characters in Arrow is way longer than the list of failed ones.

Sara was suicidal when dating Oliver.

Whenever somebody becomes a love interest to a main character in these shows (usually females, but James over on Supergirl) they take a sharp nosedive. I'd love to see one of these shows take a page of Parks and Rec's book and have the main romance stable with drama only coming from outside sources but that's unlikely.

They're kind of running out of female cast to kill.

We're down to two females and they're adding two males to the cast next season. They're going to need to bring in another woman.

I really don't expect either Blackthorne or Barrowman to return next year. That'd be a packed cast otherwise.


Considering the bomb was Russian and it seems like Oliver is heading there for next season flashbacks, will we get some KGBeast love?


Considering the bomb was Russian and it seems like Oliver is heading there for next season flashbacks, will we get some KGBeast love?

He already got some love on Legends!

Probably will see him again, I can't imagine the movies would have a problem with it after BvS.


who the fuck is DJ douche?

Laurel has been awful throughout the show, she was the eye candy while Felicity stole the show the early seasons.

The spy from the League that dated Thea whose name I can't remember as a very good point of my proof how he was noteworthy. He was named Chase, he was in three episodes.
Didn't you watched the episode ? The entrance to the bunker temple thing is on the City hall

Ok watched it. Why would they make that the entrance, how did they even make it the entrance without anyone knowing, why not make an entrance wherever they got the materials to build the bunker shipped in from?

It's stupid.


Ok watched it. Why would they make that the entrance, how did they even make it the entrance without anyone knowing, why not make an entrance wherever they got the materials to build the bunker shipped in from?

It's stupid.

Huh? They can't really pick up the spot where the nexus is. And they made the entrance when they took over the mayoral office.


Ok watched it. Why would they make that the entrance, how did they even make it the entrance without anyone knowing, why not make an entrance wherever they got the materials to build the bunker shipped in from?

It's stupid.

They didn't 'make' that the entrance. I don't think they had much choice at all in picking a spot, outside of saying this is the corner where we'll dig to the giant cave.
Also, considering no one wanted to run for mayor, it was a good a spot as any.


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
I imagine being able to divert City resources to their plans probably makes things easier, too.
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