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As Britain cracks down on weapons, criminals turn to acid attacks (WaPo)


LONDON — Jabed Hussain said he was really lucky. The delivery driver was one of the latest victims in an alarming surge of acid attacks in Britain.

He was still trembling when he said, “But they didn’t get my face. They didn’t ruin me.”

Attacks by people throwing acid at their victims has tripled in the last three years in Britain, stoking fears that almost anyone can be the victim -- from a moped rider to the city banker or politician.

The alarming rise comes amid a clampdown on weapons and fears of a frightening new crime fad involving teenage motorbike thieves using corrosive substances, in part because they are relatively easy to obtain.

The United Kingdom is a safe country, but the spike in acid attacks is clearly unnerving — when a possible assailant is anyone with bottle of bleach, ammonia or drain cleaner.

According to the London Metropolitan Police and regional police chiefs, there were more than 700 acid attacks last year, double the number in 2015.

Kearton told the Washington Post it appears likely that acid attack numbers will increase by another 50 percent this year.

Britain is “near the top, or the top of the pack globally,” when it comes to reported attacks, said Jaf Shah, executive director of Acid Survivors Trust International, a London-based non-profit. He said that other countries, including India, likely have far more attacks, but they remain unreported.

Police, victims and the gang members agree — there is just something terrifying about being splashed with acid.

“If you want to steal a moped, you can steal a moped,” he said. The criminal can use a hammer, a knife or his fists, he said. “But throwing acid is a hate crime,” Ahmed said.

You are seeking to destroy your victim, he said.

“It should be a criminal offense to carry acid around on the streets in the same way that it is already in the U.K. a criminal offense to carry a knife,” he said.



Why does he wear the mask!?
This country gets worse and worse

Why the fuck did the government cut the police budget?

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
That is a loaded ass headline.

Cracking down on 'weapons' happened a long ass time ago, but I getcha American publication.

Acid is certainly a problem though. No good reason to be out and about with it.
Acid to me is possibly the most terrifying weapon.

How can you ever see it coming? That's way scarier than someone coming at me with a hammer/knife/even a gun.
Scum will find a way to terrorize and harm others (look at terrorists simply driving cars at people). That said most of these attacks were between rival gangs. It's recently begun to be a more widespread problem, as much to do with the media reporting it as it has to do with criminals.
I'm pretty sure laws are/will be drawn up to tackle this. Whether or not they are effective is another thing.

It's also been on the increase in Italy, though there it's mainly women who are the victims. Figures. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/apr/29/acid-attacks-italy-gessica-notaro


The article says they ask people bringing a liquid into a secure area to do a 'sip test'. I'm sure we all remember that other thread

I have to think anyone who knows they're carrying acid around and follows through on the sip test is probably getting what they deserve.

Most will refuse though and that'll cause alarm bells to ring for the authorities.


That is a loaded ass headline.

Cracking down on 'weapons' happened a long ass time ago, but I getcha American publication.

Acid is certainly a problem though. No good reason to be out and about with it.

That isn't the conclusion from WaPo. It is the conclusion by the anti-acid campaigners who link it to the 2015 two-strike knife rule

Campaigners say that the rise in attacks could be linked to a clampdown on weapons. In 2015, a “two strikes” rule was introduced so that those convicted of carrying a knife for the second time received a mandatory six-month prison sentence.

Shah said that for some gang members it’s possible that acid is becoming “the weapon of choice” because it’s now seen as a “safe crime to commit because you can’t be charged for carrying acid, only charged if police can prove intent.”


Looking for meaning in GAF
Yeah, that's particularly messed up.

Since no one has asked yet: What's the best way to get rid of acid if you get splashed with it? Is it okay to wash it off with water, or would water cause a reaction of some sort?


It's gross how much this seems to be a growing problem in the UK. What can even be done about it?

Seems like punishments should be harsher. It's quality of life ruining, even if it's not murder. It's such an easy way to maim a person.

The fact that it seems to be linked to hate crimes make it even more disgusting.


Yeah, that's particularly messed up.

Since no one has asked yet: What's the best way to get rid of acid if you get splashed with it? Is it okay to wash it off with water, or would water cause a reaction of some sort?

Depends on the acid I guess. If you look on the back of the household stuff people are using as acid, most of the time the warning tells you to use water for rinsing if you get anything in your eyes etc.


These shits are empowered by the fact the Police are basically powerless to stop anyone on a moving vehicle since one of them hurt himself in a chase a few years ago

That and the fact police numbers have been slashed to the bone


I guess the law to carry it needs changing and some sort of check at retailers and it's not normal shops so should be easier to implement. That will clamp down on it pretty hard if you can't just walk in and buy it without being checked.


Can you ban acid?

Define acid? pretty sure they just throw whatever corrosive liquid they can easily put together in peoples faces. Could also be as simple as popping into Tesco and buying bleach then pouring it into a bottle of coke.


Super Sleuth
The article lists people using bleach, ammonia or drain cleaner. None of those are acid.

Is acid actually used? Which ones?
I watched this vice piece on it the other day. Scary as fuck, man. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=EscjYGHKHxM

that piece of shit that brags about mutilating women needs to be found and locked up in a hole under the fucking jail. piece of scum. oh gee whiz you can't find a job? maybe it's more to do with you being a sociopath human scum and not as much your criminal record? "innit? innit?" yeah innit fucking asshole


The article lists people using bleach, ammonia or drain cleaner. None of those are acid.

Is acid actually used? Which ones?

Not that I'm an expert, but I just read this:

Drain-cleaning fluids, which can be more than 95% sulphuric acid, are easier to get hold of than knives and, when carried in a water bottle, harder for the police to spot.


No doubt there is an issue here. This needs looking into. But this article seems to be very clickbaity. Personally speaking I'd take this issue over the issue the US has with gun crime.


It's absolutely fucked up. Sulphuric acid is ten times worse because diluting it with water makes it boil, but a shit ton of water is pretty much the only way to stop it burning.

The Tories deregulating the sale of acids and then cutting police numbers are catastrophic decisions and a big portion of the blame has to be on their heads. Though that doesn't make someone who commits an acid attack any less of a monster.


I didn't realize many drain cleaners used sulphuric acid. Most i knew about utilize NaOH.

It varies but concentrated NaOH is a very nasty chemical even though it's alkaline and has been used in attacks before; I think 'acid' is just used by the media as a catch-all term, though 'chemical attacks' would be a more appropriate term, I suppose.


As a Londoner it's been alarming to see this develop but I expect increased senatnces, updated laws and regulation to help cut it down. It's definitely become popularised possibly in part via the (understandably) high coverage.

It started as manly a gang vs gang crime, with the same goals to disfigure as previous shit with knives and the like, but it's become increasingly used on civilians in conjunction with moped based theft.

No doubt it's a very nasty crime though and currently easy to commit.


Super Sleuth
It varies but concentrated NaOH is a very nasty chemical even though it's alkaline and has been used in attacks before; I think 'acid' is just used by the media as a catch-all term, though 'chemical attacks' would be a more appropriate term, I suppose.

I wasn't really trying to be pedantic but when you start talking about restricting access to "acid" it's important to be specific.

It seems very impractical/impossible to control access to any caustic or acid.


That and the fact police numbers have been slashed to the bone

This is it, really. Feels like we're only a few years from them shutting off street lights between 2-6am and limiting ambulance callouts to max 3 per household per year.

It's a fucking disgrace.
Welcome to the new conservative world order: stoke and perpetuate violent crime amongst the population as to require a fascist police state, conservative's ultimate end game.
Household vinegar will neutralize ammonia, lye (drain cleaner), and bleach. Baking soda will neutralize sulfuric acid (battery acid).

Lots of water will help to.
This is it, really. Feels like we're only a few years from them shutting off street lights between 2-6am and limiting ambulance callouts to max 3 per household per year.

It's a fucking disgrace.

Here in Greater Manchester: They've already turned street lights off the M66 and parts of the M60 over here as a way to save money past the hours of 9PM-10PM and merging the North West Ambulance Service with the Fire Service as a way of "consolidating" services in Greater Manchester (in other words, cutting services). They're also wanting to gut local A&E services, close down some of the health drop in centres and centralise all of that to just central Manchester hospitals as well. It's insane and unsustainable.


Here in Greater Manchester: They've already turned street lights off the M66 and parts of the M60 over here as a way to save money past the hours of 9PM-10PM and merging the North West Ambulance Service with the Fire Service as a way of "consolidating" services in Greater Manchester (in other words, cutting services). They're also wanting to gut local A&E services, close down some of the health drop in centres and centralise all of that to just central Manchester hospitals as well. It's insane and unsustainable.

That's depressing. Thanks for sharing.

I'm infuriated by how the cabinet is literally stuffed with millionaires born into privilege trying their best to cram as much public revenue into their coffers whilst the country crumbles. The dereliction of the NHS will go down as one of the greatest social injustices ever perpetrated in modern Britain. It's practically a genocide on the poor.
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