Well it was better than tue Flash finale I think? But neither was waht I'd call good.
Don't call upon demons Mike.Oh sorry we can't have a Cry for Justice teaser for Arrow S5.
Got a calm ending. No hook for season 5? Meh
Well it was better than the Flash finale I think? But neither was what I'd call good.
Fuck you Arrow writers. You had me until that "not a chance". You just had to ruin the damn ending.
Don't call upon demons Mike.
I mean if people want unnecessary crisis events......
Nope. Flash was good. Set up A LOT.
This finale is just..bleh.
I hope Flash can rewrite this shit. Get rid of Felicity, or undue the character assassination of her she's gone thru the last few seasons.
Can someone spoil the end of the episode for me. Thanks.
so the moral they arrived at was "the past three seasons of character development were pointless, killing dudes and being angry batman was the right answer all along"
IMO it was a better finale than Flash. Everyone going their separate ways. No big crazy twist. Just... we saved the city! ... but we kind of got all fucked up along the way.
I think the Legends finale was actually the strongest by far. The emotional beats for Heatwave were on point.
Wasn't Diggle enlisting or something? I feel like I misinterpreted that scene.Darhk is stopped. Oliver is mayor. Felicity is back full time on Team Arrow. Thea, Chesthair and Diggle are taking some time off. No big twists really.
I don't hate the finale, but I do think it was kinda boring.
Kind of surprised LoT ended up with the most entertaining finale, to be honest. I wouldn't have called that at all, a few months back. Great Sason 2 tease, too.
Flash set up nothing because none of that shit will stay .
Plus Felicity has not change her being main romantic interest comes with drama .
Which has suck to tell the truth but it going happen since it CW.
Proof is in the pudding too, Felicity and Laurel were both fairly well liked and awesome (in my book) when they weren't in romantic relationships with Oliver. See entire Laurel Black Canary arc and Felicity s1 and s2 lol.
That's an understatement and yeah everyone loved her in s1 and s2. arrow is like the perfect case study in 100% complete and perfect character assassination.
Ollie went from a sociopath with some cool moves and clever tricks to a dumbass like Barry who shoots his bow (non-lethally) once in a blue moon. Felicity went from the quirky comic relief IT girl to the central character in a soap opera. Slade went from the badass frenemy who made a promise to getting his shit kicked in by Thea Queen as a villain of the week. Walter disappeared. There's much more, but the list would be too long and start to look like an essay.
I suppose its fine. And doubt were gonna feel the effects of the Flash finale anywaysThere was no hook for season 4. And barely at all a hook for season 3.
Wasn't Diggle enlisting or something? I feel like I misinterpreted that scene.
? I'm not just referring to Flash Point. They set up Black Racer, and earlier that season they set up Grodd.
and yes, she has definitely changed, not sure why you'd think otherwise. To quote someone else regarding Felicity,
Darhk is stopped. Oliver is mayor. Felicity is back full time on Team Arrow. Thea, Chesthair and Diggle are taking some time off. No big twists really.
How has she change ?
Other than the BS that comes with being the main romantic interest in a CW show .
That's an understatement and yeah everyone loved her in s1 and s2. arrow is like the perfect case study in 100% complete and perfect character assassination.
Ollie went from a sociopath with some cool moves and clever tricks to a dumbass like Barry who shoots his bow (non-lethally) once in a blue moon. Felicity went from the quirky comic relief IT girl to the central character in a soap opera. Slade went from the badass frenemy who made a promise to getting his shit kicked in by Thea Queen as a villain of the week. Walter disappeared. There's much more, but the list would be too long and start to look like an essay.
I suppose its fine. And doubt were gonna feel the effects of the Flash finale anyways
I should stress that you can think w/e you want. Opinions and all that jazz. I just think Arrow has taken a dive, plot and character wise, since S2 ended.
... That was hands down the worst Arrow finale of the entire series... like seriously wtf happened to this show?
I mean if they actually had the balls to not bring back the group that left right at the very beginning of the next season and let Oliver/Felicity actually have time to work things out between them that would actually be an interesting premise... but we all know the first 2 maybe 3 episodes at most of the next season are just going to be setting up the status quo again. Oh yeah I guess Curtis is a for sure thing now too.
Can we just bring Roy back and keep Curtis? I'd love all the baggage to just stay away for awhile. I mean Felicity is her own baggage but shes clearly not going anywhere the Olicity fans would fucking riot.
I don't think anyone disagrees with that, I think where most of the issues come from the fact that after season 3 there's a general apathy towards the show especially with the Flash as a comparison point and that there's a slight division on whether or not its getting better.
I don't think anyone disagrees with that, I think where most of the issues come from the fact that after season 3 there's a general apathy towards the show especially with the Flash as a comparison point and that there's a slight division on whether or not its getting better.
No set up for next season, nothing to talk about during the off season? the last 2 minutes disappointed me after we got great season ending 2 minutes from Legends and Flash.
Hmm okay, sounds decent.
No set up for next season, nothing to talk about during the off season? the last 2 minutes disappointed me after we got great season ending 2 minutes from Legends and Flash.
This whole season was disappointing, so that not a surprise.
But it was also that way for season 2 and 3 .
There were no big set up really at end of those season .
Season 2 - you could say Deathstroke was sort of set up
Season 3 - It teased the city... didn't they?
Season 4 - can't remember
Are we in agreement at least that of the DC shows Gotham had the best season finale?
At end of season 2 they beat slade and went home happy .
At end of season 3 he left with felicity .
Truth is i much rather season endings like arrow and this season Gotham .
Cliffhanger endings are such bullshit .