Ah thanks. Just looked it up
18/month don't think I can do that for one show
Even if the follow-up episodes suck, EVIL DEAD fans should be thrilled that the saga has finally gotten another chapter, with the pilot containing lots of great moments. Optimistically, Ash Vs. Evil Dead is off to a great start, and if theyre able to maintain the quality of the pilot, EVIL DEAD fanboys are going to lose their freaking minds. This seems like it could be a damn good new show, and it sure is nice to see Ash back in the saddle. Hail to the king baby.
In every conceivable way, Ash vs. Evil Dead is the franchise continuation weve all been craving for the past 23 years. And if the first two episodes are any indication, the show is going to go down in history as being one of the single greatest gifts that we horror fans have ever been given.
CBS executive? Is that from Craig Ferguson?
When's it coming to Canada tho?
The struggle with Ash vs Evil Dead is reconciling the giddy, maniacal pleasure that Raimi brings to the pilot with the by-the-numbers disappointment that the second episode delivers and knowing that that is more likely to be the series going forward. The second episode has properly gross effects and it has Ash making boorish comments and generally not giving a darn, and maybe with readjusted standards that'll be enough going forward. It's just less than the pilot promises and less than the Evil Dead name perhaps deserves.
The reviews out are just for the first two episodes, right?
Their Facebook page put up the first 4 minutes of the first episode!
What..the..fuck. lol
Their Facebook page put up the first 4 minutes of the first episode!
What..the..fuck. lol
We need an army of YEAHBABY gifs to crash this joint when it premiers.Groovy. As. Fuck.
I'm really excited.
One more week!
Now to keep those expectations in check, here's a mixed review from Hollywood Report. They seemed to like the first episode but was down on the second. Let's just hope the second episode is one of the few missteps for the series.
Hollywood Reporter - 1st Ep Positive, 2nd Ep Mixed
I’m pretty confident there’s going to be a season 2 because you have to do so many things now to get ready for when you’re about to shoot, like get warehouse space, re-upping your lease, getting a writers room going… well, those things are happening. So, I’ll just leave it at that.
Bruce Campbell feeling "confident" that a season 2 will happen, studio planning for it:
Full interview:
I would imagine by now Starz has at the very least an idea of what to expect by how many people are signing up to Starz, website and trailers viewership, among other things and I imagine Bruce Campbell would know how it's at least looking.
While nothing here is a guarantee, it does sound pretty optimistic so far that this show will do well enough for Starz to renew it. I hope so!
Ash vs Evil Dead - Episode 1.10 - The Dark One (Finale)
Hmm... you guys have any theories on what this title means?
From that perspective, the show does justice to its campy, low-budget roots. So for now, Ash, his rather motley crew and anyone who dares sit too close to the TV would be well advised to keep those moist towelettes handy.
What Sam Raimi, Bruce Campbell and Starz have done with Ash vs. Evil Dead is truly commendable. Through sheer will, theyve found a way to revitalize a seemingly dead franchise in a respectful and glorious way while also giving a struggling network reason to push for the next wave of its success. Some will ask if Ash vs. Evil Dead is good, and it is, but the first two episodes make it clear the show has nothing left to prove. Its succeeded in wondrous ways while making great promises of whats to come over the course of the coming season, and thats all it ever needed to do in the first place.
Little quibbles aside, the show remains a pretty marvellous accomplishment. It at once echoes the visceral splatstick mania of Raimis films while hitting a funky-fresh, self-referential note all its own. Quite simply, theres nothing else on television quite like it, and the credit for that mostly rests with Campbell and Raimi, both of whom seem purely concerned with giving Ash the epic, bloody, batshit adventure fans have been asking them to deliver for decades. Here is a show staggeringly confident in its own ability to achieve greatness and that actually appears primed to reach it. Ash vs. Evil Dead is all guts and glory, arterial sprays and acerbic snark, and as long as it resists the temptation to mess with a winning formula, it promises a rip-roaring good time for horror fans of all ages. Now thats what I call groovy.
The reason for the Deadites return is pretty damn hilarious (Warning spoilers a-coming):
Ash brings a girl back to his trailer, the two get high and drunk and start talking about foreign languages.
Girl: I love languages like French and Italian, the languages of love. I consider myself a linguist.
Ash: If you love languages, get ready for some shit that will blow your mind! *pulls out Necronomicon that he's been keeping in a tackle box next to his bed UNLOCKED this whole time*
Saw the first two episodes of it, its amazing. I mean granted the second episode isn't AS GOOD as the first, but it's still pretty damn solid. I mean, who was going to stand up to Raimi?
The reason for the Deadites return is pretty damn hilarious (Warning spoilers a-coming):
Ash brings a girl back to his trailer, the two get high and drunk and start talking about foreign languages.
Girl: I love languages like French and Italian, the languages of love. I consider myself a linguist.
Ash: If you love languages, get ready for some shit that will blow your mind! *pulls out Necronomicon that he's been keeping in a tackle box next to his bed UNLOCKED this whole time*
A couple questions (don't worry about spoiling me)
Do they bridge the end of Evil Dead 2 to Ash vs Evil Dead or just jump right into the show without explanation?
Why would he be so dumb as to whip out the Necronomicon to read? You don't need to answer this question, I'll assume it's just because he's really stupid..
It just jumps into the show, but later on in the episode, Ash retells what happened to him and they replay scenes from both Evil Dead 1 and 2, but no mention of the events that took place in Army of Darkness (probably due to the legal rights)
Ash is REALLY dumb.
Just days before the October 31 debut of the 10-episode series based on the Evil Dead movie franchise, the premium cabler today said the show will be back for another round. “One season isn’t enough to satisfy the fans’ two-decade-long appetite for more Ash,” said Starz managing director Carmi Zlotnik. “The early fan and press support, along with the international broadcaster demand for more story, have made it clear that the adventures of Ash Williams can’t end with Season 1.” Season 2 of Ash Vs. Evil Dead is expected to air in late 2016.
Holy shit Season 2 announced already???
Not at all surprised by the renewal news. Starz really likes to renew their shows before they premiere.
Yeah, isn't the "rule" that everything on Starz gets two seasons
but the third and beyond is the miracle?
Fuck, they did a screening in Nashville? Kinda glad I was working and didn't know, because the shift would have been harder knowing I missed the show.
Yeah, it was a joint Starz/Comcast thing in Green Hills. They showed the first episode, but it was only a few days before the premiere so not a big loss. Swag was a foam finger type thing shaped like a chainsaw, AvED reusable bag, AvED temporary tattoo and an Xfinity water bottle. Shirts and hats were raffled as well.