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Assassin's Creed III: Liberation |OT| VITA LA REVOLUTION


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Welp, my game is officially dead.

Redownloading the entire thing and starting from scratch now. Luckily, I have a lot of trophies and I don't have to redo all the sidequests and stuff.

Worst part though, I was one mission (first mission act 9) short of 100% sync. It's ok though, since the game is very easy, although I'm not looking forward to some of the annoying ones.

"officially"? Support got back to you?


"officially"? Support got back to you?

They did. They asked me to check the game cart (don't have one, DL) patch and firmware. Everything works. Then they figured my save was corrupt, which is possible...I guess.

Even if they could figure it out, and a patch arrived. Replaying is much faster + I need to stay up-to-date for the trophy guide. I can't access my SP with this problem.

Without every sidequest and stuff, the SP should go quick. I hope.


I have been playing a little more multiplayer and it makes a lot more sense now that I am not starting at the end of the game cycle. Sadly this is not a game that I really want to play on the Vita and would much rather play it on my tablet if I played it at all.

I still need to start the single player but have not really been in the mood to sit down and play a story based game like this. I imagine over the weekend I will start it.


Am I the only one who doesn't understand what's going on in the story? Just finished killing, what I assume, the boss from the swamp area.


so does this game start getting fun at some point? when do the boring handholding tutorials end? I'm really starting to lose patience for games that don't just let you start actually playing once you push start.
After a while, I just didn't care for the notoriety anymore.

I just killed everything that ran after me. Or before they were gonna ran at me.

It's just too hard to get rid of it, and once you do, it's easy to get it back :p

Pretty much, and it's not like combat is hard, and the animations all look great. Seriously, anyone give me any beef, i just fuck their shit up.

My aveline is no joke.

I pretty much only not kill everyone if the full sync says so, otherwise, leave no witnesses is it's own way of stealth.


so does this game start getting fun at some point? when do the boring handholding tutorials end? I'm really starting to lose patience for games that don't just let you start actually playing once you push start.

What sequence are you on?


What sequence are you on?

im in the part where you first get the Lady persona. I just wish game developers would stop frontloading the games with a bunch of exposition and boring crap, I might actually care about the story if i was allowed to experience the game first.


im in the part where you first get the Lady persona. I just wish game developers would stop frontloading the games with a bunch of exposition and boring crap, I might actually care about the story if i was allowed to experience the game first.

Yeah, that part is a drag. The game opens up in the next sequence or so, so I guess you'll have to slog through it.


Based on his Twitter feed, Alex @ Giantbomb.com is going to give the Vita version a terrible score. Not surprised, most people on GAF don't seem to jive with--or even care about--his opinions, especially on games that aren't "triple-A" in scale.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Based on his Twitter feed, Alex @ Giantbomb.com is going to give the Vita version a terrible score. Not surprised, most people on GAF don't seem to jive with--or even care about--his opinions, especially on games that aren't "triple-A" in scale.

I think it should be 1- 1.5 points less than mainline AC3. Anything over that difference is just the usual biased Vita score downgrade.


Based on his Twitter feed, Alex @ Giantbomb.com is going to give the Vita version a terrible score. Not surprised, most people on GAF don't seem to jive with--or even care about--his opinions, especially on games that aren't "triple-A" in scale.

The game's been getting 6 and 7's, which is more than fair imo.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
The game's been getting 6 and 7's, which is more than fair imo.

7 is fair, yeah. AC3 getting a 8.5 and AC:L getting a 6 is a bit out of proportion though.
When would you ever give a game with it's laundry list of issues something higher than a 6. If they had some more time and didn't fucking compress the audio to save money on the carts, it would be a better experience.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
When would you ever give a game with it's laundry list of issues something higher than a 6. If they had some more time and didn't fucking compress the audio to save money on the carts, it would be a better experience.

Apparently AC3 doesnt have much less issues, so why is AC3 getting a pass then? (Sound being an obvious difference of course)
What is y'all's go to weapon for murderizing?

Liking the sword due to the new animations compare to the older asscreed games, but the butcher knife is pretty great as well.

And I still have no clue wtf anything is going on in this game. Games with bad stories isn't uncommon, but I rarely have zero clue about anything.


When would you ever give a game with it's laundry list of issues something higher than a 6. If they had some more time and didn't fucking compress the audio to save money on the carts, it would be a better experience.

TBH I was looking forward to this game and am not super impressed with it yet, especially since i bought NFS Vita on the same day. the gameplay all feels pretty janky.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
TBH I was looking forward to this game and am not super impressed with it yet, especially since i bought NFS Vita on the same day. the gameplay all feels pretty janky.

I like it more than I thought I would. Bought it just to fill my 100$ for the 20$ cashback and I am pleasantly surprised. Once the first sequence ended, the game came really well together for me. Aside from the nonsensical way the story is presented so far.


I like it more than I thought I would. Bought it just to fill my 100$ for the 20$ cashback and I am presently surprised. Once the first sequence ended, the game came really well together for me. Aside from the nonsensical way the story is presented so far.

ok I guess I just need to force myself through the crap part.


What is y'all's go to weapon for murderizing?

Liking the sword due to the new animations compare to the older asscreed games, but the butcher knife is pretty great as well.

I beat them into submission with my fists.
Then stab them in the face with their own guns.

Then I loot their bodies.
I am stuck at a part where I think it is a scripting issue.

It takes place during sequence 3 in

I am looking for her mother's cabin and I can see the clues with eagle vision. I have found what is clearly here cabin, but there is nothing to interact with. Am I doing something wrong?
I beat them into submission with my fists.
Then stab them in the face with their own guns.

Then I loot their bodies.

Damnit... I must not be playing right, I can not disarm, counter, or fight worth a shit in this game. I want to like/enjoy you ACL!!!! Why won't you let me love you!?!?!?!!
Damnit... I must not be playing right, I can not disarm, counter, or fight worth a shit in this game. I want to like/enjoy you ACL!!!! Why won't you let me love you!?!?!?!!

It'll takes some getting used to. Not having played and AC in a year, and playing BatmanAC and Sleeping Dogs really did a number on me.

The counter timewindow is a lot earlier than those games. Once you get countering down you follow up with X to disarm.


I don't understand the logic of this world... at all.

Random example: I'm in my lady persona and didn't realize that hooligans would 'harass' me. So I end up getting forced against a wall by one of them and held there repeatedly. Being unable to escape unless I attack them. So I have my fists selected and punch the would be rapist which triggers the combat state.

I start running and get to the better end of town, but as I am running, the guards are all automatically turning hostile to and attacking me.

That's right, they're attacking the well dressed woman running away away from the poorly dressed dirty male rapists because I punched one of them. Blame the victim I guess.

Another example, I need to get into the Governors house and the game tells me that I can enter the premise using either the Slave or Lady Persona but I must not be detected.

Ok, let's try the lady persona. Hm, bribing guards to let you into the party doesn't work because they accept your bribe but turn hostile the second you step past them, so why even be given the option to bribe them. There are a few times when the camera focuses on guards outside the walls, showing them with their backs turned laughing at slaves or something, but the Lady Persona can't do anything with that. Hm, maybe a Lady must be escorted by another guard for them to be cool with it? Nope.

After circling the entire premise and not finding one means of entering I switch to the Slave Persona, and make my way inside.

I'm told that to achieve full synch, I have to
kill the governor with a musket
. But I can't do that as a slave! Maybe I haven't bought the weapon? I check the stores and find no ones sells one but the Assassin persona has a handgun.

Oh, I find out online that you can disarm opponents during a fight, that must be it? Why didn't the game ever mention this before?

Heck that's not even accounting for the amount of times that I've bribed a guard only to have them turn hostile not 30 seconds later when I go to leave the very area they granted me entrance to.

Assasssins Creed games seem like garbage. I still haven't gotten through the first area because of all the bugs and insane behavioral conditional that make absolutely no sense. Major lols at 'kill witnesses to reduce the Lady persona's notoriety', they're all just evil people right?


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Need some help with a treasure in the Bayou area:

Picture of the whole map in perspective

Any ideas? Everything points to being at the wall on the picture there, and there isnt any branch above the treasure location either.


I haven't actually played an Assassin's Creed game since number 2 so exactly how different is Liberation supposed to be from that in terms of gameplay mechanics?

(I actually have Liberation I just really can't remember how different AC2 was)

I know the personas are new and I think the counters in combat are?


For people that have beaten the game - is there any modern day plot stuff? (AC2 spoiler I guess?)
First civilization stuff?


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
I spent half an hour looking for this one too, before I gave up :/

Yeah, me too. Just went around in every direction climbing up trees to see whether I can see better from above. No dice.

Right... The a-hole who designed that ball rolling puzzle needs to be shot. Wondered why it was impossible to control as I eventually worked out tilting left and right tilts the platform up and down and tiliting the vita up and down tilts the platform left and right wtf????

Once I worked that out it was still stupidly hard because MY BRAIN DOESN'T WORK THAT WAY ....

Ok rant over. Well accept about the holding up to the light bits.
Hold up to light..... Nothing
Shines iPhone torch into camera....nothing

Ffs fine il get out of bed at find the main light. As I get up, camaraderie points at bed... Ding done. Erm.... Ok.

I don't mind these kind of puzzles when they work but seriously what the hell???


Based on his Twitter feed, Alex @ Giantbomb.com is going to give the Vita version a terrible score. Not surprised, most people on GAF don't seem to jive with--or even care about--his opinions, especially on games that aren't "triple-A" in scale.

A 2/5 isn't uncommon for GB. It's what they gave RE6, and should have given MOH Warfighter and Fable The Journey.


lol I just had a hilarious glitch where I was swimming in the bayou then I started swimming on land. It was funny til I got stuck on geometry and had to restart anyway.

On another note, traversing through the trees is really fun.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
When would you ever give a game with it's laundry list of issues something higher than a 6. If they had some more time and didn't fucking compress the audio to save money on the carts, it would be a better experience.
I'm leaning between a 6 and 7 right now, tbh. Even though I'm kinda having fun with it (especially later in the game) I can't ignore a few of the issues in this, especially two that made me restart from the last checkpoint.

And audio compression really makes me cry. AC3:L. I want to give you a good assessment for Soundtrack of the Year. Why won't you let me? ;__;


On a scale of AC1 to AC:R, how much of this game is assassinating versus just standard action fare?

There's very little in regards to stealth and basically no searching/collecting intelligence or actually planning assassinations. You're pretty much told where to go and what to do.

For reference I've only played 1 and 2 but I'd say it's far more like 2 so far. I'm only about an hour and a half in though.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
I'm leaning between a 6 and 7 right now, tbh. Even though I'm kinda having fun with it (especially later in the game) I can't ignore a few of the issues in this, especially two that made me restart from the last checkpoint.

And audio compression really makes me cry. AC3:L. I want to give you a good assessment for Soundtrack of the Year. Why won't you let me? ;__;

Yeah, the audio thing is really one of the few things that really annoy me as well. I sort of enjoy seeing the glitches, though. I laugh quite a bit when I see people getting stuck or dying in midair.
So far to me the game is about a 7 because it is fun, it is assassins creed and its pretty impressive to be playing this on a handheld but damn are there a lot of issues lol.

Oddly they arnt the issues that sites like IGN complain about.

So il repeat again. It is fun but so far my issues are
- frame rate (mainly just in New Orleans)
- glitch central
- story is a little all over the place and rushed
- a lot of the voice acting is gameloft standard
- Elise's accent (I mean wtf?)
- many other sound issues (compression, randomly stopping etc)
- invisi whip when attacking with it
- seen through buildings
- people appearing out of no where and even morphing
- ball puzzle and holding up to light puzzles are broken
- sometimes wanted posters etc wont appear
- mission tool tips going way to fast.

Luckily I'm still having fun with the whole running jumping climbing trees stabby stabbyness of it all but I can't help but notice the rather large and increasing by the hour list of issues here (which again arnt really mentioned in the reviews).

The game needs a few more months to iron it out or something.


7 is fair, yeah. AC3 getting a 8.5 and AC:L getting a 6 is a bit out of proportion though.

Based on what I've seen so far (about 4 hours into each, admittedly not much), I'd say Liberation gets a 7 and AC3 gets a 7.5. They both have systemic gameplay issues, regardless of the lack of polish on show. AC3 has a better presentation, but it's all for naught when the underlying game is so frustrating.
I don't understand the logic of this world... at all.

Random example: I'm in my lady persona and didn't realize that hooligans would 'harass' me. So I end up getting forced against a wall by one of them and held there repeatedly. Being unable to escape unless I attack them. So I have my fists selected and punch the would be rapist which triggers the combat state.

I start running and get to the better end of town, but as I am running, the guards are all automatically turning hostile to and attacking me.

That's right, they're attacking the well dressed woman running away away from the poorly dressed dirty male rapists because I punched one of them. Blame the victim I guess.

Another example, I need to get into the Governors house and the game tells me that I can enter the premise using either the Slave or Lady Persona but I must not be detected.

Ok, let's try the lady persona. Hm, bribing guards to let you into the party doesn't work because they accept your bribe but turn hostile the second you step past them, so why even be given the option to bribe them. There are a few times when the camera focuses on guards outside the walls, showing them with their backs turned laughing at slaves or something, but the Lady Persona can't do anything with that. Hm, maybe a Lady must be escorted by another guard for them to be cool with it? Nope.

After circling the entire premise and not finding one means of entering I switch to the Slave Persona, and make my way inside.

I'm told that to achieve full synch, I have to
kill the governor with a musket
. But I can't do that as a slave! Maybe I haven't bought the weapon? I check the stores and find no ones sells one but the Assassin persona has a handgun.

Oh, I find out online that you can disarm opponents during a fight, that must be it? Why didn't the game ever mention this before?

Heck that's not even accounting for the amount of times that I've bribed a guard only to have them turn hostile not 30 seconds later when I go to leave the very area they granted me entrance to.

Assasssins Creed games seem like garbage. I still haven't gotten through the first area because of all the bugs and insane behavioral conditional that make absolutely no sense. Major lols at 'kill witnesses to reduce the Lady persona's notoriety', they're all just evil people right?

Yeah for that mission you kill the guards outside, take their musket and skewer that guy, was mad glitchy lol.

I kinda stop giving a fuck about states and w/e now. If people wanna fight, you die, as simple as that.
Is it just me or is this game shaping up to be disappointment of the year? It looks very pretty but it's a technical and design mess. I was so damn sure this was going to be good, and the main character seemed so cool. :(
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