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Assassin's Creed II - The |OT|


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
I really feel that I'm going to platinum this game. First game to platinum ever.

I think the hardest one will be killing 10 guys in one fight without getting hit. Does smoke bomb work for that? Then it'd be fairly easy. Also, does the no-hit rule begin when combat mode activates, or when you kill the first guy?


Dice said:
I really feel that I'm going to platinum this game. First game to platinum ever.

I think the hardest one will be killing 10 guys in one fight without getting hit. Does smoke bomb work for that? Then it'd be fairly easy. Also, does the no-hit rule begin when combat mode activates, or when you kill the first guy?
I think when combat starts. But yeah, go with what you said :) Just keep droppin' them.


Dice said:
I really feel that I'm going to platinum this game. First game to platinum ever.

I think the hardest one will be killing 10 guys in one fight without getting hit. Does smoke bomb work for that? Then it'd be fairly easy. Also, does the no-hit rule begin when combat mode activates, or when you kill the first guy?
Lol I don't even remember getting the trophy, I thought it would be hard too. After I completed the story and went to look at what trophies I needed to get I was surprised to see I had already gotten it inadvertently.
As soon as you toss a smoke grenade they'll be alerted. You'll wanna use the hidden blade for the easiest 10 kills ever. 1 smoke grenade should do the trick. You don't want to waste precious Florins now do you?


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Dice said:
I really feel that I'm going to platinum this game. First game to platinum ever.

I think the hardest one will be killing 10 guys in one fight without getting hit. Does smoke bomb work for that? Then it'd be fairly easy. Also, does the no-hit rule begin when combat mode activates, or when you kill the first guy?

Yep, easiest place is in front of the Palazzo in Venice, get a bunch of 'em to get chasing you, then smoke bomb and hidden blade your way to an easy 10 kill streak.



Little red eyeball symbol means there is a glyph there. It will be grayed out if you found the glyph on the landmark.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Jeff Stephen said:
As soon as you toss a smoke grenade they'll be alerted. You'll wanna use the hidden blade for the easiest 10 kills ever. 1 smoke grenade should do the trick. You don't want to waste precious Florins now do you?
:lol I believe I have over 200k and I just went for my first test flight.

I have some small issues with the game.

First off, it shows the important places on the map, but does not name them and let you set a marker. If I can have all the shops show on the map, why not these? I can look through the locations in my database and get a picture of them, but I have to guess from that picture what it would look like from above to pick it out on the map. It doesn't make sense to not have this little feature to help out my memory of places I've been for going back to get glyphs.

Second, and more importantly. I would reeeeeaaaaally prefer R2 and X to be switched around. It makes sense for the 360 controller to have it like it is because the triggers are aligned in a more annoying way, but for the PS3 it'd be better to have your index and middle finger controlling free running. That way you could free run while adjusting the camera, which you almost always have to do if you want to keep your momentum while looking down for small wires and beams to land on. Any part of the game that requires speedy travel would be 10x more fluid if the controls were like that.

Overall, though, I am extremely impressed with the game. They must have put tons of work into control input interpretation and integrating that with the animations as it really blows away anything else. They also have a really good amount of variety and options of approach, something actually lacking quite a bit in other supposedly free-range games.
NeoUltima said:

Little red eyeball symbol means there is a glyph there. It will be grayed out if you found the glyph on the landmark.

to add: the symbol will remain red if you didn't solve the puzzle, but you can solve it at any time from the 'the truth' section.
been playing it for a few hours, and so far so good..
i do think there are too many loadtimes and sequences that take me out of the moment...

sometimes it seems like the button input doesn't registrate well.

But wow, i love walking around in Florence!!! The fighting and finishing moves get better and better and the story keeps me going on.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Okay I did it and I can confirm that the no-hit rule starts upon your first kill. I got a bunch of guys on me but an agile guard got a knife in before I could toss the smoke bomb.


Cool, after looking for ways to get a "Master Assassin Edition" from Gamestop, mainly for the Ezio figure..though eBay or other places and no luck (except for finding ones that cost over $100..or the figure alone for over $50..)..found one in a Gamestop..under 10 minutes from were I live...(thanks to a friend, which also found me aa SFIV Collector's Edition for $35.. :) )

Traded the copy I already finished, they gave me around $41 for it (it costed $40 new on Best Buy, and it was from a friend so didn't paid anything )..and paid just $37 for the game, figure, artbook and the big-ass tin case..

Played through one of the 2 exclusive maps (Santa Maria dei Frari)..and it's really cool..like the assassins' tombs during the game..lost of careful jumping.
Ezio looks BADASS with the fully decked out armor on. One of the best looking character models of all time IMO, even surpassing Altair.

Feel like I'm closing in on the end of the game, and it's been a great ride so far. 100% better than the first game, and I actually LIKED AC1.
I couldnt get through more than 3 or 4 hours into AC1...but I'd argue AC2 is my personal game of 2009 and I haven't finished it yet. Just got to Venice. They do a tremendous job with the environments and it really feels authentic and alive. I was just there a few years ago and I'm impressed at how it captures the feel of the city. It's fun to just walk around the streets and see the people walking and pass the landmarks..

Thinking back I wish I would've chugged through AC1 but it was so repetitious it just wouldn't be fun for me.
Are there any good story summaries/videos that I can read through for the AC1 story? I think I understand basically what happened in the first game but it'd be cool if there was some sort of a cinematic summary with all of the cut-scenes from the game. I know they had that for Halo. No dice on Youtube as far as I can tell...


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
radiantdreamer said:
Just started playing, and got to the Villa. Got everything to level1 now. Is it worth the time and money to play this meta game?
Yeah, drop stuff on the bank first, then restore the other stuff, then finish up the shops. Your money chest grows in capacity as well as how much per 20mins you get. The process essentially ends up paying for itself, but you can help it along using money you get from chests and missions. Basically, with it you'll never have to worry about money at all, yet without it, it'd be a pain in the ass to buy all the things you have to buy. Plus, well... I don't want to spoil anything, but the results will make you happy.


Yeah it was a cool touch. Every 20 minutes you get money, the more you invest in the town ..the more you receive.

When I finished the game I had over 200,000..and earning like 12k every 20 minutes...Never had to worry about medicines, poisons, ammo..
this may be true that you have a bottomless fountain of money, but with the amount of money you end up putting into it in the first place, is the rate of return worth it?

If you save all that money that you've looted, would the result by end game be that much different?


radiantdreamer said:
this may be true that you have a bottomless fountain of money, but with the amount of money you end up putting into it in the first place, is the rate of return worth it?

If you save all that money that you've looted, would the result by end game be that much different?

From personal experience, the money you can loot by the end is nearly trivial if you go the upgrading the villa route. The chests end up giving you zilch by the end, whereas an upgrading villa is giving you a crapload every 20 minutes.

The amount you invest is only taxing on your wallet in the very beginning. By midgame, you won't really think twice about dumping money into the villa because you're rolling in it.

So from personal experience, by midgame you're already receiving far more than you put in. That's purely anecdotal, since I never actually counted it up. But I put emphasis first on my armor/weapon upgrades, then on the villa, then on expendables, and I think I finished with the villa very early into the game (roughly two-thirds of the way through, if that).

Edit: I did also do a bunch of side quests (nearly every single one, for the sake of being complete), but the money I was getting from the villa was far outshining the money coming from anywhere else. So much so that even the storyline rewards were trivial.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
There, now all I have to do is finish the story and I'll have a platinum. However, before then I have a bunch of side missions to do. I need to get all my assassinating done and beat up some cheating husbands before the end. :D
Thanks for the tips guys. At least I know how many glyphs I have cleared in each section and also what things I have not visited yet. Makes a huge difference.

White Man

The money in the game starts out so promising. In Florence, pre-villa, you get so little money that it would have been rough if the scarcity remained the same for the duration of the game. Heck, I think difficulty levels could probably be implemented solely by manipulating how much money the villa gives you. Hard mode would give you 1000 florins every 20 min, and easy would give you 20000.

Not sure if I mentioned the glitches in my previous long posts. On at least 2 different occasions, I got glitched really badly--in such a way that I couldn't tell the game had glitched. I think both were in tombs, and in both cases I spent like an hour trying to solve a nonexistent puzzle because a switch or a wire disappeared when it shouldn't have. Even worse, looking at all the glitches on youtube, there were a ton of very similar ones that I didn't get hit by. Just wires and levers and things disappearing in different puzzles in different locations.


I was majorly disappointed with the first assassins creed. Im glad to say this is everything i wanted the first game to be and more. Ive been loving it.
Thanks for the tips guys! I put in about 10k maybe 20k of my own money, and the investment seems to be paying off. I've simply let the money in the villa build up and re-invest it while I'm doing the other quests. It's raking in faster than I can find treasure.

It's like a real business!

Darkman M

radiantdreamer said:
Thanks for the tips guys! I put in about 10k maybe 20k of my own money, and the investment seems to be paying off. I've simply let the money in the villa build up and re-invest it while I'm doing the other quests. It's raking in faster than I can find treasure.

It's like a real business!

Yeah upgrading the villa is the first thing i started to do, now im getting 12+k every 20 mins and running around right now with 150k in my wallet:lol


formerly cjelly
The whole money and property stuff is just so pointless in this game, though.

It wasn't very well thought out, at all, and just feels tacked on to artificially lengthen the game.


Just beat it, great job with this one. I actually liked AC1 well enough, but was glad to see the improvements made.

I found my self really wishing I could explore more of
, at the end, but I guess that's a good sign. I also noticed some areas still 'locked', so I guess that's for the DC.

Think I'm down to the feather achievement (at 65 now) and of course the Cape achievement tied to it. Don't know that I'll go back and hunt for all those, but this is as close to maxing out all the achievements as I've been in just about any game.

All around solid title, and I wished I had played it a little earlier so I could have put it in my Best of 2009 voting. lol
Finished it earlier. Great game as a whole but I felt that the ending fell apart in the gameplay department due to the sub-par combat. If they want to keep this style of combat, they need to take a look at what Batman Arkham Asylum did, and copy it exactly. The enemies aren't aggressive enough, the reversals don't feel as good as Batman, and the combat in general feels bland and sluggish.

The game as a whole was great though.


I also just recently beat the story mode. Is there anything worthwhile left doing? Mainly I've been trying to clean up all the Assassination contracts. Stuff I haven't completed yet:

- glyphs
- viewpoints
- Monteriggioni levelling up
- feathers (don't care)


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Yeah the weakest part is definitely the combat. It feels so strange compared the super smooth and inventive assassination moves. It's like aside from being clunky in general, when you do get some strikes on a person it's almost like you're smacking them with a bat instead of slashing them with a sword. Everything is prepped to work like Prince of Persia, God of War or Heavenly Sword, but then it's just you blocking, them blocking, rinse & repeat until you just give up on traditional styles and use reversal moves. The best thing to do is forget your own weapon entirely and always go for the disarming reversal, but on bosses that doesn't really work so you have to do it the clunky way.
Also finished it yesterday, currently working on getting my first platinum since I ended the game with 88%, I give the game around 9.2, only thing I really didn't enjoy much was the difficulty, it was just way too easy.


dreamer3kx said:
Also finished it yesterday, currently working on getting my first platinum since I ended the game with 88%, I give the game around 9.2, only thing I really didn't enjoy much was the difficulty, it was just way too easy.
Yep...games(not just AC2) are so damn easy this gen for some reason :(.
Really enjoying the game, but feels like it needed a lot more refinement of the controls . Too often will Ezio suddenly dive off a fucking tower top instead of doing what I want him to do, and combat is pure ass. Maybe I was more forgiving with AC1 as I don't remember it being this bad, but the hilarity of ever fighting enemies on stairs is something you have to cast an eye of suspicion at the QA department for ("is it okay if enemies are hovering a foot above the floor?!")

All the rest of it, the collectathon stuff, amazing cities and setpieces are great though. I wish the village development stuff had been a little more indepth though, as after a brief bit of updating youre pretty much done.

I don't like how the game jumps years without any explanation. Is that where the DLC plops in?


SecretBonusPoint said:
I don't like how the game jumps years without any explanation. Is that where the DLC plops in?

Yes and no. The passing of time is just poorly achieved, if they didn't tell you the year you wouldn't know it's been so long since the last sequence. The DLC does belong in one of the gaps, but that one gap... well, you'll see :D
Guys, I'm getting the game tomorrow and I have a few questions.

Will I be able to get Platinum trophy on one (1) playthrough? Also, if the answer is yes is there anything special I should look out, so I don't need to go through it again because of a mistake (e.g. a certain action preventing me from getting all trophies). If anyone did platinum - how much time did it take? I'll playing this casually (for god knows why) and since I don't really have that much time to dedicate to gaming, I'd like to complete this to 100% during the first play.
Lagspike_exe said:
Guys, I'm getting the game tomorrow and I have a few questions.

Will I be able to get Platinum trophy on one (1) playthrough? Also, if the answer is yes is there anything special I should look out, so I don't need to go through it again because of a mistake (e.g. a certain action preventing me from getting all trophies). If anyone did platinum - how much time did it take? I'll playing this casually (for god knows why) and since I don't really have that much time to dedicate to gaming, I'd like to complete this to 100% during the first play.

Flyswatter. Make sure you kick a guard when you are using the 'Flying Machine'.


formerly cjelly
Lagspike_exe said:
Guys, I'm getting the game tomorrow and I have a few questions.

Will I be able to get Platinum trophy on one (1) playthrough? Also, if the answer is yes is there anything special I should look out, so I don't need to go through it again because of a mistake (e.g. a certain action preventing me from getting all trophies). If anyone did platinum - how much time did it take? I'll playing this casually (for god knows why) and since I don't really have that much time to dedicate to gaming, I'd like to complete this to 100% during the first play.
Yes, you can get all of the achievements in one go.

Only missable one is 'Fly Swatter', as there is only one mission with the flying machine, and you can't re-do missions. You get to use the flying machine only twice, but the first time doesn't 'count', so don't panic and think you missed it on the first go; as far as I'm aware you can't even kick a guard then, as it's just a training section with a scripted ending.

It'll probably take you a while to get all the feathers, but there's a good guide here: http://www.msxbox-world.com/features/Assassins-Creed-II/index.php

Collecting all feathers and the Auditore cape trophies should be your last 2, really (you don't get the cape until you've got all feathers.)

Church RvB said:
Flyswatter. Make sure you kick a guard when you are using the 'Flying Machine'.

cjelly said:
Yes, you can get all of the achievements in one go.

Only missable one is 'Fly Swatter', as there is only one mission with the flying machine, and you can't re-do missions. You get to use the flying machine only twice, but the first time doesn't 'count', so don't panic and think you missed it on the first go; as far as I'm aware you can't even kick a guard then, as it's just a training section with a scripted ending.

It'll probably take you a while to get all the feathers, but there's a good guide here: http://www.msxbox-world.com/features/Assassins-Creed-II/index.php

Collecting all feathers and the Auditore cape trophies should be your last 2, really (you don't get the cape until you've got all feathers.)


Thanks guys, you're awesome.
cjelly said:
The whole money and property stuff is just so pointless in this game, though.

It wasn't very well thought out, at all, and just feels tacked on to artificially lengthen the game.

At the rate I'm gaining money, I'd say it was tacked on to shorten the game. Now I never have to grind for dollars. O_O
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