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Assassin's Creed III: Liberation |OT| VITA LA REVOLUTION

You know, call me crazy.

But I am really loving pickpocketing with the back touch. Been wandering around for the last half hour just stealing crap from people. It's fun!


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009

das a pig


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You know, call me crazy.

But I am really loving pickpocketing with the back touch. Been wandering around for the last half hour just stealing crap from people. It's fun!

How can I properly pickpocket them? Trying slower swipes but never managed to pickpocket everything, usually I fail with the last and/or second to last part of their pocket. Tried "aiming" at them with the backtouch too, no dice.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Hate the Lady Persona.

I must be the only one who doesnt hate her. I wouldnt choose her myself if I have the choice, but I think the Lady missions are a nice change of pace where you use features that you otherwise ignore (bribing & charming).
How can I properly pickpocket them? Trying slower swipes but never managed to pickpocket everything, usually I fail with the last and/or second to last part of their pocket. Tried "aiming" at them with the backtouch too, no dice.

Strangely enough, I have the best luck pickpocketing as the Slave persona. Try it out.

When I use that persona, I pickpocket really fast, just.. bam bam bam.

When I try it with the Assassin persona, it's super slow, and most of the time I never get more than one pickpocket.

It has to be a moderate swipe. Can't be slow, can't be fast, just kind of... I dunno, gentle. =P


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Strangely enough, I have the best luck pickpocketing as the Slave persona. Try it out.

When I use that persona, I pickpocket really fast, just.. bam bam bam.

When I try it with the Assassin persona, it's super slow, and most of the time I never get more than one pickpocket.

It has to be a moderate swipe. Can't be slow, can't be fast, just kind of... I dunno, gentle. =P

You dont change directions while swiping, right? I usually end up on the lower end of my Vita backtouchpanel before I've stolen everything, so I cant continue swiping. On the next try I usually always fail. Quite maddening.
You dont change directions while swiping, right? I usually end up on the lower end of my Vita backtouchpanel before I've stolen everything, so I cant continue swiping. On the next try I usually always fail. Quite maddening.

No, you shouldn't have to switch directions. I know what you mean, though. When I'm using the assassin persona, I can start at the top of the touchpad swipe down, and I'm LUCKY to get maybe two pickpockets in before I'm running out of touchpad.

With the slave persona, I can start at the top, and by the time I'm halfway down I've pickpocketed all three or four items. It's so fast.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
No, you shouldn't have to switch directions. I know what you mean, though. When I'm using the assassin persona, I can start at the top of the touchpad swipe down, and I'm LUCKY to get maybe two pickpockets in before I'm running out of touchpad.

With the slave persona, I can start at the top, and by the time I'm halfway down I've pickpocketed all three or four items. It's so fast.

Ah okay, might be really a persona issue then :) Thanks. Trying that later.


GAF parliamentarian
Okay, how do I lock on to a target with L, and how do I pickpocket effectively? I keep getting the failure sound when I give it a try. Pretty depressing.
Anyone know how to get the hold the letters to a light thing to work well. I have tried shining a torch into it, pointing at my bedside lamp but its normally done silly like pointing at the floor that ends up working. Am I missing something here?
Okay, how do I lock on to a target with L, and how do I pickpocket effectively? I keep getting the failure sound when I give it a try. Pretty depressing.

For pickpocketing, don't bother with L. I'm not sure why the tutorial says to do that.

Just tap the person you want to pickpocket to target them, make sure they are highlighted, and walk up behind them and swipe up or down on the back touchpad. Don't use L. That's just making things extra clunky.


GAF parliamentarian
For pickpocketing, don't bother with L. I'm not sure why the tutorial says to do that.

Just tap the person you want to pickpocket to target them, make sure they are highlighted, and walk up behind them and swipe up or down on the back touchpad. Don't use L. That's just making things extra clunky.
Heck, I didn't even know you could tap to select. If this game has had any tutorials so far, I've apparently missed 'em.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Heck, I didn't even know you could tap to select. If this game has had any tutorials so far, I've apparently missed 'em.

Pretty sure the game told you to do that. The text flies by way too fast sometimes though, especially with the mission objectives.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Is there anyway I can redo a sequence or a mission? I missed out a full synch on one of the earlier missions.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Is there anyway I can redo a sequence or a mission? I missed out a full synch on one of the earlier missions.

Sorry for the double post but anyone?


If you go to the pier in New Orleans and look at the brownish water, you'll notice these vertical lines on your vita. Seems OLED isn't that perfect :/
I must be the only one who doesnt hate her. I wouldnt choose her myself if I have the choice, but I think the Lady missions are a nice change of pace where you use features that you otherwise ignore (bribing & charming).

I enjoy it as well. I love fucking fools up with it then walking away all classy-like.

Pretty sure the game told you to do that. The text flies by way too fast sometimes though, especially with the mission objectives.
It's one of the proper tutorials with a gameplay stopping screen. Hard to miss. xD


Are there very many stages that require the lady costume? I'm in an early section
on the docks where you have to find the stolen goods
and it's like the game has come to a screeching halt. I just keep wishing I could climb up on a building and jump down to knife some fools.


I was just wondering... is the general consensus that this is (one of) the most beatiful game(s) on the VITA? I'm quite impressed by the graphics combined with the fact that it's an open-world game.


Junior Member
Are there very many stages that require the lady costume? I'm in an early section
on the docks where you have to find the stolen goods
and it's like the game has come to a screeching halt. I just keep wishing I could climb up on a building and jump down to knife some fools.

you're rarely forced afterwards, it just becomes an option in the more open missions.

anyhow i'm really enjoying the game. probably my favourite next to the original. the dialogue has a nice brevity and wit, but doesn't like to repeat itself. there's very little exposition. miss a name in a conversation and you'll probably be lost to who everyone is talking about.

the setting is used moderately well. definitely not to the quality or standard of how the original utilised the crusades, but good enough. and i welcome the occasional freedom in mission design. the waypoint crap is still too prevalent but that's expected of the series at this point.

i also wish there were more moral ruminations and after-death interactions.
I think sequence 4 & 6 are the most beautiful scenes out of all the current Vita games.

While they are nice nothing has been as nice as the canoe bits in uncharted. Those were just beautiful.

The funny thing is that now I have the story out the way and I can just go about freely finding treasures and stuff I'm enjoying it a lot more.

Also I pieced the story stuff a bit better together once I remembered your essentially watching a Templar propaganda device which is clear from the start but I sort of forgot by the end lol.
Is it just me or is this game shaping up to be disappointment of the year? It looks very pretty but it's a technical and design mess. I was so damn sure this was going to be good, and the main character seemed so cool. :(

Between the ass polish, embarrassing sound compression, incoherent story, narcoleptic pacing, etc., ...yeah, I'm thinking of trading this in with Amazon and just going straight into AC3

I'll try a little further but yeah, I'm just so fucking bored.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
So does this feel like an Assassin's Creed console game or a handheld game missing things? I have the white bundle, just afraid to open it. =P

somewhere in between

Don't agree. It definitely feels like a console Assassin's Creed game, just a poorly written one with some obvious pieces of the narrative ripped out (or worse, not written in at all). It isn't as big as AC3, but, well, that's not surprising.

I recommend playing AC3 before ACL actually because most of the "new" mechanics are derivative (read: stolen) from AC3. Many of the new animations are, even. It kinda explains things better in the console game.

The performance in the cities is equally as shitty. I think Anvil 2.0 or whatever just isn't meant for this gen. And obviously Vita gets the short end of that stick.


I'm a few sequences in and I'm really enjoying this game. Which do I like better? Assassin's Creed 3 is the better game IMO, but that isn't to discredit Liberation. Liberation is really great as a portable Assassin's Creed game. It probably could pass as a console AC with a little more polish and HD-ification but I'm glad that I can get this quality of an experience from my Vita.

The only downside so far is that the stealth seems way too on the nose. The "lines" to get to someone to take them out using stealth seem a bit too obvious and it detracts from some of the difficulty. Take into consideration that I'm only a few hours in, but that's what I've experienced so far.

If you are a fan of the series, and I think you will enjoy this. Just don't compare it directly to the console version because they don't have the same exact scope.


The sound of people sweeping is mixed REALLY LOUD in this game!

There are several sounds like that, it's like they're not part of the mix at all.. just way out in front.

Now that I've moved forward in the game a bit I have to say I'm enjoying it. I actually do like the brevity of dialog and exposition. It was especially welcome after the long winded, slow paced opening of ACIII.


I'm actually wondering why they put it in the trophy to use ten enemies as shields against gunfire.

Enemies RARELY do this, it's frustrating to achieve the platinum. There should be a mission for this.
Don't agree. It definitely feels like a console Assassin's Creed game, just a poorly written one with some obvious pieces of the narrative ripped out (or worse, not written in at all). It isn't as big as AC3, but, well, that's not surprising.

I recommend playing AC3 before ACL actually because most of the "new" mechanics are derivative (read: stolen) from AC3. Many of the new animations are, even. It kinda explains things better in the console game.

The performance in the cities is equally as shitty. I think Anvil 2.0 or whatever just isn't meant for this gen. And obviously Vita gets the short end of that stick.

Gotcha. Thanks for the impressions, I'll probably end up playing it. I love this series, especially the new era.
Ragnarok has taken me away from this so hard....And after playing AC3 now ACL is definitely the better game. Which hurts because i was super excited for AC3.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Ragnarok has taken me away from this so hard....And after playing AC3 now ACL is definitely the better game. Which hurts because i was super excited for AC3.

Why do you think so?
Just finished the game. Holy crap do they wrap things up fast.

They clearly did not have enough time to finish the game. From how glitchy and broken the game can be on a technical level to the issue with parts of the story just missing.

The 6's the game is getting is right on.
Just finished the game. Holy crap do they wrap things up fast.

They clearly did not have enough time to finish the game. From how glitchy and broken the game can be on a technical level to the issue with parts of the story just missing.

The 6's the game is getting is right on.

Some of the holes in the story can be attributed the fact
abstergo (aka the Templars) made this simulation and they changed it to put the Templars in a good light. Killing citizen e's does clear some of it up. However other parts are just clearly rushed and badly written. The last 4 sequences fly by compared to the first 5.


Just started Sequence 2, thank god it the Bayou doesn't have the same slowdown the city parts do. Was getting preeetty bad there for a while. I am a little disappointed in terms of framerate issues, not running native res and the like; but I feel it's the first assassins creed game that doesn't treat me like a total chump which is nice. I played the first two hours of AC3 again, and whilst I didn't mind the story beats I REALLY don't need to be shown how to fist fight again. I appreciate Liberation atleast throws you pretty much straight into the action.
I'm somewhere in the middle of sequence 4 (I think). Impressions:

+The game is fun to play. Sneaking around, parkour, killing enemies, exploration is good. Lots of the weapons are fun to use.
+The graphics range from slightly weird to really good. For the most part, it is competent looking, with some definite glitchy graphics and artifacts here and there.
=Framerate ranges from "hey, that's not so bad" to "chugga chugga choo! choo!"
-Glitchy as all fuck. I've had quite a few problems. Early in the game I somehow ended up in combat mode while standing on a box (enemy was on the ground). It wouldn't let me out of combat mode, it wouldn't let me jump off the box, and the enemy wasn't doing anything. I also fell through the bottom of a tree and got stuck (invisible walls). I've also had the game freeze quit once. There are also just random glitches here and there (animation glitches, graphic glitches, gameplay glitches - you name it).
-The story. WTF is going on? It's alllllll over the place. So incoherent.
-Tutorial text sometimes vanishes before you have a chance to read half of it (and I'm a pretty quick reader).

Overall, I think the game is fun (I don't find it boring at all - it's easy to keep playing) but flawed. I hope they get another crack at it next year.
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