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Arrow Season 4 |OT| A Tale of Salt and Fire

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Unconfirmed Member
Imagine if in the mid season finale or in the season finale Oliver fights Darhk, but before the fight, there is a scene where they talk to each other. Kinda like the Ra's Al Ghul fight, but with the tension of Oliver and Detective Lance scene. It would be the shit.

That would be the dogs bollox right there with him also doing his mystic/dark magical Harry Pottery vodo shit. Already the time on screen we've had with him has so far surpassed Ra's for me.

EDIT: I do hope Lance/Chesthair doesn't kick the bucket though and that gravestone being his. I love his character and chemisty with the other team and this series has been stellar.
That would be the dogs bollox right there with him also doing his mystic/dark magical Harry Pottery vodo shit. Already the time on screen we've had with him has so far surpassed Ra's for me.

EDIT: I do hope Lance/Chesthair doesn't kick the bucket though and that gravestone being his. I love his character and chemisty with the other team and this series has been stellar.

Yeah, mystic shit would be awesome.
Darkh is better than Ra's, but Ra's had a great fight with Oliver (the line "No, you lived your last day" was great). Ra's was a very good villain, but Darhk has something special, maybe the actor who plays him is very good.


Ra's schooled Ollie like nothing else in the Arrowverse. Even Reverse Flash couldn't clown Barry that hard.

Such a shame how the finale turned out after that fight.


Unconfirmed Member
Yeah, mystic shit would be awesome.
Darkh is better than Ra's, but Ra's had a great fight with Oliver (the line "No, you lived your last day" was great). Ra's was a very good villain, but Darhk has something special, maybe the actor who plays him is very good.

Oh that I don't disagree with, Ra's owned Oliver hard and gave him a good wake up call to "get gud" on his skills and having a humble case of apple pie on how he treated his friends and so fourth. It's just a shame that the writers didn't have a clear vision on pacing the character well with the cast and Starling City, especially the climax and fight at the end.

Looks like you've guys got me caught up into these threads now then just lurking and reading your impressions. I've even changed and brushed my avatar in celebration!


R'as was underused, but he was a great villain. Could have been legendary if they used him more.

S3 really needed a montage with Slade and Oliver. Oliver goes to Slade to learn how to fight Ra's, you get the sense Slade is repentant but too proud to admit it... end it with reveal Ra's paid Slade off because he wants Oliver to take over the League or some shit

And presto, Slade as a merc for hire is born. Plus the tension of will Slade turn on Oliver.


Unconfirmed Member
The writers have done a good job of adding some extra depth and their own antagonists in the Arrow-verse. Merlyn and Wilson were terrific because of relationship and development these two had with rise of his alter ego and Darkh is shaping up to be something special. I can't wait to see how he will get involved with Oliver Queen than the Green Arrow with the whole mayor plot line and what repercussions that will have there.


Yeah, mystic shit would be awesome.
Darkh is better than Ra's, but Ra's had a great fight with Oliver (the line "No, you lived your last day" was great). Ra's was a very good villain, but Darhk has something special, maybe the actor who plays him is very good.

This is very true. I'm going to keep shilling for Neal McDonough all season. The guy is fantastic.

S3 really needed a montage with Slade and Oliver. Oliver goes to Slade to learn how to fight Ra's, you get the sense Slade is repentant but too proud to admit it... end it with reveal Ra's paid Slade off because he wants Oliver to take over the League or some shit

And presto, Slade as a merc for hire is born. Plus the tension of will Slade turn on Oliver.

This is the only alternative to se3 that sound like it would have been a huge improvement.
So I caught up on last weeks episode, and I noticed that Diggles head gear isn't a helmet but more of a mask haha. I just don't think they've ever given us a back angle or I missed it before somehow.

Could have sworn it was a full helmet before!
S3 really needed a montage with Slade and Oliver. Oliver goes to Slade to learn how to fight Ra's, you get the sense Slade is repentant but too proud to admit it... end it with reveal Ra's paid Slade off because he wants Oliver to take over the League or some shit

And presto, Slade as a merc for hire is born. Plus the tension of will Slade turn on Oliver.

That idea is great.


Crystal Bearer
I'm on 3x20 right now but I feel like this season wasn't as bad as some made it out to be. I haven't seen the end yet though so we'll see!


Unconfirmed Member
I'm on 3x20 right now but I feel like this season wasn't as bad as some made it out to be. I haven't seen the end yet though so we'll see!

Write a review of Series 3 (And then the rest of the show overall) after you're done and caught up. It'd be interesting to see what you think!
I'm on 3x20 right now but I feel like this season wasn't as bad as some made it out to be. I haven't seen the end yet though so we'll see!

I really think the first season of Flash being so good hurt Arrow last year. Season 3 wasn't that bad at all & honestly, quite fun at times. But Season 1 of Flash was so good, people seemed to get a little more harsh with Arrow.
I'm on 3x20 right now but I feel like this season wasn't as bad as some made it out to be. I haven't seen the end yet though so we'll see!

I think it's because of how quickly you went through, stretched 6 months or so it becomes really annoying.

Season 4 So far though it helps that
Sara is alive again


S3 really needed a montage with Slade and Oliver. Oliver goes to Slade to learn how to fight Ra's, you get the sense Slade is repentant but too proud to admit it... end it with reveal Ra's paid Slade off because he wants Oliver to take over the League or some shit

And presto, Slade as a merc for hire is born. Plus the tension of will Slade turn on Oliver.

That would have been a fantastic addition to both storylines.

The Light

Eh really the worst part about season 3 was felicity being so selfish.

Also I wonder how in the world last episode did those cops not put together that Laurel and Thea are the vigilantes? Thea basically outed herself when she was fighting with them at the drug bust and Laurel did the same when trying to save Lance.

No one notices their above average fighting skills? I guess for Laurel you can assume cop daughter should know how to defend, but Thea? Hell no.
Eh really the worst part about season 3 was felicity being so selfish.

Also I wonder how in the world last episode did those cops not put together that Laurel and Thea are the vigilantes? Thea basically outed herself when she was fighting with them at the drug bust and Laurel did the same when trying to save Lance.

No one notices their above average fighting skills? I guess for Laurel you can assume cop daughter should know how to defend, but Thea? Hell no.

I don't remember that part, but I guess they thought that Thea could have taken martial arts lessons. She was also rich and famous, she needs protection.


Unconfirmed Member
What. How did Barry find time to rescue everyone while he was dealing with Reverse Flash...



Eh really the worst part about season 3 was felicity being so selfish.

Also I wonder how in the world last episode did those cops not put together that Laurel and Thea are the vigilantes? Thea basically outed herself when she was fighting with them at the drug bust and Laurel did the same when trying to save Lance.

No one notices their above average fighting skills? I guess for Laurel you can assume cop daughter should know how to defend, but Thea? Hell no.

Neither of them did anything particularly special and both were beaten fairly quickly. Probably just assumed it was self defense classes and thought nothing of it.


Crystal Bearer
I think my biggest take away from season 3 is how much they wasted the potential of Ra's/League of Assassins. They spent too much time on filler and drama (read: whining)/secrets between characters when they could have used that time to flesh out the overall plot.

Like I said before, it wasn't as bad as some people made it out to be here - some excellent episodes here and there - but I feel like the writers cut themselves far short of the heights both season 1 and 2 reached.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
My first thought of season 4: I'm getting really tired of the flashback format.

I hate hate hate the flashbacks from Season 3, but I'm sorta digging them in Season 4. But I think the show would do good to just remove them. Spend the time and budget on what's going on now.


Crystal Bearer
I hate hate hate the flashbacks from Season 3, but I'm sorta digging them in Season 4. But I think the show would do good to just remove them. Spend the time and budget on what's going on now.

I didn't like them in season 3 either. The temptation to fast forward through them was extremely strong.


I hate that flashbacks have to be a main part of each episode. I also hate flashback transitions, it really pulls me out of it. I'm glad Flash doesn't force that shit so hard.


Wow, way to NOT listen Laurel. Bringing back someone dead for what... a year? Is fucking dumb.

I would do the same thing though. If I really missed a loved one I'd throw them into that pit too. I don't care if they've been gone for a year or ten.

Also Sara is the less terrible sister so this is a good thing.


Crystal Bearer
I would do the same thing though. If I really missed a loved one I'd throw them into that pit too. I don't care if they've been gone for a year or ten.

Also Sara is the less terrible sister so this is a good thing.

I don't like either of them.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
What did they do to Wildcat? CW gunna CW I guess.

Looking back, that whole episode where Oliver comes back and takes back the city from Brick was weird. I think they were pressed for time, because I remember thinking his big moment was super rushed. And not having any resolution on Wildcat being alive or dead is strange. I guess the show doesn't need any more heroes, but his character was fun.

Now that I think back, I miss the original version of Count Vertigo as well. Killing him off was probably the biggest misstep this show made early on. He WAS a knockoff Joker, but all his appearances were great.


I like season 3's flashbacks. But telling a tiny piece of a short story over 23 episode makes it drag. Really hard. The flashbacks are essentially telling a story fit for a two or three episodes over nine months of television. It's not the most effective format.
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