Dusk Golem
A 21st Century Rockefeller
3rd episode was weaker than the first two, but still fun. I really liked the demon design. It's just that any time Ash is not on the screen is generally dull. But then Ash and Pablo come back and are fucking incredible together and it makes the duller scenes okay. I just hope they find a way to make the police officer interesting, because while she's very easy on the eyes she lacks the humor of the other characters and is mostly just a plot/expository vehicle thus far.
I said this earlier, but basically echoes my thoughts. The cop comes off the weakest since she is the most serious character and I don't think a single joke has come out of her yet, but I do appreciate her more serious horror-esque scenes.
I think as of now none of the characters have come close to touching Ash, which if it stays like tis for the long-term will hurt the show. For now it's fine, I don't dislike any of the characters thus far or anything, so that's a good thing. It still feels like every character that's not Ash is being forged into their 'normal' mode, aka Pablo is a starry-eyed fanboy of ash, Kattie is moody and not completely trusting in Ash yet, the cop is super serious and getting a handle of what's going on, etc. These veils on the characters are slowly lifting, but they need a lot of legwork to get close to closing the gap between themselves and Ash in the entertainment department, but so far at this point in the series it's fine. I feel they all have the potential to become enjoyable and likable, but they're not there quite yet, but again, I don't dislike any of them so far and they're at least above indifference for me, so I guess to see how it plays out. I'm hoping they'll be a cast of fully enjoyable characters by the end of the season (we got 6 episodes to go, and next week seems to be expanding Pablo, so there's that).
It's also worth noting the first three episodes seems to be what entirely composed the trailers and everything we know of the series outside of small hints, and all of the early media was focused on Ash, so it could very well be they see a lot more fleshing out to become their 'normal' selves in the next few episodes since the first three episodes have been basically set-up (not bad at all, but set-up still). It could very well be now that we're past the set-up phase (all three episodes together would be about the length of a two-hour premiere pilot for another series), we could see the characters becoming better realized now.
I don't know, I have this sneaking suspicion the next episode is going to be hilarious, though I think that's simply because I can see a Shaman in the Evil Dead universe being potentially hilarious.