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Asian-GAF: We're all the same, like Stormtroopers |OT| |AT|

Small world. My family's from Guangzhou too. My parents came to NY to have me. I've only had one chance to visit the motherland but I do intend to go back again. Sci-fi is just cool as fuck.
Dinosaurs are boring though.

Have you ever gone to one of the NY meetups? I'd feel like a dick if I met you before and have forgotten.

The Barcade meetup in summer 2014.


And if someone's finding it so hard to approach a girl, let alone date one because "they all want white guys", then it's probably more a problem with them and they're just denying it and pushing the blame elsewhere.

It's definitely a strange delusion. I have a harder time getting dates from Asian women than I do with Caucasian women, and the reason usually isn't because of racial preference on their part but usually cultural or lifestyle preferences.


I've never seen it around as I go places, so I'm not sure where it's located. My friends usually love to go to Pho Saigon/Pho Thaison.

It's near Tech Ridge. We prefer Pho Dan.

BTW, Ramen Tatsuya has Saturday slots available for their soft opening at the new location. The details are on Facebook.
Anyone else see this thread: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=973019

I didn't go through it, just read the OP and was like wow. Wow. Wow.

What do y'all think of it? Personally, I find the fetishizing of a culture to be a little disconcerting, and almost a little repulsive. However, I guess that different people DO love and have interests in other things, so is it "wrong"?

Nothing wrong with what he does, but using social media is a double-edged sword in this instance. Plenty of people to entertain, but also births stereotypes such as people who like anime would be like that one.

Some of the posts show a girl who is obsessed with Persona, but the ingrained culture is that girls like to collect this kind of stuff. For guys, it's creepy to the point of being reviled.

That Swiss man is just an example. Look at some of the GAF posters who are also head over heels in making different anime characters their "waifus."

Whether it's purely for fun or something else, we'll never know.
Anyone else see this thread: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=973019

I didn't go through it, just read the OP and was like wow. Wow. Wow.

What do y'all think of it? Personally, I find the fetishizing of a culture to be a little disconcerting, and almost a little repulsive. However, I guess that different people DO love and have interests in other things, so is it "wrong"?

It's really an unhealthy obsession that happens to be moe culture, which when sexualized I find absolutely disgusting.

Personal anime tastes aside, however, I'll say that it's one thing to love a culture and another to obsess over it. The problems I have with this kind of obsession are that 1) he's really too focused on a single aspect of anime and not broadening his horizons, 2) the act of over-collecting will devalue each individual item collected in that he'll spend less time and thought on each, and so he's not really buying each object to admire it, but rather for the sake of simply possessing and representing a certain culture in his mass collection. There are healthy collectors and unhealthy collectors, and in this case I think he really needs to calm down. Of course, I'm making some assumptions in this post, but I don't think I'm wrong in saying that he needs to step back a bit.

That and I'm just a bit prejudiced against moe.
Anyone else see this thread: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=973019

I didn't go through it, just read the OP and was like wow. Wow. Wow.

What do y'all think of it? Personally, I find the fetishizing of a culture to be a little disconcerting, and almost a little repulsive. However, I guess that different people DO love and have interests in other things, so is it "wrong"?

I also glanced through that thread. On the one hand, it was sad to see a lot of people bashing on this guy for 1) loving something they didn't understand and 2) using social media to become popular because of it. 1) bothers me more than 2), because I don't understand social media. For context, NeoGaf is the first forum I have participated in. And I'm not young (also not super old to where the internet is scary).

The weeaboo bashing reminds me of people making fun of kids that love comics, cartoons, dungeons and dragons, etc. Or even boys that like to play with dolls or girls that like to play with toy guns. It's different and weird and people make fun of it. If something isn't hurting anyone, why not let them enjoy it?

Then again, it looks like his hobby is oogling infantilized cartoon girls. I'm sure there's more to it than that, but that's what's jumping out at me. Maybe it's all done with a touch of irony and kitsch factor that I'm unaware of?

I also don't think it's fetishizing a culture, at least not in the way I understand it. He just really likes moe anime stuff, that pretty much only comes from Japan. He loves that sort of thing and revels in it. I don't think he assumes all Japanese are into it and that all Japanese fit some reductive worldview he has built from it.

Basically, it's like if some non-American made a trip to the US to follow around the WWE shows because he loved American wrestling and the whole culture behind it.
Anyone else see this thread: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=973019

I didn't go through it, just read the OP and was like wow. Wow. Wow.

What do y'all think of it? Personally, I find the fetishizing of a culture to be a little disconcerting, and almost a little repulsive. However, I guess that different people DO love and have interests in other things, so is it "wrong"?

When I first saw it, I was thinking of how I wish I had enough money to travel to a foreign place while having enough money to buy so much like he did. Lol.

I wouldn't say it's wrong, I mean, some people just love being able to experience anothers culture from their own because it's something different. Getting to expand, and learn from where things come from.

Although, with this, it can be a little creepy at times. Lol.

It's near Tech Ridge. We prefer Pho Dan.

BTW, Ramen Tatsuya has Saturday slots available for their soft opening at the new location. The details are on Facebook.

Then that's probably why, I rarely go through there. :p I'll try out Pho Dan one day, just to experience it.

*gasp* It's opening soon? Or has opened! :V I will be checking that out right now. Hopefully I'll be making it!
Anyone else see this thread: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=973019

I didn't go through it, just read the OP and was like wow. Wow. Wow.

What do y'all think of it? Personally, I find the fetishizing of a culture to be a little disconcerting, and almost a little repulsive. However, I guess that different people DO love and have interests in other things, so is it "wrong"?
I work for a Japanese company, so my (business) impression of Japan is mystifying in a way entirely different from that of the weaboo.
Yeah, I bet :p.

SORRY TO KEEP PULLING THREADS FROM OT.. but have y'all seen this thread?



Fuck, this is the real good Sichuan food is...




(I once tried to recreate the eggplant dish at home.. didn't work very well, I didn't cook the eggplant enough. Sigh :[)

I'm sorry, but that eggplant pic made me throw up in my mouth a little. There's a similar dish that basically looks like oozing, purple slugs. Maybe it's the same dish, but your example is just sliced. I'm not sure.

But when I was a kid my dad wouldn't let me leave the table until I ate the portion he plopped on my plate. I managed to choke down an entire gross, purple slug/eggplant as tears streamed down my cheeks. Then I promptly threw up.

So yeah, I can never eat eggplant again.
What :eek:

Such a shame, we have a place with pretty good eggplant in Irvine.

It's probably the same dish, but [. I'm sorry you were traumatized by it-- I can't eat congee because of the texture as well, and I can't imagine how horrific it would be to be forced to eat anything. My parents never did that to me; I was allowed to eat whatever I wanted, in any amount.

Also, I did not know you could be allergic to eggplant! Sorry to hear that :( Are you allergic to any other types of veggies?
I'm allergic to eggplant and almost all tropical fruits (mango, papaya, jackfruit, etc.), plus I'm slightly allergic to melon, watermelon, and raw oysters. I'll still eat raw oysters while I pop a Claritin, though. F missing out on that.
What :eek:
I can't eat congee because of the texture as well
That's too bad. Congee tastes so great, especially with yao tiao.

I'm allergic to eggplant, but yeah, it's crazy how bad Asian food is around the country. I'm spoiled to live where I do.
Eggplant is great too. Posted this in the same thread bunny was talking about:


Eggplant + salted fish in claypot, i.e. 魚香茄子煲. Soooo good.
What :eek:

Such a shame, we have a place with pretty good eggplant in Irvine.

It's probably the same dish, but [. I'm sorry you were traumatized by it-- I can't eat congee because of the texture as well, and I can't imagine how horrific it would be to be forced to eat anything. My parents never did that to me; I was allowed to eat whatever I wanted, in any amount.

Also, I did not know you could be allergic to eggplant! Sorry to hear that :( Are you allergic to any other types of veggies?

Wow you can't eat congee because of the texture? It's basically porridge. Or watery rice (when I try to make it).

I'm allergic to eggplant and almost all tropical fruits (mango, papaya, jackfruit, etc.), plus I'm slightly allergic to melon, watermelon, and raw oysters. I'll still eat raw oysters while I pop a Claritin, though. F missing out on that.

Geez that's rough. Did you have to find out all those allergies one by one, or did you sit back after the 4th trip to the hospital and think, Maybe I should see a specialist? Either way, my condolences.


Holy shit.

/patpatpatpatpat I am so sorry /patpatpatpatpatpat

Oysters are freaking delicious, though. I never got into them until I started eating them in Houston, TX. HOLY GOD. SO GOOD.

I have such a weakness for oysters that I'll almost always order them if they're on the menu. And 99% of the time I am disappointed.

Tomales Bay in NorCal is a pretty amazing experience, but the best oysters I ever ate were in Seattle. Seriously amazing stuff.

Edit: So much eggplant =(
Geez that's rough. Did you have to find out all those allergies one by one, or did you sit back after the 4th trip to the hospital and think, Maybe I should see a specialist? Either way, my condolences.
I've known about most of those since I was a child. I think I ate a mango and broke out with a rash all over my face.

The only one that sucked to find out about was raw oysters. Found that out on a date, after I downed a plate of them. That was something.
I've known about most of those since I was a child. I think I ate a mango and broke out with a rash all over my face.

The only one that sucked to find out about was raw oysters. Found that out on a date, after I downed a plate of them. That was something.

What happened? One of my friends also ate the best oysters ever during my Seattle trip. He knew that his stomach was sensitive to them, but they were so delicious he just kept eating. He spent the night groaning in pain on the couch while everyone else stood around wondering if we should call an ambulance.


Talking about oysters. Has anyone here tried oyster sauce on pasta? My mom used to make that when there wasn't much time to cook and my sister and I loved it!
Most of my German friends think it's a strange combination though (some of them don't even knew that oyster sauce existed).
What happened? One of my friends also ate the best oysters ever during my Seattle trip. He knew that his stomach was sensitive to them, but they were so delicious he just kept eating. He spent the night groaning in pain on the couch while everyone else stood around wondering if we should call an ambulance.
My throat started to really itch, so I kept downing wine and the spiciest horseradish available. Got through it, but it could've gone better.
What happened? One of my friends also ate the best oysters ever during my Seattle trip. He knew that his stomach was sensitive to them, but they were so delicious he just kept eating. He spent the night groaning in pain on the couch while everyone else stood around wondering if we should call an ambulance.

sounds like moans of pleasure.

change of food.



Congee is great when done right. The trick is to not make it until the rice starch breaks down and makes it excessively thick.

My nephew won't eat congee, or some other dessert soups. He's three.

Edit: oh god guys, I'm eating Japanese food... But I want Chinese and got outvoted :(
Just finished watching the last of the Rurouni Kenshin live action films...least, I think it's the last. Loved them all for the most part, even during the silly and cheesy moments. Really well done for a live action based on an anime (having a good-looking guy act as Kenshin helps)!

Any drama or anime fans here?
I love watching anime, although I haven't been able to watch much due to no internet at home. D: I have my phone to watch stuff, but it's complicated or takes forever to load a video.
I love watching anime, although I haven't been able to watch much due to no internet at home. D: I have my phone to watch stuff, but it's complicated or takes forever to load a video.
Damn, that sucks. I haven't watched anime/dramas without Internet for a while now... Think the last time I did was when I bought a Blu-Ray for Howl's Moving Castle. Also only down to basic cable now that my parents have a TV Pad, and that needs internet too.

@ bunny: Damn, he's fiiine. :D Love the hair in the first pic! I don't watch a lot of dramas either, mostly stuff adapted from manga/anime since that's where I hear about them. Might check that drama out now, lol. Thirsty for fine Asian men
Damn, that sucks. I haven't watched anime/dramas without Internet for a while now... Think the last time I did was when I bought a Blu-Ray for Howl's Moving Castle. Also only down to basic cable now that my parents have a TV Pad, and that needs internet too.

It dooooes. I've actually been out of internet for almost 3 months now. When you bought a Blu-Ray? How long has it actually been for you? :V

I had to look up what a TV Pad was. That is.. very interesting. I don't know much cable related stuff, since I don't care for TV when most stuff ends up online. XP

I'll just be here as you guys talk about attractive men. (´・_・`)
It dooooes. I've actually been out of internet for almost 3 months now. When you bought a Blu-Ray? How long has it actually been for you? :V

I had to look up what a TV Pad was. That is.. very interesting. I don't know much cable related stuff, since I don't care for TV when most stuff ends up online. XP

I'll just be here as you guys talk about attractive men. (´・_・`)
Damn, 3 months... I can't even stay off GAF for like a day. xD Blu-Ray player or disc? The player I've had for years, don't use it much though. The disc I bought like... 2 years ago or something. Mostly stream or download my anime now. Not too much to watch that actually suits me though, since I'm getting a bit older than the usual high school demographic. What anime do you watch?

TV Pads are pretty good but quality's kinda shit (not sure if my parents set it up right though). I watch a bit of it too. Definitely better than the shitty selection available in Canada for Hong Kong shows. :S


Just finished watching the last of the Rurouni Kenshin live action films...least, I think it's the last. Loved them all for the most part, even during the silly and cheesy moments. Really well done for a live action based on an anime (having a good-looking guy act as Kenshin helps)!

Any drama or anime fans here?

I need to get around to watching those movies. I liked the anime & manga when I was younger.

I watch a few variety shows and sometimes Korean movies. I'm pretty picky.. so it's hard for me to get into most anime and dramas. I tend to lose interest in them kinda quick.
Damn, 3 months... I can't even stay off GAF for like a day. xD Blu-Ray player or disc? The player I've had for years, don't use it much though. The disc I bought like... 2 years ago or something. Mostly stream or download my anime now. Not too much to watch that actually suits me though, since I'm getting a bit older than the usual high school demographic. What anime do you watch?

TV Pads are pretty good but quality's kinda shit (not sure if my parents set it up right though). I watch a bit of it too. Definitely better than the shitty selection available in Canada for Hong Kong shows. :S

Neither can I, haha. Almost died when my phone was off for two days. It's keeping me sane! Oh, I meant the disk, should have been more clear. But damn two years? I'm doubting that's how long it has been since you watched an anime, right? :0
What anime do you usually watch? The good thing about me, is that I'll watch anything. I judge an anime by like three episodes in whenever I choose something. But if it's recommended by a friend, I'll watch the whole thing, even if I don't like it.

To name a few of my favorites:

Ao no Exorcist
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Little Busters!

I don't understand how it could have shit quality being hooked up to the TV and whatnot. But what do I know. ╮(╯▽╰)╭ What shows do you watch when you get the chance?


There's an extra helping of food talk in this thread.

I guess I'll try to change the subject. I see an increase of New Asian members at my gym. Which is pretty cool because Asians actually have quite a majority at my gym.

The additional members just adds to our numbers.

Gotta represent.
There's an extra helping of food talk in this thread.

I guess I'll try to change the subject. I see an increase of New Asian members at my gym. Which is pretty cool because Asians actually have quite a majority at my gym.

The additional members just adds to our numbers.

Gotta represent.

New Gym Order is on the horizon.


Just finished watching the last of the Rurouni Kenshin live action films...least, I think it's the last. Loved them all for the most part, even during the silly and cheesy moments. Really well done for a live action based on an anime (having a good-looking guy act as Kenshin helps)!

Any drama or anime fans here?

Wait, there are only 3 movies? I hope they do a movie of the last arc. It answers a lot of questions. Would suck if the movies ended where the anime did before it went into fillers.


lol so cute. Such silly crushes on boys. They don't hold weight to my mancrush, Lee Byung-hun.




It was difficult to sort through so many shirtless pics.

The Barcade meetup in summer 2014.

Ah, I haven't gone to the more recent ones. One of these days I'll hit up one of the official meet ups.

There's an extra helping of food talk in this thread.

I guess I'll try to change the subject. I see an increase of New Asian members at my gym. Which is pretty cool because Asians actually have quite a majority at my gym.

The additional members just adds to our numbers.

Gotta represent.
I notice the ethnic breakdown in gyms directly correlate with the area it's in. For example mine is filled to the brim with Asians being so close to my neighborhood but if you head further north the gyms the members are a little more diverse.


Can a wide-eyed Southeast Asia Islander join here?

Also, it seems that you can't have an Asia community related thread without discussing food lol


If that's you in your avatar... I can see you hit the gym.
You're really fucking hot.

Give it two months and people at the gym will be disappearing, though :x.

Hehehehe, yeah, that's me.

Most may dissappear, but if we can keep a few, then the squat rack is ours!!!!
Yo guys, does anyone know anything about going to China on a trip as an American citizen? I know I have to get a visa, but my mom is saying I also need an invitation letter to be allowed? I don't remember hearing about it.


if you book a hotel, then just use the hotel's address when applying for a visa.
if you plan to stay with someone in china, that's when you need a letter of invitation.

if you're staying with someone and don't want to bother with the letter, then book the hotel, get the visa, then cancel it.
lol so cute. Such silly crushes on boys. They don't hold weight to my mancrush, Lee Byung-hun.




It was difficult to sort through so many shirtless pics.

is he the guy from I Saw the Devil? I love that movie. Ugh. It's so much fun.

Also YES. He is very delicious. yes yesyes.

On "moe", I guess im a bit late, but collectors are whatevs. Their money, their spending.

But the culture of "moe" is more what I've got loads of judgments against. If they are all just innocent, cutey stuff, I think I wouldnt have so much problems against it, but they are usually very sexualised. Pantyshots are a par-the-course with most of moe fandom, and that's just the .... uh tip of the iceberg. Things go more explicit super fast and super loose from there :x

I just dont quite get the obsession with sexualising child-looking characters (whichever gender).
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