Ugh, I really didnt care for this episode. I agree with some of the other comments that the writing and pacing was really off in this one, and I really wish they didnt incorporate the militia aspect into the Evil Dead storyline. It just doesnt mesh well with Evil Deads keeping with the basics approach when it comes to weapons (shotgun, chainsaw, axe, 2x4, bottle, pencil). So far this series has been a mix of fun and frustration for me. Even more frustrating when I saw that last shot, which Ill get to in a bit.
Quick thoughts (SPOILERS):
-Joseph LoDucas score in this episode was terrible. Come on man, we know youre better than that!
-The highlight of this episode was the Pablo & Kelly vs the pinned deadite. Fun little moment even if it was a bit stupid.
-Pablo still remains the best of the sidekicks. I actually really like the character.
-Add Lem to another list of this shows boring deadites.
-The tossing of Ash and Amanda down the hatch reminded me of the stairs scene in Evil Dead 2.
-Did Amanda Fisher just randomly change character? I get that Ash is supposed to be a ladies man, but even her switch around was so fast it was jarring.
-Doubt that was body double as Lucy Lawless has had no problems playing nude scenes before.
-Lol at that Full House style moment near the end.
-The crawling hand effect looked pretty good!
Now about that last shot of the cabin. That really shouldve been the Oh shit hype moment for me, especially with Ash sneaking off alone. In a way it still kind of is, but it was heavily tampered by my expectations set by the post pilot episodes and the bad direction in this ones. I mean they seriously nearly completely nailed the look of Evil Dead 1s cabin, right down to the white streaks. Im really surprised that they didnt go for ED2s look or the reboots.
Problem is none of the writers or directors so far has held a candle to Raimis manic style, and that makes me a little worried that this entire build up to the cabin would be a letdown. So Im crossing my fingers that theyve been holding back everything, and that theyve saved the two best directors for last. Ive been dying to see Ash back in the cabin for decades now, and its even more exciting to know there will at least be an episode of him alone in there. Im hoping that like the rocky start of the reboot once shit starts going down and plans fall apart it starts to feel like good ol Evil Dead again.