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Assassin's Creed II - The |OT|


Heh I thought DaVinci was just awesome. I loved his eagerness and how he would get excited about the smallest thing. :p
D23 said:
after getting most of the achievement and played the shit out of AC II... do you think its worth it to play AC I? i never play the first assassins creed.

The story is awesome and there are locales that I like better than ACII.
But if you love, or atleast like yourself, you won't play it for achievements.

The flags alone will make you want to kill yourself.


Buckethead said:

The story is awesome and there are locales that I like better than ACII.
But if you love, or atleast like yourself, you won't play it for achievements.

The flags alone will make you want to kill yourself.

nah, i will not be collecting the flags, i didnt even collect all the feathers in ACII..
aight, i will give the first one a try.


D23 said:
after getting most of the achievement and played the shit out of AC II... do you think its worth it to play AC I? i never play the first assassins creed.

Well...let's put it this way. Don't buy it, rent if you really want to try it. AC1 will piss you off after you're used to AC2.
How the f*ck do I
climb that tower in Acre?
I get up to that little balcony about half way up and can go no further.

I'm losing my mind.


CriscoDisco said:
How the f*ck do I
climb that tower in Acre?
I get up to that little balcony about half way up and can go no further.

I'm losing my mind.

Stand under the the lamp post and jump straight up while standing in place. I think it's RT + A / R1 + X.


Just finished it yesterday, great game.

The game took a while to get going but when it did, it was awesome.

Some of the missions weren't as good as others,
especially the last mission: I thought it started out great making you use every skill you learned, but then the game started exposing its own weaknesses. The part where you have to go through undetected, you can kill a guard but the monks in the area won't alert the others even though they scream, run around and beg for mercy which I thought really killed the immersion the game built up throughout.

Oh and screen tearing and pop in. Seriously, get on that shit Ubisoft.
CriscoDisco said:
How the f*ck do I
climb that tower in Acre?
I get up to that little balcony about half way up and can go no further..

You could do what the other dude said..... or stand on ledge, run straight up, and then press jump again and push your left stick to whatever direction the tower beam is in.

It's one of the few times you'll have to do that weird double jump.
One more is for a feather
in Florence
and another for a Tomb
in Venice.
So practice up.


Buckethead said:

The story is awesome and there are locales that I like better than ACII.
But if you love, or atleast like yourself, you won't play it for achievements.

The flags alone will make you want to kill yourself.

AC1 definitely has more interesting, "high concept" writing, but it's not as engaging as AC2. And I never understood how the speeches after you kill your targets were supposed to made a lick of sense. :p They go on for 5 minutes after you've stabbed their aorta. :p

Mana Sin

Honestly, I don't care what point in time AC3 is set in... As long as I have my hidden blades, I'm happy. Speaking of which, the only way for the double hidden blades to exist is if the game takes place after Altair writes the codex. Wasn't he the one who came up with the idea?
Unless of course, you give the next Assassin access to the Apple of Eden and thus access to the same knowledge Altair got the idea from.
I just picked up AC: Bloodlines for the PSP, I'll give everyone some impressions once I get some time on it. I got the PS3 version at release too, so awesome exclusive content is awesome.

Mana Sin

Square Triangle said:
I just picked up AC: Bloodlines for the PSP, I'll give everyone some impressions once I get some time on it. I got the PS3 version at release too, so awesome exclusive content is awesome.

Yeah it is, but the weapons aren't exactly spectacular =/ They looks nice enough in a 'well, that's different' sort of way. I would've preferred more capes or something cool like a whip or something.

@Above poster: Sorta. You won't be satisfied though, you'll just have more questions.
jett said:
AC1 definitely has more interesting, "high concept" writing, but it's not as engaging as AC2. And I never understood how the speeches after you kill your targets were supposed to made a lick of sense. :p They go on for 5 minutes after you've stabbed their aorta. :p
They still dont make sense, they just made them shorter.
Mana Sin said:
Honestly, I don't care what point in time AC3 is set in... As long as I have my hidden blades, I'm happy. Speaking of which, the only way for the double hidden blades to exist is if the game takes place after Ezio writes the codex. Wasn't he the one who came up with the idea?
Unless of course, you give the next Assassin access to the Apple of Eden and thus access to the same knowledge Altair got the idea from.
Altair is the one that came up with it and recorded in his codex.


Razorskin said:
Um I just finished the truth, does it get explained later in the game?

I don't think so, but this is what people have pieced together, spoilers obv.
Adam and Eve were early humans genetically modified by some ancient race of aliens or something. Their descendents formed the Assassin's, explaining their Eagle Vision power or whatever. When they rebelled against the ancients, they stole the Apple of Eden, some powerful artifact that has powers and contains knowledge. Some kind of solar anomoly wiped out those ancient aliens or whatever, wiping out all trace of their existance except the Pieces of Eden. The Templar are normal humans who want to use those things to gain power and create a new world order. Assassin's descended from Adam and Eve are supposed to protect the Pieces of Eden from being exploited and use them for their intended purpose, to save humanity from the solar anomoly that is about to happen again.

Mana Sin

Lostconfused said:
Altair is the one that came up with it and recorded in his codex.

Yeah, but didn't he write that
most of what he took credit for creating was in reality stuff he learned from studying the P.o.E


Square Triangle said:
I just picked up AC: Bloodlines for the PSP, I'll give everyone some impressions once I get some time on it.
It's not bad, per se, but it is very unpolished. For instance, the mini-map has an issue where the rotating icon radii will grow or shrink randomly over time. The auto-save is wonky too. Sometimes it will auto-save. Sometimes it won't. Not sure if you can force a save - it'd be nice to be able to restart the game at will once the mini-map is half the size it should be.


well not really...yet
When do I get the Venetian cape? Just finished sequence 9 for what its worth and no longer have the mask/cape combo.
Mana Sin said:
Yeah, but didn't he write that
most of what he took credit for creating was in reality stuff he learned from studying the P.o.E
Yes but I was just pointing out that Ezio didn't not come up with the idea and he doesn't need to write a codex.

Edit: Well actually no. Altair is a skilled master assassin he came up with it on his own.
he just used the apple to learn how to make stronger alloys


learnedhand said:
Really enjoying the game. (360 version)

Of all the improvements (graphical, more things to do, slightly varied combat, etc) the main hook for me is the narrative.

Any more these days, I need some type of compelling story to push me forward in a game. This is what I, and many others love about uncharted. In AC1, I just had a vague idea of what was going on. It just wasn't told very well and I didn't understand or didn't care about the characters motives. But in AC2, it all comes together so well. All of the places and characters are kept in a database, the missions and side missions really fit nicely together, and IMO the voice acting is great. Plus, Ezio is a much more likable character than Altair. I really hated that prick.

For a game with so many elements, both gameplay and story-wise, they do an incredible job putting it all together.

AC2 is just so much better in so many ways.

As an older gamer I agree, as long as the balance between gameplay and cutscene is more geared towards gameplay I'm happy. I don't want to be watching cutscenes for 10 plus minutes at a time. Uncharted 2 and Creed 2 balance te gameplay to story very nicely. Creed 2 even more so than Uncharted 2 from what I've played of AC2 so far.


Never played the original but i was thinking of picking this up. However i know it continues on from the first game. Does it make a lot of references to it? Would i be missing out on story had i not played the first?


----- ------
Zzoram said:
I don't think so, but this is what people have pieced together, spoilers obv.
Adam and Eve were early humans genetically modified by some ancient race of aliens or something. Their descendents formed the Assassin's, explaining their Eagle Vision power or whatever. When they rebelled against the ancients, they stole the Apple of Eden, some powerful artifact that has powers and contains knowledge. Some kind of solar anomoly wiped out those ancient aliens or whatever, wiping out all trace of their existance except the Pieces of Eden. The Templar are normal humans who want to use those things to gain power and create a new world order. Assassin's descended from Adam and Eve are supposed to protect the Pieces of Eden from being exploited and use them for their intended purpose, to save humanity from the solar anomoly that is about to happen again.

Thanks for that, I don't want to go look into the spoiler thread since I'm not done the game yet. This explanation seems to make sense.

Mana Sin

Lostconfused said:
Yes but I was just pointing out that Ezio didn't not come up with the idea and he doesn't need to write a codex.

Edit: Well actually no. Altair is a skilled master assassin he came up with it on his own.
he just used the apple to learn how to make stronger alloys

whoa, major typo o.o I meant to say when Altair wrote the Codex, not Ezio.

But on the topic of Ezio writing, it would be nice to find an old diary of his or something in the next game. I really loved his character, I've only had the game for most of a week, but he's already one of my favorite video game characters ever.

Do you think Ubi will/could release new story-related dlc episodes based on
The missing years from the time Ezio gains the Apple until before he went to kill the Spaniard
? I think it would be interesting to see what Altair had access to.


jett said:
AC1 definitely has more interesting, "high concept" writing, but it's not as engaging as AC2. And I never understood how the speeches after you kill your targets were supposed to made a lick of sense. :p They go on for 5 minutes after you've stabbed their aorta. :p
I think the confessions are supposed to be between the assassin and the target. It also might be a glitch in the animus because
some of the targets confess after you kill them like Dante and Silvio, and some are not dead after you assassinate them like Rodrigo.


The confessions in AC1 are just ridiculous, especially when A LOT of the assassinations inevitably occur in the middle of a big crowd of people. At least in AC2 they're limited to one or two lines, the dying words of a villain, movie-style. :p

Aspiring said:
Never played the original but i was thinking of picking this up. However i know it continues on from the first game. Does it make a lot of references to it? Would i be missing out on story had i not played the first?

It starts with the assumption that you played the first game. It does not do a job at recapping things. You're better off reading the premise of AC1 to understand what goes on in AC2.


jett said:
The confessions in AC1 are just ridiculous, especially when A LOT of the assassinations inevitably occur in the middle of a big crowd of people. At least in AC2 they're limited to one or two lines, the dying words of a villain, movie-style. :p
Well even after
you jump on Borgia from 40 feet in the air and stick a blade in him he still lives
, I liked the longer confessions because the targets in AC1 all had different reasons for their actions unlike this game where we already knew why the targets were doing what they were doing and that made their "confessions" useless.


Can someone please tell me where in the hell is the glyph at Ponte Di Rialto (a bridge area in Venice)? I looked on both sides and on the roofs for like 10 minutes and I can not find this fucking symbol anywhere. Is it actually on the bridge or somewhere nearby? Last one I need and it's driving me crazy.


Toski said:
Well even after
you jump on Borgia from 40 feet in the air and stick a blade in him he still lives
, I liked the longer confessions because the targets in AC1 all had different reasons for their actions unlike this game where we already knew why the targets were doing what they were doing and that made their "confessions" useless.

Yeah in that scene they're taking away action from the player. The proper way to do it would have been not showing Ezio stab him, but I'll chalk that up to rush.

I think the worst one in that respect is the
Carnivale. The game specifically tells you to shoot him from afar and yet you're shown holding his neck afterwards, when you're nowhere near the boat.
:lol WTF was that?

The confessions in AC1 are actually pretty great and interesting, but the way they occur don't make any sense.


Sean said:
Can someone please tell me where in the hell is the glyph at Ponte Di Rialto (a bridge area in Venice)? I looked on both sides and on the roofs for like 10 minutes and I can not find this fucking symbol anywhere. Is it actually on the bridge or somewhere nearby? Last one I need and it's driving me crazy.
Look under the brige, you have to swim to see it.

Mana Sin

The seal place is the Sanctuary? Huh, I was wondering what that was... Anyway, you get there from Mario's office/the Codex room.
So yeah..there are issues with the PSP Assassin's Creed but I love it. The PSP to PS3 features are kind of lame but the PS3 to PSP bonuses are actually pretty sweet.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
What's with the one glyph in Venice? I don't remember the name, but it's labeled as ___ District. Is that really saying to find it in a whole chunk of the city?


Douchebag. Yes, me.
Ok, I can't figure this part out (Around memory chain 6-7):

I go into the dream sequence as Altair, and I chase his target to a tower that the target goes into. I then climb up this tower to a balcony... directly above me is a wooden plank sticking out, but I can't for the life of me get Altair to jump/reach to it. It's literally 6 inches from his hand, but he won't go to it. Have I missed some control along the way that allows me to grab things directly above me, or jump straight up and grab something?


FlyinJ said:
Ok, I can't figure this part out (Around memory chain 6-7):

I go into the dream sequence as Altair, and I chase his target to a tower that the target goes into. I then climb up this tower to a balcony... directly above me is a wooden plank sticking out, but I can't for the life of me get Altair to jump/reach to it. It's literally 6 inches from his hand, but he won't go to it. Have I missed some control along the way that allows me to grab things directly above me, or jump straight up and grab something?

Just follow the path marked in Eagle vision. I have no idea what is this climbing problem you guys have in this section.


You can either stand still and hold R1+X/let go or climb up on either side, run up the wall and then hit the jump button.


Douchebag. Yes, me.
Irish said:
You can either stand still and hold R1+X/let go or climb up on either side, run up the wall and then hit the jump button.

Ah hah, I was finally able to run up the wall and get him to jump sideways. Very badly designed section there.
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