Fun episode! It was more of a "setting up the stage" ep for the season finale but there were several cool moments throughout. I do think the change in writers shows in this ep as some of the them throughout this series like their humor to be a little too cutesy (ex. the team huddle in the 2nd half), while Bassett's humor was more in line of the films. Tony Tilse's direction was still spot on but Rob Wright's writing wasn't all there. Also this one had one of the more creative deadite moments since the first episode. Even though these cabin episodes haven't been quite on par with the movies so far there were several moments where it finally hit me that I was finally watching Evil Dead 4. Fun stuff and I am looking forward to a crazy finale!
Quick thoughts (SPOILERS):
- Glad they brought up the subtle racism in Ash and that he's aware of it. It was weirdly endearing.
- This show is really abusing the hell out of the cabin and it's great!
- While I prefer they just stick with LoDuca's score for these eps (which has greatly improved in these past two eps) I thought the whole chopping up Evil Ash played out great. The gore was spot on and there was some fantastic use of shots and shadows on display.
- Even though there have been misses at times I do like when this show tries to take chances with the established norm of Evil Dead. Lots of stuff involving the book in this ep was cool to see. The Necronomicon talking to Ash cements my theory that he pretty much kept the book around in hopes that something like this would happen again and he would once again feel relevant. Deep down you can tell he knew the book was right.
- The whole alone time with Ash in the cabin, chopping himself up, simply walking to the toolshed, etc. was where it clicked with me that I was finally watching the fourth Evil Dead film I've been waiting so long for. Weird I know.
- I like how this show tries to attempt some continuity but slips in others. Like with Ash remembering that he left his shotgun by the shed, but at the same time he already happens to have the power glove back on.
- Jill Marie Jones gave it her all as a deadite and thought she was one of the best uses of a generic deadite since the pilot! The puppeteering of the hitchhikers' bodies was a wicked little sight gag.
- Post Amanda Deadite attack was where I thought the episode suffered, and it was mostly due to the word play between all of the characters. A lot of the humor didn't quite work for me here and it felt like the pacing just screeched to a halt.
- Once back in the cabin all shit gets real. Again, I loved the stuff they were doing with the book in this episode. The cutting off the face and that fantastic shot of watching it slowly peel off the floor and rise in the air.
- Of course those would be the names Ash would give his chainsaw and boomstick.
- There was some nice nods Raimi's camerawork when Ruby was reading from the book. Not just the Evil Force but the tilted zooms throughout the cabin.
- Did anyone else catch the "The Hero from the Sky" page?
- We all pretty much figured that Ruby wasn't all that she seemed since the fourth ep, but I didn't expect her to be the one of the Dark Ones that wrote the book. I guess this doesn't make her a Knowby? Or maybe it's a Dark One that is using Ruby Knowby's body as a host? I'm sure we'll all find out in the next thrilling installment of Ash vs Evil Dead!
- I figured Pablo was going to turn evil by the end of this season. The actor was strongly hinting it in interviews a while back. I'm liking the idea of the book's face latching itself onto a host. Pablo looking a little like Leatherface there.
- We now have 3 evil forces at play for the finale! Ruby, Amanda, and Pablobook (Pablook?) with possibly more to come. Glad they are ratcheting up chaos like in the movies.
- Side note, they are making it all too obvious that Heather is doomed to become a deadite, but it'd be cool and ballsy if it was a red herring and she wound up being the only survivor this season (other than Ash of course). Bad stuff always happens to these characters in this series. With the exception of a studio tampered ending, even Ash's story always ends on a downbeat note. I'm very curious as to how the final episode of this season plays out and how far the show runners are willing to go with their chances.
- Even though I'm a supporter of the half hour idea, I do hope that the finale is a little bit longer. Someone earlier in this thread mentioned that at least the first and last episodes should be 45 minutes in length which I think is a good idea.