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Arrow Season 4 |OT| A Tale of Salt and Fire

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"You came to die with your city" "No i came to stop you.". Kept thinking about DKR during that fight sequence.

I wonder if season 5 will be the last. The ratings dipped pretty low over the last 8 or so episodes of the season. They're going to need a good season after these last two lackluster ones
Remember that scene earlier in the season where Felicity got out of her Wheelchair and just walked off? Like....

That scene still bugs me on how fucking stupid it was. I can't anymore. I just can't.

I'm very upset over this season. This is getting stupid now


Thea also was the one who put three Arrows in Savage.

She's the best. She's a killer Queen.

"You came to die with your city" "No i came to stop you.". Kept thinking about DKR during that fight sequence.

I wonder if season 5 will be the last. The ratings dipped pretty low over the last 8 or so episodes of the season. They're going to need a good season after these last two lackluster ones

The ratings would need to drop a lot lower to get into cancellation range.


The thing about the finale is that you can tell it wants to tie off everything off that happened thematically this season in a neat bow, but it kinda fell flat because we all kinda knew the season was kinda really slapdash, from the island flashbacks being such a nonfactor to them not really planning on who was in the grave at the start.

There was a lot a talk basically implying that Laurel was the best of all of them, and maybe that's not hard to argue but I don't know if the show did a good enough job of it though arguably they could've done it by piggybacking on the Legends setup and having Laurel getting Sara back the catalyst to making her the glue that is her hope and optimisim that kept the team together despite all the cracks between them (Oliver and Diggle's distrust, Thea's self doubt about her own self-control post-Lazarus), and her death (maybe should've been earlier, midseason maybe) would be the thing that sort of catalyzes these cracks that leads to the team breaking apart until they are forced to have put themselves back together to finish off Darhk. Then maybe the temporary exit of everyone in the aftermath would've been more effective; they don't have this fabled Laurel like glue holding the team anymore.

There was also a lot of talk about the darkness and lightness/goodness/hope this season but it never really materialized that well either. I actually liked that maybe it would be manifest in the magic of the season and maybe how it would be the one factor that would give Oliver and friends a way to defeat Darhk. I see where they were going but it also missed the mark. Again with above, Oliver returning to be a better person and hero was never really contrasted at all either with his past (either giving into the darkness, as Waller states) or with his final decision in the finale to kill Damien Darhk "in cold blood." The dichotomy that the show wants to argue that exists is a bit hamfisted and doesn't really work that well even when said aloud.

I feel like in some ways it's a retread of S3 where they have a bunch of thematic/emotional/character moments and arcs they wanted to hit but stumbled into getting there and trying to force it in by the end to make it seem like it was their thing all along. But nothing really memorable sticks out that helps reinforce whatever thesis the season had going for it. It's just that at the very least this season the craft of the show was at least mostly competent most of the way through so even if you don't care for that you at least have some fairly entertaining stuff to watch or have on in the background, I guess.

Also I wonder exactly how escalation is going to work next season when in S4 you had a man who could use magic almost nearly successfully destroy the world in a nuclear holocaust. Or if the show is actually going to try to dial back because I feel like it needs to at this point, at least to round out Oliver's past/present thematic arcs. S5 should be his full transformation from deranged loner on the island/Russia vs. optimistic hero of Star City and then you can just do nonsense comic book threat escalation from then on.
Lmao at this bootleg tdkr finale they had with that street fight

It was alright. The last few episodes of arrow certainly weren't bad. They were just kinda uninteresting imo. Like this finale meant a lot for character arcs but it doesn't help when you don't really give a shit.

Flash and Arrow should take a cue from the insane pacing of Gotham and give an arc for half seasons.

So flashpoint until mid season finale for flash and then after that have a big villain. These guys can not sustain interesting long games with 22 episodes.
sounds about right

Not sure how someone is satisfied by watching 22 episodes result in this lame by the numbers ending

Because of the character moments mainly. The season plot wise has been pretty weak, but the character beats besides a few parts here and there have been pretty good IMO.
Yeah, early menacing Zoom was pretty great.

Are we in agreement at least that of the DC shows Gotham had the best season finale?

I actually enjoyed the Gotham one the most too. Also helped by it's second-to-last episode being so good (like that scene with Bruce and Strange).

Because of the character moments mainly. The season plot wise has been pretty weak, but the character beats besides a few parts here and there have been pretty good IMO.

Yeah. The character parts and lot of the action was quite good.


One man's junk is another man's treasure
Did anyone else get Rocky 4 vibes when Oliver and Darhk were punching each other in the face for what seems like forever?

All it needed was Adrian cheering him on in the background.


I figure The Flash will be ahead of Arrow a couple episodes and everything will get resolved before the in universe date of the Arrow premiere and they'll sync up in time for crossovers.
I actually like this finally more than Flash's I was kinda hoping they would fail to save the earth from nuclear holocaust but Barry fucking up the timeline saves them.
15K Nukes are in the air and Felicity saves the day! fuck off
and with that total Dark Knight Rises rip-off battle in downtown. So many things wrong I dont know where to start.



Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I actually like this finally more than Flash's I was kinda hoping they would fail to save the earth from nuclear holocaust but Barry fucking up the timeline saves them.

I would have loved that. Star City gets saved, but some of the other nukes actually hit and it gets cleaned up by the Flash crossover.

Something that struck me during the episode was how close they came to being vaporized. This was Game Over. Oliver's speech was a nice sentiment, but they were still a couple seconds away from being vaporized. It reminded me of Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol in that regard.

Curtis' dialogue about the strength people need to live in Star City was cheesy, but I'm glad they put that in there. It addressed why someone could possibly consider living in Star City despite all the attacks. I also liked Felicity's retort in the opening where killing her mom wasn't going to make her decide to help Darhk because her mom still lives in the world he wants to destroy.


I figure The Flash will be ahead of Arrow a couple episodes and everything will get resolved before the in universe date of the Arrow premiere and they'll sync up in time for crossovers.

For scheduling purposes that would really be a tough ask. You don't want your premieres out of sync, Flash is just going to have to sort it's shit solo.


For scheduling purposes that would really be a tough ask. You don't want your premieres out of sync, Flash is just going to have to sort it's shit solo.

I mean in-universe time they'd be ahead. Like when the Supergirl crossover happened, it took Flash a few episodes later to have Barry do the "I'm back" scene.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
When Damien Darhk force pulled Felicity's mom in the opening. I screamed.

I was digging that. Way better than flinging stunt people around the room. Darhk loved that Force Push.

Also, what happens to Darhk's daughter? Kid plotlines almost always suck but she doesn't have any parents left. Dat Villain Origin Story. I loved that Thea was willing to threaten her to gain the upper hand on Darhk. Obviously she wasn't going to do anything, but I think that was a smart play. Use what you got.
Well that was a shit ending. I could have sworn some of the mercs that Darhk brought had guns. Why wouldn´t they have guns? And that last fucking shot. The boner for Ollicity will carry on through the show and poison it further into trash tier.


special needs, sexual needs
Felicity just asked Oliver WWLD (what would Laurel do?) lol Ollie and co. can't stop praising her now that she's dead. Laurel sacrificed herself so that Olicity could live. Part of me expected Felicity to show up in Laurel's outfit like she did Ray's ATOM outfit and you know live up to her name.

How many times are they gonna fall for the GPS beacon trap?
Maybe it was posted but did anyone check out /r/Arrow on Reddit?

They started discussions on Daredevil now.


It is a superior show


It´s funny how Guggenheim (SP?) said that the death of Laurel would develop the cast and the cast would learn from it. In this episode we saw no one learned shit. Everyone needed a pep talk to get their shit together. It´s horrible, and come on Laurel got killed to further Ollicity, because of plenty of viewers, especially women (According to arrow FB comments, might be generalization i know) love that ship.
Daredevil is able to be a ambitious and consistent. Definitely the better show.

Imagine Aliens invading New York again and He has to stop them all by himself, thats how Stupid the whole nuke storyline was.

Where was the CIA?
Somebody besides felicity to stop the goddamn nukes, I can only suspend my disbelief by so much.
It´s funny how Guggenheim (SP?) said that the death of Laurel would develop the cast and the cast would learn from it. In this episode we saw no one learned shit. Everyone needed a pep talk to get their shit together. It´s horrible, and come on Laurel got killed to further Ollicity, because of plenty of viewers, especially women (According to arrow FB comments, might be generalization i know) love that ship.

You mad you not as relevant part of the fan base? Stop watching. Like I said before the show's not gonna get any better for any of you. It's just not. The definition of insanity and what not.

Holy shit

Regarding Flashpoint

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